Hey friends and fans, Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Force of Souls! The aftermath of the Ichigo vs Zaraki fight begins to unfold. Ganju and Hanatarō make it to Rukia's location! Unfortunately, you don't have a massive battle without attracting others. Ichigo awakens from his fight, but finds himself in a new location with Yoruichi. What will the black cat reveal to him? When his friends are threatened though, Ichigo rushes off to save them! In doing so, a reunion might just happen!

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Chapter 31 – Attempted Rescue, Yoruichi, Reunion

Red like blood
White like bone
Red like solitude
White like silence
Red like the senses of a beast
White like the heart of a god
Red like molten hatred
White like chilling cries of pain
Red like shadows that feed upon the night
Like a sigh that pierces the moon
It shines white and scatters red

"The sounds have stopped." Rukia said to herself quietly as the inside of the Senzaikyū had become quiet again. "The two Reiatsu signatures have disappeared too." She looked down at the floor. "Which one of them died? I can't tell… These walls block and scatter Reiryoku. The last remnants that managed to get through have already faded." Rukia let out a soft sigh, one filled with resignation and growing self-loathing. "Why…? No blood should be shed for me. I made this choice. It's not worth others shedding blood for." Looking up at the lone slotted window in the Senzaikyū, Rukia's violet eyes were melancholic. "What would you say about this situation…Kaien?"

Outside of the Senzaikyū, across the long wooden bridge, two guards finally breathed out sighs of relief, even as their bodies still shook in instinctual fear.

"Phew… That Reiatsu has finally settled down." The first man said with a slight shaking of his voice. "That was one crazy fight, huh? They demolished a large portion of the buildings on the east side of the plateau." He held onto his staff tighter to try and combat his shaking. "I hope they don't make us responsible for repairing all of that damage."

His partner laughed, though it was clearly strained. "Hahaha! What's wrong? You're shaking! Don't tell me that Reiatsu shook you up all the way over here! That's pathetic!" The false bravado was easy to see through for anyone with working eyes.

"What?! You're shaking too! You're pathetic!" The first guard pointed out the obvious trembling from his partner.

"What? Why am I pathetic…" The other man glared only for something wet to fall on his forehead from above. "Eh?" He reached up to touch the stuff warily, his face morphing into a look of disgust. "Huh? Was that a bird…" His disgust at the thought of being pooped on by a bird faded along with his consciousness and he fell to the floor.

"H-Hey! Are you okay?!" The other guard asked before looking up towards the roof. Seeing someone for only a brief second as they pulled back, the guard grasped his staff firmly. "You! You won't get away from me!"

While the man was distracted, Ganju slid down a rope from the opposite side of the roof and got behind the guard. He rushed the other man from behind.

"Who?!" The guard turned as he heard the footsteps behind him. "Ugh!"

Ganju drove his elbow straight into the Shinigami man's jaw, blood flying through the air as the man went bouncing along the length of the walkway before coming to a stop in an unconscious heap.

"Ganju-san…you didn't have to be so rough." Hanatarō chastised as he came down from the roof with a rope of his own.

"Shut up! What was that weird drug you used?!" Ganju questioned the Fourth Squad member.

"This?" Hanatarō pulled out a small bottle. "It's called Shinten. It's a type of tranquilizer. One drop on the skin and a person without enough Reiryoku will get dizzy and pass out."

Ganju took a step back and raised his arm as if to guard himself. "Why the hell are you carrying something like that?!"

Hanatarō tilted his head a little. "Why not? It doesn't work on strong people. We normally only use it when the members of Squad Eleven are being uncooperative with their treatments."

Ganju decided to ignore that and headed across the bridge. Hanatarō quickly put the Shinten away and followed after him. Once the two stood before the only door into the Senzaikyū a breeze blew past them both, ruffling their clothing and reminding both just how high up they were.

"Alright, this is the last door." Ganju said as he looked over the white door of Sekiseki. He crossed his arms and looked thoughtful after a moment. "A shutter type, huh? How do we open it?" There were no handles or anything to grab onto to force it open.

"Don't worry…" Hanatarō reached into his shihakushō and pulled out a wooden block with a series of indents cut into one side of it and a rope tied around the opposite end. "I borrowed a spare key from the cell lock storage room last night in the underground waterway."

Ganju blinked at Hanatarō in surprise. "Are you sure you should've done that?" That was clearly full-on treason for the Squad Four member to steal keys for intruders.

"Probably not." Hanatarō said with his eyes downcast. "But last night I was thinking about how hard Ichigo-san and his friends were fighting…and how I always run away. Maybe that isn't cool. I want to save Rukia-san too. So I decided that I'd do whatever I can, even if I got punished for it later." He put the wooden block key into the door and the Sekiseki door rumbled slightly as it began to open. "But all I could do was steal a key. I guess I'm pretty useless." Hanatarō chuckled at his own expense.

"No. I think you did more than your share." Ganju said with a calm expression, acknowledging everything that Hanatarō had done since they'd met.

As the Sekiseki door rose up, both Ganju and Hanatarō waited so that they could enter and finally rescue Rukia.

