"Harry," Ron said. "We need to have a little chat."

"Er, alright," Harry answered. "Oi, what happened to your finger?"



"Harry," Ron said. "You need to listen to this. Ginny is my baby sister, but next to you and Hermione, she's my best friend."


"Oy, nobody asked you!" Ron barked at a half dozen girls. "Didn't your mothers ever tell you not to eavesdrop? Now, where was I?"

"Ginny bit you?" Harry asked.

"Blech! I had to brush my teeth for twenty minutes!" Ginny groaned. "Blech!"

"Serves you right," Ron said, putting his hands on his hips. "Both of you, sit. This way I only have to give one lecture."

"Ronald, this is not necessary!"

"Ginny, for calling me 'Ronald',"Ron glowered. "I'll tell Harry how many stuffed animals you sleep with. Now, both of you mean a lot to me. I don't want anything bad to happen to either of you."

"We get it," Ginny said. "You're an over-protective brother."

"Er," Harry said. "I don't really get it. I've never had an over-protective brother before."

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" The same group of girls called.

"Oi," Ron said. "We'll skip to the rules then."


"Ginny, you are not allowed to try on Harry's glasses. Harry, you are not allowed to use Ginny as a dummy for the Beaters. Ginny, you are not allowed to snog him for more than ten seconds without coming up for air. Harry, you're not allowed to give Ginny any gold jewelry-she's allergic..."