Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Re: Monster or The Gamer.
Something I forgot to mention last time, Naruto is part Senju because one of Minato's parents is a Senju in this story. No, he isn't a descendent from Hashirama or anything like that, just a random Senju clan member.
Author's Note: I was really happy that many people ended up liking it, and I'm going to be responding to some comments now. I will be explaining more stuff after the chapter, and as an apology for what I think is a late wait for the chapter I made it around 8k words.
bruzer: So Naruto will generally follow Rou's storyline, but there are going to be many differences in both the storyline and very likely the ? as well. I want to explain more, but I am afraid of spoiling what I have in mind for you. Something that I never liked in the manga is the lack of fillers, as the important events quickly moved from one to another, so I am going to be adding many filler days!
Forgottenkami: The idea of going the route of a different starter race did cross my mind, but this is my first ever fic. I am going the goblin route because honestly it's the safest route for me now. I might in the future write another fic with Naruto going as a separate race, not the undead (because Naruto is terrified of ghosts), but I liked the golem route.
Jiubantai: So no Naruto is not going to be a pacifist idiot that many fics paint him out to be, because in canon Naruto is willing to kill if needed. He will avoid it if at all possible, but if his enemy is someone that is truly evil or will end up hurting other people then he will kill his enemy. The KAR stat that I added will play a big role in whether the opponent will live, and that's because KAR only changes due to significant actions. Also to many people who probably have a similar question; Yes, Naruto is going to have trouble eating humans, elves and other sentient races (other than Orcs). My reasoning is that, even if you were suddenly transformed into a goblin, you still possess all the same values and if those values are against you eating humans, you will have a really hard time trying to eat humans. Especially if it's for the abilities that they possess. So yes, he will have trouble with it, but don't worry I have something planned, if you want me to spoil it just tell me. :)
Raikaguken: This is a very good question, and a problem I've been facing since starting the fic. I personally like harem fics, and in Re: Monster Rou does get a harem, and I have no problems doing it (Yes I know harem in real life are nowhere near what they are in fiction, yes I know that they tend to be very sexist. I know that pretty much everything about fiction harems is false, but I enjoy reading harem fics). The only real problem is that I have no clue of how to write the romance, the lemons (if the site allows me), and this is because it's my first fic and a lot of stuff is new to me.
Regular Speech – "Yosh!"
Thoughts – 'So I'm a Goblin now'
The Game – [Observe]
Chapter 2: New Teammates
Day 4
[You have slept on the ground]
You have restored 50% of your HP and MP and all negative status effects have been removed
Waking up to this message was going to be annoying, 'I wonder if I can make some sort of bed? Something to think about for later.' Checking what time he woke up he saw that it was 8:00 AM, and deciding it was good time as any to start his day, he stood up and started stretching a bit. 'I should go to the place where I trained yesterday and continue training. This time I will be taking breaks in between and hopefully I don't get [Fatigue].'
Reaching the cavern he trained in, Naruto suddenly felt a pang of hunger. "Why now at all times? I'm going to have to go back into the forest, back to the bushes and the tree, and I forgot I placed a bunch in my inventory." After eating his fill, Naruto began his training. He followed the same routine as the day before, but in this case, he started taking breaks.
Through hard and diligent work, you have gained +1 STR.
Through hard and diligent work, you have gained +1 VIT.
After only getting, a single point into his strength and vitality stats, and realizing that he probably won't be making more progress for a while. "What I really need is some leg and arm weights, like what Lee has. Yeah, that would definitely help me boost up my stats. I guess training for a while won't benefit me until I find some way to make some training weights. Now how could I possibly …" Naruto began thinking, before he was interrupted by a 'Ping!' and a window showing up.
Because of your logical and wise deduction, you receive +1 WIS & +1 INT.
With his eye twitching, Naruto was about to stop training for the day, before he suddenly remembered 'I haven't trained my DEX yet, why did I forget about this? I know I wasn't this forgetful before.'
With your very low WIS stat, you will tend to forget many things.
Swearing loudly, swearing loudly Naruto decided to try doing some gymnastics to try and increase his DEX. After some time had passed and no messages popped up, Naruto decided that the only way to increase DEX was through something like an obstacle course. He stopped training for the day, and decided that tomorrow he will go out hunting, and he will try to get some DEX training in. While thinking about going into the forest, he wondered what monsters and animals could be found out there, and he decided to go ask Gobujiji about that.
Finding him, Naruto asked him "Hey Gobujiji, I was wondering what monsters are in the forest?"
What followed was a very long conversation that took hours. It seemed Gobujiji loved talking, be it on something important or just rambling nonsense. As the amount of information is too great to try and write down, this is the gist of it.
The Rank-Up System or Evolution allows monsters in this world are to evolve into various other forms, except a rare few who become elites of their species. This evolution increases the overall stats, modifies/adds/removes perks, adds skills and much more.