"You know… Everybody is so desperate to save this girl. She must be a real cutie, right?" Ganju grinned at Hanatarō, silently asking for the other man's confirmation.

Hanatarō looked down at the floor. "W-Well, I don't know…" Saying such things about a member of the noble Kuchiki Clan was something that not many would do, even though it was a compliment.

"Come on, don't be shy!" Ganju laughed as the door fully opened and they were able to enter. "Alright, let me take a look! Oh, Miss Rukia~!"

Rukia stood in the center of the Senzaikyū, wearing the white yukata that she'd been given as a prisoner. She turned to face the opened door and Ganju froze in place instantly, his expression changing from playful to stone cold serious instantly.

"Who are you?" Rukia asked the man that she'd never seen before. "Are you with Ichigo?" It was the only reason the door to the Senzaikyū would be opened before her execution date.

Unknown to either Rukia or Hanatarō, Ganju was having a flashback to the night that his brother had died: the Shiba man seeing Rukia's face, but splattered with blood, her eyes cold and frightening, as if they were dead.

"It's me, Rukia-san!" Hanatarō smiled at her as he stepped around Ganju with a smile. "You're alright! Thank goodness!"

"Hanatarō!" Rukia blinked in shock. "What are you doing here?"

"I'll tell you later!" Hanatarō rushed over and gently took her wrist, trying to pull her towards the door. "Come on, let's hurry, Ganju-san!" Noticing the look on Ganju's face, Hanatarō stopped and looked up at the taller man. "Ganju-san?"

Rukia's eyes looked over the seemingly frozen man, but stopped dead when she saw the symbol on the leg of his black pants. "That symbol…the Trembling Current." She looked up at Ganju's eyes. "Are you a member of the Shiba Clan?"

"Huh?" Hanatarō looked back at Rukia, having no idea what she was talking about. "Do you know her?" He asked Ganju curiously.

"Yes. I know her." Ganju said after a second, a single line of sweat falling down the side of his face as his emotions boiled beneath the surface. "How could I ever forget that face? She's the Shinigami that killed my brother!"

Hanatarō's eyes widened in shock, but he quickly shook his head once. "Ganju-san…what are you saying? There's no way that Rukia-san would never…!"

Ganju cut Hanatarō off. "The wounds on my brother's body were from a sword. His throat was slit…and his chest was punctured." Ganju's head snapped up as his voice rose. "If he'd fought a Hollow, he wouldn't have died from wounds like that! Besides, she admitted it herself that night! She said that she killed him!"

"No…" Hanatarō wanted to deny the harsh words against Rukia.

"It's all right, Hanatarō." Rukia spoke quietly. "He's right." She looked up into both men's eyes, but focused on Ganju. "If you're of the Shiba Clan… Then your older brother, Shiba Kaien, did indeed die by my hand."

Ganju rushed Rukia, grabbing the front of her yukata and nearly pulling her off her feet as he dragged her forward to look her directly in the eyes with a silent snarl on his lips.

"Do what you will. I won't stop you." Rukia said calmly, having borne the burden of killing her former Lieutenant and the first person that treated her as a friend in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, rather than as a Kuchiki. "Kill me if that's what you want."

Hanatarō jumped back in. "P-Please stop, Ganju-san!" He grabbed onto Ganju's arm. "That's not what we came here for! We came here to save her, remember?! Ichigo-san entrusted us with her life!" He reminded the other man by using his own words from earlier.


The air shifted as an absolutely crushing Reiatsu slammed down on the area.

"Wha-What?!" Ganju's rage evaporated instantly as instinctual panic and fear welled up from the pressure. "Something's coming…"

All three of them turned to look out the open door.

"Aaaahhh!" Hanatarō cried out as he saw who was approaching the Senzaikyū. "It's… That's Kuchiki Byakuya-sama…C-Captain of Squad Six!"

Byakuya walked across the long wooden bridge with an even gait, as if he was merely out for a stroll. His eyes were cold and focused on the two intruders though, even as he practically crushed them with just a portion of his Reiatsu.

"Kuchiki Byakuya… So he's…" Ganju ground out through his slight shaking.

"Y-You kn-know him, Ganju-san?" Hanatarō looked over at Ganju unsteadily.

Ganju scoffed at the dumb question. "Of course. The Kuchiki are one of the four Great Noble Clans. He's the current Head of the Clan, one of the most famous Captains in the Soul Society. This stinks…why'd he have to show up?" He glanced over at the nearly paralyzed Hanatarō. "There's no way that we can beat him… We don't stand a chance. May-Maybe he'll let us go if we beg for our lives."

"What're you talking about, Ganju-san?!" Hanatarō demanded. "Let's run! We'll take Rukia-san with us!"

"Are you crazy?! Do you see another way out of here?! We have to cross that bridge!" Ganju shouted at Hanatarō. "Do you think we can get past that guy?! He'll kill us!" He nearly stabbed the air as he pointed back at Rukia. "You expect me to risk my life for her?! She killed my brother!" Ganju looked away from Rukia with heavy breaths. "I won't die for her! No way, not for her!"

Rukia couldn't blame Ganju for his decision. Her eyes downcast as the memories of that night played in her mind again.

