"Alright, Ginny," Ron said. "We need to have a little chat."

"Ron, can't it wait?"

"No," Ron said. "It can't. Sit down or I'll jinx you to the chair."

Ginny scowled but said nothing as Ron went on and on for the next hour and a half about Harry and how Ron was not going to tolerate any mistreatment whatsoever.

"I know you're more or less over the hero worship," Ron said. "But Harry doesn't like attention."

"I know."

"And I know that money's always been tight, but if I see that you're using Harry to buy you things, then you'll be in for it. It's not proper to use a bloke for his money pouch."

"I would never!"

"That goes double for his Firebolt! You have a perfectly good Cleansweep!"

"Why would you even think that?"

"Harry's my brother," Ron said. "You hurt him? I hurt you. I'll make it hurt in ways that would make a Death Eater blanche. I'll break off every one of your fingers so you can never catch a Quaffle. I'll bind you up by your ankles and use your feet to hold candlesticks-I remember, you're still afraid of fire after that incident with Charlie's birthday cake. But we do understand each other right? You won't hurt Harry?"

"Ron!" Ginny snapped, but she looked almost ready to cry. She held her hands tightly together. "I'm your sister! You're my brother...why don't you trust me?"

Oh...bloody hell. Ginny was his little sister...little Gin-gin. She held his hand when they crossed the street until...actually, hadn't it been until his fourth year? Maybe even after that?

He was the one she went to when she had nightmares after that thing in the Chamber.

She let him sleep with her bunny after Fred turned his teddy into a spider...even after Mum had turned it back.

"Ooof!" Ginny groaned. "Ron! Gerroff me!"

"Baby sister! If Harry hurts you, I'll eviscerate him!"

"Let me loose!"

"Sweet Ginny...kind Ginny...wonderful..."


"Ye-ouch! You bit me!"