Disclaimer : I do not own RWBY it is property of and is owned by Rooster Teeth and the late Monty Oum.
"Inverted Commas - Speech"
'Single Inverted Commas - Thoughts'
"Bold Inverted Commas - Alt Phrasing"
By the time that Jaune and Pyrrha were done "engaging" Jaune felt a tug at his unconciousness so he gave Pyrrha a questioning look knowing that she might know what's happening.
"You're waking up,or rather being woken"
Pyrrha said smiling at Jaune
"Oh,so will I see you again in my sleep?"
He asked none too eloquently.
"I'll be right in here,I love you,now go."
She said and blew him a kiss.
"Good to know,I love you too,till next time"
He said "catching" the kiss.
Jaune woke up fluttering his eyes open and as they opened he was greeted by Ruby's Silver eyes smiling gently at him,her soft breathing warm on his face,he flushed at her close proximity.
"Sleep well Jaune?"
Ruby asked confused at the minor blush.
"Like a baby... you're way too close Ruby"
Jaune said,looking off to the side.
"Oh,right,sorry,moving back now."
She said backing off,her own face warm.
"Morning Jaune/Fearless Leader"
Ren and Nora spoke simultaniously.
"Morning to you too Ren and Nora."
Jaune greeted back looking over at them.
"Sooo,uhm,Jaune,uhm are you... okay?"
Ruby asked her voice laced with concern.
"If you mean the midnight training... yes."
Jaune said,he really was feeling better.
... That got Ren and Nora's full attention,he looked over at them and then at Ruby,he motioned them all to gather by him.
"Ruby since you already saw yesterday,I'll cut straight to the chase,Ren and Nora,there's something you should know."
"Whatever it is,you have our full support,I'm really glad that you are opening up to us again,you've been really distant lately."
Ren said always the calm,collected one.
"Yeah what Ren said,we'll surely support you whatever it is you're about to say,we're just glad that you are back Jaune."
Nora said and gave Jaune a big Nora hug.
"Thanks both of you,I've been traning at night to a video Pyrrha made for me,when everyone's asleep,Ruby saw yesterday."
Jaune said,hugged back and pulled back.
"You knew I was there the whole time?"
Ruby asked surprise on her face.
"Ren teaching me about aura sensing shortly after Pyrrha started training me back at Beacon helped."
He said surprising Ren he'd practiced it.
"Jaune,I hope you are not torturing yourself with that video, we do not want to see you hurting yourself like that."
Nora said voice cracking with emotion.
"I did,I blamed myself for Pyrrha's death you were all hurting too,yet,I trained for revenge,I was inconsiderate of all of you."
Jaune said,looking down from their faces.
"Hey it's okay,Jaune,nobody blames you,look,we all cope differently,you loved Pyrrha,you took her death the hardest."
Ren said sagely as always,such a friend.
"Jaune,Ren and Nora are right,yes I saw her die,but,you could never tell her your feelings,of course it will hurt more."
Ruby said,her hand settling on his bicep.
"I uh dreamt about Pyrrha last night,she told me to stop my self blaming,so,I will stop it,it's just I miss her so much."
Jaune said only telling half the truth,his eyes stung with unshed tears as he held them back,he felt he needed to be strong.
"Jaune,hey it's okay to cry,none of us here will accuse you of being unmanly,manly men cry...they also accept lots of hugs."
Nora said knowing that Jaune's exsplosive temper will make bottling up dangerous,the last bit made him chuckle.
"Thanks,Nora,I have the very best support crew right here,I see that now,thanks,all of you... now,about that hug.
Jaune said tears rolling silently down his face as he let it out,Ren,Nora and Ruby formed a circle as they hugged him.
Days later in Oniyuri,Jaune has been meeting with Pyrrha in Jaune's mindscape every night,she informed him about Tyrian and that Qrow has been following the group because of his semblance and Jaune and Pyrrha had a nice time enjoying each other's presence,Jaune drew his sword confusing everyone he swings around blocking a sudden attack,the attacker revealed to be Tyrian.
"Aw,did the big bad scorpion faunus asassin think that he'd catch us off guard,well ya didn't. Did ya now Tyrian Callows?"
Jaune mocked,he remembered Pyrrha's informative warning about Tyrian,he also sensed him,aura sense has it's perks.
"Oh my how utterly amusing,the weakling knows my name and what I am,tell me... how did you know?"
Replied Tyrian leering at Jaune making Jaune feel like puking from disgust,Jaune was holding his sword and shield loosely.
"I am going to quote a favorite Animè character of mine on this,I read your palm big guy,you have a short lifeline."
Jaune replies quoting the character Future Trunks from the DragonballZ animè,seeing as it really fits the situation.
"Jaune,how did you sense the guy before I could even do so,you even reacted quickly enough,what are you hiding Jaune?