Hanatarō was visibly shaking when he spoke up again. "Alright. I understand. This rescue was never really personal for you, Ganju-san. There's no reason that you should fight for her." He looked up at the taller man. "But…would you at least take Rukia-san with you? I'll stay…and stop him!" He declared with the most determined face that either Rukia or Ganju could ever remember seeing from him.

"Are you stupid? Do you know what you're saying?" Ganju asked, looking at the smaller man like he was insane.

"I…I believe I do." Hanatarō said as he gripped the strap of the pack that went around his chest. "I know how you feel. I wouldn't want to risk my life for an enemy either. I'd do the same thing in your position."

"That's not what I mean!" Ganju roared out, nearly startling Rukia and Hanatarō. "That guy's Reiatsu is at least as great as Zaraki's! There's no way we can handle someone like that!"

"I know." Hanatarō's simple statement cut through Ganju's yelling. "But…I came here to save Rukia-san. I can't leave without trying." He gave Ganju a full bow, bending at the waist and all. "Thank you for everything!" Hanatarō smiled as he stood back up to his full height. "I hope we'll meet again." With that, he turned and walked out the door.

Rukia tried to run forward but was held back by Ganju's arm. "No, Hanatarō! You can't!" She grabbed at Ganju's arm and tried to move him. "What're you doing?! Let me go!"

'That idiot.' Ganju thought to himself as he watched Hanatarō walk towards Kuchiki Byakuya of all people. 'He doesn't even have a Zanpakutō! What does he think he can do?! Look at him, he's shaking. He's scared. Stop acting tough!'

"Hey!" Rukia stumbled backwards as Ganju shoved her behind him.

"Damn it!" Ganju nearly stomped forward. "GRAAAAHHHH!" He slammed his head into the wall of Sekiseki so hard that the sound resonated outside and made Hanatarō jump slightly.

Looking behind him, Hanatarō blinked. "What was that?" Ganju walking out of the Senzaikyū towards him with a bleeding forehead and a determined expression made his hopes rise. "Ganju-san!"

"Move." Ganju said as he almost shoved past Hanatarō.

"Ah!" Hanatarō almost squawked as he stumbled back towards the door of the Senzaikyū.

'Forgive me, brother. Your revenge is gonna have to wait.' Ganju thought as he stared down the approaching Byakuya. 'Blame our sister for not raising me to be a coward who'd abandon a friend!' He punched his fists together and raised his own Reiatsu to clash with Byakuya's, lessening the force that was trying to crush him. "Okay, pretty boy! You've gotta get past me!"

Byakuya's expression didn't change in the slightest.

-Hidden Room Within Sōkyoku Hill-

Ichigo laid in a futon that was surrounded by four blocks of stone with a line of cloth stuck to the ground forming a border. His various injuries from his fight with Zaraki were patched up, but not gone. Only the more superficial and light injuries had healed fully, so far. Next to the futon, but outside of the border, lay the sheathed Shingetsu.

A heavy breath, slightly rough, escaped Ichigo as he slowly opened his eyes. "Where…am I?" He asked himself, seeing a ceiling that was made of logs and planks of wood. "I'm not…dead?"

"Already awake, eh?" Yoruichi asked as the black cat padded into Ichigo's view.

"Yoruichi! I'm glad that you're alright!" Ichigo smiled at the cat, having not seen the feline since they'd all been separated.

"Well… I'm in better shape than you are." Yoruichi looked over Ichigo's bandaged body. "I've done what I could to patch you up and help restore your Reiryoku levels." The cat pointed out. That was the entire purpose of the four stone blocks and the line of cloth that marked the border around them. An old thing that Kisuke had tinkered with back in the day to help facilitate recovery when no one able to use Kaidō was available. It made helping Ichigo much easier than if Yoruichi had to do it all alone.

Ichigo gave the cat a thankful smile. "So…you saved me. Thanks."

Yoruichi walked over to his side and sat down. "Thank your own will to survive. I'm surprised you didn't die instantly from your injuries."

"Injuries? Oh yeah…I got cut up pretty badly." Ichigo recalled now that he was more aware and could feel the soreness throughout his body. His eyes widened and he sat up quickly. "Oh no!" Blood welled up and stained the bandages around his torso red. "Agh!" Ichigo hacked out a pained cough.

"You fool! You're in no condition to move!" Yoruichi chastised Ichigo for his recklessness. "You're seriously injured still! Just what is it?!"

Ichigo ground his teeth through the pain. "Chad was thrown across the Seireitei! I've gotta go help him! Ganju and Hanatarō are still back there too!"

Yoruichi leapt forward and shoved Ichigo back down with two paws on his face. "Calm down!" Ichigo grabbed his face after the cat got off of him. "Chad is fine. His Reiryoku hasn't flared up since your fight with Zaraki. Tatsuki-chan and Orihime-chan are both fine as well, they managed to defeat or escape from every Shinigami they've encountered, so far. Thankfully they fought someone that was far more concerned with capturing them than killing them."

"They're okay." Ichigo let out a long sigh of relief.

