Disclaimer:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is owned by Nickelodeon and Super Sentai is owned by Tokusatsu. Please support all releases!

"_" for speaking

Bold for Kishiryus & ryusoul changers/Ken

(_) for narration

Italics for other languages

Underline for tracks (I own nothing at all)

As we cut from the dark, we see two flags intertwined, one with the face of a monster as the emblem and the other, a theropod's head, surrounded by fire and the sounds of war!

(65 million years ago, a war waged between two tribes; The prideful and ruthless Druidon Tribe and the honorable and powerful Ryusoul Tribe!)

As the flames ingulf the two flags, they are replaced with two animal-like warriors fighting each other, one with a spear and one with a sword an' shield! They couldn't get the upperhand on the other as by became deadlocked! Suddenly, they hear a loud boom coming from the atmosphere!

(They were evenly matched until an extinction event, like no other occurred! An astroid, the size of a mountain roared through the sky, threatening to wipe out everything on earth!)

The two combatants stopped and looked up to see a gargantuan meteor and decide to run for their lives, ending the war prematurely!

(The Druidon Tribe decided to leave the planet, vowing to return when they can! While the Ryusoul Tribe chose to stay and tough it out! After all, they were the ones to survive the Great Dying!)

As a ship with the Druidon emblem takes off into the stars, the Ryusoul Tribe went underground, hoping to shield themselves from the blast as the asteroid makes contact with the planet, wiping out most life on earth!

(Millions of years have past and now they have resurfaced and both have changed a bit, but the Druidons still have one goal:To rule earth! But, if they wish to conquer it, they will have to defeat a team of Ryusoul Tribesmen called:Ryusoulgers!)

In modern day New York, an army of spear-wielding soldiers marched down a street until they spot six warriors in different colors in their path! The warriors drew their swords and charged into battle, facing the troops head on!

Ryusoul Rise

In the sewers of the big apple, four man-sized turtles were beginning to spar in a Japanese-style dojo! A blue bandanna-wearing turtle drew a katana while another wearing an orange banana pulled out two nunchucks! They patiently waited for one of them to make the first move! The sword-wielder charged in, preparing a downward slash as his opponent does the same! "Michelangelo is on the move!" He announced with a sort of taunting tone! The turtle swung at him, Michelangelo leaped over it

while recorrecting himself so he would land facing his brother's back! As he turned, he saw Michelangelo swinging his weapons in a taunting motion before catching the linked parts with his armpits! "You don't know what to do!" The swordsman charged in, swinging his sword two more times while the entire time, it seemed as though he was paying attention to his adversary's every move! "I'm here, I'm there, I could be anywhere!" His taunting left him wide open for the swordsman to take a swing at him again, but the turtle ducked out of the way just in time! "How can you stop what you can't even see?" He asked excitedly, missing his opponents reassured smile as he grabbed the hilt of his katana with both hands, waiting for Michelangelo to make his next move! He ran in, ready to finish the fight, but his brother used the hilt to hit his stomach! The turtle lost his grip on his nunchucks and rolled to one knee as he held his stomach, looking like he was about to vomit! But Michelangelo didn't throw up and instead, just fell down, defeated! "Like that?" The winner asked smugly as his downed opponent lifted his hand up weakly! "Good one Leo!"

Back with the other two, a turtle wearing a purple bandanna twirled his bo-staff in preparation while his opponent cracked his neck violently and quickly! "Alright Donne, put down the staff and no one gets hurt!" He said in a threatening tone as Donnie retorted! "Uh, You said that last time Raph and then you hurt me!" "Yeah, but last time I would have!" Raph said to which he didn't believe! Donnie went on the offensive, keeping Raph on his toes! This went on for a few moments before Raph was able to disarm Donnie without him knowing at first! Raph then twirled the staff a bit before snapping it in half! "Should've dropped the staff?" "Should've dropped the staff." Raph confirmed before beating his brother up with what remained of his weapon until Leo stepped in, ready to take Raph on!

They paused for a moment to let Donnie walk over to Michelangelo and sit down before they resumed! "Onegai Shimasu." "Whatever you say." Raph retorted before pulling out two sai's! They clashed, struggling to push the other back! They broke off from each other before they stared the other down! Raph lets out a battlecry before charging in! He evaded a slash before bashing the handle of one of his sai's into Leo's head, but his shakes it off a leg sweeps him, giving him time to catch his breath as he waits for his opponent to get back up with renewed vigor! Leo then knocked one of the sai's out of Raph's hands, landing in between the two losers of the match! They charged each other one more time, but in the blink of an eye, Raph disarmed Leo and attempted to flip him onto his back using a mix of his remaining sai and momentum! But instead of that, Leo in front of himself, catching his fall! As he did, Leo grabbed Raph's hand and flipped him over instead! Before he could recover, Leo drew his second katana out and pointed it to Raph's throat, far away enough to not hurt him, but close enough for Raph to not do anything! "Ya me!" A voice said, signaling for the match to be over! They all looked to the source of the voice and saw their sensei, a man-sized rat wearing a robe and walking with a cane as he was accompanied by five other people, knights!

The four turtles lined up in the middle of the room and got on their knees with Stern faces! "You all did very well! Especially you, Leonardo. You used a fighting style that your opponent was not familiar with!" "I say, he cheated." Raph retorted, feeling a little sore about being outsmarted like that! "In battle, you fight with everything you got, Raphael! Any less could mean the end of your life!" A Knight in red armor with a long sword told Raph, making him nod as he understood his lesson before turning his attention to Leo! "Leonard, on one knee." The knight ordered him to do as Leonard asked him if he was sure about this while doing as he was told. "I wouldn't have chosen you as my successor if I wasn't! You are worthy of being the next Ryusoul Red!" He told the turtle before knighting him, causing a strange bracelet to appear on his left arm! "From now on, you are a Ryusoulger!" He declared before sheathing his sword.


