Disclaimer : I do not own RWBY it is property of and is owned by Rooster Teeth and the late Monty Oum

Hi guys I am back with the newest chapter of this,now the agenda for this chapter... we are going to take a look at Blake and Yang's own thoughts about Jaune when he was just the plain old goofball at Beacon before that old Jaune became a distant memory,amongst other things.

Answers to reviews will be answered in the Author's note at the bottom after the chapter.

Blake never really even spoke much to Jaune at Beacon sure they traded small nods of greeting between them and definitely always acknowledged each other's presence sharing a friendly look and sometimes speaking,but,they never made a point to speak to each other,however,Blake did observe the knight at times when their teams were together and there were no more books to finish.

He was truly somewhat of an enigma to her,despite the fact that he was basically a civilian with aura(she figured out all about those transcripts of his,being the observant girl that she always is) he always tried to protect others despite his disadvantages and shortcomings regarding aura and combat skills,he never ever put himself before others no matter what it was that he needed to,to that end.

Why else would a person with no training and no aura even go to a Hunter's school if not to try protecting weaker people? She fully acknowledged that Jaune was good looking and kinda charming in his own little way,there were a few reasons she couldn't pursue him,Pyrrha's crush on Jaune,Jaune's unhealthy obsession with Weiss and Blake's own very unhealthy obsession with the White Fang.

Of course Jaune had told them all eventually about his complete lack of aura and also the fact that Pyrrha was the one to unlock the aura that lay dormant inside of Jaune so that is how she knew about the fact that he entered with no aura,Blake remembered her own less than honorably written transcripts,she didn't go to a training school either,her combat experience having come from the Fang.

And with it came some of her interest in Jaune,unlike Weiss,Blake knew that Jaune was almost always honest with his feelings,that is where exactly Jaune was different from Sun who despite being a good guy only liked Blake for her Faunus heritage where Jaune would really like her despite it,she knew Jaune would never just run away so why could they find him absolutely nowhere the current morning?

Yang couldn't help but to think back to Beacon,to the Jaune who she knew back then,he has become much different than the old Jaune who used to be so full of optimism,she felt bad for Jaune every time Weiss gave the boy a harsh rejection,Yang would sometimes tease him for it but then she always knew that he understood that she was joking,such a kindered spirit,but now he is so tortured...

She really missed the Jaune from that time,the one who would laugh at her puns and give her a friendly,accommodating smile when she saw him at the moments they both were walking to their respective dorm rooms,who helped her little sister Ruby up on the first day,even though she saw a lot of merit in the new Jaune who selflessely escorted Ruby across Anima she just hated seeing him so very pained.

Jaune was back at Beacon one of the few people who she could trust,the other ones naturally being her team mates and Jaune's team mates as well as teams SSSN and CFVY,thinking of Jaune's team f.k.a team JNPR she felt sad when she thought of Pyrrha,she was strong,smart,athletic,a champion but most of all her kindness even rivaled that of Ruby's... she wondered where Jaune ran off to though.

"Earlier that morning"

I can not find Jaune,his bed is made up and empty,I asked his whole team but they said they don't know where he is."

Yang very indescreetly told Blake so as to not catch her lone attention but that of all of team RWBY,she was worried.

"I understand your concern seeing as last time a member of their's went off alone somewhere,she died,lets search for him."

Blake replied not even missing a beat,refering to Pyrrha's death,it drilled in the urgency of them finding Jaune.

"Wait did you just say that Jaune has gone missing,we need to find him... since when are you so worried about him?"

Weiss asked to the surprise of everyone present that she'd worry about Jaune,the last part then caught their attention.

"Yeah,you do seem super worried about him,Yang,you too Blake,you two barely even knew him at Beacon so what's up?"

Ruby asked,she was puzzled now as to Blake and Yang's sudden concern for the loveable goof she gets to call a friend.

"We're not heartless monsters,of course we are worried about Jaune,also,we don't wanna hear that from you Weiss."

Yang scolded the two standing in front of her and Blake and proceeded to call out Weiss on her own concern for Jaune.

"We did interact with Jaune at Beacon sometimes,you just missed it because you were too busy being petty...let's go."

Blake added in,she knew she was being harsh but it was true and she wanted to go find Jaune as soon as possible.