Something that rarely happens is a variant evolution; this evolution is usually the result of a blessing of a God or Goddess and is considered to be much more powerful than normal evolution.
Evolving is considered essential to monsters, but the unfortunate truth is that a lot of them are born too stupid and they die early. (Cough cough goblins cough cough)
Evolution occurs at Levels: 25, 50, 75, 100, ?, ?, …
Goblin Evolution Paths Known: Hobgoblin
Hobgoblin Evolution Paths Known: Ogre, Lord, Ghoul
Ogre Evolution Paths Known: Vampire, Minotaur
Ghoul Evolution Paths Known: Vampire
As you discover more evolution paths, the more detailed the evolution tree will become.
The Jobs System is something that is unique to humans to allow them to fight on the same level as powerful foes. Humans are able to obtain a job by training, and they are able to level up their job by investing time into it and maybe even rank it up.
Any jobs obtained through [Absorption] will simply provide bonuses to skills or skill sets.
Dungeons are a way for individuals to fight and defeat monsters and beasts, while gaining XP and loot form them. In this world, there are several dungeon types, the most commonly known and used are those that are created by the influence of the Gods. Normal individuals can enter these dungeons, fight and defeat monsters and obtain XP and loot from them. There also exists a boss chamber, where the boss of the dungeon spawns, and if certain conditions are fulfilled, then very high ranked items could be obtained. For the person possessing the Gamer ability, dungeons will be a little different. More about this will be explained once encountering such a dungeon. There are other forms of dungeons, but you must explore them.
[Sentient Species Compendium]
Goblins: One of the weakest monsters out there, not only that but they're very stupid as well. These creatures tend to focus on using wave tactics to kill their enemies, but it mainly works on the unprepared. To top everything off, they are really ugly and disgusting.
Average Stats:
STR: 6 DEX: 7 VIT: 5 INT: 1 WIS: 2 LUC: 4
Hobgoblins: The evolution of goblins, and they are superior to them in every way. They are physically stronger, smarter and actually look very human-like. Hobgoblins tend to be the leaders of goblin packs, and if there were more than one hobgoblin, then they would usually fight for the leadership position.
Orcs: Vile beasts if there ever was one, and not many reasons keep them out of the Beast Compendium. They are really stupid, have a terrible smell and are slavers. They are quite strong, but because of how stupid they are, it isn't hard to outsmart them and kill them. When in larger packs, this strategy starts to lose, unless you can somehow trick them all to kill each other.
Kobolds: They are a race of dog-like humanoids, and they have a similar lifestyle to that of a Samurai. The Kobolds take the term 'survival of the fittest' to another, as they eat their own kind, those that are weak.
Dryad: Dryads appear as a beautiful woman that attempts to seduce males of intelligent species. They would then drain the male dry of life, but somehow even with that piece of information many males die this way. The true body of the dryad is the tree, and harming it would mean bad things for you. Just don't harm the tree.
Elves: They are one of the non-monster races, having a very human-like appearance. The only real difference between them and humans is their pointy ears and effeminate looks, even for the males. They tend to act haughtily and are generally isolated from other species and individuals.
Humans: They are humans, you used to be one, you know all about them. … Fine, these beings come in many forms, sizes and colors, and they also have a variety of personalities. They are the only species to possess the Jobs System, and they also control the majority of the lands.
[Beast Compendium]
You can find this in the [Journal] window, and it will update the entry of each beast, as you continue to discover more information.
Horned Rabbit: A large rabbit that has a sharp horn on its head. It runs away when shocked, but it can quickly get over that and attack. Its attacks usually consist of charging straight at the target and attempting to stab them. Unfortunately, many goblins die this way, because they are too stupid to know that they should dodge.
Night Viper: A poisonous snake covered in black scales, it is a predator type monster, one that utilizes its very potent and deadly poison to kill its prey quickly. Meeting one of these snakes while unprepared will very likely be the last thing you do.
Seven Colored Bat: Commonly found in groups, these bats have wings that shine in 7 different colors. They tend to be inactive during the day and they live in caves. On their own, they are rather weak and easy to beat, but in large numbers, they are tricky to fight.
Armored Tanuki: This raccoon dog has a natural hard shell making it very difficult to kill. This is a tricky monster to defeat, as its shell is hard enough to withstand a blow from the horn of a Horned Rabbit.
Demon Spider: A very large black spider with yellow stripes that makes nests and traps to ensnare its targets. While not physically as strong as a number of other species, this monster relies on trapping its prey; also, it has a strong carapace to protect itself. Tip: the thread it makes is highly flammable, so KILL IT WITH FIRE!
Black Wolf: These beasts resemble wolves, but they have metallic fur and hide. These beasts are dangerous, but their true lethality comes from being in a pack. They can overwhelm almost any enemy in the forest together, especially under the leadership of the Black Wolf Leader. The Black Wolf Leader is the alpha of the pack is much more powerful than the rest of the pack and has strong leadership skills.
