(...) for narration and settings
"..." for speak
Italic for other language
Meet the Heroes
Hyperious Coumon (Warden)
(Qiang Pass, cloudy day)
The sounds of fighting can be heard from the other side of the Great Wall! Under a small 'hut', a Zhanhu named, Sun Da, had finished dispatching a Blackstone Lawbringer, clearing a path for the emperor, Gao Lei and his two Tiandi guards! "Gao, we're almost there." Sun Da informs his emperor while pointing to an entrance to the pass with his sword. Gao was pleased to hear this as this was one of the better things to happen today with the former Blackstone legionnaires attacking the pass, trying to steal a powerful weapon! Fortunately, Sun Da was able to destroy it along with all of its plans, now only he and the emperor know of its design! With no enemies in sight, they make a B-line for the way out!
As they reach the exit, Gao Lei and his escorts are stopped by a female Warden, blocking the way! "Well, well, well. You gave us quite the run-around all day, emperor!" She said mockingly! "It's over Blackstone, the weapons destroyed and the Dawn Empire is pushing your forces back so step aside!" "I'm afraid that the only way you're leaving is either as a prisoner or dead!" The Warden states before two Blackstone Guardians surround the escape party!
"ATTACK!" She shouts at the top of her lungs as the Guardians charged at the escape party! Meanwhile from a distance, a Warden saw the battle, he could tell that it would end with Blackstone winning! "Not today." He said before running to them, brandishing his sword!
As Sun Da was knocked down by the Guardian, he sees that his sword was out of his hands! With no weapon to defend himself, he braced himself for the cold steel to hit its mark… but it never came, for the Guardian was ran through! In an instant, the Guardian was forcibly turned around and slashed in the gut before being stabbed by the blade! After it's pulled out, the Guardian is knocked down, showing the attacker! A Warden cladded in black armor! The Warden took his sword, grabbed the blade, and slammed the Guards down onto the man's skull! As he pulls the guard out of the man's head, the male Warden looks to the female warden with a menacing glare under his helmet! With the last Guardian distracted, the Emperor decapites the knight, leaving only one Warden left! "Astrea of the former Blackstone Legion, by the order of Ashfeld, you are under arrest!" The Warden says with authority! "You work against us traitor?" "I work for the betterment of Heathmarr, not Blackstone." He states as the others surround the remaining Blackstone in the area! "It's settled then." The female Warden, now known as Astrea, said with a content tone! They do a double-take at her words which proves to be costly!
With a horrid shrill, Astrea lunges at one of the Tiandi and with one swing, kills the warrior! With this act, everyone was back in the game! They all attack her all at once, but she maneuvers around them, only suffering a few small scratches! Without anyone knowing, the female Warden placed down a bomb of sorts and when it went off, it blinded everyone, but her! She used this Opportunity to kill the last Tiandi, but since he was thrashing about, it threw her aim off and the blade landed in his right shoulder! Knowing that she was stuck, he sprung into action! "Miserum!" The male Warden shouted as he shoulder bashed the enemy, disorienting and causing Astrea to lose her grip on the sword! The Warden then used the momentum to swing his sword upward hitting her helmet off! "...Creatura!" He shouts as the blade not only knocks Astreas helmet off, but also cuts her left eye out!
"AHHH!" She screams while holding her face, desperately trying to stop it from bleeding ! With everyone else now recovered, Sun Da and Gao see the mysterious knight towering over Astrea! "You should have stood down when you had the chance." The Warden told her as she stares up at him in fear,trying to think of a way out until they all hear the sounds of boulders hurling through the air! "CatuPULTS!" "EVERYONE, MAKE FOR THE EXIT!" The emperor shouts as they evade the falling rocks while Astrea runs from the scene! The Warden would have presued if the Zhanhu hadn't stopped him! "We'll find her another time, right now we have to go!" Sun Da informed him as he hesitatingly agreed, escaping the bombardment!