Ren asks suddenly suspicious of Jaune's suddenly erratic behaviour,he knew he could trust Jaune but,this is so abnormal.
"Every single night after Beacon fell I've trained sensing,also,a...Redhead warrior angel in my dreams has warned me."
Jaune replied causing the rest of team RNJR to look at him in shock at the implication in his last sentence.
"Oh ho ho,I've heard about this,your could have been lover is lending some aid to you even in death,so now,you... must die!
Said Tyrian with a gleeful giggle mixed with a heavy undertone of barely held back irritation.
"I think not,your queen,whatever her name is will not have Ruby,I'll see to that,also... you can come out too you damn drunk."
Jaune's very determined tone got the rest of the team to shiver,the last part confused them until... Qrow appeared.
"Uncle Qrow! What are you doing here and Jaune how'd you know my uncle was there,he's a very silent Huntsman!"
Ruby asked shocked at Qrow's sudden appearance and at how Jaune knew Qrow was following them.
"Ugh now that the blonde has called me out...I guess I can at least tell you,I followed to ensure that you were safe."
Qrow said feeling a painful headache coming on,he had really no idea how Jaune detected him.
"It's like I said,sensing,and again a warrior angel with Red hair right in my dreams,now...Qrow,let us kill the damn asassin."
Jaune quickly reaffirmed what he stated previously,he got a quick nod from Qrow and so they jumped into action.
Fight Scene Start!
Now Tyrian looked at Qrow thinking he'd make the first move which proved to be a mistake as Jaune pumped aura into his legs and was behind the asassin in a heartbeat where he proceeded to shield bash Tyrian in the back of the head as hard as he could putting some aura into that too,he quickly took a step back slashing Tyrian in his side.
The blows glanced weakly off Tyrian's aura as the asassin spun around to slash powerfully at Jaune with the wrist blades on his arms which Jaune blocked with his shield swiftly,Qrow took the small gap to land some powerful blows to Tyrian's aura,the scorpion Faunus lashed out with his tail at the professional which Qrow deflected with Harbinger,the asassin grew frustrated from being so outmatched.
Ruby having stood long enough on the sidelines also jumped into action landing a blow to Tyrian's aura,the asassin rounded on Ruby and tried to teep kick her but she deflected the out stretched leg with Crescent Rose upwards with the blunt back end of the weapon,but Tyrian used the momentum to perform a backflip,however then Nora and Ren jumped in,now Tyrian was surrounded.
RNJR and Qrow were now completely surrounding Tyrian cutting off any and all possible escape routes,the asassin tried to fend them off which didn't work out as they would attack from three of five sides everytime he attempted to get in any kind of offense,the asassin felt overwhelmed,the guy may have been insane but they reminded him too much of the pack mentality of the Grimm.
With Tyrian being temporarily distracted Jaune shield bashed him in the face with Crocea Mors,disorientated Tyrian was unprepared for Qrow's hard blow that finally shattered the asassin's aura,off balance he was struck hard in back of the head by Nora's Magnhild,Ruby then tripped Tyrian who then balanced on his tail but Ren slashed him in the face with Stormflower and shot him in the forhead.
Fight Scene End!
Acidic bile almost rose up in Ruby's throat from being one of the instruments in the destruction of another person but then she reminded herself that had they not killed the damn madman she'd be captured by the guy they just beat,Ren fully knew he just did his duty by shooting the asassin in the head,dangerous people like Tyrian need to be put down,Nora knew that she'd done her part as well.
Qrow for his part felt pretty lucky(oh the irony!) currently that his bad luck worked well in their own favor rather than that of their enemy,too long he had brought so much misfortune to all his allies,family, friends that he felt it was about time that he didn't get the much shorter end things in the luck draw,he was glad that Jaune kept Tyrian occupied until he finally got there,they got to overwhelm the asassin.
Jaune felt as if he was floating on clouds,he just had a hand in the defeat of what was obviously a really exceptionally skilled enemy,well with Pyrrha's guidance flowing through his mind,she suggested he play mindgames to distract and deflect and the enemy fell for it like a moth straight into a flame, the previous day in his mindscape him and Pyrrha came up with the strategy.
"Well now that takes care of that,we got to do away with an asassin,who would've thought we'd get a chance to do that?"
Jaune said still on quite a high after being able to orchestrate the elimination of a powerful enemy.
"Alright blondie that is all well and good but how'd you know of the asassin and the fact I was following all of you?"
Qrow asked gruffly as usual,he felt a disturbance in Jaune's aura,it wasn't malevolent but it bothered him still.
"It's like I said,I had some guidance,I learned things I never would've otherwise and so I took advantage of it."
Jaune replied calmly,not even affected by Qrow's half glare,he'd been at the tail end of Weiss's glares,Qrow's was nothing.
