Disclaimer:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is owned by Nickelodeon and Super Sentai is owned by Tokusatsu. Please support all releases!
"_" for speaking
Bold for Kishiryus & ryusoul changers/Ken
(_) for narration
Underline for tracks (I own nothing at all)
Italics for other languages
Track playing:Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger from Ryusoulger by Tomoshiro Hatano
(With a shining sword! They're sworn to a battle road!)
Five Ryusoulgers were marching down some ruins with their swords drawn as they faced off against Drunn soldiers, Minosaurs, Kraang droids, and ninjas! They're respective Kishiryus then appeared behind them before they all charged into battle!
(The knights who will never forsake the world they defend! Determined to stride down the path they've chosen! A righteous emblem signifying their heroism!)
In the Lair, Leonardo and Raphael were sparing while Tyramigo was cheering them on! On the surface, Donatello was working on a blank Ryusoul Key on the rooftop as Michelangelo was skateboarding across while April was watching with a smile on her face. With a black background behind her, a black knight points a gun with a mosasaur motif at the camera before blinding it! She then became Ryusoul Gold before quickly slashing two Drunn soldiers behind her with a dagger with teeth and a chainsaw handle!
(It's time for your souls to be as one!)
Then we see a quick flash of numerous prehistoric creatures long past! A Dimetrodon near a volcano, a Pachycephalosaur and a Stygimoloch in a boxing ring, two different Raptors under a solar eclipse, and a Pteranodon flying through a frozen tundra!
(They'll never run, no matter the time! Their dynamic and steely steps will ring across the earth!)
In Japan, Hamato was screaming in despair at the burning shrine. In Europe, an army of Druidon tribesmen was growing with a purple knight with a sword and shield leading them! Back in New York, the four turtles and one human pulled out five Ryusoul keys and changed into Ryusoulgers!
(With a shining sword! They're sworn to a battle road! Sharing a dream with others is how you can make it stronger! Take a look at your limits and blast right past them, let's go!)
The battle was hitting its climax as the six Ryusoulgers used the power of their other keys to demolish the enemy as the Kishiryus formed a humanoid mecha as it barreled through the Minosaurs, changing modes rapidly!
(Serve justice and strike down darkness, Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger!)
Long after the battle, the six Ryusoulgers and Splinter were watching the sunset with the Kishiryus!
Operation: Breakout
In the Dojo, Donnie and Raph were in the center of the room for a sparring match with their weapons ready while everyone else in the Lair was observing. "Don't worry, Donnie. I'm in a good mood today. I'll go easy on you." "Don't do me any favors, Raph. While you were off licking your wounds, I've been improving." Donnie boasted as he slowly twirled his Greatsword a bit before returning to his stance. "Hajime!" Splinter called out as the two began the fight. Raph charged in as Donnie swung his sword at him, causing the former to roll under before blocking a sword strike! Raph then tried to hit Donnie with a Chakram, only for it to bounce off of the blade while Donnie moved behind him. With his opponent's flank exposed, Donnie then forced Raph into a sort of plié before sweeping him off his feet with the hilt of his sword, causing him to drop his Chakrams in the process! "Hey! I got him! April, did you see?" "Focus, you idiot!" Karai shouted to him but too late, Raph had swept Donnie off his feet and nearly stomped on him before he rolled out of the way. And then what happened next came as a shock for him while Raph would remain focused on the fight, his robotic hand had turned into a sai-like weapon as he used it to hook Donnie's arm as he used his other arm to hold him in place. "Say hi to Mikey. Hi, Mikey." Raph said the last part with a high pitch before Karai told Donnie to force him off! While Raph was having fun, Donnie mustered the strength to stomp on Raph's foot, causing him to let go and grab his own foot instead before Donnie then punched him square in the face, sending him back onto the floor before he pinned him down with his foot. "Yame!" Splinter said as Donnie got off of Raph and let him get up. Splinter then walked up to Karai as she got up.