(5 minutes later)
They kept running until they saw the Dawn Empires empress. "Took you long enough to make it back. What happened?" She asked, seeing only Wu Lie combatants and Warden! "We ran into a female Warden who goes by the name, Astrea, according to this knight here, Ayu" The emperor informs the Kensei known as, Ayu, as said Warden was kneeling on one knee. "What is your name, Warden?" She asks out of curiosity. "My name is Hyperious Couman. Warlord of the Phoenix Leigion!" "Then, the Dawn Empire owes you a debt of gratitude, Hyperious." Ayu tells the knight, now known as Hyperious, holding out her hand. Hyperious sees this and raises and shakes her hand with his. "The only thing I would ask you, Empress Ayu and Emperor Gao, is a moment of your time to discuss a matter."
(3 hours later)
The sun started to set as the Blackstone knights rumige through the wreckage of the Emperors armory. "Commander, report!" Astrea orders, now sporting a bandage over her damaged eye! "Mistress, it's as we feared, Sun Da's weapon is Fubar!" The female Warden clinches fists at this, knowing all of this was for not! The Zhanhu and Emperor escaped, she was injured badly, and what's worse is that the secret weapon was obliterated! What else can go wrong!? "Astrea, we found something you should see!" A minion informed her, making the Warden groans before following him.
"This better be good!" She says before seeing the scene he discovered, to which she was shocked! "What the…?" Crimson crystals covering the walls, floor, and ceiling like moss! "Whatever they are, they seem to emitting some form of energy." The minion informs Astrea as the gears in her head started to turn! A plan was being born! "My wolves, I believe it's time we fully realize Apollyon's vision! With this, we will show heathmoor who! They! Are!" Astrea declares, causing them all to cheer! Afterwards, the Warden's voice was heard!
(That day, I made a grevous mistake. A mistake that could have costed the Knights, the Vikings, and the Samurai their future!)
(The Shard, Stormy night)
As lightning strikes and lights up the castle, dead bodies and splatters of blood can be seen scattered across the building! The sound of metal clashing with metal can be heard under the roaring thunder! On the main rampart, a last stand was occurring between Hyperious Couman and three knights that had not been seen since Apollyon, but the fight is not in the Wardens favor! As he parried one sword, another one took its place! Inch by inch, he was losing ground and he needed a way out! Hyperious thought fast and threw down a flash-bang before rolling away just in time for it to detonate, blinding all! "Enough, you've got what you wanted so leave! No more need to die!" Hyperious said to the blinded attackers in anger! "On the contrary, there is one more that needs to die… you!" One of the Knights said after gaining her vision! Upon hearing her voice, the Warden suddenly realized who she was! As she took off her helmet, revealing that it was Astrea, now sporting a large scar crossing from her left cheek to her left eye! "Astrea?" "You should have killed me when you had the chance, but now you're going to die like all sheep do!" Astrea says mockingly as Hyperious's hands shake in anger, no doubt from what she and her vile allies did! Destroying the truce, ruining the Honor Games, and the slaughter of the innocent! "Then I'll right the wrong!" He said as his body began to surge with an orange aura, feeling like he can't control himself anymore! With a roar, he exploded with a mysterious energy.
Hyperious charged at these Warmongers with surprising speed, swiftly taking one of the knights heads off! This caught the remaining Warmongers by surprise, he was suddenly faster, stronger, angrier! Every time they tried to strike him, he parried and counter attacked, damaging their armor and cutting their flesh! "Incumbe!" The Warden was winning, then suddenly they all heard the sound of machinery moving! Suddenly from the ledge the Warmongers were trying to force the Warden to, a Steampunk-like dragon emerged and fired a rocket at Astreas last Warmonger, throwing her off the platform and killing her instantly! "WHAT?!" Astrea screams in disbelief at the beast that had dispatched her last on-hand warrior! "Hyperious, we need to retreat!" A female voice came from the metal monster! When the Warden got a good look at who was in it, fortunately he knew exactly who it was! "Grace?!" "We need to retreat!" The Peacekeeper named Grace shouted. Making Hyperious shocked! "I have their leader on the ropes, we can still win this!" He argued when suddenly, he heard the sound of hundreds of footsteps, all of which are heading here! "It won't matter if you kill their leader or not, they'll still take the castle!" Grace says as bizarre-looking soldiers cladded in orange armor and wielding swords and shields had reached the crossway, leading to them! "This battle was lost from the beginning, we have to retreat to fight another day!" Grace said, trying to get the Warden to comply! Seeing no choice, he takes his leave, but not before declaring one thing! "This is not over, Astrea! This is only the beginning!" Hyperious said with malice in his tone! As the metal dragon flies off, the disembodied voice comes back!