Triple Horned Horse: A very large horse, around twice the size of a normal horse, which is covered in protective scales and has three horns. This horse attacks by charging at its target and skewering them on its horns. It has very powerful legs and is capable of moving very quickly, and it also has a strong vitality.
Hind Bear: The most powerful species in the forest, as well as the biggest, but don't let that fool you because they are also one of the fastest. Large, strong and fast, these ferocious beasts can take on anything and come out on top. Don't try hunting these while you are still weak.
Mountain Lord or Red Bear: This is the undisputed king of all beasts in Kuuderun Great Forest. Nothing can match it, not even dozens of Hind Bears can give it more than a light workout. Blessed by the God of Fire, possessing the Demigod's of Fire Divine Protection, this beast has a very high defense, high resistance to all the elements, immunity to fire and the ability to shoot fire from its mouth. This is on top of the massive boosts to everything else. VERY DANGEROUS. CERTAIN DEATH. DO NOT TRY TO FIGHT. THESE WARNINGS ARE GIVEN FOR A REASON!
Because you listened and obtained a lot of vital information +1 WIS.
Because you listened and obtained a lot of vital information +1 WIS.
Because you listened and obtained a lot of vital information +1 WIS.
'That's a lot of information, and look my wisdom increased by 3 points. Yosh! Now I am able to think more clearly and remember better, in fact seeing the [Black Wolf] entry made me remember something'
"Do you know why Genins are placed in teams of three?" Kakashi asked, before continuing, "It's because you still aren't capable of handling strong opponents on your own, so by working together as a team, you could easily take down somebody like a Jonin."
Flashback End
'Kakashi-sensei is right! Right now I'm really weak, in fact all of the goblins are weak, so in order to increase my chances of succeeding in my hunt, I should see about forming a team with some of the others.' While thinking he realized that goblins aren't exactly saints and that the ones he chooses might try and stab him in the back, literally, for some extra meat. He eventually decided on choosing some of the smarter goblins to go with him, and his reason for this is that, the goblins would be smart enough to realize that they could go hunt for more if they weren't full. It would also help if he needed to show who's stronger, as they would be smart enough to remember what happens.
Using [Observe] on the goblins form his age group, he was pretty disappointed that there were only two other goblins who had their intelligence and wisdom stats higher than 1 or 2.
Name: Gobumi
Lvl: 1
Exp: 0/125
HP: 100 /100 Regen: 1 HP per min
MP: 60/60 Regen: 0.6 MP per min
STR: 4
DEX: 9
VIT: 4
INT: 4
WIS: 4
LUC: 2
Description: Gobumi is a very easygoing goblin, one who has yet to set any goals.
Name: Gobue
Lvl: 1
Exp: 0/125
HP: 130 /130 Regen: 1 HP per min
MP: 45/45 Regen: 0.4 per sec
STR: 6
DEX: 7
VIT: 6
INT: 3
WIS: 3
LUC: 2
Description: Gobue is a cheerful and relaxed goblin, one who has yet to set any goals.
'I should go over there and introduce myself' and saying goodbye to Gobujiji, Naruto went over to them, "Hi my name is Gobunaruto, what's yours?" figuring that suddenly knowing somebodies' name without them having said it would be awkward, he settled on asking them.
"My name is Gobumi."
"Mine is Gobue"
"It's nice to meet you both" and with that Naruto began talking with them about random things. Eventually Naruto broached the topic of the hunt, "so tomorrow I'm going to go hunt, and I was wondering if you two wanted to come with me?"
"Yeah, why else would I ask? So are you two in or out?" Naruto asked.
Gobue and Gobumi took some time to think about whether they were going to agree or not and eventually decided on going with Naruto hunting tomorrow. "I want to ask you what we're going to be hunting?" Gobumi asked, "and how do you plan on splitting the meat?"
"We're going to be hunting Horned Rabbits, because they're the weakest beasts out there. I was planning to split the meat from the rabbit into three parts and to hunt until all of us are full. We should probably start training and planning some strategies tomorrow, so what do …" As he was saying that Naruto heard a trio of stomachs growling, he then laughs and says "I guess we must've gotten hungry, come on I remember the way to a bunch of berry bushes and a fruit tree." Standing up he sees Gobue and Gobumi excited at the prospect of fruits and berries.
"You've went into the forest" Gobumi said with stars in her eyes, "you're so cool!"
"You found fruit; I heard that it is really hard to find in the forest" Gobue added, "Wow, you must be very lucky!"
Naruto answered back "Yeah, I guess I am really lucky, but that isn't that important right now. So what do you say, we go to the forest eat a bit and then come back and train?"
"Train what and how?" Gobue asked him, and Naruto responded, "We can discuss that after we get back, I'm getting pretty hungry". Laughing and rubbing the back of his head, he began walking towards the cave exit with Gobue and Gobumi following him.