"While I do appreciate the fact you are willing to not only keep our location a secret, but also assist them on the surface. I ask that you leave handling sparring matches to me." "Yes, Splinter. It's just that." Karai stopped and looked at the others, who were all walking out before continuing. "Donnie was ogling April instead of concentrating on the battle again. It's a recurring problem." "And what would you believe would be the best solution for this?" "Sit the two down and have Donnie confess to her so we can all get on with our lives. Though I wouldn't do it this second for a couple of reasons." Karai tells him before joining the others in the living room, where she and everyone else heard something that sounded like dubstep coming from April's laptop. "NOT BAD! NEEDS MORE DRUMS!" Mikey yelled as the sound suddenly stopped before Leo asked what that was. "I don't know. Some random e-mail I got. It just started playing by itself." "Sounds like some sort of telemetric sine wave sub carrier." Donnie explained before Master Blue then asked what that meant. "It's an interference modulation used to encrypt covert transmi-" "he wanted the short answer." Karai tells him while cupping his mouth before he moves her hand away. "A secret message!" "Who would be sending me a secret message?" April wondered as Karai wished her good luck before telling them she and Leo were going to see the new Space Heroes movie that was premiering at a drive-in theater. "It's supposed to be a sequel to what will happen in the upcoming finale of the show, following the crew, minus Captain Ryan as they find a way back home." Leo explains in excitement before the par left.
Hours later, everyone, but Donnie fell asleep as he was in the lab working hard on decrypting the message until he finally got it. "I pray you get this message. I've been moved to a secret Kraang facility. Send help, April. If you can, send help." Mr. O'Neil said in the now fixed message as it popped up a map of where a Kraang hideout was. Donnie was about to call the others before he remembered what Taph said to him.
(If you wanna impress April, better leave me out of it.)
Donnie then decided to take a photo of the map before quickly sneaking out of the Lair.
Now on the surface, he proceeded to head for Kirby O'Neil's location via the rooftops, unaware that two knights were following him. A male knight carrying a two-handed axe and a female with a visible long ponytail wearing two mantis-based wrist blades. "Looks like one of those turtles that were fighting our former master a week back." "He's heading somewhere. We'll follow him covertly after I contact Karai." She tells him as she pulls out a phone.
Meanwhile halfway across the city, Karai and Leo were on the rooftop of a building that gave a great view of the Queens drive in, fast asleep with Karai on top of Leo, drooling on his face when her phone started ringing. Starting to wake up, a half asleep Karai had gotten off of Leo and tried to reach for her phone a few times before finally grabbing it and answering it. "Hello?" "Boss, it's Kara. My brother and I just spotted one of the turtles heading somewhere. He's the tall one wearing a purple mask and carrying a Greatsword." Kara informs Karai over the phone just as Leo's TPhone went off, waking him up before he put it to the side of his face where Karai drooled on. "What the?" He said as he then looked at Karai, who just shrugs before telling the knight on the phone to shadow him. "This is Leonardo." "Leo, are you still on the surface? We can't find you, or Donnie for that matter." Mikey informed Leo as he then asked why Donnie went alone. "Not sure, but thanks to his computer, we know where he's going. I'll send you a pic!" Mikey said as a few seconds passed before Leo reserved an image. Unfortunately it's a photo of Mikey's eye. "Mikey, that's your eye." "Again?! Come on!" Mikey said as Karai walked up to Leo, now off the phone and told him that two of her troops had reported about the turtle in question. "Mikey, you and the others can hang back, Karai and I will find Donnie and make sure he gets back safe." Leo assured him before hanging up.
Back with Donnie, he had arrived at the coordinates and found that it was an auto repair shop. Once he passed the entrance, he sees a lock on the bottom of the metal door before picking the lock, forcing it to open. Once inside, he almost immediately closed the door behind himself before looking around until, eventually, a Kraang droid appeared out of nowhere and stalked the turtle. "It is one of the ones called the Turtles." Kraang said as he pointed a blaster at Donnie, who ducks underneath a few shots before slicing off its arms and stabs the chest of the robot just missing the Kraang brain inside, before throwing it off. "Looks like you could use a tune-up, huh? Yeah. Right? Am I right? Who's the hero now?" He asks before suddenly being forced to dodge three shots with the third having him retract his head into his shell to evade before seeing that there were three more Kraang droids! "No response necessary." He whimpered before running over to find cover.