Fight scene start

Jaune was in a fairly nearby forest standing in a big clearing while training to the specific training video Pyrrha had made for Jaune,and then he heard a growl coming from behind him,he turned around pointing his sword at the face of a large Beowolf,he wasn't even really concerned about his scroll,it was pretty durable plus the Grimm would only attack him,he saw more Grimm appearing.

Ready? Go!

Pyrrha's voice came through loudly on Jaune's scroll and so he stabbed his sword into the Beowolf's throat and then proceeded to wrench the sword out of the dissolving Grimm as the stab did the job.


Once more the disembodied voice came through the scroll's speakers somehow sounding much louder to his ears,he gave a strong slash from which a sharp gust of air came,ripping apart a group of Grimm.

And again!

One more time the voice of the famous Pyrrha Nikos sounded over the scroll,it was almost deafening to Jaune as he spun around sharply and slashed powerfully at an Ursa decapitating it.

Fight scene end.

Jaune stood there panting like every other time that he trained while listening to the video of his departed beloved,the painful torrent of emotions that always came with hearing Pyrrha's voice always taking a toll on the knight's stamina in a mind over matter kind of deal,he drowned out her voice this time just looking at her beautiful face,he already knew the words by heart as new tears stung his eyes.

He raised his blue eyes to the equally blue sky imagening her face in the clouds smiling lightly down at him,her facade needed not color nor texture,her eyes needed not shimmer nor shine ,her skin needed not hue nor tan,for in his mind he saw all those concepts easily fill themselves in,how could he forget those when on his scroll there was a reminder of the beautiful concepts her face owned.

"I know this can be frustrating… And it can feel like so much effort to progress such a small amount, but I want you to know that I'm proud of you."

Pyrrha's disembodied voice began,the supportive tone evident in her voice,her words easily giving deep encouragement.

"You are right it is frustrating... what do you even see in me to be proud of,I failed to even protect she who I loved... you"

Jaune replied deeply bitter,he felt Pyrrha's pride in him was sorely misplaced,he could not even keep Pyrrha by his side.

"I've never met someone so determined to better themselves. You've grown so much since we started training. And I know this is just the beginning."

Pyrrha's misgiven praise continued.

"I only ever wanted to better myself cause I was very prideful,I didn't grow enough,instead that was just a painful end."

Jaune replied again,he knows it's crazy to answer a person who does not even exist anymore but it's all he has left.

"Jaune, I-I…I want you to know that I'm

just happy to be a part of your life. I'll always be here for you,Jaune."

Pyrrha did not say the thing she intended.

"Why couldn't you brush me off like other people did instead of making a promise you couldn't keep...I love you too...Pyrrha."

Jaune replied again, he felt so numb, every time he read between the lines,hearing the confession left unuttered.


Jaune's stomach rumbled loudly in protest,he hadn't eaten that morning having basically fled into the forest to get away from all the positivity two quarters of team RWBY was radiating the night before and all,he quickly came to realise being depressed on a very much empty stomache sucked more than either of those two things did seperately,he put his sword away to go eat something in town.

"Man when we find Jaune eventually he is going to get a hug wether he wants one or not... with all my strength."

Yang said hair on fire,not from her fury,but from overwhelming affectional intent,she was going to show him that he's loved.

"I may not be quite as strong as you but I will also be giving him the tightest hug I can possibly muster."

Blake replied readily,her very soul quivered in profound empathy for Jaune,seeing him so very lonely triggered an instinct.

"Is there something that we're missing? Neither of you have ever before wanted to be so affectionate towards Jaune."

Weiss questioned Blake and Yang once again,she was finding this situation increasingly strange by the minute.

"At Beacon he had Pyrrha for that but in case you have forgotten she isn't with us anymore because you two were too slow."

Yang replied,she winced internally,Weiss wasn't alone in being too slow,Ruby was too so tough love was necessary here.

"Yang,that is not fair,I saw her die,I felt equally terrible she died,besides,Jaune still has Nora and Ren for comfort."

Ruby replied a hurt look appearing on her face but she did know that had she taken Jaune's plea seriously,it could've helped.

"It isn't but it's true,and please those two have so much Romantic tension between them it'll probably worsen his hurt."

Blake replied,Pyrrha and Ruby weren't as close as Jaune and Pyrrha were,Jaune was hurt much worse by what happened.