Gobujiji saw them leaving the cave and hurried up to them. He then asked them why they were going into the forest, and after responding that they are going to go eat berries and fruits, he asked them to wait a bit. Listening to Gobujiji, they waited around for a few minutes until he returned with three baskets that could be carried on their backs, and he asked them "could you also fill these baskets with berries, fruits, mushrooms and nuts and then bring them back?"
[Quest Alert!]
Gobujiji has asked you, Gobumi and Gobue to go pick fruits, berries, mushrooms, nuts and herbs from the forest and bring them back, so the rest of the not very capable goblins could eat.
Main Objective: Go into the forest and collect some fruits, berries, mushrooms, nuts and herbs.
Fruits: 0/50
Berries: 0/150
Mushrooms: 0/50
Nuts: 0/150
Hidden Objective: ?, ?
Main Objective Reward: 50 XP, 250 Gobujiji RP (Reputation Points)
Hidden Objective Reward: ?
Failure: 10 XP.
"Umm, sure Gobujiji, I guess we can do that," answered Naruto, accepting the quest, before he took one basket and placed it on his back, with the girls copying him. As they left the cave, Gobumi asked "why did you say yes to gathering stuff for Gobujiji, I mean didn't you want us to train after eating?"
"Well, it won't take too long to gather the stuff Gobujiji wants, and we'll also start to get used to the forest and traveling in it. We might even be able to find areas where the Horned Rabbits prefer to stay." Naruto answered using his brain for once, when suddenly a bad omen fell upon him. 'I'm going to be the smart one between the goblins, aren't I? That's going to be really weird; I have never been the smart one.'
Continuing on the path to the tree and bushes, they reached the edge of the forest, and an idea popped into Naruto's head, 'maybe we can try tree hopping, it is way faster than just walking or running through the forest, and we'll attract less things that might want to kill us.' Stopping in front of a tree, he began telling the girls his idea, "I just had the idea to travel through the forest by tree hopping", not realizing that nobody but him would know what that means.
"What's tree hopping?" Gobue asked.
"Well, it's basically jumping form one tree branch to another to another, and it is a much faster way of moving through the trees than just walking or running there. Not only that, but that way we would avoid any creatures that could attack us."
"But isn't it dangerous?" Gobumi responded.
"It is slightly dangerous, but the fall is not really that large and if one of us falls, we wouldn't be hurt that much. We should probably also stick together just so we do not get surprised by something suddenly appearing or get lost." With that, Naruto started climbing the tree and stood on a branch, he looked down and saw Gobue and Gobumi start climbing and eventually reaching a branch.
"I'll take lead, Gobumi you on my right and Gobue on my left." Saying that, Naruto tried tree hopping, and surprisingly he was able to do it. Looking back at Gobumi and Gobue, he saw that they were able to do it with very little problems, which is not surprising with their high dexterity.
Eventually reaching the tree and bushes, using the [Mini-Map], several windows had popped up.
Because of your finesse and agility, you have gained +1 DEX.
Because of your finesse and agility, you have gained +1 DEX.
Because of your finesse and agility, you have gained +1 DEX.
Because of your finesse and agility, you have gained +1 DEX.
Through hard and diligent work, you have gained +1 VIT.
Happy with his newly gained stats, he observed the heavily panting Gobue and Gobumi and saw that they also gained 4 DEX and 3 VIT each. 'So I can gain dexterity by travelling using tree hopping, this is going to be so useful.' Looking at Gobue and Gobumi, he saw that they gained their breath, "Here's the tree and the bushes, now let's eat a bit and pick some to put in the basket. Make sure to not pick everything off the tree and bushes."
"Why shouldn't we do that?" Gobue asked.
"Because if we pick everything on this tree on the bushes then next time we're hungry and want to get something to eat, we would have to search the forest for another tree or berry bush. I know that we're going to be trying to find some more fruit trees, berry bushes and all the other things, but it would be much better knowing that we can easily get food without having to search."
"By the way, how will we know what things are safe to eat, because Gobujiji didn't really specify" Gobumi pointed out.
About to say that he could just [Observe] the item to see if it is edible, Naruto realized that he couldn't tell them that. Seeing that the girls were waiting, he quickly said, "Earlier today when I asked Gobujiji what monster are in the forest, he also told me a lot of things, like what things are safe to eat and what they look like." Buying the believable excuse the girls started moving towards the tree, and as Naruto was about to join them he hear a 'Ping!' and looked at the window.
[Skill Created!]
As a result of lying, you have developed the Active skill [Lying]!
[Lying] (Active, Lvl: 1, Exp: 0/125): Ninja are warriors of the shadows, assassins of the dark and killers within hiding. Shinobi should possess all the Ninja skills and more, and one Ninja skill that is essential is lying. You just lied to your friends, are you happy?
Lie Success Chance = ( 1% + ( Player's CHA – Target CHA) + MODIFIER)
MODIFIER depends on many factors.
