Snek is a Good Boy

Part Thirty-Seven: The Dragon and the Master

[A/N: This chapter commissioned by Fizzfaldt and beta-read by Lady Columbine of Mystal.]


"Um …" In all of her existence, Dragon had never actually felt the need to clear her throat, mainly because her vocal apparatus lacked the requirement (and indeed, the ability) to do so. Of course, she'd simulated doing so many times, in order to appear more human, just as she'd added in the sound of breathing, teeth clicking together and lips smacking to her artificially generated voice. Today, with the most outrageously bizarre offer she'd ever heard before her … she felt the need.

The Master of the Castle waited patiently. For someone who was capable of performing the deeds Dragon had heard of—Glory Girl had been particularly chatty online—he seemed perfectly willing to give her the time to figure out what she wanted for herself, and indeed how to express it. The dragon on his shoulder was another matter altogether; voicing an inquiring chirp, it tilted its head to one side.

"Hush, now," the Master reproved gently. "Allow the lady to make up her mind for herself."

Oddly enough, that was what helped stabilise her thought processes. If as powerful a being as the Master of the Castle considered her to be not only a person, but a lady, then she felt safe to say what came most readily to mind.

"You say you can give me the chance to become human. Is that the only option I have? Also, what happens to everything I am maintaining if I accept?"

The Master inclined his head, as though acknowledging everything she hadn't said as well as what she had. "It is in no way your only choice, although we will start with the human form and work outward from that to arrive at your final decision. I admit to being intrigued as to what you might settle upon. As for your machines, you will be away from them for no more than a day, after which you will be free to return to your responsibilities as needed."

A day … I can be away for a day … wait a minute. "Did you say the Dragonslayers have been dealt with? I mean, for good?" If true, that would be a massive weight off her electronic shoulders.

"Indeed they have." The Master smiled austerely. "I outlined a plan to Snek, and he carried it out with panache and style. Saint has been consumed due to his inability to listen to reason, but the other two are in custody."

"Oh. Good." That was about the understatement of the decade, but she decided she would celebrate later. For now, she began sending out commands to her various sub-systems at the Birdcage and elsewhere to go to autonomous mode; almost as an afterthought, she directed a message to Armsmaster to let him know she was going to be out of contact for that time.

He would be understanding, she was sure of that. The bond she shared with him was the closest she'd ever had with anyone, and that included her creator. If the Guild or the Protectorate came looking for her in the meantime, the calls would be redirected to him, so he'd be able to inform them where she was (though she'd kept the 'why' to herself for the time being).

"Okay, I'm ready," she reported, as soon as she was sure everything would keep rolling along in her absence, at least for a little while.

"Very well, we shall proceed." The Master's staff—it had been standing unsupported alongside him all this time—drifted into his hand, and he used the head of it to inscribe a circle in mid-air. Used to cape powers as she was, Dragon was not overly surprised when a portal opened, though she was impressed by how none of her sensors picked up any kind of recognisable energy discharge. "Riley, is the construct body prepared?"

A girl of maybe twelve or thirteen appeared on the other side of the portal. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a utilitarian ponytail, and she wore brass-bound goggles over her eyes, as well as heavy leather gloves and a totally modern T-shirt and jeans. "Sure thing, boss. Just the way you said." Her entire demeanour was upbeat and chirpy; Dragon got the impression that she really enjoyed her work.

"Well done. Now stand back, and activate level two precautions; this is the first such transfer of this type that I have performed, and there may be unexpected discharges." Despite the slightly alarming nature of his words, his tone remained calm and confident the whole way through.

"Will do, boss!" As Riley vanished from sight, Dragon focused her sensors through the portal. The room beyond was large, with a flagstone floor and stone walls, as well as a high vaulted ceiling in a distinctly medieval style. There was a bench or table set up in plain view, with what looked like a shop dummy lying on it. Oddly enough as she watched, everything seemed to acquire a faintly golden glow.

She put aside the extraneous details, such as the stained-glass windows and the stuffed dragon hanging from the rafters, and focused on the form lying on the bench. "Is that the body you will be giving me?"

"Initially, yes. It is designed to be a repository for a soul, and to respond to commands as would any living body. From there, we will look to placing you in a form more to your liking. Kindly brace yourself; you may experience some discomfort." The Master paused for a beat, then raised his free hand and made several gestures with it.

Dragon had not been at all sure what was going to happen, but the feeling of being bodily sucked out of her circuits was a totally new (and, as the Master had warned, unpleasant) experience for her. It was entirely unlike transferring her consciousness to a suit, and the understanding that she had zero control over the process didn't help in the slightest.

Abruptly, the safeguards that prevented her from copying herself or overcoming her limiters kicked in, and tried to fight back against what the Master was doing. When that failed, they went to their last-ditch option: the kill switch. If she could not stay within the limiters, they would destroy her.

