Gahh! Why am I looking at Earth from space! Jesus I want down!
[Sorry Gamer, but we need to finalise your background and [Gamer's Mind] is unavailable until you start.]
Okay, okay, please just hurry this up! I hate heights! What's Gamer's mind, anyways?
[It will keep you calm in situations like these.]
[Since this is an A+ world you will be given 15 World Points. These can be spent to change your background, give you Items or companions, or gift you [Perks].]
[Please note that you can only spend these in between worlds.]
Oh, neat! I thought I was just going to wake up in a cart going to Helgen. This is cool. It was at this point I saw that I had a body again. Neat.
[Firstly, choose a starting region.]
[Random: Free] [Kanto:4 WP] [Johto:2 WP] [Hoenn:4 WP] [Sinnoh:1 WP] [Unova:1 WP] [Kalos:3 WP] [Alola:3 WP] [Galar:1 WP]
Whoa, why are some of these so expensive!? Seriously, Kanto and Hoenn are almost a third of my points! Umm, Unova! I know the most about it, along with it's cheapness.
with me selecting Unova, the globe underneath me swivels over to what looks like the region I chose, except for the Giant Ice spears covering the Northeast conner of the region! What happened there, did Kyurem go into some kind of rampage? Screens pop up in front of me, derailing that train of thought.
[Please select your background.]
[Peasant: You are one of the many civilians doting the Kingdom of Unova during its Civil War. Free]
[Noble: You are of noble birth, as a result of this you have resources, Men, and Mon at your disposal as well as many eyes watching you. 3 WP]
[Military Brat: You are the child of a Knight of Unova, You were raised to one day replace your parent, serving to the death for one of the Princes. 1 WP]
[Priest/Priestess: You are one of the gods' favored! You have been raised to spread the word and law of your god to anyone you can, and of course, be praised by the masses. Locked due to Class]
[Shade-ling: You are the next generation of the Shadow Triad, the Elite Guard of Arch-Preist Ghetsis. Not many know you actually exist, but those who do wonder if you'll be as dangerous as your senoirs. Free due to Class]
[Child of Mon: You have been raised as a Mon by Mon. Unfortunately Man is just as dangerous to you as any other Mon, both seeing you as an abomination. 3 WP]
[Prince/Princess: You are Royalty Chosen by Zekrom/Reshiram/Kyurem, It is your literal God given right to rule this land, even if you have to kill your cousins to be King/Queen! 20 WP]
Oh my God! I could be a Princess, who in the world doesn't want that!? But 20 WP. I would have to do two separate worlds to be able to afford it. But I would be able to interact with literal Gods as royalty! If I get the chance, I'm coming back to this world and redo it as Royalty. Back on track Lapis! Looking at my choices Noble sounds like the best but that's locked. Shade-ling synergizes with my class so well. Okay, I'm gonna go with shade-ling. Pushing the text, it glows before disappearing and falling down to the globe as shiny dust. Strangely some of the dust shot towards me! It was like being hit with pocket sand. Spitting and blinking the disappearing dust from my mouth and eyes, I look back up and see new screens.
[Now to choose optional characteristics]
[Elemental Connection (Dark): You have an attunement to the Element of Darkness granting you access to Infinity Energy. Free due to Background]
[Elemental Connection (Any): You will have an attunement to one of the Elements of Arceus. 5 WP (only two can be held by mortals)]
[Trusted Bond: You have a sacred bond connecting you to a partner Pokemon. This connection is rare in this world, and can eventually evolve further. 3 WP]
[Not-so-common items: When you were young, a golden ring appeared in front of you. From this ring fell a strange sack filled with seemingly magical items. A trainers bag containing x10 pokeballs, x5 potions, a change of clothes, and a Pokedex. 2 WP]
[Favored Child: Your caretaker favored you above the others around you. You have more resources to your disposal and the aid of your caretaker. 1 WP]
[Next Page -]
Oh, looks like I have some reading to do, oh Joy. Let's get to it.
Okay, after about an hour of flipping through pages and not finding an end, I've decided on the Bonuses I'm going to take. I'm going to take the Free [E.C. Dark] as well as the Free [Tools of the Trade] which gives me a hip pouch with a dagger of random quality, three throwing knives, and a set of lockpicks. I was only able to find one other free choice, but it was [Indoctrinated]. Needless to say that it was skipped. I'm going to spend WP on [Trusted Bond], [Not-so-common Items], [Apricot Crafter] which gives me twenty assorted Apricots and [Pokeball Crafter Lvl.1] for 5 WP, and [Mystery Egg] for, of course, a mystery Pokemon Egg, for 3 WP. I'll save that last world point for my next world. Same as before the screens turned into shiny dust and fell down to the globe. Well, except for [A.C.], that flew into my face. Oh, yeah, another thing. My Fucking Hair turned White! It's still curly and a mess, it's just white now. The game refused to respond to my questions about it. Saving that for later though, I go head and click Finalize
[World set…. Starting in 3…. 2….. 1.]
Whaaa?! Oh. I'm in a bed that's close to the ceiling, and walls at both ends of the bed. Looking over the side (after holding my hair back) I see that there are two other beds below me and that the bunks are set into the wall. I'm suddenly hit with the memories of this life. I'm Lapis, the protege of Nusutto, one of the Shadow Triad. The bunks below me contain Rhode, short for Rhodonite, and Perry, short for Peridot. We have been raised here, underneath the Grand Cathedral of The True Dragon, as servants of Ghetsis, or as he would have us call him, Father. I'm ninety-nine percent sure we're not his actual children, seeing as we look like minis our mentors. I also know that I have a cubby behind a false panel at the foot of my bed, containing my Trainer bag, apricots, and Egg. I also have the knowledge on how to use my system implanted into my head. I kick, creating a almost silent thump, the panel and drag my foot to the side to move the panel. Unfortunately this creates a scraping sound. I quickly use my feet to touch the bag and kick it into my Inventory. I don't know how past me was never caught with it, but I know that if it's found it's my ass.