"Be good and stay still for a while. That field around you will only work if you stay within the borders." Yoruichi said while Ichigo finally noticed the stone blocks and the cloth on the floor. "You'd be no use to anyone in the state you're in right now. If it wasn't for that effect of your Shikai that compresses your Reiatsu closer to your body like armor, you'd have been even worse off."

Ichigo knew that much was true and sent a silent thanks to Shingetsu for his help. Looking around the room he was in for the first time, Ichigo noticed a lot of crates stacked up randomly. Among the crates were also things covered by white cloth tarps and many weapons as well. Staves, polearms, swords, and other weapons were tied together in bundles all over the room. Ichigo wasn't sure how he knew, but he could tell that none of the swords were Asauchi or Zanpakutō.

'Well… Except for that one.' Ichigo looked at the only sword among all of the others in the room that was by itself. The sword in question was leaned up against a crate not too far from Ichigo's futon, well within arms reach of anyone that would be sitting at his bedside. It was a wakizashi, roughly sixty-four centimeters long. The sheath looked black at first glance, but with the lighting in the room Ichigo noticed that it was actually a dark purple. The tsuka-ito wrappings on the handle were also dark purple, though a shade or two lighter than the sheath. The tsuba was a bronze rectangle, but Ichigo couldn't make out anything else because of the angle the sword was resting at. The fact that it gave off a similar feeling to Shingetsu was the only reason that Ichigo could tell that it was a Zanpakutō for sure. 'I wonder whose Zanpakutō this is?'

After a long moment to take in the room, Ichigo looked back over to Yoruichi. "You know, you're pretty amazing, Yoruichi."

"How so?" Yoruichi asked, the black cat's ears flicking slightly.

"This place is crawling with Shinigami, there're Captains where you least expect them, but you don't have a mark on you." Ichigo said as he looked over the cat. "You even carried me here with your little body."

Yoruichi's tail flicked once as the cat turned its head to the side. "Well…that wasn't so hard in my original form."

"Huh?" Ichigo blinked once. "Your…original form?"

"Yes. I've kept it from all of you." Yoruichi confirmed with a nod. "But I guess there's no point in hiding it now…" There was a brief spike of Reiatsu from the black cat and the feline's body glowed a bit. "I'll show you my true form." The air filled with a cloud of smoke a second later.

When the thin haze cleared, a dark-skinned woman with long purple hair stood before Ichigo. She had golden eyes, a beautiful face, a lithe body with large breasts and a trim waist, nice hips, thick and strong thighs, and long legs.

"Ah…uh…y-you're…" Ichigo's words stalled out; his eyes wide in shock.

Yoruichi grinned at Ichigo. "Heh heh… You look truly surprised." She crossed her arms with a smirk. "Not that I blame you. Most people that meet me as a cat assume that I'm male because of how I sound in that form." She closed her eyes as her smirk became a grin. "They're so naïve. Revealing my true form is always a delight. Everyone reacts like a fool! It makes me laugh."

She picked up an object that was resting atop one of the crates and then crouched down next to Ichigo.

"Now, you see how I carried you. But as for how I got you here, I used this tool." Yoruichi showed him what appeared to be a bird skull atop a white spike almost sixty centimeters in length that had a white, segmented cord wrapped around the top portion before it trailed off to the side and hung freely.

Ichigo's face was red as he covered his eyes with his hand. "You should put some clothes on." The fact that he'd already seen everything and the image was burned into his mind was something that couldn't be undone.

"Oh, sorry." Yoruichi looked down at her naked body. She stood up and walked over to a different crate, opened it up, and then pulled some clothes out of it. "I haven't worn clothes in a while." Yoruichi tied her long hair up into a ponytail and then slipped on a black long-sleeved shirt that went down to her upper thighs. "Still, your reaction was a bit more subdued than I expected." She grinned at Ichigo over her shoulder. "But maybe I should've expected that, what with you having three lovers and all."

"Just get dressed…" Ichigo looked in the opposite direction.

Yoruichi's grin became teasing. "Are you sure you don't want one more peek? You might never get another chance, you know?" Not getting a response from Ichigo, Yoruichi chuckled as she slipped on some panties and then pulled on a matching pair of tight black leggings. Over the long-sleeved black shirt she put on an orange shirt with sleeves that stopped at mid-forearm. Now that she was dressed properly she picked up the tool that she was showing Ichigo before with her toes and tossed it onto his lap.

Ichigo glanced in her direction, and seeing her dressed, slowly sat up to examine the strange tool. "So, you used this thing to get me here?"

"Correct! It's called a Ryūkotsujō. It's a rare and valuable artifact, even in the Seireitei. You should be grateful!" Yoruichi said with a grin. "If you fill it with Reiryoku it activates and allows the user to fly."

"And you somehow got your paws on it." Ichigo looked at the Ryūkotsujō curiously before turning a curious gaze onto Yoruichi. "You change forms. You heal wounds. You have strange items. Yoruichi-san…who exactly are you?"

Yoruichi looked into Ichigo's eyes, holding his gaze for a long moment. "Well… I'm sure you'll find out in time, Ichigo." Her grin was teasing, but her golden eyes showed only the truth. He would know exactly who she was when the time was right.


The sudden weight of a foreign Reiatsu filled the room from outside. Both Ichigo and Yoruichi's eyes widened at the unexpected force.

