Hello there! I originally had this in the AMC/OLTL crossover section, then I moved it to AMC only, then to AMC/GH crossover, and now I'm moving it to the GH section. Sadly, there doesn't seem to be many AMC/OLTL readers. I wanted to keep Skye a Chandler, but I've decided to make her a Q (and no, Rae doesn't lie about her paternity in this) so that it can go in the GH only section since it seems more popular, but it is a crossover of all three soaps.
I am waving my magic wand and Port Charles is now in Pennsylvania and only about five minutes from Llanview and Pine Valley. This just makes things so much easier so that no matter where Skye lives the Chandlers, the Qs, and Rae and Myrtle are close by.
So, I've recently binge-watched all the Rae/Skye scenes I could find on youtube and it's not easy finding old clips in full (if anyone knows somewhere that has old AMC and OLTL clips in full, PLEASE let me know). I've gotten hooked. I started watching AMC with my mom when I was very young, I'm not sure the exact age, I imagine as young as 4 or 5 but remember things more from 1997-ish on. I was 7 in 1997 so I apologize if I make any mistakes from history. We'll just say this story will be loosely based on historical canon, some things will be accurate, and some things won't be. At the time Rae and Skye were on OLTL (1999-2001) I only watched it sporadically and didn't watch GH until the end of 2003. Watching these old clips, I didn't realize what a hot mess Skye was. I mean I liked her on GH but watching these makes me miss her lol.
The main characters in this will be Myrtle, Rae, Skye, Adam, and Alan. But don't worry, Alan and Monica will stay together and I'll probably keep John Sykes with Rae because I liked him. Supporting characters will be Liza, Hayley, Junior from AMC, the Qs, Jax, Alcazar (who will be bad) from GH, and I might bring in more OLTL characters too. If there's anyone you'd like to see in this, please let me know, but the focus will be on the ones mentioned.
This first scene takes place immediately after John told Rae that Skye is her daughter at the police station. And in this, John did a DNA test before telling Rae because he wanted to make sure.
The first couple of chapters will mainly be narrative because it's mainly Rae and Skye's inner thoughts of what actually happened. Once it's through there should be more action and dialogue. Thank you and for forget to review!
Chapter 1- The Town Pariah
Llanview, Pennsylvania
December, 2000
What had she done? As soon as the words, "Rae, she's your daughter," left John's lips it was as if the entire world stopped turning. Gazing through the window at the Llanview police department, she no longer saw the Town Pariah as Myrtle called her and it mattered no more about those articles Skye wrote about her or the awful things she did in that town. What Rae saw was that tiny newborn cuddled in her arms looking up at her as if she had all the answers. Her little girl's hand that once wrapped tightly around Rae's finger now cuffed to a chair like a criminal.
But was she a criminal? Less than two minutes before that she was so angry at her and wanted her behind bars. She was so certain that Skye pulled that trigger and attempted to murder Max Buchanan, especially after the things she said just a few days prior. But now, all she wanted to do was prove her innocence and take back all those awful things she said to her own child.
John showed her the proof he found. All the papers tracing Skye as her baby girl. He also secretly did a DNA test. He didn't want to tell Rae until he knew without a shadow of a doubt, especially since Rae thought for so long that Max could be her son. A terrible lie she almost believed. But she remembered the baby girl she gave birth to; she most definitely didn't have a son.
When she went out to see her handcuffed daughter, she was speechless. Skye lashed out at her once more and when she asked Rae to speak, the only words that could come out were, "I'm sorry." But this only led to Skye growing more angry, yelling that Rae ruined her life and that she hates her.
Her daughter hates her. Nothing was more devastating than that. As Skye was escorted to her jail cell, Rae broke down. John tried to console her, but Rae shook him off and stormed out to her car. With tears spilling down her face, she drove fast. She had to see Mama, that was the only person she felt she could talk to. The one person who knew what it's like to find your long-lost daughter. Pine Valley wasn't too far from Llanview, but it felt longer than a flight to Africa.
Rae didn't bother knocking or bringing her purse in. But when she walked in, Myrtle was massaging her right temple while talking on the phone.
"Erica, I'm sure Bianca will be just fine," Myrtle said. "Just keep supporting her and let her know that you're there for her." She turned and looked up at Rae. "Listen, darling, Rae just arrived. No, I will be spending Christmas with my daughter and her boyfriend this year in Llanview. I know. I know, but my daughter comes first. Goodbye Erica." She hung up the phone and reached her hand out to Rae. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
Rae took her hand and joined her on the sofa. She just couldn't stop crying as Myrtle touched her cheek.
"You know you can tell me anything," Myrtle said with a small smile. "Is it John? Is he fine?"
Rae shook her head. "John is fine… it's just…"
"What is it?"
Rae exhaled deeply. She had counseled countless girls with their anxieties and how to control their breathing, but in that moment, she just couldn't calm down.
Myrtle was patient and rubbed small circles on Rae's back. "Take a deep breath," she said soothingly.
Rae placed her shaky hand over her mouth as she finally slowed her breathing.
"What happened?" Myrtle asked.
"I found my daughter."
Myrtle's eyes grew wide. "So, you were right? You had a daughter and not a son?"
Rae nodded slowly.
"Well, that is wonderful. What's she like? I would love to meet her. Maybe she can join us for Christmas."
Rae lowered her gaze. "I don't think that's going to happen, Mama. She's… she's in jail and I don't know when or if she'll get out."
Myrtle frowned. "Jail? Whatever for?"
"There's evidence that she attempted to kill Max Buchanan."
"Oh dear."
"I was so certain that she did it. But now I want to prove her innocence. I just don't know how."
"Can John help you?"
"I haven't had a chance to talk to him about that yet. But he was suspended. And he just told me about her."
"What is her name?"
Rae swallowed hard and locked eyes with Myrtle. "It's Skye. Skye Chandler is my daughter."
Myrtle's mouth dropped slightly. "Skye?"
Rae nodded. "I've said horrible horrible things to her. I even believed that she shot Max."
"Skye Chandler is my granddaughter?"
"I know she used to live in Pine Valley, and you seemed to know her when we saw her. Do you know anything about her or her childhood? What about the Chandlers?"
"I do. Skye lived here with me for a short time."
"She did?"
"Yes, she did. She was and is quite a troubled girl. She has had a hard life."
Rae pushed away more tears forming in her eyes. "Please tell me. Tell me all you know."
"Her mother… her adopted mother, Althea was an alcoholic and was very neglective to Skye. From what I know, Adam abandoned them when she was very young. When Skye got older, she came to live with Adam and always vied for his attention. She eventually started drinking like her mother… I mean Althea. After her husband had an affair, she had a breakdown and was institutionalized at Oak Haven, a mental hospital."
Rae gasped. "She was?"
"But she overcame a lot. I remember when she stayed here and when she moved out, I was so proud of how far she had come. I was sad that she was leaving. But she was accepted into a recovery program as a counselor. She wanted to help others who struggled like she did. However, she had many ups and downs after that."
"It sounds to me she needs us more than ever right now, don't you think?"
"Perhaps we could go visit her together. I think all she's ever wanted is to be loved."
"It would mean so much if you came with me."
"You know…" Myrtle grinned. "My grandfather had red hair. I always thought that red hair sometimes skips a generation."
Rae smiled. "I never thought of that. She definitely looks more like you than she does me."
"And she's always been a fiery red head. Just like her grandmother."