'That's a useful skill, but why do I feel bad about lying? I'm a shinobi for the Sage's sake.' Hearing the girls asking him why he hasn't joined them yet he quickly came up with an excuse, "I'm keeping watch, in case anything decides to come near." Proving once again that having ridiculously high LUC is an overpowered factor on its own, the girls believed him and continued collecting. They switched a couple of times, before they decided to go on searching for the rest of the things on the list.
Naruto and the girls had spent quite a bit of time in the forest looking for things to bring back to Gobujiji, and what a haul they had. Naruto used his [Observe] on a whole bunch of flowers, bushes, plants and trees trying to see what is edible and what isn't, and he ended up finding these. Naruto lucked out with the Sylvic flower, as he just cast [Observe] almost on instinct, and figured out that it can be used in creating a medical salve. He also figured out that he doesn't have to verbally say the skill, just concentrate on it and what it does. This saved him from having to state, "[Observe]" too much. Another thing that they gained is that they located several areas where some of the forest creatures like to rest, graze, sleep or just wander through. When they were done picking and harvesting, Naruto noticed that they exceeded the needed amounts by a bit, reaching:
Fruits: 73/50
Berries: 188/150
Nuts: 202/150
Mushrooms: 71/50
Roots: 27/25
Separating what they picked into one basket, which held the fruits, one with berries and roots and the last one with nuts and mushrooms. Naruto decided to just place most of the Sylvic Stems he picked in his inventory and leave a few in the baskets and see what the goblins would do, if they knew how to use them correctly he'll 'find' more, if not he will keep them with him, the little amount that he found. By the time they reached the cave, it was starting to get dark out, and checking the time Naruto noticed it was around 6 PM. He also noticed that a window appeared stating
[Skill Levelled Up!]
[Observe] (Active, Lvl: 5, Exp: 11/625): Through continuous observation, a skill to observe objects, situations, and persons was generated allowing the user to quickly gather information. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained. Currently shows you the Max and Current HP and MP, the stats, the perks, the flaws of your target and a brief description. It will also inform you what skills can be obtained by eating the target being observed.
'This is so useful; it's a shame that it's going to be really difficult to grind it, especially in the forest. If I was in a town or city I bet I would be able to [Observe] many things, which would boost my [Observe] level by quite a bit.' Were the thoughts that ran through Naruto's head, while he was cheering about his awesome skill level up. Seeing them enter the cave Gobujiji came up to them and saw that they brought back many things, and thanked them for bringing this to the rest of the goblins. Meanwhile another screen appeared in Naruto's viewpoint:
[Quest Completed!]
Main Objective Complete: Gather up fruits, berries, nuts and mushrooms for Gobujiji.
Hidden Objectives Complete: Gather more than the needed amount in each category, including the hidden one, and gather roots.
Main Objective Reward: 50 XP, 250 Gobujiji RP
Hidden Objective Reward: Access to the treasury
'Treasury, what's that? Is it the stash of stuff near where the girls are held?' Naruto thought upon reading the message, when he saw Gobujiji motioning him and the girls to come closer. As they moved towards Gobujiji, they say how the older goblins gave some food to the rest of the younger goblins and then stored the rest away.
When they reached Gobujiji, he told them to follow him as he went deeper into the cave. Finally reaching a nondescript wall, Gobujiji pressed at a certain section of it, and suddenly a large part of the wall vanished.
The trio were shocked at what happened, and seeing this Gobujiji chuckled and explained, "This here is our treasury, where we keep our most important items. It was made quite a few generations ago, when one goblin evolved into a [Goblin Mage] and wanted to create a safe space to put our valuables. The enchantments on it only let you take one item a day, but if you bring a piece of loot then you can take another item. I heard you three talking about going hunting tomorrow, and while I usually would try and stop you as you're still too young, you three are much smarter than the average goblin. So I want you three to pick something to help you tomorrow."
Amazed at what they saw and giddy at the prospect of awesome weapons they entered the barrier. When they saw the loot that awaited them, they were disappointed. Seeing their faces Gobujiji laughed again and said, "There isn't much good stuff in here, since most of it was taken by goblins from my generation. Also most of the time the things that are brought by the raiding parties are usually taken before they can be placed here. But you could still find something that could be useful in here, I mean there has to be something in this huge pile."
Looking around, Naruto decided to see if there's more information about the barrier, to see if he could find some loophole or way to trick it.
[Very Weak Treasury Ward]
This is a type of ward that is usually used on safes, vaults and other places where you store you're valuables. This one is slightly modified to allow individuals to take one item per day, and more if they place 'loot' in the treasury. This ward is quite weak, in fact, any magic user would be easily able to break it, but it works for the goblins. This ward generally works by hiding the treasury, such as making it seem like the entrance is part of the wall.
Flaws: Backpacks and bags are considered one item, no matter how much is in them.