The ten people were sitting around a table, eating worms and algae with assorted vegetables and meat. "There's a little worms and algae left if anyone wants it." Michelangelo told them, stirring something in a pot near the stove. Of course they all kindly declined as one of the knights left the table to grab something. "Well, I guess no one left room for-?" "Cake!" The mace-wielding knight said gleefully with a box of chocolate cake in his hands as the three turtle brothers looked surprised and amazed! "It is a cake!" Donnie confirmed before another knight told them it was either for Leo being Knighted and/or the day they became who they are today. "Happy Mutation day!" "HAPPY MUTATION DAY!" The three shouted with joy! "Ah yes, fifteen years ago, our lives changed forever!" The rat stated as he smiled, remembering the good parts of that day when Michelangelo asked him if he could recount the time. After a little begging, the mentor gave in as he told them the tale.

(Surface, 15 years ago)

(Many years ago, when I was still human, I was leaving the pet store with four baby turtles-. (Michelangelo:That was us?) Yes, don't interrupt!)

The man walked out of a store, holding a terrarium with four baby turtles inside as one of them was upside down.

(I passed a strange man on the streets. Something felt off about him!)

He was walking down the sidewalk when he bumped shoulders with another man, an odd man wearing a suit and tie with a blank face! The man got suspicious and decided to tail him, quietly.

(I decided to follow.)

His back was against a wall as his head peaked around a corner, seeing four guys that looked exactly the same as two of them were holding two canisters of a strange glowing substance. They stopped as they heard a squealing rat. They turned to the source of the sound and spotted the man. "Go no further. This place is a place where you are not allowed in this place." One of the men told him in a monotone voice, redundantly. He tried to turn and run, but was cut off by two other guys. "We have been seen in this place by you, so this is not a place that will be left by you." Another told him before they tried to grab him.

He fought back! He knocked two of them down before punching another one, dropping a canister that it was carrying! It broke as some of the contents splashed onto him, causing the man to drop the turtles by accident, breaking the terrarium! Suddenly his body began to change as he yelled in pain while the baby turtles started to grow, but not by much! They had become Mutants!

(Present day)

"That was the beginning of our life together. It was the mysterious substance in this canister that, in a way, gave birth to us all." He finished, now holding the empty canister before Michelangelo suddenly snatched it out of his hands and cuddled it. They took a moment to address a matter. "So, Sensei. Now that we're fifteen, I think we're ready to head up to the surface, don't you?" Leo asked, hoping he'd say yes! "Yes…" and he did, but not before saying no. They complained before he explained why! "You have grown powerful, but you are still young! You lack the maturity to use your skills wisely." "So sensei, isn't that just no?" Donnie asked as he explained further. "Wisdom comes from experience and experience comes from making mistakes." "Aha, so in order for us to gain wisdom, we have to make the mistakes. So we can go!" Donnie believed as he thought he understood, but his mentor just denied this until the knight who gave Leo the bracelet told him something. "We all know what you're trying to do Splinter, but sadly, it won't work. They need to go topside so I can put them through one last test!" Splinter scowled at this before the knight continued. "Besides, you can't keep them coped up here forever! Sometimes, you need to let birds spread their wings and fly." After thinking it over, he came to the same conclusion. "Thank you, Master Red." He said before turning to the others "You may go as a test." He said, causing them to cheer before getting ready to leave.

(Living room)

Leo was sitting down, watching the TV as a show was on.

The ship on TV was being bombarded by something as it's crew was being shakened! " , status report!" The captain asked as a guy in a suit turned to him, looking panicked! "Status? I'll give you a status, we're gonna blow up in two seconds!" Crankshaw shouted before being slapped, calming him down! "Gentlemen, I have a bold and daring plan!" The captain told them as Leo's voice overlapped with his.

"There's no time for hesitation! My orders must be carried out without question!" They said before Raph was now sitting on a stairway, reading a comic book. "You know this shows stupid, right?" He asks, catching Leo off guard. "Space Heroes is a great show! And captain Ryan is a great hero and someday, I'm gonna be just like him." He stated before master Red walked in, hearing him! "You mean with his charisma and overconfidence?" He asked, holding out a sword with three parry guards and a dinosaur shaped guard, connected to a lever to his successor."Thanks, master." Leo says, accepting the sword before the knight continued. "Just don't let the show get to your head! A leader must have a clear mind at all times." Leo nodded as the other two turtles ran into the living room, excitedly! "It's go-time!" Michelangelo said, raising a loose fist up in the air. Afterwards they finish preparing for their journey to the surface!

"You are going up to a strange and hostile world. You must maintain awareness at all times." Splinter told the four turtles, who were all lined up as master Red waited for them. Before they could leave however, Splinter continued! "Stay in the shadows!"This went on for a moment until they were almost out of the lair. "Be sure to go before you leave, the restrooms up there are filthy!" "Sensei!" He sighed at their impatience and just wished them good luck!


They popped out of a manhole and appeared in an alleyway. The four turtles took a moment to look around and what they saw wasn't much to look at. A bunch of graffiti, some trash here-and-there, and a hobo sleeping on an old mattress with some newspaper as a blanket. "It's so beautiful." Michelangelo said, looking outside of the alleyway.