They heard the very familiar sound of Jaune's sword and shield clinking against his belts and looked up,they saw Jaune weaving through the big throng of people occupying the city,they called his name but then he just started walking faster and was weaving between people in an erratic pattern,distract and confuse,that was something Jaune only did when he wanted to be left alone.

Blake and Yang snapped out of it first as they quickly sprang into action and started in Jaune's direction,Yang ducked and weaved between the people the same as Jaune did before hearing them calling to him,Blake meanwhile had taken to the rooftops of buildings to try keeping Jaune in her sight,but it was difficult as Jaune when he wanted to be left alone would usually get what he wanted.

Weiss and Ruby were also now starting to be really concerned about Jaune,they never thought he would bolt the moment he heard their voices and if they were honest it kinda hurt that he would run away from them so they too went in pursuit of him,Weiss took the same pursuit approach Yang did,Ruby used Crescent Rose to shoot onto opposite roofs than Blake and run along them.

Jaune was not in the mood for the nagging of friends,why the hell Blake and Yang suddenly developed an interest in his mental and emotional state he didn't know,yeah sure they communicated with him more at Beacon than other students would've known and as so such he considered them to be his friends and vice versa but while he appreciated it he wanted to be left alone.

He considered that maybe they started to take an interest in him of the Romantic kind but scoffed at it being a possibility because exactly who would suddenly be interested in him in that kind of way when he has all this emotional baggage,besides he didn't know if they would be able to handle the bouts of brooding even if he even gave the two a chance,that's if that were to be the case... he doubted it.

Jaune shook his head clear of those thoughts,he did not want to intrude on their recently patched up friendship dammit Yang he thought,thinking of her had caused him to make a pun (because he knows Yang is from a place called Patch) he bent down as if to tie his shoe laces but instead did a quick sideways roll into an alleyway and entered a building,he knew two of them were running on roofs.

Blake and Yang both had a few of their own reasons for why they thought that Jaune was actually a choice as to who to court,Blake liked Jaune's selflesness,courage and determination,the same things that Pyrrha had liked about Jaune,it is poetic really,Blake really wanted to honour the Spartan's goal to help Jaune,Yang's own reasons were Jaune's kindness to Ruby and his sense of justice.

The two girl's hearts beat a little faster in their chests,Jaune's own heart would be fixed by theirs,they were sure of it and they looked forward to being the ones who do it,you might question why they would be okay with courting the same guy but really the answer was simple,they didn't wanna be love rivals over him but they both wanted to be with him,they wanted to have their cake and eat it too.

That was why both of them could without a doubt have him without problems if they could just win him completely over,after all a lot of things can be solved with teamwork and besides what were they partners for anyway if not to work in tandem to achieve an objective that either would have some trouble with on their own,also... Jaune could be the guy that they both had been looking for in life.

I'll end this chapter here,till next chapter!


Gh0stSpartan : I also love the pairing of Knightslayer and wish there was more of them just like yourself does.

Onyx Gabriel : Funny and also depressing it is.

0akarigan0 : Thank you I have delivered so hey enjoy!

EternalInternalScreaming : Sorry the linebreaks usually make my app crash but hey they seem to work now so thanks for the advice!

LuckyPickl3 : Thanks!

MKFire : Ayt also Yang is okay with literally anything(except for being called a friggin lesbian ) as for Blake well she is now so used to Yang's plans that she would go along with anything that Yang actually suggests and hey their whole friendship is unbreakable now so either a dude accepts both together or he's not getting either of them,they're basically sisters by then so yeah that's a reason,a very valid reason.

LousGndiner : You commented here just to tell me that,if you have not even given a Favorite and or Follow well you shouldn't bother telling me the obvious.

Zathol : Yeah that is bothersome.

I really understand what you actually mean but I believe that Jaune should've been more angry and brooding if his rage at Haven was any indication,he should have seriously loathed himself after having another person that he really cared about almost die,knowing that he indirectly gave Cinder the idea to try spiting him by hurting Weiss,sure it did give him a real catalyst to unlock a semblance and Weiss got up and made a really bad $$ move but like I said it should've made him feel worse than he did on the whole journey across Anima,Jaune's a serious self doubter so I think that he could've been at least a smidgen less happy after team RWBY reunited and used that as fuel to become a beast like he possibly could. Jaune isn't selfish and hey Ruby was basically on loan to his team anyway,he knows Ruby's team really needs her so he does not care Ruby is back on her team but in him there is this huge gap present in his soul with Pyrrha dead so he is hurt that his own team will possibly never ever be whole ever again and so neither will his heart. Nora and Ren have always been dependent on the other so they could care less that Ruby has gotten back to her team and Jaune like I mentioned fully understands that Ruby was basically just on loan to his team so hey I think there will be no feelings of being taken for granted.

