"Ugh." I grunted in annoyance at the annoying voice of the commentator talking over the walkthrough video I was watching. I quickly closed the video and decided to give up on it for the moment, and switched over to my Webnovel app, making my way down the sidewalk at the same time. Finding my recent obsession, 'Nanomancer Reborn' I excitedly read about the main characters exploits, grinning to myself as I glanced up to see that I was almost at the crosswalk. But, as the light hadn't been green, I slowed my pace and came to a stop at the corner.
As I read, I completely missed my light changing, spending another few minutes engrossed in my novel before crossing. Only to look up and realize that the light is red, and that 'I definitely shouldn't be in the middle of the road right now.' Hearing the loud blaring of a horn to my side I rushed to reach the other side, but the next moment all I knew was -PAINPAINPAINPAINDARKNESSPAINDARKNESSDARKNESS-
I don't know how long I spent like that but when the pain suddenly stopped and I only felt numb, I forced my eyes open, immediately being greeted by the sight of a severed arm. I broke out in a cold sweat as I noticed a phone gripped in the hand of the arm... My phone. It honestly didn't register to me right away and I spent a long time, or maybe it was a short time, it's a bit hard to tell looking back on it, staring blankly at my arm.
When it did finally get through my thick skull that 'yes, this is really happening and no, I'm not just having a nightmare, I let out a small gasp that I immediately regretted as I began choking on my own blood. I panicked as I choked on the metallic taste of blood, mildly noting the truck crashed into a light post just a short way past my arm. My last thoughts before the darkness consumed me were 'Damn you... Truck-Kun...!'.
These were the last moments of my life, the gruesome death of one [ *!&^$(]. At least I didn't have to see the rest of the scene of my guts exposed and my mangled legs, though I didn't know it at the time.
[New Skills Unlocked!]
[Due to the effects of a new skill and the Vessel's current status of; Deceased. [System] has been forcefully activated without initialization. Please note that this may cause future errors and irregularities. The [System] will need to be restarted and fully initialized to function at full capacity and remove any errors/irregularities.]
[Warning, Vessel [ *!&^$(] has experienced permanent death, [00:04:25] until brain stops functioning and permanent shut down of [System] is induced.]
[Error; [Player Name] has been redacted due to permanent death of Vessel.]
[Attempting to resuscitate manually... failure.]
[Analyzing new skills...]
[Attempting to resuscitate through effects of new skills...]
[Effects of new skills initializing... 15%]
[Initializing... 52%]
[Initializing... 83%]
[Initializing... 100% Complete.]
[Attempting to resuscitate... Success!]
[Removing background processes from [System] notifications.]
[Forcing new Vessel into conscious state]
[Welcome, Player!]
AN: So uh, hey, lol. It's been a while, huh? The last couple years have been pretty rough honestly and between that and depression sucking up all my motivation I've barely written during that time. But hey at least I am now right? Revolutionize is not abandoned and I will get back to it, but I make no promises on when. But yeah, the plot bunny struck a couple days ago and here we are...Follow, Fav, Review and all that fun stuff! :)
Also, disclaimer, I don't own DanMachi, but I have spent way too much money on Memoria Freese...
And finally, some warnings; At least Semi-AU, Slow Burn, and MC has no clue about DanMachi. She plays more games and reads rather than watching anime.