'Yosh! I knew levelling up [Observe] would be useful. Now let me find something that would help me tomorrow.' Looking around and using [Observe] quite a bit, Naruto found several good items, and he also noticed that [Observe] levelled up twice. 'Huh, it must gain more XP when I use it on more complex items or enchanted items.'
Because of your logical and wise deduction, you receive +1 WIS & +1 INT.
'Screw you.'
[Skill Levelled Up!]
[Observe] (Active, Lvl: 7, Exp: 256/875): Through continuous observation, a skill to observe objects, situations, and persons was generated allowing the user to quickly gather information. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained. Currently shows you the Max and Current HP and MP, the stats, the perks, the flaws of your target and a brief description. It will also inform you what skills can be obtained by eating the target being observed. When observing items, it will inform you of their DUR (Durability), Enchantments, Item Ranking and in the case of weapons, how much damage they cause.
Out of all the things he saw, only a few stood out.
[Dwarven Backpack]
This is a backpack made by Dwarfs, for Dwarfs. It can withstand a lot of damage and stay in pretty good condition.
Item Ranking: Common
Contains: x25 [Clean and Unused Dwarf Underwear], x1 [Dwarven Leather Leggings]
DUR: 59/60
[Magic Knapsack]
This backpack has been enchanted to hold more items than it normally would, to be slightly resistant to damage and to be immune to non-magical water and fire. This is a bag that most beginner adventurers use until they can get something much better.
Item Ranking: Uncommon
Enchantments: - Undetectable Minor Expansion
- Slight resistance to damage
- Immunity to non-magical water and fire
DUR: 40/45
Contains: x1 [Introduction to Magic for Beginners, Volume 1], x1 [Introduction to Magic for Beginners, Volume 2], x3 [Very Weak Health Potion], x4 [Very Weak Mana Potion], x1 [Outdated Map]
[Hunting God's Skinning Knife]
This knife has been enchanted by the Lesser Hunting God to be used for skinning beasts and animals. The thing that makes it not so useful for most people is that it can't hurt living beings. It also can only skin animals and beasts the user killed or participated in killing.
Item Ranking: Ancient
Slashing Damage: 0
Piercing Damage: 0
Enchantments: - Sets [Skinning] skill at max level while wielding the knife, which allows the user to obtain Perfect Pelts or Hides
- Chances of successfully harvesting organs increases
DUR: Unbreakable Through Normal Methods
'I can't take all of this with me, I mean I can but I shouldn't. It would be too suspicious if I take it all now, so I guess I could find some way to convince Gobujiji to let me back in. Though I really want this stuff' Deciding that he would rather be wearing clean underwear and a pair of pants instead of the dishrag he's wearing now, Naruto picked up the [Dwarven Backpack] and hid the other stuff. Searching for the others, he found E holding a war pick and casting a quick [Observe] netted him this information.
[War Pick]
An uncommon weapon, mainly used by Dwarves, it can be very dangerous in the right hands. This is a very well forged weapon; its handle is made out of a light but very strong wood, while the head is made out of a strong steel alloy. This makes it quite light, but very strong. It has a very simple design, and this makes most individuals overlook it or underestimate it.
Item Rating: Uncommon
Piercing Damage: ( 5 * STR )
Critical Chance Bonus: + 20%
DUR: 96/100
"This is really awesome, isn't it Gobunaruto" Gobue began saying excitedly, happily hugging her weapon.
"Yeah, I guess?" Naruto responded while sweatdropping and continued "but you know you're going to have to do a lot of strength training to be able to use it in a fight right?"
"I know that and I'm ready to put in the work!" stated Gobue with fire in her eyes.
"Ok" he answered as he began looking for Gobumi. Finally, he found her looking a bit upset, so he asked her "what's got you upset Gobumi?"
"I can't find a good weapon that fits me," she answered despondently.
Thinking a bit, Naruto remembered something he saw earlier, an enchanted slingshot that would fit Gobumi's high DEX stats.
[Enchanted Slingshot]
This is a slingshot made for Halflings, and it is actually a very dangerous weapon when handled correctly. This is enhanced even further with the enchantments on it, which make its shots much stronger, boosts its durability and increases the user's accuracy when shooting. It will still remain inferior to any good bow.
Item Ranking: Uncommon
Ranged Damage: ( 2 * DEX ) + ( 0.5 * STR ) + 25
Enchantments: - Increase Ranged Damage by 25
- Increase DUR by 50
- Increase Accuracy by 25%
DUR: 122/130
"Wait here a bit; I saw a weapon earlier that would fit you perfectly." After returning with the slingshot and showing it to her and then after explaining how it works she replied "this is perfect, thank you so much Gobunaruto", and then moved to leave the barrier. Leaving the barrier, he saw the other two waiting for him, and he saw Gobujiji close the entrance. Seeing that he had no visible weapon, but was wearing a backpack, they asked him if it was in there.
"I decided that I don't need a weapon for now, and that having underwear and pants would be much, much better," Naruto answered. Accepting his answer, Gobujiji told them he will see them later and began leaving. Before he left, Naruto remembered he wanted to ask him about the supplies that he saw earlier.