"This Reiatsu…" Yoruichi knew it from long ago. It was almost nostalgic, in fact.

Ichigo, however, had a much different reaction as his senses figured out where the crushing Reiatsu was coming from. "It's coming from that Senzaikyū place!" He shot out of bed, grabbed Shingetsu and placed his Zanpakutō back at his waist through his obi.

"Wait, Ichigo! What are you going to do?!" Yoruichi yelled at him for forcing his injured body to move like that.

"Ganju and Hanatarō were heading there!" Ichigo looked back over his shoulder even as he filled the Ryūkotsujō with his Reiryoku. "If I don't go…who's gonna save them?!" With a series of cracking sounds, a large wing formed from behind the bird skull of the Ryūkotsujō. "Fly!" Ichigo roared and he shot straight through the wooden boards used to cover the entrance of the hidden space. In a fraction of a second he was flying high into the air and towards the Senzaikyū.

"Wait, Ichigo!" Yoruichi yelled as she stood on the small ledge outside of the short tunnel that led to the hidden space. "Fool!" She bit out, glaring at the small speck that was Ichigo in the sky. The reckless man was going to get himself killed!


The clashing Reiatsu of Byakuya and Ganju made the air shake slightly, but the Captain of Squad Six didn't seem the least bit concerned.

"I sensed a slight Reiatsu heading for this place. I came here to see what terrible foe had gained entry, concealing it's Reiatsu." Byakuya said as he looked over Ganju. "It ended up being only a louse. How absurd."

"Where are you going, Rukia-san?!" Hanatarō grabbed her wrist as she tried to rush forward.

"Let go, Hanatarō!" Rukia nearly shouted as she tried to stop what she knew would happen. "If I don't stop him…he'll be…" Her words were cut off as the clashing Reiatsu overwhelmed her and made her head spin. She hit the floor on her hands and knees, her breath coming in short gasps.

Hanatarō rushed forward and was at her side in only a second. "Rukia-san?!"

'I've lost a lot of Reiryoku from being contained in that cell made of Sekiseki! My body won't move the way I want it to under this much Reiatsu!' Rukia quickly realized why she was having such trouble moving.

"It's alright, Rukia-san." Hanatarō said to her as he poured a little of his Reiryoku into her in the form of the light-green glow of Kaidō. "You saw how self-assured Ganju-san was. He must have some brilliant plan up his sleeve! That's what I believe at least." He watched as Ganju took up a stance in front of the still approaching Byakuya.

Ganju watched as Byakuya got closer and closer, one step at a time, the other man's expression never changing. 'Heh… Just the sight of him gives me the shakes. This guy's got some fierce Reiatsu. With someone this strong, using tricks would be a waste of time. I'll just have to take my chances.' He unsheathed his cleaver-like sword and charged towards Byakuya.

"H-He didn't have a plan at all!" Hanatarō cried out, his expression turning to fearful panic.

"Just kidding." Ganju grinned as he produced two spheres from within the container strapped to the back of his waist. "Take this! Chi-Namida (Tears of Blood)!"

Byakuya was already behind him before he could throw the two spheres. "Disappear."

A laceration opened up along Ganju's left arm, spraying blood. The two Chi-Namida fell from his still cocked back hand.

"My sword isn't for crushing vermin." Byakuya said as he continued walking towards Rukia and Hanatarō, none of the three had even seen him draw his sword, slash Ganju, or sheathe it again.

"GRAAAAHHH!" Ganju bellowed in pain as his arm fell to his side.

"Ganju-san!" Hanatarō yelled out in concern, even as he stayed by Rukia, putting himself between her and the approaching Byakuya.

Byakuya's expression still hadn't changed in the slightest as he drew closer and closer to Hanatarō and Rukia.

"N-Not so fast!" Ganju yelled at Byakuya from behind. He forced a grin onto his face, even as his left arm hung almost limply while his blood continued to drip all over the wooden bridge.

Byakuya looked back at Ganju without concern. "Are you deaf? I told you to disappear."

"Save it, rich boy!" Ganju bellowed at the other man. "I don't care if you are some hotshot nobleman! I'm a Shiba! There isn't a coward among us who'd be scared off that easily!"

For the first time, Byakuya's expression changed, however slightly. "A Shiba? So, you're one of that clan, are you?" He drew his Zanpakutō slowly from its sheath. "Then I apologize for dismissing you." Byakuya gave the barest bow, more like a nod, to Ganju in respect of the Shiba Clan. "You will not leave here alive."

Rukia knew exactly what was coming. 'No…'

"What're you gonna do from way over there?" Ganju questioned, ignoring the pain he was in as he kept his eyes locked on Byakuya.

"Please don't!" Rukia begged for Byakuya to stop. "Brother!"

"Scatter…" Byakuya said and the blade of his Zanpakutō seemingly disappeared into pink sakura petals. "Senbonzakura."

Hanatarō stared, wondering what was supposed to happen.

Rukia looked on in horror, knowing how her brother-in-law's Shikai worked.

"What the…? The blade disappeared." Ganju blinked, not seeing what was approaching him.