After a while, they walked around as Leo looked amazed. "This city is full of possibilities! There could be an adventure around his corner or this one or this one!" The turtle looked around before calming down a bit. "Look at all the computers! Is that the next generation cadmium processor with quantum encryption?!" Donnie asked himself looking at a window, displaying electronics before Michelangelo called . "Check it out! A hand made out of light! Now it's an eye made out of light! And the hand again! Now the eyes back! Now the hand!" "Come on, genius." Raphael said while pulling on his mask.

They then discussed where they should go next until a motorbike appeared in front of them! They were like deer's in front of a headlight, except for Raph, who scared him off, leaving a box of pizza behind. As Raph chuckled to himself, Leonardo realized they were too exposed before looking to the rooftops! Leo told them to follow him, as they did, Michelangelo looked at the box and got curious.


The five of them surrounded the box, looking suspicious of it. "Should we open it?" "Careful, it could be dangerous!" Leo told them as master Red was taking mental notes. Raph decided to open the box and saw a pizza with pepperoni evenly placed on it. "I think it's food?" "It's no food I ever saw!" Raph agreed before the knight explained what it was. "It's pizza, invented in Naples in the early 1800's, it was quite good." "I'll try it." Michelangelo volunteered as he took a slice. He took a bite and immediately loved it. He even shoved it into his mouth before looking at his brothers! He tried to lie about how awful it was, but they all saw right through that and hastily grabbed a slice each. "I never thought I'd taste anything better than worms and algae, but this is amazing!" Raph claimed before scarfing down the slice!

After some running from rooftop-to-rooftop, everyone stopped to look at the view again before Leo decided they should head back as the knight agreed, saying this test was a success. "Hey, guys look at that!" Donnie told them while pointing down at a teenage red-head with blue eyes, walking with her father! Suddenly, the turtle felt like he was walking on air! "She is the most beautiful girl if ever seen." He said in a tranced state until Raph snapped him out of it. "Isn't she the second girl you've ever seen?" He asked as Donnie told him the master Pink was a woman when suddenly, a van stopped in front of the two! A handful of identical guys popped out of the van alongside some other guys wearing armor and holding spears! "DRUNN!" The spearmen shouted as they surrounded the two! "Drunn soldiers?" "We gotta save them!" Donnie claimed, ready to jump in! "Splinter's instructions were very clear." "Then I'm overriding his instructions!" Master Red told him as the others jumped into action before he decided they should use their Ryusoul forms! Leo and Red both took out a key and placed them in a port on their bracelets! "Que Bom!"

The girl cried for help as her father was thrown into the van when suddenly, Raph sucker punched a guy, causing him to stumble! "Still standing Huh? I'll fix that!" Raph said before a Drunn soldier tried to shoot an energy blast at him, only missing by a hair! It would have fired again if two warriors in red didn't stop it. "Don't worry about the Drunns, Raph, we got it!" Leo told him while pushing the trooper away! Raph acknowledged this and returned his focus back to the guy, who tried to smash him into the pavement. Lucky, Raph moved out of the way and blocked a punch that immediately came at him before back flipping away until he and Donnie bumped shells as he was fighting too. "Watch it, Donnie!" He told him before another guy tried to hit him! Donnie blocked two punches before smacking under his arm! Donnie twirled his staff a few seconds before jabbing him with it, sending him back. Michelangelo backflipped away from an incoming attack before swinging his nunchucks until one of them got stuck on Raph's sai. They were stuck for a moment until Raph freed himself and rolled under a punch as a bonus. Leo was dealing with two Drunns at once when Donnie's weapon accidentally clashed with his sword! They exchange a look at each other before quickly returning to their respective fights.

Leo weaved around their spears, trying to take them down until more attacked him as Red was having a slightly easier time with them! "Leo, use the PowerSoul!" Red told him, compelling Leo to do just that as soon as he could! "TsuyoSoul!" The sword said as the soldiers backed off, mentally preparing for whatever he was about to throw at them! Seeing his window, Leo opened and closed the mouth of the guard four times as it, strangely enough, played some fanfare music! "Ryu. Soul! Soul! Soul! Kono Kanji!" The sword said as bulky yet roomy pieces of armor appeared on his right arm and shoulder! The turtle Ryusoulger then decided to take this to the next level and did the same thing again! "Cho. Cho! Cho! Cho! II KANJI!" The sword shouted as an aura appeared around Leo which intensified each time he pulled the lever! With a roar, Leo jumped onto a Drunn soldier before he bashed the trooper's head with the hilt, causing him to fall! The other Drunn thrusted their spears at him, but he either dodged or parried them away before getting back up! Now he was doing some real damage, already violently dispatching a few before He and Red pulled out another Ryusoul key and placed them in the mouths of their sabers! "Red!" They then moved the levers four times again! "Dino… SLASH!" "Nice Slice!" With one final slash from both, they destroyed the Drunns in a bright explosion!

"My eyes!" Raph shouted as he was blinded by the sudden flash of light which gave the guy ample time to knock him aside! He immediately got back up just in time to evade a stomp from another guy! The turtle then locked a punch from the guy down with his sais before trying to throw him over his shoulder, but he just stayed in place. "Oh, come on!" He muttered to himself before being punched.

Donnie was knocking a guy back when he heard the girl struggling to get free! He threw his staff at the guy, knocking him over and made him let go! He ran in to catch the girl before she hit the ground, but she screamed in shock at his appearance, enturn, causing him to drop her! "No, no, don't worry. We're the good guys!" He tried to tell her, but she just screamed and backed away until she turned to see a guy and Drunn soldier standing above her. She then turned back to see Donnie holding out his hand. But before she could take it, Michelangelo accidentally swung his weapon into Donnie's face. He apologized until he saw the last soldier try Kabab them when suddenly, Leo sliced the trooper in half, revealing his was made of a rock-like material! He was shocked for a second until a creature that resembled a castle knocked him to the side before landing a nasty punch on the other two, sending them into a couple of trash cans. Donnie saw that the creature grabbed the girl and threw her into the van! "See ya later, Ryusoulgers!" It said with a rough voice before the van drove off with it inside.

