Whoa, what is this place!? Where am I? Helloooo? Anybody there? Why am I in a Void? Wait, why can't I feel my hands?! Oh shit, am I a ghost! Fuck, I'm gonna be stuck as a bodyless asshole pushing over lamps for the rest of eterni-

[Welcome Gamer]

-nd slam doors! Oh, hello strange words in the air. I'm freaking out right now, but I can talk to you if you want. So, you good?

[Yes, I am well.]

Hmm, who are you? Also can you put a background to the text it's hard to read it against the void.

[My mistake. There, fixed. And I am the Game.]

Cool, so… Umm.. Game, why am I here?

[Your father set your house on fire in your sleep, killing you in your sleep.]

Wait, He actually did it?! That fucking-asshole! Wait, what happened to Mama and my brothers!? Are they okay!?

[Yes, they were walking to your grandparents house when your father burned the house down.]

Oh, that's- I was gonna say good, but I apparently burned alive. Fine? Okay? Shitty? How am I supposed to take this?

[To be factual you died of smoke inhalation. You never woke up.]

Okay, that's substantially less shitty. I mean, I was going on the thought that I forgot burning alive, but dying in my sleep seems preferable. Continuing on from my deadness, why am I here? Is this like purgatory or am I about to get my heart weighed by anubis?

[You have been selected upon your death to be a Gamer. A being who can reach the greatest heights or the lowest lows.]


[Your life is now a video game]

Awesome! Do I just pop back on Earth and then, just go to town on chickens or something, and gain the ability to launch fire?

[Yes and No. You will be thrust into a new world of your choice. In Fact here are the world's available.]


[Harry Potter (Alter)]


[Grimm Tales]


[MCU (Alter)]

[Mass Effect]

[MLP (Alter)]


Pokemon! Pokemon any day of the Week!

[Pokemon (Alter) selected]

Ooh, that's not good, what does Alter mean? That sounds important.

[(Alter) means that a world has been corrupted during a coding error messing with aspects of the world.]

[Your world of choice has been given a A+ rank difficulty. As such Exp. and loot Gain is x2.5]

[Please select a Starting Affinity]

[Physical] [Skill] [Mental]

Uhh, Skill, I guess? Wait, No I mea-

[Skill selected]

-nt to ask what they were.

[My apologies, the last Gamer dissabled safety measures. Would you like to turn them back on?]

Yes, I've probably screwed myself already. Uhh, please tell me what Skill means please.

[Skill increases you growth in Skill based [Classes],[SubClasses],[Jobs] and [Skills].]

[Everytime you [ ] in [Class] and [Job], you will gain +5 in Dex and Lck]

Umm, whats the difference between Classes, subclasses, and jobs? I know what stats are, but I've only really played Pokemon, Sonic, and Skyrim.

[Class: the basis of your ability. Will [ ] alongside you.]

[Subclass: a further honing in on the core of you abilities. Will [ ] alongside you.]

[Jobs: a supplement to your abilities to round out weaknesses. [Jobs], unlike [Class] and [SubClass], will not [ ] alongside you, but through

Okay, so classes and SubClasses are what I'll be able to do, and Jobs are the back up. Got it, sort of.

[Wonderful, please pick a Class now. Note that you will be unable to change your class until Level Fifty.]

Crap, better make a good choice! Umm, Game, could you show me the classes that get benefits from my Affinity?

[These are the Classes available to beginners.]

[Swordsman] [Pugilist] [Spearman]

[Ranger] [Thief] [Marksman]

[Lexiconmancer] [Elementalist(Air)] [Summoner]

Hellsyeah, Thief all the way! I want my shiny things. Can't kill what you can't hit, either. Okay, I choose the Thief!

[[Thief] class chosen]

[Please, choose a [Subclass]]

[ConMan] [Unseen] [Mugger]

I'll take Unseen, kinda fits in with the whole, never get hit thing. Yep, Shadow is my choice.

[Class gained]

[Unseen Thief: When you think of the classic Thief, this is the one you think of. Taking what's not yours and avoiding a fight at all cost, you are a porcelain knife good for one strike, but best not used in combat. You will gain +2 Dex +2 Lck and +1 Int.]

[Skills gained]

[Sneak lvl.1: By suppressing your presence you become 10% harder to detect. 10sp to activate. This skill has no Level Cap.]

[Sneak Attack lvl.1: By striking while undetected, you increase your damage by 2%. 25sp to activate. Stabby Stabby]

[Lockpick lvl.1: By rapidly increasing your focus you perceive Time faster and increase your lockpick's strength by 10%. 25sp to activate.]

[Pickpocket lvl.1: You are harder to detect while lifting something by (5% x Dex). This skill has no Level Cap.]

[Silent Steps: Sounds caused by impact from you are muffled by (Dex x 2%)]

[Knife Proficiency lvl.1: People debate whether a knife is a tool or a weapon. You know that it's both. Damage with knives is (Dex+Str x 1). Using a knife as a tool increases the final product by (Dex+Lck x 50%)]

[Basic Crafting lvl.1: You know the basics of duct tape and how to bend a paperclip, kind of. Increase Durability of creations by (Lck x 1%)]

Bwaa! Christ, If that's what information being stuffed into my head feels like I might rethink this. Ah, who am I kidding it wasn't that bad, just felt like sticking a finger into an outlet. Okay, game show me the next step!

[Please create a Name and Appearance]

Ohh, a modeling doll is placed in front of me and different sliders are surrounding it. Okay, let's set the gender right, and now that that's done time to play around. Swiping sliders randomly, I soon have an abomination with pink skin one arm curled like a corkscrew and the other twice the size of the torso, Legs that fuse at the heels into a hoof, and a deformed crescent moon shaped head. Ha, I'm so tempted to actually use this! But, I won't, so I swiftly push the little reset button at its feet before beginning on my new body. I make my head basically the same as it was in my last life, just without the acne, I even add my glasses. I adjust the body into my familiar shape, 5'4 with my stick-thin limbs and bony torso. Adding my Brunette Ringlets on the doll, I look over the results. Hmm, I'm very androgynous except for the hair. Hmm. You know what I'll give myself tiddies like mama. Sliding the slider to G-cup, I remember how much she complained about back-aches, and slide the slider back to A-cups. Yeah, I'll stick with normal boobs. Finishing up by removing my appendix and molars just in case, I finish. Now for the starter clothes, umm. Screw heels and dresses. Yeah I'll stick with some grey sweatpants and a blue long sleeve under a red flannel. And finished! Let's go Game!


[Enjoy your game, Lapis Vida]

A.N. So, this is my second story. Just as Clay is based off of me so is Lapis. Seriously I looked like a mini clone of my mother until late puberty, when I shot up to 6 ft and grew a beard. So I Assumed a Female character based on me would look like I was at 15. That's right I went from a Trap to a Dilf in a year, Puberty is weird. I was also a Talkative little shit when I was younger so expect alot of dialogue. Anyways seeya ClayUndead.