"RUN!" Rukia screamed loudly, not wanting to be responsible for the death of another member of the Shiba Clan.

It was too late though.

Ganju's body erupted into dozens and dozens of cuts that sprayed blood. Face, chest, stomach, arms, back, legs…everything was cut simultaneously before Ganju had even felt the attack. His eyes rolled up and he collapsed onto his back, his blood staining the wood floor of the bridge even further.

"Ganju-san…" Hanatarō said in shock, his voice weak. His eyes met Byakuya's and he knew that he was next.

Rukia threw herself in front of Hanatarō, her arms held wide. "Please, stop! Brother!" Byakuya's eyes were cold and unchanging, Rukia knew that look well. It was the look of her brother when he was carrying out the duties required of him as a Captain and for the laws that the Kuchiki Clan upheld. "BROTHER!"


The sound of skin meeting skin was loud as Byakuya's wrist was caught.

"Phew…" Ukitake sighed as he stood behind the other Captain, holding him back from attacking any further. "It's dangerous around here." He looked at Byakuya as the other man turned to face him. "Haven't you done enough, Captain Kuchiki?"

"C-Captain Ukitake…" Rukia's eyes were wide at seeing her Captain again. Even without her realizing it, her shoulders sagged as tension fell from her body.

Ukitake gave Rukia a smile. "Kuchiki-san, I'm glad to see you looking well still."

Byakuya lowered his arm once Ukitake released his wrist. "What are you doing, Ukitake?"

"Hey, hey... That's what I should be asking you." Ukitake looked Byakuya in the eyes unflinchingly. "Wartime exemption or not, there was no reason for you to release your Zanpakutō here. Our priority is to capture the ryoka, not kill them. Especially with what happened to Captain Aizen. We can't ask them anything if they're all dead." He looked at Ganju, then Hanatarō, and finally at Rukia. "Are you trying to tell me that you couldn't capture the ryoka here without drawing and releasing your Zanpakutō?"

The pink sakura petals gathered together and reformed the blade of Byakuya's sword. He sheathed it without a word at the chastisement that he'd just been given by one of the oldest Captains in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. "He'll likely live if he's given treatment soon." He referred to Ganju's bleeding and unconscious form.


Reiatsu filled the air and made even Ukitake and Byakuya blink at the sudden and unexpected pressure.

"This much Reiatsu could only belong to a Captain…I don't recognize it." Byakuya said as his eyes scanned the area.

"This Reiatsu…" Ukitake, however, did recognize this Reiatsu, though he'd only felt it for a brief time when he'd gone to retrieve Rukia from the Living World.

Hanatarō's face went from cautious hope to a smile as he felt the familiar Reiatsu pressing down on all of them.

Rukia felt her heart thump in her chest. "This…Reiatsu…it's…" She knew it all too well, having been practically wrapped in it every night for months.

A blur shot up from below the bridge. A large wing flapped once, bringing the flyer just above the bridge and floating in the air for a second.

Ichigo's brown eyes met Rukia's violet gaze.

In the next instant Ichigo had landed on the bridge, right in front of Rukia. The wing of the Ryūkotsujō shrank back into the artifact as Ichigo stopped giving it his Reiryoku.

"Ichi-Ichigo…" Rukia felt her breath nearly catch in her throat at seeing her lover again.

"Rukia…" Ichigo's eyes were warm as he looked at Rukia again for the first time in far too long. "I've come to rescue you."

Rukia's eyes had small tears forming in the corners as she looked up at Ichigo. "You fool. I told you not to come." The first tear fell from her left eye and trailed down her cheek. "I told you not to come after me. Look at you…" Her hands gently ghosted over the bandages all over Ichigo's torso, seeing the red bloodstains on some of them nearly broke Rukia's heart. "Fool…"

Ichigo gently tilted Rukia's chin upwards and captured her lips with his. Rukia couldn't hold back her emotions as they practically exploded from within. She leaned into the kiss, standing on her tiptoes as she poured all of her love and affection for Ichigo into it. Ichigo's arms gently encircled Rukia as the kiss continued, their time apart and all of the worry and fear falling away as they were reunited at last.

Needless to say, while the two were lost in each other, everyone else was reacting to Ichigo's sudden appearance and the kiss between the two.

"Ukitake, he looks much like him. Who is this man?" Byakuya questioned, his Zanpakutō already unsheathed as he prepared to Shunpo forward and deal with the orange-haired man. While his face didn't show it, inside of Byakuya a protective older brother was planning how best to take Ichigo's head without putting Rukia in harm's way.

"Kurosaki Ichigo, the one that Rukia gave Shinigami power to." Ukitake answered his fellow Captain, trying not to be rude and stare at the couple kissing. "Though I'm beginning to have my doubts about his lineage."

Byakuya hesitated at that, just for a second, but it was all the time that Ichigo and Rukia needed.

The two lovers broke their kiss, their breath coming out in light gasps. Ichigo gently hugged Rukia before putting himself between her and the two Captains.

"I'm taking Rukia back." Ichigo stated as his Reiatsu was focused solely on the two men, increasing the pressure even further on them. "Don't get in my way."