(The Lair)
In the living room. Raph and Mikey were waiting for Leo and Karai to bring back Donnie, and if possible Kirby, while the former looks at his TPhone with guilt as he then sighs and walks to the bedrooms away from Mikey, who was currently sitting on a beanbag watching T.V. . Once he was sure that Mikey was out of view and earshot, he made a call to Leo. "We're a little busy, Raph." "I know, and I think I know why Donnie's doing this." Raph tells as Leo retorted to him to make it quick. He then took a deep breath and just said it. "I told Donnie he had no shot with April. That's why he went after Mr. O'Neil." He admitted as Leo then asked why he did that. "Because you said it yourself. April's too oblivious, even when Donnie's being as obvious as possible, which is all the time." "Yeah, but he knew I wasn't paying attention at the time! You know, Raph, there's this new thing called 'being sensitive.' Maybe you can practice that before we get back to the Lair with Donnie and Mr.O'Neil!" Leo told him irritatedly before he hung up on him. Raph sighs at this and turns around when he jumps at the sight of a saddened Mikey. "The heart's a soft muscle, man. A soft muscle. Squish." He said as he ended by lightly closing his right hand.
Back at the shop, Donnie had jumped from behind the side of a car while taking one of the droid's heads off in the process and took down another one before polevaulting himself over another car just as the last Kraang droid continued firing at him while inadvertently hitting a control panel, causing the platform he and the car was on to fall into a secret cavern, screaming all the way down!
"April, Timothy, today. I will train your minds." Splinter informs April and IndoRaptor as he and Master Red circle the two in the dojo before telling them to close their eyes and listen to the silence. However, April was more focused on her dad as she looked up at a sewer grate. "April, today, I will train your mind. Close your eyes. Listen to the silence. Hmm. I know what you are thinking, April, but it is best for you to remain here." "Sensei, that message was from my father. I should be up there!" "And let it end like the first time with the time limit? No way." Red tells April as he was now behind the two as Splinter states that the best way for her to be reunited was for her to wait rather than run in blindly. "Now, again, close your eyes and listen for my movement. Listen for the silence." Splinter tells her as the two started over, but shortly after, April began to question the lesson as she opens her eyes and sees that Splinter had disappeared until IndoRaptor suddenly kicked to his side as Splinter then caught his foot. "Good work, Timothy. April, you weren't listening. Listen deeply. Again." He said to her as she and she alone started over for a second time. However this time, she didn't hear anyone move, she heard what sounded like feedback from a microphone mixed with unintelligible whispering. "Well, I heard you that time." "Heard what? We did not move." "Then… then what's that sound? You hear that, right? It- it's coming from It's coming from down there! Let's follow it!" April told the three as she walked out of the dojo with the others close behind.
"I hear nothing." "Really?" She asks as she continues to follow the noise while IndoRaptor follows her, leaving Splinter and Red alone and unaware of what's happening. "Strange. You can actually hear something… we cannot." Red finished as he and Splinter saw that they were gone. "Well done. April? Timothy?" Splinter called out as Mikey and Raph walked from the bedroom area. "Boys, we've got a mission for you two." Master Red tells them, snapping them out of any funk they were previously in.
Meanwhile at an underground Kraang facility, a Kraang droid was standing in front of a door when a TPhone slid to its feet, ringing. Out of curiosity, Kraang picked it up when suddenly, it's body was sliced in half diagonally as it fell over and someone yanked the phone out of its hand. "It's for me." Donnie told Kraang as he then golf-swung the brain at a wall with the hilt of his sword. "And that's for you." Donnie then grabbed the Kraang droid's head and placed it on the scanner, opening up the door and revealing it to be a camera room. He looked through the cameras until he found Kirby O'Neil huddled in a corner of one of the cells. Seeing him, Donnie began to work on opening the cell by tapping into the terminal. Fortunately, or unfortunately, however you want to look at this, Donnie opened not only Mr.O'Neil's cell door, but every single door, even one that led to the Kraang's deadliest enemy.
A Humanoid Newt with black skin and orange markings on his underbelly has jumped to the rafters and ran, on all fours, to three Kraang droids. Before any of them could react, the Newt grabbed one of them and pulled them up with his tail! "That which is the criminal that is known as K'Vathrak has escaped! He wishes to retrieve the weapons which are of his." Kraang tells Kraang as K'Vathrak then jumps down and yanks off the heads of the last two, before doing something horrifying to one of the Kraang brains, he picks one up and swallows it whole, alive! K'Vathrak then opened the door and proceeded to place various tools and weapons onto his body before letting out a screech-like roar.