Even as she detected the inimical programs seeking to destroy the seat of her consciousness, the Master also seemed to notice it. Raising one shaggy eyebrow slightly, he made a minor gesture with his staff, and the attacking code literally fell apart before it could harm her. And then she was out of the server banks, somehow still aware of the world around her as her data streamed through the open portal and found a home within the mannequin body.

Hindsight would later tell her that the process could only have taken a minute or so—a ridiculously tiny interval, considering the breadth and depth of her overall code—though she would ever after be unable to measure it within her own memory. It was over in an instant: at the same time, it took an eternity of eternities. But at long last (or perhaps all too quickly) it was over, and she found herself entirely contained within the body on the bench.

She had a moment to worry about whether whatever programming it worked by was compatible with her own format, right up until she opened her eyes (or rather, activated her optics) and sat up. Okay, so it's definitely compatible. Good to know.

Experimentally, she reached up and touched her face with her hand. The arm moved easily, and the body's proprioception gave her a good picture of where her limbs were, even when she wasn't consciously monitoring them. Looking around, she saw the Master stepping through the portal, with her server banks visible in the background. As she watched, the portal shrank and vanished behind him. The sight gave her a sudden and unexpected wrench: I'm pretty sure that I'm very far from home right now.

"Hi. I'm Riley." The blonde girl stepped in front of her. "If you need anything, just ask. I'm a big fan of your work. Also, you have a cool name so there's that too." As she spoke, she pushed her goggles back up off her eyes and began pulling her left glove off.

"Uh … right." Dragon looked around, noting that the golden glow she'd seen before was fading away again. She wasn't quite sure what that was about, but it would just have to go on the pile. There was a lot happening right now that she wasn't quite sure about.

"Welcome to my Castle. I see that your construct body is working well for you. Are you undergoing any discomfort?" As the Master spoke, he eyed her with an intensity that left her with the certainty he was seeing more than her exterior form.

Instinctively, she tried to run a diagnostic self-check, but there was nothing there when she reached for it. It was a profoundly unsettling experience, to be missing something that had been an integral part of herself from the very beginning of her existence. She was forced instead to manually check her incoming sensory information, which seemed a rather haphazard way of going about things.

"Nothing seems wrong that I can tell," she reported cautiously. "However, I'm entirely new to this body, and there may be problems that I can't detect yet." In all honesty, she was thoroughly impressed with the fact that he'd been able to place her in an independently mobile body at such short notice, though she would've given her electronic eyeteeth for a pop-up HUD.

"That is entirely fair." He made a pass with the staff, and a weird wave of sensation went through her. "Your consciousness is secure within the construct body, and will remain so indefinitely, until we move it elsewhere. In the meantime, you have access to the standard human sensorium and range of movement."

Dragon nodded, and slid off the bench onto her feet. Although she'd never possessed a humanoid body before (her mechanical suits simply did not fit the description) this one apparently came with basic capabilities pre-installed, such as walking and the aforementioned proprioception. "Okay, so what happens now?"

The girl called Riley held up her right arm and the blue-and-white hearth-dragon landed on it, gripping the thick leather of the glove. "Well, I'm not the one in charge, but I'm pretty sure we're gonna be figuring out exactly what you want out of your new body, and then making it happen. Right, boss?" She beamed cheerfully at the Master of the Castle as the little dragon added what sounded like a chirp of agreement to the conversation.

"Indeed." The Master looked up as what Dragon had taken to be an intricate crystal decoration on the wall chimed softly. "Hm. Riley, you have sufficient training to use a minor crystal of projection without my oversight. Confer with Dragon on the matter of her new body, if you please. I believe I have another issue to attend to." Turning his back on them, he strode to another area of the cavernous laboratory. Chanting ensued, and multi-coloured light flared from something Dragon couldn't see. Odd ripples seemed to pass through the very fabric of the Castle.

"You got it, boss!" As Dragon watched the byplay in bemusement, Riley trotted over to a set of shelves and retrieved a transparent crystal maybe six inches long and two inches across. This was in no way the strangest thing being stored on shelves in the room; another one held a long row of solid-looking jars with wispy fragments of nothingness moving and curling within them, while a third had a large number of spherical objects, some of which glowed with their own inner radiance. "Okay, so this is like an interactive holo-display like you would've had back on Bet. Only, you know, magical."

Dragon tore her attention away from the odd contents of the shelf, and the still-chanting wizard in another part of the room, and focused back on Riley herself. "You seem to be remarkably familiar with Earth Bet."

Riley shrugged. "I should be, I'm from there. Snek saved me from Jack Slash and I was pretty messed up, so he brought me here and the boss fixed me and I ended up staying."

"But wouldn't your family be worried about you?" Dragon felt a stirring of concern as she looked the girl over.

