It's not my time
A/n: well this isn't actually Dede here I'm her friend Celtic Goth posting this story 'cause Dede doesn't know how and cannot get on the net as often as she'd like to but I will get her to write Author notes for further chapters and I will update this story every Saturday, but why am I doing this? BECAUSE DEDE IS A TALENTED WRITER AND DOES NOT ATMIT IT! So as soon as I read this story I made her give me her password to fanfic net so I could post it!. See you all next Saturday. R+R
Disclaimer: I do not own harry potter, but I do own this story line J
Chapter One:
The worst day everIn a gloomy, old, out-of-order bathroom moaning Myrtle cried to herself like many times before.
It had been at last 3 years since anyone had come to visit her and that was only when the Chamber of Secrets had been open and only few people had been in there since like…Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. It had been very lonely since then. Hermione had been made a prefect, Ron had joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team taking up the position of a beater and Harry who was the seeker for the Gryffindor team had only just become the captain. They were now in there 6th year and the last time Myrtle had seen any of them was when the Triwizard Tournament was on in there 4th year and Harry and Cedric had won.
She had only been 16 when the monster that lurked around the Chamber of Secrets over 50 years ago had killed her. Since then the young Ravenclaw and haunted the Girl's Bathroom, the place where she had died. Her hazel eyes had faded to a tired colour of grey, her hair a deep shade of brown, her face pale and cold. Myrtle had at least wished she hadn't been killed by the balisk from the chamber. Then she could have lived on she could have done her end of years exams, read out all the library and at least had have a secret romance that no one would have known about. But she knew that it would never happen, to do it all again.
'Come on Snape's going to kill us if we're late to Potions…' Harry reminded
'Duh…. And you only realised that now after being at hogwarts for more then 5 years.' Hermione said sarcastically.
'Shut up Hermione!' Harry snapped back
'Hermione's right Harry…Especially today…if we get detentions we can't go the Quidditch Training and he'll do anything so that Slytherin wins the first match of the Season so we better run.' Ron pestered
' Good Idea.' Said Harry as the broke into a run.
They had managed to get to potions but with one slight problem…
' Mr. Potter, Ms Granger and Mr. Weasley how nice of you to join our class…I'm just hoping that you all remembered to get to class half an hour early to start a very precise potion…. Any mistake and cause a complete and utter disaster…. But you all have earned yourselves detention tonight and 100 points taken from Gryffindor..'
'What?! You can't do that to us just because we're in Gryffindor.' Ron exclaimed
' Mr. Weasley's earnt himself another detention. And another 50 points taken from Gryffindor for your lack of gratitude towards a teacher.' Snape murmured to himself.
' Please sir we can't attend detention I have my duties as a prefect to complete, and Harry and Ron have Quidditch pract…' Hermione sighed.
' I do not care that you have social commitments, but only as to attend to my detention for wasting my time…' Snape said laughing for himself.
' But professor I really need to…' Hermione started
'SILENCE…. Miss Granger thought you of all people would know when to stop…but I underestimated you. Why you are a prefect I do not know but now you are 1 step closer before your duties of a prefect are taken away from you for being such an obnoxious girl.'
Hermione gritted her teeth and mumbled something under breath as she casually tried to take a seat.
'Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley and Mr. Potter by the way I will be pairing you up. Then when you come to detention you will brew up the potion and I will be grading you. Miss Granger, you will go with Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Weasley, will go with Miss Bullstrode and Mr. Potter will go with Mr. Longbottom.' Snape ordered.
O gosh it could it couldn't get any worse Harry thought to himself
' Is it me or is Snape being extra snapish this year…' Ron demanded to know
' I think it's because we have our o.w.l.s at the end of the year.' Hermione said
' Possibly or it could just be the fact that he's….' Harry never got to finish
' He's expecting you to be at your detentions 7 o' clock sharp because you were late to class and that he'll meet you down in the dungeons…' Snape said walking past to the staff room.
' Oh great now Harry, one more thing he can get us into trouble with. He knew what you were going to say.' Said Hermione
' Yeah but I didn't say it did I, so I can't get in trouble even if he is a creep.'
' Who doesn't know that…' Ron said keeping a keen eye out making sure that a certain Slytherin didn't hear that.
' Oh no…'
' What is it Hermione?' Harry asked
' Look, my socks and shoes are all wet! And the floor it's…'
' Flooded….' Ron said finishing off Hermione's sentence.
' And we're near the girl's bathroom…' Harry announced
' Moaning Myrtle…' They said in unison.
Hermione made sure that the cost was clear, and she, Harry, and Ron entered the girl's bathroom. Myrtle had been upset again by possibly herself…She had flooded the bathroom. Hermione turned off the taps and Harry and Ron looked in the cubicles trying to see if Myrtle was there.
' What are you doing?' Myrtle questioned hovering above the boys.
' Nothing…just looking for you that's all.' Harry lied
' Really, how sweet of you… I thought if you were in here again I would have thought that something serious had happened again.' Myrtle said winking at Harry. Hermione walked over to where Harry and Ron were standing awkwardly.
' NO! It's just we missed you and thought we'd see you I mean it's been along time since we last saw you.' Hermione quickly said
' By the sound of things I would think that you were lying…. And you came in here just to duck cover from a teacher..' Myrtle said suspiciously
' No, we would never…Myrtle it's just that we had some free time and err… we were meant to be studying for a potions exam and we thought we'd be nice and along the way to the library we would visit you.' Hermione said looking at Harry and Ron expecting them to agree.