They got the girl-Ow!" Donnie tried to run after it, but he stopped in pain before holding his side, seeing his plastron was cracked. Seeing this, Red told the others to go after the van while he took Donnie back to the lair! He then pulled out another key, this time however, it looked like a yellow raptor! Went through the motions and a Similar armor piece appeared on him! Suddenly he moved at super human speed while carrying the wounded turtle! "I can't believe you blinded me!" "Well, I didn't know how bright the explosion was going to be!" The two argued as they ran in the direction of the vehicle, leaving a distorted and less injured Michelangelo alone.

He was going to catch up until he saw one of the guys who took the father and daughter away. "You think you're tough, huh!?" He asked the guy rhetorically as he got into a stance and attacked the guy, but all of Michelangelo's strikes did nothing to him as he easily disarmed the turtle! Seeing he was no match, he did the only thing logical at the time… run for his life as the guy followed suit!

Michelangelo found himself in a dead end as he turned around to see the guy standing behind him! As he approached, Michelangelo frantically swung his nunchucks at him, unknowingly sprouting a sickle blade from the handle as he slashed his face! The guy held his face before falling down with a strange flickering light coming from his person! "What the…?" He said as he got a closer look and saw the guy wasn't alive to begin with! He was a robot! From it's stomach, a brain-like creature screeched before latching onto the turtle's face, making him scream in panic as he desperately tried to rip it off of him! After a while, he throws it off as the brain hits the wall and scurried off! As he recovered from the shock of that, Michelangelo hurried back to his brothers.

"Guys, guys, you're never going to believe this! That dude, he had a brain!" He told them frantically as they told him everyone, but him had a brain! "In our chests?!" He asked, trying to make a point! "No, Mikey, not in our chests." Leo stated without a care! "You're not listening to me! Mikey told them before being slapped suddenly, leaving him surprised as he, for some reason, did the classic Ultraman pose! "Did you just slap me?" "I was calming you down!" Leo stated before getting an ear full of Mikey. "WHY WOULD THAT CALM ME DOWN!?" They winced for a second before thinking he finally lost it this time.

(The Lair)

"So your inability to work together allowed, not only them all to get away, but also for Donatello to be injured?!" Splinter asked angrily before they started to argue with each other. "Well maybe if I wasn't blinded, I could have saved them!" "Hey, if that thing didn't get in my way, I could have done it! And you went flying on your own, how smart was that?" Leo asked Donnie rhetorically as he then blamed Mikey. "Well, none of this would have happened if… if somebody hadn't trusted us in the first place!" Mikey, unknowingly blamed Splinter for this as they all looked to him. He was going to apologize when Splinter told him he was right and that scared Red. "I did not fully prepare you for what was up there. In addition, I trained you to fight as individuals not a team and as one of your teachers and your father, the responsibility is mine. It would take at least a year to train you to work as a unit!" Splinter explained, causing Donnie to stammer. "Has everyone forgotten that people were kidnapped and that there's a monster on the loose? They don't have a year! Sensei, we have to do something now!" "Like what? You're unfit for combat now and this creature could strike again at any time!" Splinter retorted before listening to what his son has to say next! "You weren't there, Sensei, you didn't see the way that girl looked into my eyes! She was scared, she was counting on me-us to save her and her father!" Donnie told him with desperation in his voice, causing his father to remember a dark part of his past! When he couldn't save the one he cared so much about! "Yes, you must save them!" Splinter told them before Leonardo explained that they weren't a 'well-oiled machine' which Micky then said they were unlike that android being piloted by a living brain! Red then realized what he was talking about and assorted him out of the dojo!

"Did you say, "robot with a brain-thingy"?" "Yeah!" Michelangelo confirmed until the knight grabbed his arms! "Did it have multiple legs, like a spider, big eyes, and a mouth full of sharp teeth!?" He asked with urgency as Mikey nodded hastily before being dropped, realizing they were in trouble! "Listen Mikey, that thing was called 'Kraang', they're these nasty looking creatures that disguise themselves as humans, doing god knows what, it's disgusting! We thought they were all gone in Manhattan, but I guess not!" Red explained before Raph walked out, looking angry! "What?!" Raph asked angrily as they looked at him, but was pushed aside by Red, looking serious himself! "I must warn the others! Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Michelangelo!" He told him before returning to the dojo! This made Raphael more. Confused, then angry as he looked to Mikey, who just mouthed the words, 'I told you'!

(Surface, rooftop)

The turtles, except for Donatello, were on a stakeout with Masters Red, Pink, and a black-armored Centurion, waiting for something to appear from a building while Mikey asked for a reminder of why they were up there. "That building has the same logo as the one on the van that was used to kidnap the family so if we wait long enough, we'll be able to see one of them and make them tell us where they are!" Leo told him in a hushed tone. "Then we got ourselves a van!" "Actually, that's not a bad silver-lining, we could use the van as either a distraction or a Trojan horse to enter the building they took them to!" The knight with a Gladius deduced as most of them agreed except for Raph, who was unsure if this plan would work, to which a centurion told him that it's all about patience.

They waited for what felt like hours as they did small things to pass the time! Light sparring, jump rope, even Red did some juggling with some knives! Eventually, Raph had enough waiting and wanted Leo to come up with a new plan until suddenly, the van showed up and made the turtle look like a donkey. "Gentlemen, I have a bold and daring plan-!" Leo was interrupted by an elbow to the chest as he apologized and just told them to surround the guy who just got out of the van.