"Oh, those? Yeah, they're a bunch of stuff we the raiding parties got that nobody really wanted and they weren't really valuable. Why, do you want to take stuff from them?" Gobujiji asked.
"Is it okay?"
"Yeah, sure" and with that Gobujiji left to go eat a bit and sleep.
Looking at the other two, he told them to follow him, and he led them to the cavern where he trained. Remembering the underwear and pants, he told them to wait out for a bit while he changed. Looking at the [Dwarven Leather Leggings] he decided to use [Observe] on them, and check out their information while he got dressed.
[Dwarven Leather Leggings]
These leather leggings are made by Dwarfs, for Dwarfs. They are very durable pants, ones that provide decent protection to the legs and they also look pretty nice.
Item Ranking: Common
DEF (Defence): 25
DUR: 57/60
"All right, so I'm going to have you two do the same exercises I began with, and when you feel tired just rest. It won't do you any good to train while you're exhausted." He had them begin with doing 2 sets of 15 pushups, 15 sit-ups and 15 squats and then run 10 laps around the cavern, and he told them just to repeat it as many times as they can. For his training routine, he began with 4 sets of 30 pushups, 30 sit-ups and 30 squats. He did these while having a rock the size of his head on his back when doing pushups and holding it in his hands when doing sit-ups and squats. After that, he ran 20 laps around the cavern.
The girls were able to do 2 sets of their routine, before getting too tired to exercise. They got tired a bit too quickly because they forgot to take small breaks to breathe and relax between sets. Naruto on the other hand managed to do 3 sets of his routine, before he began feeling the effects of [Fatigue] so he decided to stop for the day. Looking at the messages that he received while training he saw that he gained 2 STR and 1 VIT, which made him a bit upset as he realized he's going to need those weights if he's going to be able to train. Realizing that his future main source of stats is going to be from levelling up, he decided to try to brainstorm ways of making some training weights.
Looking at the tired and exhausted girls, he saw that they gained 3 STR and no VIT points. He saw that the girls, while tired, weren't suffering from [Fatigue] and he also saw that he just needed some more rest. He told them to start practicing with their weapons for a bit, Gobumi to shoot at a target he quickly made and Gobue to get used to holding it and wielding it, but not at each other, something that he stressed, while he went to gather some items from the supplies.
Reaching the supplies, he began picking through it and looted quite a bit of items. What interested him most was the bandages as they were very useful.
These are bandages, what do you think they are?
Item Rarity: Common
Effect: 85% chance to stop bleeding
If equipped as hand wrappings
DEF: 3
Effects: - Improved handling of weapons
- Immunity to Status Effect [Sprain – Wrists]
"Sounds about right, so let's start wrapping them around my hands" Naruto muttered to himself as he got to work, and after he finished he placed quite a bit of bandages into his inventory. Seeing some pots, pans and other cooking utensils, he figured that having some on hand wouldn't be a bad idea. Looking through their descriptions to see which set is the best, he found one made from a steel alloy, which he saw was made by the Dwarfs to be used to make cooking utensils.
Rummaging through some boxes, he found a bit of rope, and remembering the survival training he underwent as a shinobi, he realized would be essential to surviving in the wild. He thought after collecting most of the rope that's in good condition, 'there isn't much rope here, I wonder how I can make some or if there's some way to get more. Not important right now, I can think about this later.'
He found a lot of rolls of cloth, threads, needles, buttons, scissors and other items and equipment used for tailoring, 'I guess the goblins attacked a caravan carrying a bunch of this stuff and ended up taking the cargo with them.' Quickly taking a good amount that would last him some time, while he tries and make clothes, he realized he has no idea of how to sew or make clothes.
Thinking about how he was going to proceed from here, he suddenly remembered something about his Gamer's abilities, 'I can probably create a tailoring skill by trying and making some clothes. I can already feel the pain of pricking my fingers with the needles.'
Looking through the supplies further, he found nothing more than various knickknacks, wood and nails and other base materials, but he didn't take any of this as he had no use for them, at least for now. Leaving the pile and moving to the cavern he began thinking of what the plan is going to be for tomorrow's hunt in the forest. 'It's really weird, I never used to think things logically that much or plan too much ahead. Is [Gamer's Mind] really that powerful? If it is, I wonder if there's some way to stop it from affecting me, or to limit it in some way.'
Remembering to take some of the stuff that he was going to use to try to make clothes as to not appear suspicious, he took out a roll of thread, some needles, a pair of scissors and a roll of a strong cloth.
Reaching the cavern, he saw that Gobumi was getting pretty accurate with the slingshot and Gobue was able to use the war pick with much greater ease than before. He also noted upon using [Observe] that Gobumi gained 2 DEX points and Gobue gained 3 STR points from their weapons training.