He's a self doubter so of course then he will feel responsible for a lot of things,the guilt having a powerful stranglehold on his thought process Jaune was probably told in numerous training sessions by Pyrrha to never lose focus in a fight and to not let his emotions cloud his judgement seeing as how Pyrrha had that kind of mental conditioning and was even calm until her very final moments against Cinder so hey Pyrrha must have imparted that same knowledge onto Jaune in the multiple times that they had trained together and yet he let that rage take a hold of him at Haven. Weiss was grounded by her father and then got kidnapped afterwords by Raven so she didn't have that seriously cold mentality to keep training despite her feelings of being utterly opressed and also her being shaken pretty badly by the fall of Beacon as well as the fact that she was suddenly kidnapped by some bandits she didn't even know the scope of abilities of so hey I think she had things badly,she was also obviously completely flabberghasted that she was losing to a bandit of all things so man I don't even blame her for being fully off concentration.

I would have to disagree here about Pyrrha having been arrogant because

(1) She was based off Achillies so she was for all I's and P's a Spartan

(2) Spartans are never ever arrogant but rather confident but still pretty humble and brave too in the face of death

(3) Spartans actually prefer to only die in battle and to their superior or equal in skill,power and strength which she did

-Through those three points it's clear that Pyrrha died with an element of he who she was based on (arrow in the Achillies Tendon) right before she was again shot with an arrow (only this time in the chest) and only then was she disintegrated,she was really brave in the face of death and she stayed completely humble till her end but was also confident that she was doing the right thing and did die to an equal and superior kind of opponent and also she was not cowardly as to run from a battle that she knew she would actually lose as you tried to suggest she could've because as mentioned earlier she was based on a known Spartan so she as was prefered died in battle and as a warrior.

I know it's been a while but Rooster Teeth took Jaune's core personality trait away which was his tendency to get down in the dumps even with his usually fairly upbeat behavior,sure they had him brood all the way across Anima but then after that was finally over and Volume 5 came and got to the codenamed Battle Of Haven and Jaune suddenly charged at Cinder in a vengeful rage the very next season (Volume 6) he was suddenly alright with absolutely no explanation as to exactly how he suddenly became happier again and how much the time has passed since the last episode of the previous volume had ended so I just took his obvious core personality and put it back on him and my point of his core personality trait is even proven even further by him snapping violently at Oscar when he finally found out that ole Ozpin's shadow war against that damnable Salem who is (big point here) very much immortal which Jaune and by extension everyone else also found out was completely and utterly pointless and the utter sadness Jaune showed when he got to Pyrrha's statue and the self loathing he easily showed when conversing with Pyrrha's mother and after that also with Ren and Nora which showed he was not over Pyrrha's death at all by that point and only found peace with it all after Ren and Nora literally told him that he wasn't being fair to himself and also that the both of em loved him because they saw him as family(the whole pep talk in it's generality in Volume 6) so the absolute depression that he went through was completely inconcistent between volume's 4 through 5 and 6 so he spiraled into that level of breakdown in this fic after the battle of Haven because it is way before his pep talk with Ren and Nora and it makes sense then for him to be so utterly disappointed in himself for totally not getting the vengeance he so badly desired for long against Cinder because through the entire journey across Anima he had revenge on his mind and then when he finally had it in his grasp he let it slip right through his fingers so hey I think he really had the correct reaction to that in this fanfiction.

Well in this specific chapter here I have adressed why Yang and Blake would court Jaune and also find him attractive and also why they would be completely fine with the obvious sharing of Jaune and thus also why both of them would want to be in a clearly Romantic relationship with him instead of just friendship so it's not about just some kind of sympathy but about Romance for all the right reasons,here they more than consider it and have truly more than more emotional reasoning to agree and thus agree to a sharing of him also Blake and Yang actually have plently of undue trauma they can bond with Jaune over and as for your point of sexuality labeling in reality and the canon of RWBY hey I do agree though with those also thanks for thinking that the story title is catchy and that it has caught your personal attention.