Logically, Ichigo knew he was in a bad situation. One Captain had put him almost at death's door. Now he was facing down two that were uninjured and fresh, while he was still a mess of injuries and his Reiryoku reserves weren't even full. But he wouldn't back down from this fight.

"Regardless," Byakuya took a step forward. "He's a ryoka. I'll dispose of him. Then this trifling conflict will come to an end."

Ichigo focused on the Captain approaching him. "You're pretty full of yourself." He put his hand on Shingetsu's hilt. "You didn't attack while Rukia and I were talking."

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Byakuya questioned as the two got closer and closer. "Do you think I need to attack you when your guard is down? While you were putting your hands on someone far above your class."

Ichigo heard the underlying tone in Byakuya's cold voice and had a feeling of familiarity wash over him. As one protective brother to another, Ichigo was reminded of the time one of Yuzu's classmates had a crush on her that his little sister didn't return. A simple talk (warning) from Ichigo had sent the kid running, never to bother Yuzu again.

"You've got an inflated opinion of yourself, boy." Byakuya said as his Reiatsu slammed down on the area, but mostly focused on Ichigo.

Rukia was about to ask Hanatarō if he was alright (despite being forced to her knees by the pressure) when Ichigo drew his Zanpakutō and swung it, his Reiatsu nearly exploding outwards and pushing back Byakuya's.

Byakuya's expression didn't change at Ichigo's resistance. "Being inside this Reiatsu doesn't faze you." The clashing Reiatsu made a few small sparks in the air. "You should've stayed in the Living World and led a peaceful life. Coming here to throw away the life that Ukitake spared was very foolish."

"I don't plan on losing it." Ichigo stated firmly, his Reiatsu increasing noticeably. "I'm going to beat you and anyone else that gets in my way, then we're all going home."

"Like I said, boy…" Byakuya's tone was cold. "You've got an inflated opinion of yourself." He was gone before the words had fully registered for Rukia and Hanatarō.

Ichigo's eyes widened at the speed of Byakuya's Shunpo. But, even if only by a little, Ichigo could keep up.


Byakuya's eyes actually widened slightly as Senbonzakura was blocked by Shingetsu, the two blades pushing against each other for a moment before the stalemate was broken.

"Inflated opinion, huh?" Ichigo locked eyes with Byakuya. "I can still see you though."

Byakuya wasn't amused in the slightest by Ichigo's words. "You seem to be something of a prodigy." He held his Zanpakutō in front of him with the tip pointed towards the sky. "Before you drown in arrogance, I will show you the difference in our skills. You couldn't beat me in a thousand years."

"NO, ICHIGO!" Rukia screamed loudly. "RUN!"

Ichigo's eyes widened, knowing that the Captain in front of him was about to unleash his Shikai.

"Scatter…" Byakuya said coldly.


A strange cloth wrapped around the length of Senbonzakura, letting off a nearly metallic sound as it did so. At the other end of the cloth was the culprit that had stopped Byakuya from releasing his Zanpakutō.

"You!" Byakuya's eyes widened before they quickly narrowed.

"Is that…" Ukitake couldn't believe who he was seeing.

"Yoruichi!" Byakuya and Ukitake said simultaneously.

Rukia and Hanatarō blinked at the sudden arrival, not having noticed her until she'd already bound Byakuya's Zanpakutō and stood up between Ichigo and the two other Captains.

"Y-Yoruichi…?" Hanatarō blinked at the unfamiliar name. "Who is she? I don't know her."

Rukia took a breath as her memory was jogged. "Ah… I've heard that name before… I believe she was the former leader of the Onmitsukidō and the previous Captain of Squad Two."

"Shihōin Yoruichi-dono…it's been a long time." Byakuya greeted the other member of a Great Noble Clan with proper respect, as was expected of a nobleman. "Over a century, I believe. I thought you were dead."

"Yoruichi-san…" Ichigo looked at Yoruichi. "You came to help me, thanks. But I'm gonna need to defeat him to get Rukia out of here." He readied Shingetsu.

"You? Defeat him?" Yoruichi looked over her shoulder at Ichigo with unamused eyes. "Don't be a fool." She vanished from everyone's sight for an instant.

"Huh…?" Ichigo looked down to see Yoruichi's fingers stabbed into his largest wound from Zaraki. "Why?" His head went fuzzy and he collapsed into Yoruichi's arms.

Ukitake stepped forward in confusion. "So it's medicine? Was it Gaten or Hōten? You put it directly into his body to make it take effect instantly." The two stared each other down for a moment. "Do you intend to heal him, Yoruichi?"

"Ukitake…" Yoruichi moved her eyes only, side to side, as a message that this wasn't a place where they could have a meaningful and honest discussion.

"Is that what you wish?" Byakuya asked, taking a step closer to Yoruichi from behind. "I won't allow it. You cannot escape from here, Shihōin-dono."

Yoruichi looked over her shoulder at Byakuya. "Hm, do you consider yourself my equal, Byakuya?" She put Ichigo over her right shoulder to carry him. "Have you even once beaten me in a game of tag?"

"Shall we have a go?" Byakuya asked rhetorically, his eyes noticeably narrowed.