A scrawny-looking guy was then surrounded by the turtles and the knights as they closed in. "Now buddy, we can do this the easy way or, my vote, the hard way!" Raph told him while pulling out his sais. Seeing he was surrounded, he pulled out a futuristic gun and shot lasers at them, making them back away as he got in his van and drove off. They saw him getting away and planned to cut him off by using the rooftop!

It became a game of cat and mouse until eventually, Leo threw a shuriken, precisely at one of the tires, making him flip and crash!

They circled around the van before looking into its contents as a canister rolled right out of it and near Mikey's feet! "Mom?" He said in shock! "So that's the-!" "Mutagen that turned the four of us into what we are now!" Donnie finished what Leo was going to say when Mikey had an idea. "Let's drink some!" "What? Why would you do that?" Raph asked as, regrettably, he got an answer. "Because if you mutate a mutant, you get a super mutant!" "Or a pile of goo on the sidewalk?" Donnie said with a downside to that idea. "Guys, this is huge! Whoever kidnapped those people are somehow connected to what happened to us fifteen years ago!" Leo explained as they came to the same conclusion! "How is that possible?" Donnie asked as Red explained that the Kraang must have made it, to which they looked confused. "Wait, didn't Mikey tell you guys?" "We thought he was just spouting nonsense, like usually." Raph explained before the knight gave them the short story of what he told Michelangelo. With that out of the way, they turned their attention to the driver.

"Who are you and what's going on?" Raph demanded as he picked up the guy by his tank top. "Names Snake and I got nothing to say to you hideous freaks!" He told them before the assassin-looking knight told him they haven't met them properly. She grabbed the mutagen canister from Donnie and opened the led, containing the substance! "You see, they were just regular animals until they were hit with a dab of this!" She told him, making him stammer. "Wh-what are you doing!?" He asked in fear! "Have you ever heard of Russian roulette? Well this will be similar, though instead a single bullet in a six-shooter, if you touch this stuff, you'll either become something far stronger or you'll become something terrifying and deformed!" Master Pink explained as she slowly turned the tube upside down! Everyone who knew her knows that she won't go through with it, but not Snake! As the ooze got closer to his face, he gave into fear and agreed to tell them what to know. "They call themselves the Kraang! They've been grabbing scientists from all over the city!" "We knew their name, but not their plan! So what are they going to do with them? Where are they going?" She asked before he told her he didn't know why they wanted them when Leo repeated the last answer! "I only know that they're taking them out of the city tonight, but I don't know where." Snake told them before Donnie realized something off topic. "That girl's dad is a scientist, I'm a scientist! She is so gonna like me!" He said, completely oblivious to the deadpanned faces staring at him! "I don't think you're her type." Snake and Pink told him.

They were looking over a building surrounded by dead trees through a spyglass. "There's got to be like twenty of those guys down there!" "Yeah and that's just the one we can see!" Donnie said agreeing with Leo as Raph got pumped up. "Alright, an all-you-can-beat buffet!" He said as he spun his sai's around when Leo stopped him, telling him they needed a plan. "Why?" "Think you shell-brain, there are innocent lives at stake, if we screw this up, they're all goners!" Donatello explained as Mikey tried to break the tension. "Boy, I could go for some of that pizza about now, Huh?" They looked at him, seeing he was not watching Snake. "Where's Snake?" Leo asked, concerned as Mikey facepalmed. They look for him, believing he couldn't have gone far.

Donnie, Mikey, Pink, and the centurion ran up to a wall as Donnie had a thought! "Maybe he went over the wall." "I'm on it!" Mikey and the centurion said as Donatello and Pink gave them a leg up over the wall. But as they got over it, the two were met with a lot of pain. "Master Black, are you okay?" Pink asked as he said that Snake didn't go this way.

Back with the others, they stop short near an alleyway near a playground when Leo hears a can falling! He then signaled for them to play along! "Oh, great we let him get away!" "Wouldn't be the first time!" "Woah, woah, you're the leader, that means you let him get away!" They said loud enough for Snake to hear! "You're not helping!" "I wasn't trying to be helpful." They whispered before master Red chimed in. "Remember, master Blue said we could use the Van as a Trojan horse! We go back to the Lair, gear up, and by midnight, we drive the van up to the gate. "They'll think we're him and we'll cruise right in and then we bust some heads!" He said as they all agree and walk back home.


In the lab, Donnie was making some tools so they could climb the walls of the building! In the kitchen, Raph was talking to a normal turtle, telling him he will come back while Mikey was eavesdropping! And Leo and Red were forming a plan when Splinter gave him some advice! "No plan ever survives contact with the enemy! It is how you react to the unexpected, that will determine if you all succeed!" This made Leo wonder if this plan fails! Splinter sees this and tells him another advice! "Failure is a possibility, every leader must face daily! It is something I had to face in Japan!

(Barely over 15 years ago)

(When I had to face the Shredder. Years ago, Oroku saki, as Shredder was called then was my friend, rival, and brother-in-arms! But the love of a woman came between us! He could not accept it! That and him realizing his true lineage made him lash out in a vengeful attack! And while the battle ended in a draw, my world fell and crumbled around me!)

In a Japanese house, two men were fighting against one-another! One wielding wrist blades and the other, two Shukos! They fought even as the home started to burn! Eventually, the flames became too great and burned one of them and debris crushed the other!

(As the battle took the life of my beloved Tang shen and my baby daughter, Miwa! I don't know how I made it out alive, but sometimes I wish I could take their place so they could live on.)

He awoke in a daze several minutes later and saw the home he shared with his lover and their child turn to ash and cinders with his wife inside, dead!

