Chapter 95- JR's Confession

Because JR was a minor, Adam was allowed to sit in on his questioning, since Dixie wasn't at the party. Adam kept huffing and puffing and pacing the room which only added more stress to JR.

"How do you know Michael Cambias?" the officer asked him.

"He uh… I don't know," JR stammered his words. He knows my dad and my sister."

Adam crossed his arms. "Can't you see you're upsetting my son? This is a school night, and he needs to get to bed!"

The officer ignored Adam and continued, "Can you describe your interactions with him?"

JR shrugged. "I've only seen him once or twice."

"And did you see him before he walked into the party today?"

He nodded and stared at his lap.

"Enough!" Adam said. "I will not allow this to continue."

"Mr. Chandler…." The officer looked up at him. "I'm going to ask you to wait outside if you don't stop interrupting."

Adam groaned and sat beside JR.

"JR, when and where did you see Michael today?" the officer asked.

He glanced at Adam for a second then stared at his lap again. "At the front door before the party started."

"Was anyone else there with you?"

JR shook his head.

"And did you speak to him?"

"No," JR said quietly.

"Did he speak to you?"

"A bit until he was cut off."

"What did he say?"

"Asked if he missed much of the party."

"And who cut him off?" the officer asked.

JR paused a moment then said, "Me."

Adam leaned in closer and scrunched his face.

"How did you cut him off?"

JR finally looked the officer straight in the eye and clenched his jaw. "I threw a vase at him, and I'd do it again!"


"But you have to let us see her tonight," Rae demanded and slammed her hand against the reception desk at the PVPD as she stood with Myrtle and John.

"I'm sorry, ma'am," the receptionist said. "Visiting hours ended two hours ago."

"She needs her pain medication. She's still recovering from her attack."

"I will call her doctor and have a new prescription sent here."

Myrtle squeezed Rae's shoulder. "We'll come back first thing in the morning. Skye will be all right."

"But she was terrified and so upset the last time she was in jail. She needs to know that we're here for her. I can't just go home and do nothing."

"You need to keep up your own strength or you won't be able to help Skye. Let's go home. Maybe you can call Alan to fill him in."

John showed the receptionist his badge. "I'm John Sykes of the Llanview Police Department. I've been working on some cases with Derek Frye. I need to go in to ask Skye some questions."

The receptionist nodded. "You may go in, but unfortunately the ladies cannot."

Rae sighed. "John, please tell her that we were here and that we love her. And that we're doing everything we can to get her out."

"And that we'll be here right away in the morning," Myrtle said.

"Of course." He wrapped his arms around Rae. "We proved her innocence before, and we'll do it again. She might try to turn Kendall's hair pink, but she'd never really try to hurt her."


Erica made her way back into Kendall's hospital room and sat at the edge of her bed.

"Where's Bianca?" Kendall asked.

"Jack arrived and took her home with him."

"Good. I was going to suggest she stay with someone else while I lure Michael in."

Erica nodded. "Well, she might grow suspicious though if I send her to live with Jack."


"I hope she's all right. She threw up just before they left. Must be the stress of everything. And Michael passed by us in the waiting area. He has a concussion. He left right away though, but Bianca was terrified."

"I can't wait to make him pay."

"So, Skye was arrested an hour ago. The police have reason to believe she poisoned you."

"She didn't," Kendall said. "She's probably a wreck right now. But at least a jail cell will protect her from Michael."

"He could still visit her."

"Yeah, but at least there's guards there. He won't be alone with her."


Skye sat in her jail cell clutching her ribs. The pain meds were starting to wear off and it hurt to breath. It didn't help that she couldn't stop crying and nausea was building in her chest.

She rose to her feet when she heard footsteps.

"Miss Chandler," the guard said. "You have a visitor."

"Is it my mom? Dad? Grandma?"

John walked through the doors, and she frowned.

"Hi Skye," he said as the guard walked away. "Your mom and grandmother were just here but they aren't allowed in because it's past visiting hours. But they send their love and they're doing everything they can to get you out. So am I. And Alan doesn't know yet, Rae is going to call him."

"How's Kendall?"

He smiled. "She was very lucky. Only dizziness and a headache. I think a slight fever. But the convulsions stopped and she's going to be okay. It could've been much worse."

She sighed in relief. "I need to see her."

"I know, but unfortunately—"

"Can you break me out?" she asked as she tried to swallow the nausea in her chest.

"Skye, if I did that, not only would I lose my job, but it would look worse on you."

Skye turned and threw up on the floor.


Adam cleared his throat. "My son doesn't know what he is saying. It must be the shock of this evening getting to him."

"No, it's not," JR said. "I don't even care if I end up in prison. That monster deserved it!"

"JR—" Adam started.

"Why did you throw the vase at Michael?" the officer asked.

"Don't say another word, JR," Adam said, pulling out his phone. "I'm calling Barry."

"Because he hurt my sister!"

The officer wrote something down. "Which sister?"


"How did he hurt her?"

"He whipped her, kicked her, and ra ped her."

Adam dropped his phone. "What are you talking about, JR? How do you even know that happened to Skye?"

"Because I overheard her tell Bianca. And Bianca said he ra ped her too."

Adam glanced between JR and the officer. "I don't know about Erica's daughter, but Michael's brother attacked your sister. You must have heard wrong."

JR shook his head. "No, I didn't. They said it was Michael Cambias."

"Are you sure they didn't say Alexander Cambias Jr., aka Zach Slater?" Adam clarified.

"No, it was Michael."

The officer wrote everything down. "JR, I'm sorry you overheard that. And if your story if true, I have great sympathy for where you're coming from. But do you know how serious it is to take the law into your own hands? You need to tell your parents next time or come right to the police."

"It is true. You need to arrest him!"

"I will investigate it," the officer assured. "But JR, you just confessed to assaulting Michael Cambias."

"This is ludicrous, he's only a child!" Adam blasted the officer.

The officer nodded. "And in the state of Pennsylvania I can't arrest a juvenile offender. But while you await a hearing, you need to stay in town and under the supervision of your parents. You will likely be asked more questions in the next few days and the courts will contact your parents to find out your penalties."

"He won't be answering anymore questions without my lawyer," Adam said. "JR, we're going."