'Does training with a specific class of weapon increase certain stats? So using a ranged weapon would increase DEX, while a melee weapon would increase STR. Huh, that actually makes a lot of sense. Still though, they aren't that proficient in using their weapons, Gobumi's aim while alright, is only against a stationary target. Gobue can swing her pick, but the swings are rather slow and she tends to throw her entire weight into each swing.'
Seeing that they began to get tired he told them to stop and rest for a while, as he sat down near a wall and put his items down. Gobumi and Gobue ended up sitting near him, and seeing him organizing his items to begin working, Gobumi asked him what he was doing.
"I found a bunch of stuff in the supplies, and most of it was stuff like this" and pointing towards the rolls of cloth and thread, "and I figured that I could make some shirts and a couple of other things. Do you want me to make you some shirts and pants?"
"You would do that?" Gobue asked him.
"Of course, why wouldn't I?" he told them while smiling and rubbing the back of his head. "It's going to take me a bit of time to start working, so why don't you two go get something to eat and drink."
Smiling at him, they stood up and ran to eat something, all the while forgetting their valuable weapons on the ground. 'Man they sure aren't that smart, I mean who forgets something important like their weapon on the ground', all the while ignoring the voice in the back of his head telling him that he was worse. Picking their weapons and placing them near him, he began trying to figure out how to make clothes.
Knowing just the basics of sewing, from living by himself for many years, wasn't enough to start to make clothes and he began thinking of what he's going to do. Remembering that he had some underwear in his backpack, he took some out and began looking at how they were made and if he could try something similar. Getting some idea of how to proceed, he began measuring and cutting cloth, and then began trying to sew everything together. The result was a disaster and fingers that hurt from the needles that poked them.
Not giving up he began working more until he eventually made what could be called a shirt, if a rather low quality one. Happy that he finally succeeded, he dimly noticed the 'Ping!' and the message that followed.
[Skill Created]
As a result of using a thread and needle to make clothes, you have gained the Active skill [Sewing]!
[Sewing] (Active, Lvl: 1, Exp: 4/125): A very useful skill to know when you rip your socks, try to modify your clothes or even create an awesome looking robe that you're going to enchant. This skill doesn't just govern the act of sewing, but rather the entire process of repairing, modifying and creating clothes. This skill does not govern the repairing, modifying and creating of leather gear.
+ 1% increase in [Sewing] speed
- 1% decrease in wasted cloth and thread
- 1% decrease in stabbing yourself with a needle
+ 1% increase in success chance (applies for Rare and above items)
'Yosh! Now to make some clothes!'
As he began to work on his second shirt, the girls entered and saw the shirt that he made and looked at him with a bit of awe.
"Wow, you made this. It looks so good!" Gobumi began telling him.
"Yeah, I can't wait for my clothes." Gobue said.
Laughing and smiling at the praise, he began working on making a couple of more shirts and some pants, while the girls began talking about random things. He noticed that as he worked the better and easier the act of tailoring became. Luckily, for him and the girls that goblins of either gender were of the same size and build, as otherwise the clothes that he made wouldn't have fit them.
Hearing another 'Ping!' he saw that he gained another level to [Sewing]. He also saw that he gained two more points into his DEX stat and began wondering if complicated tasks like this would increase his DEX.
Quickly checking the time, as he was too focused in his tailoring, he saw that it was getting a bit late. Finishing up and starting to tidy, he told the girls that they all should probably go sleep.
"Oh and leave your weapons here, I'm going to hide them along with my backpack, so nobody tries to steal them when we're asleep."
Thinking about it and agreeing with him, they gave him their weapons and he suddenly remembered that he wanted to tell them something.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, but tomorrow we're not going to hunt with these weapons" he began telling them. Before they could argue, he began explaining, "right now we have no clue as to how the beasts in the forest attack or how they defend themselves. This along with the fact that you two still need a bit of practice with your weapons, would make taking them with you disadvantageous."
Surprised at how smart and logical he sounded, he almost missed the girls thinking over his words, before agreeing with him.
"Don't worry, I'm sure after some more practice you'll have to trouble using your weapons in a fight" he told them encouragingly, and after seeing them smile he continued, "now you go on and go to sleep I'm just going to tidy up, hide the stuff and then go to sleep." After seeing them leave, he began placing everything in his [Inventory]. After finishing with his packing, he then stood up, went to his spot, and fell asleep.
One question that I want to ask you, is having Rou's blessing important to the story line? Also would having another blessing on top of that be too OP. The biggest problem for now is that I am reading and following the manga, so I have no clue what ends up happening later on and I might end up just wiki reading the main points.
The idea for the treasury came from a couple of Naruto/Re: Monster fics that had something like what I did. The Dwarf underwear and backpack is also something I think I read in another Naruto/Re: Monster fic. I think the treasury idea is from Naruhinakyu's "Re:Naruto Gamer".
I will be posting a copy of his stats and skills on my profile page, go check it out. If you prefer it at the end here, just tell me.