(Present day)

Splinter was now standing away from Leonardo with his head down and his eyes closed as the turtle stepped towards him! "But that's my point, Sensei! You lost everything." He told his father as confirmed all that, but told him that he also gained many things later down the road! Such as four trust-worthy brothers, a sister, and four wonderful sons. This made Leo feel a bit better when suddenly, an angry Raph was seen chasing Mikey with a soup spoon! The two shaked their heads at their antics before Red told them a motto! "You know what they say. "You can't take the good without the bad and you can't take the bad without the good"!"

(Surface, unknown facility, near Midnight)

Within the building, a loud knocking sound can be heard from a holding cell! "Hey you can't keep us in here like this! We know our rights!" The girl told the guards as she stopped banging on the door! "I… don't think they care about that April." The father told her while he sat on a bed! No wanting to give up, April started to think up a plan!

"I assure you, Tankjoh! The O'neils are locked in a very secure cell, it would take a Necromorph just to scratch it, even then it would be too damaged to do any real harm!" A blue monster with a gentleman's motif told the monster that grabbed April from earlier as they walked to said cell when they heard groans of agony! "Ohhh, oh, my stomach! The pain is unbearable!" The two rushed over and saw April lying on the ground as the door opened up, letting Tankjoh and the other guy in! The blue gentleman realized that the father is nowhere to be seen and turned around to see him, ready to disarm them, but got scared as he saw him turn! Seeing the plan going up in smoke, April jumped onto Tankjoh, trying to pin him down, but he didn't even budge! She even tried to bite him and that resulted in her chipping a tooth! The bulky creature just sighed gestures for the father to go back inside as he complied! "Next time, Wiserue, make sure the cells have cameras so we can remotely monitor them!" He told his colleague before grabbing April and threw her bad in as the door closed! "April, are you ok?" "Yeah, just a chipped tooth." She told her dad before touching the broken tooth with her tongue.

"They'll be here any minute." Snake told one of the Kraang after he cocked his gun! "Kraang, are the ones coming to this place, coming to this place?" Kraang asked Kraang, who was standing to Snake's left side! "I lack that knowledge, Kraang. I will inquire Kraang about that knowledge." Kraang told Kraang before looking up to Kraang, standing above the three! "Do you have the knowledge if those coming to this place are near this place, Kraang!" Before Kraang could answer Kraang, Snake had about enough of their talking and screamed at them in anger! "THEY'RE TURTLES! CALL THEM TURTLES! ARE THE TURTLES HEAR!?" Suddenly, Kraang spotted a van coming their way! "Lights of a vehicle which contains that which you wish us to call, "The Turtles" coming to this place which you wish to call, "Here"!" "What are you talking about?!" Snake asked until he heard the van getting closer! He aimed the gun at it and started blasting it, causing the others to do the same! They couldn't stop it so they ran and jumped away from the resulting explosion, since it collided with the closed gate!

As Snake landed and got back up, he turned to see a broken canister of Mutagen hit him! Unfortunately, since some weeds were near him, Snake started to mutate along with them! He started sprouting vines as he screamed in pure agony!

Meanwhile, the Kraang were investigating the totaled van, seeing it was driven by nobody! "The ones coming to this place are not in the vehicle, bringing them to this place." "Then in what place are the ones called, "The Turtles"?" Kraang asked Kraang, oblivious to them and the knights climbing the wall!

"Wow, lucky thing that van showed up to distract them!" Mikey said, Causing Donnie to give himself a facepalm, forgetting for a second that he was wearing Shukos! "That was the plan, Mikey. We knew Snake was hiding in the alley so we made him think we'd be in the van!" "And now they're busy with the empty van, they won't suspect us, scaling the wall, in actuality! Hook, line, and sinker!" Black explained, further as Mikey now understood and continued climbing!

Now in the facility, they moved through the air ducts before ambushing two 'guys'! Afterwards they started walking around, quietly as Donnie saw how advanced the place is, they even seem to be using elements that aren't even on the Periodic Table! They eventually see a group of Kraang without their human disguises, surprising the group! "Woah, they really are robots!" "Robots Huh, hmm, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, I'VE BEEN SAYING IT FOR HOURS!" Mikey screamed the last part, alerting the droids to their location! They immediately lunge into battle, taking them out much easier than before! As the Kraang are all down, one of their 'Brains' comes out of one of the bodies and screeched at them, causing them to scream in shock before Mikey knocked it right out! He then proceeded to pick it up! "See, see, it's a Brain thing! I told you! I told you! But did anyone, besides our teachers believe me? No, because you all think I'm some kind of 'Bonehead'!" He chastised his brothers when suddenly the brain woke up a bit his arm, causing Michelangelo to throw the Kraang at a button, accidentally alerting everyone in the building to their location! They were about to leave the spot they were in when Donnie noticed some power conduits! "Oh, that's really interesting! Thanks for sharing, Donnie!" "Meathead, conduits are converging that way, which means whatever is going on in that direction is important!" Donnie explained before walking in their direction along with everyone else!

They ran until they found the cell containing the O'Neils! Donnie started attempting to hack the locks when the Kraang and Drunn Soldiers opened fire on them! The others decided to hold them off so he could focus on the lock! "Don't worry! I'll have you out in a second!" "Ok, giant lizard-thing." April said as Donnie corrected her and told her his name was Donetello before she introduced herself! He started getting distracted until Leo bumped into him! "The lock, Donnie!" He reminded him before getting back into the fight! After a little while, April asked him to hurry up, making Donnie ask her if it was easy to pick a lock with three-fingered hands, to which she apologized! Raph saw he was having trouble and was going to deal with it, only for Master Black to step in and do it himself! He pulled out an orange-ish red Ryusoul Key and placed it into his sword! "MeraMeraSoul!" He closed the 'mouth', causing his arms to generate fire for him to shoot at the circuits, short circuiting them! "Master Black, that's genius!" "Thanks!" The door opened for them, but before the O'Neils could get out, two bolts of energy weaved around them and hit Donnie and Black! Just then, Wiserue's visor opened up, revealing two yellow eyes which he used to, somehow, put the father into a deep sleep as a Kraang droid picked up April and carried them both out! The others saw this and tried to follow, albeit, Wiserue had head start on them!