"I'm carrying a man and I'm out of practice." Yoruichi smirked at Byakuya. "This might be the only chance you'll have to ever win."

Both vanished entirely.

Yoruichi reappeared behind Byakuya and vanished again before the man's Zanpakutō could slash her. When she next appeared, she was at the far end of the bridge.

Only for Byakuya to already be behind her. "Did you think that you could escape me with a Shunpo like that?" Byakuya cut her down without giving her a chance to answer, his blade passing through her shoulder, her torso and sliced off her left arm at the mid-forearm. Blood flew through the air from the fatal slash, only for a white cloth to be what Byakuya had cut through. His eyes widened as he felt a weight land on his outstretched arm.

"Did you think you could catch me with a Shunpo like that?" Yoruichi asked in a teasing tone with a smirk on her face. She was suddenly on the rooftop high above the walkway and bridge. "Three days." Yoruichi spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. "I'll make him stronger than you in three days." She looked down at Byakuya and Ukitake. "I know it's self-serving, but I'm declaring a truce until then. Chase me if you wish. Flash Goddess Yoruichi will not be captured by the likes of you." She was gone by the time everyone had registered her words.

Byakuya sheathed his Zanpakuto and began to walk away.

"Hey, Captain Kuchiki, aren't you going to deal with these three?!" Ukitake called out before Byakuya could vanish in a Shunpo.

"I've lost interest. Do what you want with them." Byakuya said without looking back. He was gone in the next step.

Despite his normally stoic expression, Byakuya had emotions, and currently he was feeling far more at a single time than he was used to. The sight of that boy putting his hands on Rukia angered him. Seeing Yoruichi again had put him on guard and made him wary. But it was the impromptu game of 'tag' that had rattled him, if only slightly. While carrying a man over her shoulder, and admitting to being out of practice, Yoruichi had still managed to pull off the advanced Hohō technique Onmitsu Hohō Shihō no San: Utsusemi (Way of Onmitsu, Third of the Shihō: Cast-Off Cicada Shell). It was a technique that Byakuya had mastered as well, but once again, Shihōin Yoruichi made him question his technique. He wasn't certain that he could pull the technique off while carrying another person.

"Hah… He's a moody one." Ukitake knew why, he was old enough to remember when Byakuya had still been a boy and a common target of Yoruichi's pranks. He vanished and caught Rukia just as she fell forward. "You did your best, Rukia. You kept your focus even despite being weakened." With a sigh, Ukitake spoke up. "Kiyone! Sentarō! Come on out!"

Two blurs appeared a moment later in Shunpo.

"Yes, Captain Ukitake, sir!" Kiyone and Sentarō were both kneeling in front of their Captain and awaiting orders.

"Kiyone, call an advanced rescue unit from Fourth Squad, we have someone critically wounded here." Ukitake ordered in the tone he used when he didn't have time for his two Third Seats to squabble and bicker with each other.

"Yes, sir!" Kiyone quickly went to fulfill her orders.

Ukitake looked at Sentarō next. "Take Kuchiki-san back to her cell, please."

"Yes, sir." Sentarō nodded and gently took Rukia from his Captain. "Don't you worry, Kuchiki-san…Captain Ukitake is going to talk to the higher-ups and we're going to get you out of here. Just hold on a little longer."

Hanatarō was trembling slightly as he forced himself to speak up. "C-Captain Ukitake, s-sir?"

Ukitake looked at Hanatarō with a small smile. "You're wondering why I'm letting you live?"

Hanatarō just nodded.

"Why wouldn't I? We don't know who killed Captain Aizen yet, the ryoka might know something and you've been with them. I can't kill any of them until that's been investigated." Ukitake turned to look at Hanatarō fully. "But more importantly…what you did may be questionable, but you were trying to save one of my subordinates. I won't stand by and watch you get killed." He gave the Fourth Squad member a reassuring smile.

Ukitake could only hope that things wouldn't get any worse before they could get to the bottom of this entire mess.

-End Chapter-


Yoruichi has revealed her true form! Woo!

Still beautiful and sexy as hell! Hehehe~!

Ichigo isn't a prude here, so he doesn't freak out, but he does have the images of a naked Yoruichi forever burned into his mind. The lucky so-and-so…

Ganju and Hanatarō get to the Senzaikyū, but the past comes back to haunt Ganju as he comes face to face with Rukia again for the first time since Kaien's death.

Byakuya appears and cuts down Ganju, but gives him the respect of his Shikai as he is a member of the Shiba Clan, a former member of the Five Great Noble Clans.

Ichigo and Rukia reunite! Cheers!

Rukia can't help her emotions; she worries over Ichigo and sees the injuries he's gotten by trying to rescue her. Ichigo stops those tears with a long kiss that BOTH of them have been wanting for SO long! All of the warm and fluffy!

Unfortunately, Byakuya saw it too and instantly decided that he was going to have to kill Ichigo for it!

Lucky for Ichigo, Yoruichi managed to come in and pull him out of that situation! He might want to complain about it, but we all know Yoruichi isn't gonna take any of his complaining!

Yoruichi has declared three days, the day of Rukia's execution, that she'll have Ichigo stronger than Byakuya in that time!

What happens next?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!