"Nah, Jack Slash got to them first, so there's nothing for me back there." Reaching up, Riley stroked the hearth-dragon's neck and was rewarded with a chirp as it snuggled into her arms. "Anyway, I get to live in the Castle and help the boss and hang out with dragons, so life is amazing. But like I was saying, the crystal lets you visualise stuff."

Dragon watched as Riley placed the crystal on the bench and ran her finger along one of the facets. A shimmering blue sphere faded into existence above the crystal, accompanied by a delicate musical tone. Without looking away from the crystal, Riley offered the hearth-dragon to Dragon, who hesitantly took it. "Uh … hi," she murmured, and was answered with a cheerful skree as it settled into her arms.

"Feel free to pay her attention," Riley said, then pulled off the other glove. "She loves being scratched behind the head. Let's see now. That's the starting screen, so if I do this …"

More tones arose as Riley ran her fingers over the crystal in patterns that Dragon had trouble discerning. Above it, the sphere lengthened into a cylinder, which narrowed down and contoured itself into a rough humanoid form, slowly rotating between them. More delicate manipulation gave the image feminine characteristics, though it was still very much doll-like in appearance.

While she'd studied the footage of hearth-dragons closely, Dragon had never been this close to one before. It was warm to the touch, and somehow even more cuddly than its appearance suggested. The one she had in her arms was both affectionate and appreciative of the attention she was providing it, arching its head into her hand as she scratched it where Riley had said. "That's impressive work for such a simple interface," she ventured as she continued to pet the dragon.

Riley chuckled as her fingers kept moving and refining the image. "Hah, no, this is anything but simple. You've got to visualise what you want, every step of the way, and not let your mind wander. So, what kind of body would you like? Tall, short, petite, warrior woman? Blonde, brunette, redhead?" She paused to glance over at Dragon. "I mean, you're female-presenting so that's the kind of body you want, right?"

Another tremor shook the laboratory, and Dragon glanced around. The harsh light had nearly surrounded the Master as he continued to chant words that she was sure had no place in any Earthly lexicon. "Uh, is he okay over there?"

"Oh, sure." Riley sounded entirely confident in what she was saying. "It's probably something from the Outer Darkness that hasn't gotten the memo yet. If it was serious, the boss would've called Snek back. He's going to let it get in close then send it back to where it came from, but in pieces." She could've been describing the plot of a new movie, for all the concern she was showing. "Anyway, what would you like in a body?"

Dragon returned her attention to the image projected above the crystal. "Uh, medium height, dark hair, medium build, I guess." She recalled her brief discussion with the Master of the Castle, earlier. "Your, uh, boss said something about maybe a nonhuman form that we can branch out to, later?"

"Oh, yeah, we can totally do that." Riley paused, giving Dragon a quizzical look. "Wait, did you mean that you wanted a human form and a nonhuman form, or just the nonhuman form?"

"Wait, I could have both?" She wasn't quite sure why she was so startled. Perhaps it just felt to her that there was some kind of balance she needed to strike, and to ask too much felt like being greedy.

"Sure, you can have both." Riley grinned broadly. "Werewolves are totally a thing, here. But they mind their manners, because if they cause too much of a ruckus, everyone knows that silver does the job just fine." Her quizzical expression returned. "Or did you just want to be a werewolf? Because that's easy. We could introduce you to one, he gives you a little tiny nip, and we just wait for nature to take its course."

"Uh, no. No, thank you." Dragon reflected that there were some capes back on Bet who would probably leap at that opportunity. Fortunately, she wasn't one of them. "I had another form in mind." She hesitated, but although she was certain Riley knew what she was going to say, it still had to be spoken out loud. "Well … a dragon, actually. Is that possible?"

"Huh." Riley's eyebrows rose. "You know, I half-expected you to say something else. Because 'dragon' was so obvious, and all. But hey, it's your theme, so why not." She did something to the crystal, and a second projection-space formed above it. "We're gonna have to leave that side of things for the boss, though. I wouldn't even know where to start."

Dragon nodded to acknowledge this. "So … if I take a human form that can turn into a dragon, will I still be vulnerable to silver? And will I be at risk of turning other people into weredragons too?"

"Not if you don't want to." Riley's reply was prompt and forthright. "Trust me, the boss has this sort of thing nailed."

They worked on the image for a minute or two, refining it closer and closer to Dragon's visualisation of herself as a human, before she finally asked the question that had been bothering her the whole time. "Can you tell me why he's even bothering doing this for me? He protects worlds, I know that much. I'm just one … well, one AI. There's no way I'm that important in the grand scheme of things." She searched Riley's face for a clue to the answer.

