Disclaimer: The following is a Fan-made Story! For Honor is owned by Obisoft (Sadly)! Please support the official release!

(...) for narration and settings

"..." for speak

Italic for other language

Meet the Heroes

Vlad & Graphite (Black Prior & Conqueror)

(Sanctuary bridge, Dusk)

(Purpose, they fight without purpose! They don't fight for power or peace, they just fight!)

The raspy voice stated as the battle raged on! The Horkos soldiers were gaining ground steadily thanks to their commanding officer, Asbestos! "DON'T GIVE THEM ANY BREATHING SPACE!" She orders loudly while stepping over the bodies of both the enemies and her own!

(But I will give them a reason to fight!)

Track playing:Intruder Alert from TF2

"LET'S DO IT!" A Conqueror named Graphite screamed with intensity as he ran into battle, bashing a Horkos soldier in the face before ducking under a sideways sword swinging before clocking the attacker with his shield! Before another one could stab him from behind, who, enturn was stabbed in the back of the neck by a sword before it was violently forced out with a sideways bash! "Thanks Vlad!" "You must be more vigilant, Graphite!" Vlad lectured him before leaning back to let an attack from a Gladiator pass, leaving herself open for stab through the mouth! "Says the guy who wears a helmet over his hood!" The Conqueror retorted as his friend punched the dead Gladiator off his sword! Graphite always forgot Vlad had a deep loathing for Gladiators! "Enough talk, let's end this!" Vlad told him before charging in, using his kite shield's bottom edge to Impale a soldier before throwing him into a Lawbringer, giving him time to decapitate him! "You know what they say in the Myre, "BONSAI"!" Graphite shouted in excitement before charging into the fray himself!

"Asbestos, we appeared to be losing ground!" A Highlander reported to the Warmonger, who had her arm in the stomach of an Orochi! "What, how?!" She asked furiously! Before the Viking could answer, the sound of a catapult being fired was heard! He looked and saw a Boulder flying towards him, cokesing him to run for it, but the Highlander didn't get far as he was crushed by the rock! The Warmonger was shocked to see that as it made her wince! "Oh, this could be bad!" Asbestos regained her focus and decided to finish this herself!

The duo were tearing through the enemy like wet paper! They even covered each other's backs, whenever an enemy soldier attacked one, the other would step in and dispatch them! "Tace cor tuum!" "Te occidam!" Everyone who was defending the bridge was amazed by their coordination and prowess while the Order started to fear them and deserted the battlefield! "Stop you fools, a wolf doesn't run from sheep!" Asbestos ordered but only a few listened! "You know what they say Asbestos, "don't fear the army of lions led by a sheep; fear the army of sheep led by a lion" !" Vlad told her as the duo stopped with their weapons trained on them and with an army behind them! "Now surrender and pay for your crimes!" Graphite told the remainder of the invading army, who began to lower their weapons,seeing they were outnumbered! But Asbestos didn't like that!

"If you want something done right, you do it yourself! Rahh!" The Warmonger charged at them while smearing her sword with corrupted Draconite! She took a swing at them, but they spit up from the other, not only making her miss, but also made her waste the attack on a common soldier, who immediately died!

The two ran around Asbestos, disorienting her before striking her! With each successive blow, they chip off a piece of armor, leaving her more and more vulnerable! "Enough!" She said as she scratched Vlad's faceplate, knocking him off balance and making him hit the ground! "Now you die!" Asbestos declared as she raised her sword above him, ready to stab him! "Get away from him!" Graphite shouted while bashing into her! She fell down and as she got back up, she saw her sword had been kicked away! "I guess it's the dumb ones who die first after all!" Graphite said while building up momentum before bringing his flail down onto her head, killing her insteadly!

Later that evening, the defending forces were celebrating their victory over the Horkos scum as Vlad and Graphite were discussing the death of another Warmonger! "Three down, eleven to go!" "I owe you one, Graphite!" Vlad told him as he shrugged it off, saying he was just returning the favor when a soldier ran up to them! "Graphite-sama, Vlad-sama! I bring terrible news!" He told them that a large group of Vikings had been taken prisoner by Horkos and that they're going to be made as Gladiators! "Arigatō!" The Black Prior thanked him in the guys native language before turning to his friend! "Looks like we have a rescue mission!" "Yeah, and I know the best way to do just that!" The Conqueror told him with the utmost serious tone in his voice!

(The Shard, three days later)

The gates leading to the fortress were opening up, revealing Graphite in chains as a Horkos Officer restrained him! "Oh no, this is the end for old Graphite! You captured me!" He said with terrible acting!

Character Bio


Armor Design: (Head) Erzebet's Valor Helm, (Chest) Clever Bishop Chest, (Arms) Erzebet's Valor Arms

Weapon Design: (Blade) Sylvan Skylight Blade, (Hilt) Wyverndale Bishop Hilt, (Shield) Ecliptic Umbra Shield

Cosmetics: (Chest) Rising Ball Pattern (Right arm) Vertical Halves Pattern and Regalia of Wyverndale Ornament (Left arm) Wall of Spears Pattern and Regalia of Wyverndale (legs) Triangles 1 Pattern and Beast of Wyverndale Symbol (Back) Banner 1 Pattern and Custom Emblem (see profile of story)



Emotes:Vortiger's Ascent and I'll give you a show

Effects:(Emote) Spirits of Kaidan (Hold triangle) (Executions) Hulda's Wrath (tap Triangle), Tale of Wyverndale (tap Square), Avant-garde Chimera Bird (hold Triangle), and Dusk Sylvan (hold Square)

Executions:Spine Breaker (tap Triangle), Limb Slicer (tap Square), Clarent (hold Triangle), and Vortiger's Reckoning (hold Square)

Feats:Sinister Shield, Doom Banner, Oath Breaker, and Umbral Shelter

Perks:Remedy, Feline Agility, and Rising Dawn


Armor Design:(Head) Somber Exodus Helm (Chest) Domeric Chest (Arms) Dominator Arms

Weapon Design: (Head) Ecliptic Damnation Head (Handle) Sylvan's Miracle Handle (Shield) Wyverndale Marshal Shield

Cosmetics: (Head) Draconite Gem Ornament (Chest and Back) Drapery of Wyverndale Pattern (Left shoulder) Drapery of Wyverndale Pattern and Blackstone Symbol (Right shoulder) Rising Ball Pattern (Left shoulder) Y Pattern and Custom Emblem (see profile of story) (Standards) Psychedelic Pattern


Color:Iron Legion

Emotes:Psyched and Floor Smash

Effects: (Effects) Tale of Wyverndale (tap Triangle) (Executions) Avant-garde Chimera Bird (tap Triangle), Vortiger's Dark Oath (tap Square), and Horkos Phantom (hold Triangle)

Executions:Garrot (tap Triangle), The Pop Top (tap Square), The Wind-Up (hold Triangle), and Avant-garde Artificer (hold Square)

Perks:Body Count, Shield Basher, Heal on Block, and Catapult

Feats:Bastion and Feline Agility

Note:Here comes Double Trouble with a hyperactive Conq and a cool and collected Edgelord! I made them polar opposites that work great with each other! In a future update, there will be a team up with a Centurion and the Conqueror himself so stay tuned!