They eventually make it outside as Raph prepares to close the door when a Kraang droid rushed him! He closed the door on it just in time after ripping off one of its arms and used it to jamming it in the handles of the door, preventing it from opening! "That'll hold them!" He said looking at his brothers, who all looked surprised! "You are seriously twisted." Leo told him as he shrugs this off before they heard April trying to get her captoires to let her go.

They started running to her and her father when they were stopped by a giant, sentinel plant with barbed vines, pincers with rope-like tongues, and an exposed heart! It was Snake after he was mutated! "You did this to me! Now you're going to pay!" He told them with murderous intent! "It's Snake! Here turned to a… giant weed!" Leo stated the obvious while Mikey thought he would turn into a snake! "Yeah, you would, if you were an idiot!" "But his name is Snake!" "So?" "You just don't understand science." Mikey said before Red smacked upside his head! "Mikey, he mutated into that because he was probably near some weeds when it happened, not because of the namesake!" He told him before Tankjoh appeared and agreed with him! During that, Snake was able to split his stem, making a pair of legs in the process! "I'll crush you, Turtles!" "And I'll crush you, Ryusoulgers!" They declared as Donnie tried to tell the mutant that it was an accident, but that seemed to make him angrier while Tankjoh suddenly started to glow and grow giant! Seeing the situation go from bad-to-worse, the knights told Leo and Donnie to use the Ryusoul while they did the same! "Que Bom!" Their bracelets say as enlarged versions of their respective keys appear in knight form and started dancing to the chanting standby noise around them! "Wassei Wassei! Sou! Sou! Sou! Wassei Wassei! Sore sore sore sore!" The bracelets chanted until they turned the visors counterclockwise until they were on the dinos heads! "Ryu so cool!" The little knights then merged with their respective Ryusoulger, changing them into their respective forms!

"Knight of Valor… Ryusoul Red!" Leo/Red said together!

"Knight of Wisdom… Ryusoul Blue!" Donnie/Blue said together!

"Knight of Vigor… Ryusoul Pink!" Pink said!

"Knight of Haste… Ryusoul Green!" The flail wielding knight said!

"Knight of Glory… Ryusoul Black!" Black said!

"Seven Blade pledged to justice! Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger!" They said before they split up, dealing with the two threats separately!

Leo sliced off an incoming vine from Snake as it bled purple goo! "Ew, eew! Don't let it touch me! Don't let it touch me!" Mikey said before some of it touched him! "Ah! It touched me!"

Meanwhile, the masters were fighting Tankjoh, cutting his body when one of them saw Snake grow back the severed limb! "He can regenerate!" "Well Green, weeds are extremely resilient!" Red told him before trying to pull out a Super Ryusoul Key until he remembered that when you give your apprentice a Ryusoul Changer, you lose the ability to use Super Ryusoul Keys and/or the mechs! He then settled for a cyan-colored Ryusoul Key instead! "NobiSoul! Ryu. Soul! Soul!Soul! Kono Kanji!" As some armor appeared on him, Red began to extend as he swung his sword at Tankjoh!

Back with the Turtles, they see a helicopter preparing to take off with April and her dad! Thinking fast, Leo pulled out a red-ish pink Ryusoul Key and placed it in the sword! "MukiMukiSoul! Ryu. Soul! Soul! Soul! Kono Kanji!" With that, he told Donnie to jump onto his arm as it grew and expanded! Leo then launched Donnie up to the 'copter! He then used his giant appendage to smash Snake into a wall, giving Micky time to slice off some limbs before being knocked away! As the plant mutant got back up, Raph came up from behind him to cut his 'legs', only for his Shukos to get mucked up with goop! Noticing Snake about to attack, he grabbed the arm and pulled him down to perform an axe kick to his head before doing a somersault over him and Leo's sword, who used his new strength to severe Snake's legs, but he uses a thin vine from one of his pincers to grab Raph and throw him into Mikey, who catches him! "Snakeweed is pretty powerful!" "Snakeweed?" Leo asked as he regrouped with them! "Well yeah! His name's Snake and now he's a weed, put them together and... well!" Mikey explained as Leo was thinking of a more permanent solution until a squad of Drunn soldiers showed up with Wiserue! "It is time for the climax, Ryusoulgers!" He claimed before shooting bolts of energy from his cane!

With Donnie, he used the Floating Soul to ascend to the helicopter, grabbing onto the skids just as it wore off! He then hung on for dear life while trying to get inside! During that, he saw the Masters having trouble with the giant!

"We need the Kishiryu's!" Master Green said as Pink called in theirs by pressing a button on their bracelets! "Ankyros!" "Triken!" A metal pink Scolosaurus appeared and started attacking Tankjoh with it's club tail, throwing him off balance and hurting him greatly!

Back with the Turtles, they were on the ropes, Raph was keeping Snakeweed at bay while Leo and Mikey were dealing with the Drunns and Wiserue! They then decided to break away, resulting in the two forces to hit one-another which gets Leo thinking. "We have to get Snakeweed to that generator so we can get the Drunn to fire at them both!" He told them as they nodded before running to the device, luring the living plant to it!