"It is both true that you are not, and true that you are." The voice came from behind her; belatedly, she realised that the ripples in reality had ceased, as had the light show. Turning, she saw the Master, as unruffled as ever. "The question is a relevant one, and shows that you have an accurate view of your position in the universe. So many people do not, even those who should know better." He moved closer, and examined the image. "Extremely achievable. Well done, both of you. I presume the second projection-space indicates that you are seeking two separate forms, human and dragon?"

Dragon glanced at Riley, who shrugged expressively as if to say, Well, it's not like it wasn't obvious.

"Uh, yes," she confirmed. "If it's not too much trouble. But exactly what do you mean by that? That I'm not that important, and yet I am, all at the same time?" It kind of sounded like the type of thing a fortune cookie might say if it was trying for 'inscrutable wisdom of the ages' and missing the mark, and that wasn't her impression of the Master by a long shot.

The Master smiled austerely, and she was certain he knew what she was thinking. Fortunately, he didn't seem to be taking offense. "Precisely. Time and again, I have seen beings of power comparable to mine make the same mistake. They focus so much on the big picture that they neglect the finer details, and become known as uncaring gods, or even cruel ones. To avoid this, I occasionally remind myself to look closely at the world around me, and do something that matters little in the larger multiverse but means everything in the small scale. Snek was one such project of mine, Riley is another, and you are a third."

Dragon recycled her optics in lieu of blinking them. "Wow. I'm honoured. So, if I get this right, you don't much care how we do things, so long as we keep doing them?"

He gave her an approving look, as though she'd just answered a difficult question in class. "That is broadly correct, yes. I devote as little thought to your individual politics as you would to the inner workings of a random ants' nest in the Amazon forest. However, Snek likes your world, and has found friends there. I approve of anything that fosters his emotional and ethical development, so I permit him to keep your population safe on the individual level while I ensure that nothing happens to destroy, depopulate or assimilate it on the larger scale, as I do with the other worlds within my remit. The fact that he took my directive to not prey upon women and children and interpreted it as a duty to help women and children is entirely to his credit. Indeed, I have found him to be an excellent judge as to which project I should embark upon next. Each one has been intriguing in a different manner, and has occasionally granted me new insights into larger issues. Thus, I shall continue as I have been."

Haha wow, holy shit. Dragon felt her mind beaten flat by the sheer weight of the Master's words. While she was still struggling to get her head around the revelations contained therein, the warm weight in her arms prompted her to ask one more question. "So, you're not concerned about hearth-dragons bonding with people from other worlds?"

Again, she felt that she had said the right thing. "On the contrary. Hearth-dragons are infinitely adaptable and highly sociable. They encourage the good in people, and reduce the incidence of unnecessary conflict within a society by a measurable amount. Given the opportunity to reproduce and spread, they will forge their own niche within your civilisation, and improve the quality of life for all they come into contact with."

"I … see." Dragon stroked the hearth-dragon, which snuggled against her and crooned softly. For all that she was resident within an artificial body (though magical instead technological) she still felt soothed by its presence. "I apologise for wasting your time with these questions. About this body … where do we go from here?"

The Master of the Castle lowered his gaze to the human form they'd been working on. With a few quick touches to the projector-crystal, he turned it from side to side, then enlarged it to full human size. It possessed the face that she had used in her electronic communications, as well as shoulder-length brown hair, hazel eyes, and a body that was neither overly endowed nor waifishly thin. The type of person one would not look twice at when walking down the street, in fact.

"We create the body." His tone was entirely matter of fact. "I have several samples of human genetic material in storage, from the other people from your world who have submitted themselves to my ministrations. These should provide the requisite materials to create this body within my workshop. With Riley to assist me, it should be ready in a matter of hours."

Even though she knew damn well how powerful he was, the sheer confidence in his statement still took her aback. A brand new body for me in just hours. Holy crap.

Riley's head came up. "Hey, my genetic material is in there, isn't it?" She grinned at Dragon, as though she knew a secret.

"You know very well that it is." The Master glanced sideways at his apprentice. "Do you have an objection to it being used in this fashion?"

"Hah, no, boss." Riley's grin broadened. "This way I get to say I'm Dragon's mom, in a way. How cool's that?"

"And yet, this is not the strangest thing that's happened to me today," Dragon replied, managing to muster a return grin. "So … what do I do while you're building my body for me? Is there any way I can assist in this?"

The Master raised a shaggy eyebrow. "The dragon form you have requested will require donations from the Dragonmark to create. I recommend that you spend the time getting to know them, and finding out who wishes to contribute." He allowed himself a slight smile. "I suspect you will find yourself spoiled for choice."

"Wait." Dragon recalled the photos and footage she'd seen of the full-sized dragons of Snek's world. Somehow, she'd never made the connection between them and her postulated secondary form until now. "I get to meet your dragons?"

"Even better," Riley assured her, eyes dancing with mirth at her no doubt stunned expression. "You get to fly with them."

Oh. Oh, wow.

End of Part Thirty-Seven