"Jaune did you mean what I thought you meant,um let me rephrase that,have you perhaps seen Pyrrha in your dreams?"
Ruby inquired,it is not just her who was surprised at Jaune's implications before the big fight against the asassin.
"Yes,Ruby,I've been dreaming of Pyrrha,I've learned that Cinder is working under someone worse than herself even."
Jaune said finally letting them know the biggest thing they didn't know before,now to see exactly what they do with that info.
"Wait,you're saying there is someone who's even more evil than Cinder out there,how do we beat such a person?!"
Nora reacted in shock just like Jaune thought,Ruby,Nora and Ren all felt a chill run up their spines at the thought.
"I'm not sure at all if we actually could beat her,from what Pyrrha in my dreams has told me,that woman's too powerful."
Jaune heavily admitted,thinking about it he came down from his oh so blissful high,he wanted to stab something now.
"There's some even stronger than the person who has killed Ozpin and Pyrrha,how powerless then are we?"
Ren who was usually level headed asked trembling feeling his body go weak from fear at just the mere thought of it.
"I really don't know Ren,I was shocked to hear it too,but things get worse,the mastermind even controle the Grimm."
That shook all the rest of RNJR to the core,they couldn't believe it,that someone could controle the Grimm sounded bad.
"So wait you're telling us that's the reason Beacon fell,because it was the will of someone who can controle the Grimm?!"
Ruby asked in shock,she was beyond inscensed,Pyrrha died because of some...some mad woman,Ruby's blood boiled.
"Yeah,I couldn't believe it either but if it's all the same to you,we've got revenge to get,that Cinder will lay dead by my feet."
Jaune said once again surprising the other people present, he looked at the now dead asassin with a bullet whole now still sizzling where Tyrian was shot by Ren he then kicked the dead man's body for good measure before marching off in the direction of their next destination,no one else exchanged a word afterwards with Qrow now joining the group,not like he had another choice,and so he went along.
The presumed dead Tyrian lay there bullet still lodged in his skull,but he bagan to stir and then suddenly he sat up and pulled the sizzling bullet out of his forhead and that was when he saw a horde of Ursai and Beowolfs surround him and wondered why exactly his queen's pets were gathering around him but then a sëer Grimm floated right to his face and suddenly Salem appeared on it's "screen".
"Oh servant of mine seems you have failed your mission of capturing Ruby Rose,this is totally unnaceptable!"
The queen of Grimm yelled furiously
"Yes but oh my queen I am still alive to try once more,the steel plate implanted a few days ago in my head helped see?"
The asassin pointed up at his forhead.
"Well you are of no further use to me now unless you get passed my pets and back to me,well,then you're expendable"
The asassin flinched at the suddenly eery calm now on Salem's face as that bomb was dropped,then Salem cut the line and naturally the Sëer Grimm floated away,the defeated asassin rose up as the creatures of Grimm snarled balefully at him,he looked up thinking about escaping that way,since he was to weak to fend all of them off,but,as he jumped a Nevermore came down and so silenced him forever.
Later that night when Jaune again went to sleep he found himself right back in his and Pyrrha's spot and when he approached the Spartan now she smiled hapilly at him and they shared an embrace slowly letting the other's warmth get them to feel totally blissful,to think that they actually(well kinda) get to hold each other in Jaune's mindscape,it was a shame that one was dead though.
"You did it huh Jaune,you were part in killing Tyrian Callows,one of Remnants most deadly asassin,congratulations!"
Pyrrha said but what she didn't tell Jaune was that the Grimm actually finished off the man,not willing to spoil Jaune's mood.
"Everyone reacted to that sequence of events how we thought they would but thanks,anyway any more new info?"
Jaune asked happy to recieve such praise from the Spartan and one day when he finally dies he'll be with her every day.
"Yes but I want to show you something first,I have discovered that I have become something totally different than a ghost."
Pyrrha replied and as she did she stepped out of their embrace,suddenly two big white wings appeared on Pyrrha's back.
"Woah,Pyrrha,you have been an angel this whole time,not a ghost,that is awesome no wonder we could kiss in real life!"
Jaune said amazed,he stepped carefully forward and,put a hand on a wing,stroking it,Pyrrha shivered in absolute delight.
"It seems my wings are sensitive,it felt so good when you stroked it,I wanna take you somewhere... in here of course."
Pyrrha took Jaune's hand and suddenly they were standing on the Ruined Beacon tower looking down at a sea of Grimm.
"woah woah waoh,we're on Beacon tower guess that teleportation of yours makes sense now seeing as you are an angel."
Jaune said shocked and finally put it together,Pyrrha's abilities as an angel had given her a teleportation ability...
Sorry people I could not write this chapter further since it would not be good dragging the thing on,until next chapter!