When I woke up un China on a cloudy Tuesday morning, I decided to take a walk before it started to rain.

I decided to Apparate from a clearing I had found a few day before.

From there, I was further in the local village where it wouldn't seem weird to be out for a quick walk.

As I walked, I gradually started feeling the ground soften beneath my dragon-hide boots and could feel the brances starting to poke me as I walked on lost in thought.

Finally just as a branch snapped into my face, I looked up and realised that I had gone from the village and into tthe neighbouring forest.

I moved further, more cautiously now with my Acromantula silk robes gliding across the leafy floor of the forest.

Just as i was about to take another step, I heard the crunch of something stepping on the leaves further ahead of me in the darkness beyond.

Pausing, as I heard a growl roar through the forest, i shivered and heard a resutling sound behind me.

Twisting slowly, I tried to take a step in the opposite direction when I was picked off my feet.

I was in the mouth of something!

Then I could see what had made the rustling sound behind me.

Some of the villagers had seen me walk abesentmindedly into the forest and followed.

Just as I saw them, they saw what I was in the mouth of and scream,"DRAGON!"

My mind paused.

My next working thought was that I was in the mouth of a DRAGON!

Immediately I tried to remember what I had learnt at Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic and nearly smacked myself silly.

It was a dragon. A firebreathing dragon!

As it opened its mouth wider, I leapt out and doused it with an Aguamenti soaking it and shot another towards the sky making the rain start.

I jumped into the bushes and watched as the dragon spat out fireballs of immense sizes.

Then I got my first proper look at it.

The dragon was huge and red scales with gold spikes and black eyes seemingly burning with fire.

But, it seemed a little tamer and shot another Aguamenti towards the sky hoping for the dragon to grow tamer or at least less feral.

It seemed at last things were going my way and so I cast Gemino to make a copy of the dragon and then shrunk it with a Reducio and Stunned it.

Then I ran back as fast as possible remembering that the villagers had ran off earlier when the Aguamenti rain had started leading to the storm.

I Apparated back into my cottage and packed my bags.

As the discoverer of this species of dragon, I name it the Chinese Fireball, Bringer of the Storm.

Witness Report: Nicolas Flamel 1352

To: Head Auror Office, Ministry of Magic