' But I saw you coming from the other direction…how could be on your way to the library?'
' Err… umm...' Ron stammered
' Were not lying to you Myrtle we really do miss you.' Harry said trying to calm down Myrtle.
' Really?' Myrtle said looking at Harry with puppy dog eyes.
' Really' Harry said looking relieved that they didn't get caught.
' Myrtle how come the bathroom was flooded? What was wrong?' Ron said trying to look concerned
' Umm…. Well I guess I got mad because no one comes to see me any more because I'm miserable, Moping, Moaning Myrtle…And and it's not fair… Why did I have to die?' Myrtle said loudly crying.
' It's alright, we're here for you..' Hermione said
' No! It's not all right…. If it wasn't for that stupid boy and his stupid pet I wouldn't have dieeeed and then I would have been able to live instead of haunted this bloody bathroom cause there's no where else to stay for a girl like me… now go away, you've upset me now! If you don't I'll go and and tell someone that you were in here.' Myrtle pointed at Harry and Ron,' Now get out!'
Harry, Ron and Hermione left the girl's bathroom cautiously not to disturb Myrtle or to get caught by a teacher. As soon as they were out they headed towards the great hall for dinner.
' Lucky we didn't have any other classes after Potions.' Ron said thankfully,' I'm starved.'
' Yea…. I know but the bad thing is all of us have detentions with Snape.' Hermione reminded,' Harry's going to have to cancel Quidditch Practice… Harry, harry are you listening. Hellllo earth to Harry!'
Harry had no idea what was going on, he was still thinking about the chamber of secrets when it had been opened in his second year and how Ginny was taken down there by Voldemort's past, Tom Riddle. The 16-year-old memory preserved in a diary for over fifty years. That was about how old Myrtle was. However Ron's sister, Ginny was saved and Tom Riddle was no longer. But he Voldemort, his future was still out there trying to get his revenge on Harry and someday would try to take over the rest of the wizarding world…. But if Harry was ever around he would never let that happen.
' Harry!'
' What?' Harry said looking at Hermione.
' You know you're going to have to cancel Quidditch practice and change it to another time when we don't have detentions from you-know-who.' Ron said looking really pissed off.
' Oh yeah… how about tomorrow night? We don't have potions tomorrow so we can't get into trouble….' Harry Suggested
' Harry, no can do remember I got that extra detention because I didn't should any gratitude towards a certain teacher.' Ron said butting in.
' Well what about tomorrow morning….no one's booked the Quidditch Pitch for then. After dinner I'll go book us in and You, Ron go tell Natalie McDonald and Dennis Creevey…. Thank-god he's nothing like his brother Colin… I think Dennis' is trying to avoid him this year as well…. Dennis has been complaining that he's been taking to many pictures, I think everyone knows that now.' Harry announced.
' I didn't know that Dennis joined the Team….' Hermione said
' He only tried about this year; I mean he's a pretty good chaser…. After Katie, Alicia and Angelina left along with Fred and George…. It was pretty hard replacing them, but I think he'll do the job. And Natalie, she's a brilliant Keeper…she's only been on for a year and she's just as good as Wood use to be…. You'd think they were related.' Ron said.
' Yep. You sure would.' Harry said agreeing with Ron
' Let's just hope Gryffindor's lucky this year…. Unlike us Slytherin's we're always smarting, quicker and more up-to date with things and will always win so long as I'm here…This year I thought we needed change since I'm the Captain of the Slytherin Team. So I said to myself what would make us a better team….and I came to the conclusion, Firebolts were way out of date…so why not have these.' Malfoy produced a silvery looking broomstick; it was a Lightening Streak 250.
' Where'd you get that Malfoy? Your father?' Ron questioned Malfoy.
' A very generous teacher donated them to the whole Slytherin team…' Malfoy smirked at them
' It must have been Professor Snape, I mean he is the head of Slytherin so it must have been him.' Hermione said sarcastically.
' I do hope he's getting paid over time, that's probably why he put us on detention. He gets extra pay for each student he puts on detention.' Harry muttered to Ron.
' Good luck Potter; you'll need all the luck you can get. Break a leg…Literally!' Malfoy walked off happily.
' Gosh Malfoy's pathetic…he's really need to get a reality check or something, just because he has Lightening Streak 250 doesn't mean he's going to win the cup or anything…' Ron said
' Yeah…. I know but you better tell Natalie, Dennis, Emma Dobbs she's the other beater, Lavender and Parvati there chasers as well.'
' Really, I thought they were rather into make-up and stuff like that…' Hermione said looking interested.
' I don't know about that but the thing is they make fair good chasers…I think they may have practiced over the summer holidays.' Harry said.' I mean no one else wants to be on the team…. They say it's far too dangerous.'
' I wouldn't be surprised if after your first Quidditch training session Lavender or Parvati chickened out.' Hermione said
' Well I hope they don't cause we won't have any one left to join the team.' Ron said
'Yes, that's true but did you ever thing of asking me?' Hermione said looking back at Ron and Harry.
' But I thought you liked to study, I mean I didn't think you we're the out door type at all.' Harry said
' Well you know me all to well, I was just seeing how you'd react that's all.' Hermione said,' Now Ron you better go tell the rest of the team the change and Harry and I will book Gryffindor into the Pitch together and we'll meet you down in the dungeons.'
'Ok' Ron said looking at Harry. Ron knew something fishy was going on with Hermione, this was way unlike her.
' We'll see you there Ron, for the most depressing detention ever.' Harry gave Ron a worried glance and walked off with Hermione.