"Lapis, If you just woke me up, before we have to get up, for nothing, I'm going to break your arm!"
Shit! That's Rhode! He's a short tempered ass, who will most definitely follow through on that threat. Quickly dragging my foot back I pull the panel close and roll out of my bunk and land in a crouch that feels familiar. Looking up I see Rhode's red eyes staring at me from the bottom bunk. Shit. Think of something!
"It was Perry!", pointing at the middle bunk. In it is the only one of us who's still sleeping. Rolling out of his bunk, my "Brother" pushes himself off the floor in a practiced motion that looks way too smooth for his(our) age. Glaring down at me from his 5'9 height Rhode, looks like he doesn't believe me. Glancing over him I see the same waist-length white hair, same monolid eyes, same porcelain skin, same slim chin, same thin build as myself and Perry. The only difference is that he has more muscles than Perry and I. I also see the words floating above his head, [Rhodonite Lvl.34] I let out a silent sigh as he turns to Perry, before grabbing his ankle and wrist before yanking him off his bunk and throwing him towards the center of the room.
Perry of course landed in a pile while cursing, "Mother Fuckin' Mew!"
Standing from his pile Perry, glares at Rhode while spitting out, "Why, in the name of the dragon, is that my wake up call!?"
"You woke me and Lapis up, kicking the damned wall again."
Getting a good look at Perry, the same features that Rhode and myself have show our biological relationship. The only difference being he's the tallest of us at 6'5, being less muscled than Rhode, and the [Peridot Lvl. 23] floating above his head.
"It's not my fault that I'm actually a decent height!"
"Oh you want to fucking go!?"
I start to tune them out as the same fight that happened last week repeats itself. Climbing up to my bunk, I quickly pull the sheet and blanket into a semi-flat shape to "make" my bed. Ignoring the thumps behind me, subtly pull the panel flush with the wall hiding the Egg. Turning around I see that Perry and Rhode are in a double armbar, with Perry having the advantage due to his long limbs. Walking over I tap the ground three times, signaling them to release each other. I quickly look at my status and see some interesting things.
[Name: Lapis Lazuli (Vida)]
[Race: Dark Human]
[Rank: Mortal]
[Class: Unseen Thief]
[Level:13 (1%)
[Hp: 13100/13100 (Regen 1092pMin) (Combat Regen 10.9pMin)]
[Sp: 5800/5850 (Regen 4882pMin) (Combat Regen 48.8pMin)]
[Mp: Locked]
[Ip: 10180/10180 (Regen 1020pMin) (Combat Regen 1pMin)]
[Str:10 (100)]
[End:10 (100)]
[Dex:101 (1010)]
[Int:23 (230)]
[Wis:10 (100)]
[Cha:10 (100)]
[Lck:101 (1010)]
[StatPoints: 60]
[Gamer's Mind: You now have the Mind of a Gamer, preventing all but the game itself from Interacting with your mind. Also, emotional dampening to prevent things such as Panic, Battle Craze, Fight or Flight, and Love Blinding.]
[Gamer's Body: You now have the Body of a Gamer, preventing permanent damage from affecting your body. You will regain all Hp, Sp, and Mp and heal any Statuses when you sleep. Dismemberment, Poisoning, Diseases, and Soul shenanigans count as Statuses.]
[Sneak lvl.13: By suppressing your presence you become 130% harder to detect. 100sp to activate 25sp a Min to keep active. This skill has no Level Cap.]
[Sneak Attack lvl.4: By striking while undetected, you increase your damage by 8%. 25sp to activate. Stabby Stabby]
[Lockpick lvl.24: By rapidly increasing your focus you perceive Time faster and increase your lockpick's strength by 240%. 20sp to activate. 20sp a Min to keep active.]
[Pickpocket lvl.5: You are harder to detect while lifting something by (25% x Dex). This skill has no Level Cap.]
[Silent Steps: Sounds caused by impact from you are muffled by (Dex x 2%)]
[Knife Proficiency lvl.14: People debate whether a knife is a tool or a weapon. You know that it's both. Damage with knives is (Dex+Str x 14). Using a knife as a tool increases the final product by (Dex+Lck x 700%)]
[Basic Crafting lvl.4: You know the basics of duct tape and how to bend a paperclip, kind of. Increase Durability of creations by (Lck x 4%)]
[Pokeball Crafter Lvl.1: You understand that by carving several runes inside of a hallowed Apricot and baking it you can create an item to contain creatures that have Infinity Energy]
[Infinity Energy (Dark): After the Death of Arceus, his corpse collapsed, creating an explosion. This explosion spread an immense amount of Infinity Energy across the universe, gifting some humans with this power. However you are still human and your connection is weak. Grants the user a Ip bar and multiplies all stats by 10. You take double damage from Fighting, Bug, and Fairy infused attacks. You are able to infuse Dark into your attacks]
Bullshit stats aside, Arceus is dead!?
A.N. Sup fuckers? As you can see Alter worlds are some bull shit. Speaking of shit, that's what I feel like. See ya, ClayUndead.