Outside of the complex, Leo, Karai, in Ryusoulger form, and the knight siblings were now standing at the entrance of the Auto Repair shop. "This is the place?" "We saw him walk in after he picked the lock but we wanted to wait for you, boss." Kara told Karai as Leo opened the door and they all walked in. Now they were looking for where he might have gone when they saw three empty Kraang droids scattered around. "Definitely Donatello's work." "How can you tell?" "Aside from you, he's the only one with a bladed weapon that can do damage like this." Karai explains when they suddenly saw a Kraang droid being decapitated by one of the axes of the brother knight, scaring everyone! "Karol!" "Sorry, I saw him and acted." He apologized as he then placed his axes onto his sides before noticing that there was a hole in the middle ground of the roles of the cars. "Looks like we now know where he is." Leo states as they all jumped in.
Meanwhile from TCRI, three Kraang brains on small hovercrafts were communicating with Pricious. "And you're certain that our special project will be ready?" "Kraang's part of the project that is special will be completed within the giving time, thanks to the one that is known as Tankjoh's head." Kraang assured Pricious as another Kraang heard an alarm going off. "Why is that which is called alarm sounding that which is called the alarm?" Kraang asks Kraang as they then look at a security camera and sees a Kraang droid being taken down by a flying Chakram before it hits and sticks to the camera only for the last thing to show being K'Vathrak grabbing it. "Something which is not the plan is occurring."
Back with Donnie, he had found Kirby, and unfortunately K'Vathrak also found them during his rampage around the place. Now the two were running around trying to find the exit when they stumbled upon three Kraang droids with blasters pointed at them. "Other way!" Donnie tells Kirby, only for K'Vathrak to block their path with his wrist-mounted weapons pointed at them! "Okay. Maybe the solo mission wasn't such a good idea." Donnie admits as they powered up their weapons. Donnie then grabbed Kirby's arm and pulled him into a cell just before they started firing on one another! "You are aware this is a detention facility. You just locked us in a cell." Mr. O'Neil informs Donnie as he too came to the realization before he got to work on opening the door from the inside.
Ryusoul Pink and IndoRaptor were currently hiding from two Kraang droids with the HidingSoul as they left the area the two were in before April tried to listen in on where the noise was coming from. IndoRaptor continued to follow her silently until they heard the noise coming from a drainage system. They then ran over to the source of the sound, which was covered in garbage before they uncovered it and April touched it, shutting it off. "The Kraang communication device Kraang searches for is activated in this vicinity." Kraang tells Kraang as they unknowingly alert the duo to them. As the droids arrived at the Drainage system, they saw that there was nothing but garbage and Kraang parts. "Kraang is that which they call idiotic." Kraang tells Kraang as they leave, unaware that Ryusoul Pink and IndoRaptor were crouching behind a large pipe. As they felt like they could breathe again, they got up and saw Mikey and Raph jumping down. "Guys. Perfect!" "What up?" Mikey asked quietly.
The four knights then ran into a group of destroyed Kraang droids before they then heard K'Vathrak growling, putting them on edge as they drew their weapons. Suddenly, he appeared from the rafters, hanging off them with his feet and tail while holding a missile launcher as it fired four rockets upside down, forcing them to suck underneath before they exploded near the door that Donnie was trying to open! "You guys are alright?" Karai asks Donnie as he and Kirby nodded before Karol pointed out that the Newt was back as it roared at them! "Donatello calls it the Neutralizer." Kirby tells them before they start to run as he starts to shoot at them, forcing them into the camera room as the door refuses to open for K'Vathrak.
"Who was that, a mutant?" "Doubtful. Most mutants look more grotesque, this one looks too natural." Karai states as a group of Drunn Soldiers came in and proceeded to attack them and vise-versa. "We need to get out of here!" "How about some big hlp with that?!" Donnie asks as he starts to type something into the terminal. "Not really the time to check your e-mail." Leo tells him as he burns some Drunn before slicing one in half. "I'm guessing if they had the Newtralizer locked up, it wasn't because he was their friend." Donnie theorizes as he finally gets the door open, letting K'Vathrak inside as he takes the head of a Kraang droid off. "Someone likes trashing Kraang." "Who doesn't?" Kara asks Karol before they all took cover as K'Vathrak began to obliterate the Drunn with his blasters, leaving none of them alive! Just before they could celebrate, K'Vathrak pulled out the launcher on them again. Only for Karai to shoot at one of the rockets, exploding it prematurely and causing the Newt to be sent straight into one of the screens as an activation noise could be heard from one of the pieces of tech on him, causing his growls to become actual words! "Ow! Right on the back of my head! Rokka, rokka!" He said, shocking everyone until he got back up and pointed a wrist blaster at them with a snarl on his face. "STOP! WE'RE FIGHTING AGAINST THE KRAANG, JUST LIKE YOU!" Karai yelled out as K'Vathrak stopped snarling at them before demanding what she meant. "Thank god. For over half a year now, we've been working together to stop the Kraang and they're associates, the Druidon Tribe, from taking over New York." Karai explains as K'Vathrak listens to her words and decides to put down the blaster before introducing himself. "The Kraang won't stop with this city. These are the most insidious aliens in the 10 dimensions. They imprisoned and tortured me. I have made a vow never to rest until I annihilate all of them." "Sounds like we have a slightly common goal." Karai tells him as he looks at them all and gives them a slight nod before turning around and leaving the room.