(... and it was on that day, we lost what little chance at peace, all because of what happened at Qiang Pass!)
( , 3 days later)
Miles away from the active volcano, the Wardens, once intangible voice became embodied! Hyperious was now sporting new gold armor as he gave a speech, surrounded by many murmuring warriors of Heatmoor, ranging from Knights, samurai, Vikings, and even some Wui Lin! With a deep breath, he continued. "But, shortly after that horrific day, I discovered that they are using a corrupted variant of a weapon that our friend, Sun Da, had created!" This causes the warriors to gasp before Sun Da, himself, walks up while holding a crimson-red crystal the size of a human baby! "This is Draconite, in its purest state!" Hyperious said as Sun Da raised it to the air for everyone to see! The warden waited for the shock to leave before continuing. "It was Astrea and Order of Horkos who had taken something wondrous and perverted it into something dangerous!" This started to get the soldiers riled up! "I know that many of you despise one-another, but we must set aside our petty grievances and rebuild the bridges we made with each other!" This got the warriors to nod in agreement before they slowly started to cheer! "Horkos seeks to destroy our ways of life, but I won't let them! Not without a fight, but more importantly, not without an army! So what do you say!?" Hyperious asks with conviction and authority in his voice as they cheered for him! That was all he needed to hear! "Then let us take up arms and take back what is ours! In the name of the men, women, and children who were wrongly murdered! For the DRAGON ALLIANCE!" With that done, they started to chant:"Hyperious" as Grace raised up a flag with a Dragon on it!
This marked the first day of the Dragon Alliance!
Character Bio (yes, I'm doing that here too.)
Hyperious Couman (pre Wyverndale)
Armor Design:(head) Saerus Helm, (chest) Jasper Chest, (arms) Clotilde Arms
Weapons Design:(blade) Wyverndale Lord Blade, (hilt) Hell's Champion Hilt, (guard) Caltrain Guard
Cosmetics: (head) Honoring Beauty pattern, Sword Impact symbol, and flanged ornament (left and right shoulders) none, (back) Death Weed pattern and Custom emblem (blue base, yellow X, and red Rising Eagle), (standard) Hyper Chevrons pattern and Phoenix symbol
Executions:Hilt Strike, Brutality of Camlann, Blackstone Bash, and Spinning Decapitation
Material:Black Iron
Colors:Honor Bound
Everything else is default!
(Post Wyverndale)
Armor Design: (head) Gabrielle's Zenith Helm, (chest) Tranquil Wayfarer Chest, (arms) Executioner Arms
Weapon Design: (blade) Sylvan's Initiation Blade, (hilt) Dumortierite Hilt, (guard) Wyverndale Lord Guard
Cosmetics:(head) Circle of Waves pattern and Draconite Gem (right and right Shoulder) Melting pattern, (back) Honoring Beauty 2 pattern and Honoring Factions 1 symbol, (standards) Glade of Wyverndale 1 pattern and Custom Emblem (green base, red star, and yellow Dragon body)
Executions:Backhand Strike, Alarius's Wrath, Sylvan Vaporization, and Brutality of Camlann
Emote:The Bard's Lute and I AM WAR!
Effects:Pink Plasma Shock (tap triangle), Vortiger's Dark Oath (tad square), Gao Lei's Ultimate (hold triangle), and Lycan Trope (hold square)
Colors:Blackstone Elite
Rest is default!
Astrea (pre Horkos)
Armor Design:(head) Chilled Tomb Helm, (chest) Lord of the Manor Chest, (arms) Lionheart Arms
Weapon design:(head) Unwaking Nightmare Blade, (hilt) Winged Victory Hilt, (guard) Magnus Guard
Cosmetics:(head) Wall of Spear pattern and Wolf's Head ornament, (left and right shoulders) none, (back) Hill Burst pattern and Rose Tenebrae symbol, (standards) Horkos Influence pattern
material:Black Iron
Colors:Horkos Tincture
The rest is default
Note:This is my second fix on the channel! As you just read, this chapter was about two fated foes, my OC Warden:Hyperious Couman (a Knight that I named after my For Honor account and my last name) and Astrea (the leader of Horkos)! Tell me what you think in a REVIEW!
And remember:Live by the sword, die by the sword!