Back with Donnie, a Kraang droid tried to shoot him off, but he swung away, using his free hand to briefly place a throwing star between his toes so he could use the momentum to swing his leg up, stabbing the droid's head before using his legs to grab and throw it out! Unfortunately, it tried to take him with it by shooting at him, missing and hitting the Helicopter instead as the pilot started losing control, causing April to fall out! She was able to grab the skid, but she couldn't hold on for long and fell! Thinking quickly, Donnie released his grip and caught her after he rolled! However, due to the momentum, he kept moving until he was able to fully stop! He checked to see if she was ok! She was fine just breathing deeply from the anxiety of falling! The two looked up to see the copter fly off with her father until the Turtle looked around to see his brothers getting the Drunns to fire on Snakeweed! "What are they doing?" He asked rhetorically as Leo pulled out two throwing stars! "They're leading him straight towards that power generator! That's incredibly stupid!" Donnie said before realizing that could take out the attacking mutant! "Or brilliant? Or both!"

He threw the stars into his back, causing Snakeweed to turn to Leonardo, who he attacks but misses! Wiserue saw the troopers still firing so he created a chess-based portal and disappeared while Leo got out of there and let their shots overload the generator, electrocuting Snakeweed in the process until he and the generator combusted into a fiery explosion!

The explosion caught the attention of everyone as Tankjoh saw the tide of battle was no longer in their favor! While they were distracted, he shrunk down and created a chess-based portal and disappeared!

As the two teams retreated, the Kraang regrouped to see the carcass of Snakeweed! "Kraang, the ones in this place are not in the place where they were." "The ones are called Turtles and Ryusoulgers, Kraang! They are dangerous to what we are doing in this place and to Kraang Prime's plan!" Kraang told Kraang, who acknowledged this news! "The Turtles and Ryusoulgers must be eliminated from all places!" Kraang said as it's brain smiled with killer intent!

Back with the corpse, the heart slowly regained its color before starting to beat! Snakeweed was still Alive!

(O'Neil residence)

They were standing on an outdoor stairwell as they say April huddled up, looking distraught! "Are you gonna be alright?" Donnie asked with concern in his voice as she told him that she kinda is and that her aunt can let her stay until her dad can be found and returned safely! "Aren't the police going to help?" Leo asked and got Master Green laughing at his remark! "... you're serious?" He asked as soon as he realized he wasn't kidding as April agreed! Donnie then promised that they'll try and find her dad! "We will?" Raph asked as Leo tells him they will! "Thank you, but it's not your fight." "Sadly it is! Because if the Kraang, Tankjoh, and Wiserue are working together, then that will mean only one thing… The Druidon Tribe are back!" Red told her as she got a feeling that told her that this was a worse case scenario! The knight then told her that if she's going to get involved, then she will have to train for when she wants to look for the father! With that, they parted ways as April hoped to see them again, of course under less intense circumstances!

(The Lair, Dojo)

Leo was kneeling before his father as he congratulated him on a mission well done! "Thank you, Sensei and I think I found out why you made me, leader!" Leo told him as Splinter raised an eyebrow out of curiosity and asked him what it was, already knowing the answer! "Because you sensed a true warrior's spirit that could forge us all into the Heroes we are destined to become!" Leo said dramatically before asking if it was because he asked and he said yes! "As a leader, you will learn there is no right or wrong, only choices!" He explained as Leo went further with this and asked if you could have anyone else, even Mikey!?" He denied the last one, thankfully saying that would have been the only mistake! "EVERYBODY! COME HERE, WE MADE THE NEWS!" Michelangelo shouted, calling everyone to the living room! "Uh oh." Splinter and Leo said, feeling like this will have repercussions!

(Living room)

"A report of, get this, Ninjas in New York! Don't believe me? After residents reported a disturbance! The police recovered this!" The anchor man said, showing a picture of a shuriken with the Hamato Clan emblem engraved on it! "For channel 6 News, this is Carlos Chiang O'Brien Gambe saying, "Hi-ya"!" He said before going to commercial! "This is awesome! We're gonna be famous!" Mikey said getting too excited about this as Splinter and Leo had heard all of this! "You must be more careful! A Ninja's most powerful weapon is the shadows! Being brought out into the light is a dangerous thing!" Splinter explained as Master Pink laughed it off! "Unfortunately, a Knight doesn't hide In darkness like cowards! And you were trained to use said darkness, we were trained to use the light!" She said as she got up with a kick up! Raph then asked what the worst thing that could happen and his answer was that someone from his past could discover this and restart a search for him!

(Tokyo, Japan)

"That's right, Ninjas in New York! Don't believe me? After residents reported a disturbance! The police recovered this!" A recording of the news that played earlier was shown to a man with scars on half of his head in bladed armor as he was sitting on a throne, knowing who that belonged to! "So my old enemy is in New York and training his own army. At last, I can finish what I started so many years ago." He said as he told one of his soldiers to prepare his jet for Manhattan before putting on a samurai helmet! "I'm going to visit an old 'friend'!"

To be continued—

Note: For those wondering, yes I changed a couple of the Kishiryus since I saw this as a good opportunity to give different dinos the spotlight! The original Super Sentai show did it with Miragaia, but Power Rangers wasn't going to do this so I say, why not! I also decided to expand the lore a bit! Example:When a new Ryusoulger is chosen and fully becomes one, the previous ones lose the ability to use Super Ryusoul Keys and the ability to summon their respective Kishiryus is transferred to the successor! Also, the Masters are based on the Knights in For Honor!

Kaigu-Hunter: I'm going to try and make this weekly to match up with the show on nick! See you next Friday!