After a minute, all of them had gotten out of the building after K'Vathrak had torn the door open. "I should thank you, Donatello, you are owed one. Rakka, Rakka!" "Hey, just glad we were able to clear that mess up." Donnie said confidently before K'Vathrak pulled out a communicator, gave it to Donnie and started jumping away from rooftop to rooftop. Just then, before any of them started to head back home, Karai saw something from the corner of her eye. When she focused on it, she found that it was Gaisoulg just standing next to an alleyway on the other side of the street. "Mortis?" She asked herself while catching Leo's and Mikey's attention. Unfortunately for her, they also see Gaisoulg. "AH! It's Gaisoulg!" Mikey called out, alerting everyone else to the knight's position just in time to see him parkour his way up to the roof which prompted Karai to chase after him while the others shortly afterwards followed her. "Mortis, wait!" She called out as she was able to reach the same rooftop Gaisoulg was on, only to discover that he was gone. She then took off her helmet, wondering if she was seeing things. "Karai, what's going on?" Leo asked her as she turned around to face them. "Boss?" "I-it's been a long morning, guys. I promise, I'll explain… what happened as soon as we get Mr. O'Neil back to April." Karai promises as they then head for the Lair.
(The Lair)
Mikey, Raph, April, and IndoRaptor had made it back to the Lair and were now showing Splinter and the Masters the orb they found. "Hmm. Interesting. But I'm curious how you hear the sound, but we do not." "Maybe it's why the Kraang are after me." April believes as Master Blue tells her that Donnie can analyze it when, by sheer coincidence, Leo, Karai, and the twins show up with Donnie and Mr. O'Neil. "April?" Kirby called out to get her daughter's attention as she then spotted him. "Dad? Dad!" She said with joy as she ran up to him and they shared a loving embrace. "You guys saved my dad! Thank you so much." She said to Leo and Karai as the latter tells her that she should be thanking Donnie. "Well, I-" "He was the one who did most, if not all of the work. He even rescued an alien who was fighting the Kraang. He's the real hero today." She tells April as she then walked over to Donnie and gave him a hug, thanking him for saving her father. Unfortunately Donnie wasn't prepared for this and almost immediately fell over giggling.
Meanwhile, Master Blue was staring at Donnie with regret as Splinter called his attention to him. "Khan, when dealing with mistakes, you must first admit that the action was one and improve so it never happens again." "I know. But he stabbed Karai in the back! He failed to follow our code! He…he." Blue then paused as he saw Leo pulling Donnie back up by his arms and made sure he was alright. "He risked his own life for someone else's. What a knight should do." He admitted as he then walked up to him. "Donatello, do you remember what I said to you after giving you the Ryusoul Changer one last time?" "You didn't say anything, Master Blue." Donnie answered as the knight stated that was just it, he didn't. "Donatello, when I took your Changer, I was disgusted by how you threw everything away. But after seeing you concerned about Timothy and hearing that you had gone off alone to save Mr. O'Neil, it made me realize that you learned from the experience and wanted to be better." Blue explains to Donnie before he continues. "But next time, don't pull that kind of stunt, Ryusoul Blue." Blue told Donnie, surprising him that he would call him Ryusoul Blue when he then saw his mentor handing him his Ryusoul Changer which made Donnie ask Blue if he was sure. "As the grass is green." He said as he placed the Changer into his hands.
"And like that, another happy ending. All that's left now is for Raph to make amends." "Actually that's one of the things left." Leo tells Karai just before she was about to leave before reminding her that she still has some explaining to do about Gaisoulg, which gets the other's attention and gets Karai to sigh in defeat. "Okay, fine. I'll tell you who really is under the helm of Gaisoulg. But first I'd like to get some breakfast, I'm famished." Karai tells them as they all agreed and headed for the kitchen.
To be continued!