Disclaimer : I do not own RWBY it is property of and is owned by Rooster Teeth and the late Monty Oum
"Inverted Commas - Speech"
'Single Inverted Commas - Thoughts'
Jaune woke up with the feeling of a light breeze blowing and as his eyes fluttered open hurriedly he sat up and took in his surroundings,he was in a field of Red flowers with the occasional tree but he found a foot path and started walking down the path just like any sane person would do when presented with no other path and so as he followed it he saw Pyrrha with her back faced towards him.
"Pyrrha?! What?! So well I wasn't dreaming it seems,but what are you doing... wherever this is?!"
Jaune asked bewildered since the last thing that he remembered was going to sleep with Pyrrha's ghost next to him.
"I am glad that you could actually make it here,this place right here,well,this is your mindscape,you're still asleep."
Pyrrha said turning around to face Jaune with a smile gracing her still very much ghostly but beautiful face.
"I see,well that's great because I will take any chance I can to speak to you,who knows when you will possibly disappear?"
He said tired of not being honest and upfront,every thing he wanted to tell her when still she was alive he'll tell her now.
"I know,every day I saw you torture yourself over my death,at first I thought I've no right to interfere with the living..."
She said trailing off at the end of her sentence,she hated herself for throwing her life way when he still needed her.
"Pyrrha,I,please say what it is you wanted to before you trailed off,I need to know everything while I am still able to see you."
He begged her,he absolutely refused to keep going with so much uncertainty,so many unanswered questions.
"I felt I had no right to interfere with the living but when you said those sad words I realised you still really needed me."
She finally revealed to him,she found it weird when she introspected,ghosts had no heart so why'd she feel hers beating?
"Yeah,you left me in a time I needed you,I'm still bitter at you sometimes for it but after that I realised something everytime."
He said softly feeling his heart clench for easily blaming her for doing what that which she's compared to would do.
"I'm so sorry,it was not ever my intention for my decision back then to hurt you Jaune,I know it won't make it right but..."
She said feeling the inexplicable feeling of a pang of hurt going through where her heart is suppose to be.
"I realised they compared you to a Spartan for a reason,the reason being that you'd choose to go down in battle."
He says leveling a deeply rueful smile at her but it also held total forgiveness,he then offered his right hand to the her.
"The more I thought about it at Beacon the more I felt that if I were to die it'd be like that,so,you are right but I'm still sorry."
She said softly taking his offered right hand,she took his other hand with her free one laying her head softly on his shoulder.
"Ah it's okay because I totally forgive you Pyrrha,I love you too much to not forgive you because forgiveness for you is easy."
He said crossing both their hands very gently between them and then lay his chin on top of head feeling her warmth.
"Thank you Jaune,I love you too so I will take all this time I currently have to show you how damn much I really love you."
She said and pushed her head further into his shoulder sighing at the fact she had to go die to be close to him like this.
"You said something about one of the good guys actually not being a good guy so could you perhaps elaborate on that?"
He asked now that his mind was sorted.
"The Haven headmaster Leonardo Lionheart,he's working with Cinder worse yet she answers to someone worse."
She revealed fearing for his very safety.
"I will let the others know about this back in the living world only difference is I will just say I figured it out on my own."
He said chuckling holding her hands.
"I saw the woman behind it when I figured out as a ghost I can teleport,an assasin has been sent to kidnap Ruby."
She said and gave his hands a squueze.
"I will make totally sure to keep an eye out,I don't wanna lose someone else I care for like how I lost you."
He said reveling in her quiet warmth.
"I have realised that you had the remains of both my armor and weapons smelted right onto yours,it's a nice touch."
She says softly kissing his neck.
"Thanks,I know this may sound ridiculous but can we while we're in my mindscape you know before the chance slips...?"
He asked blushing at asking such a thing of a ghost that he was still mourning not five minutes ago.
"I would not say no to that since when I leave someday I might not get another chance."
She said and slipped her head out from right under his chin and then kissed him after which they got more intimate.
Chapter 2 End
Well as I said I would do I wrote a 2nd chapter of this fic so please enjoy,even with the twist at the end,till next time!