Working well into the night, Nathan sat at his desk reading and rereading through the considerably large stack of files and paperwork from the hearing that took place several months back. While continuing to peruse through the legal jargon of the official transcripts, Nathan rubbed his weary eyes.
When Nathan had decided to make a career out of the Mounties, he had every intention of working diligently so that he could someday attain the officer's rank of inspector. It was his calling, or so he thought. When Nathan became Allie's legal guardian, however, he was forced to reconsider his priorities. To make the rank of inspector, Nathan knew he would have to completely dedicate himself to his work, a situation less than ideal for raising a child by himself. Though the position of a constable, like that of the inspector, often called for frequent transfers, the duties were far less demanding, providing Nathan with much more time off and a relatively consistent way of life for both himself and for his niece. When Nathan made his decision known to both his commanders and colleagues, he was met with many lectures and great ridicule. Not many men understood the commitment to family before country. However Nathan did, and it was a decision that he has not and won't ever regret.
Before being granted custody of Allie, Nathan took several courses in criminal justice, qualifications that were necessary for the position of inspector. These courses consisted of in the field training, but they also included a few classed in both legal procedures and documentation. For the longest time, Nathan had often thought that his time spent studying and trying to understand the rudiments law was misused. He was quite certain that he would not become an inspector at this point in his career. However, as Nathan continued through the files and official by-laws, he realized that God had plans for this knowledge that was greater than his. Had he not been instructed in the basics of legalese, it is quite possible that he would not be competent in helping Bill disprove his charges of negligence and the unnecessary fatality of a fellow comrade.
As Bill was walking back from having a hearty meal at the cafe, he noticed a dim flicker of light coming through the front window of the NWMP office. Though Nathan had told Bill he did not plan to work late into the night, "Obviously, Bill thought to himself, he had changed his mind."
"What are you still doing here?" Bill said gruffly as he walked through the door.
"I know, Nathan sighed, but I needed to go through the case in my mind one more time. I have to be completely prepared for any questions that they may ask me. I can't risk losing this, Bill."
"Nathan, we both know that a situation like that has no by-the-book response. You made a decision based on your good judgment, and it was the right call. If I were in your place, I would have done the same thing. Now, tomorrow, Bill stated in a firm and confident manner, we are going to walk into that hearing, boldly, and without any worry, and we are going to prove to Superintendent Hargraves once and for all that he's messing with the wrong mounties!"
Nathan, though not an unusual circumstance, was at a loss for words. Before settling into Hope Valley, Nathan had not known what it was like to be a part of a community, to be a part place where the town's people looked out for each other, honestly cared for one another. He had never before had a friend like Bill.
"Bill, Nathan began, you know I am not much for words, but…thank you." He said with the utmost sincerity."
Nathan stood up and reached out his hand, a gesture to which Bill responded by placing his hand firmly inside Nathan's.
"Now, Bill choked, go home. Get a good night's rest. I'll lock up for you."
Nathan nodded in his mentor's direction, before walking out the door. As the door shut behind him Bill, while leaning back on the desk, couldn't help but grin. Though he had lost his only son, Martin, when he was just a boy, he realized he had been incredibly blessed with two more. God had not only granted him a son in the late Jack Thornton but now also in Nathan Grant.
Nathan turned the knob of his front door and stepped inside. Though the house was dimly lit, Nathan immediately noticed Allie curled up on the living room sofa. Her head lay flat upon the pillow, her knees tucked up by her side. Nathan fetched a blanket from the handcrafted armchair which sat in the far corner of the room and laid it carefully on top of her. He then leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead.
"I love you, Allie-girl." He whispered softly, before heading up the stairs to his bedroom.
Stepping over to his bed stand, Nathan opened the drawer and pulled out his Bible. He flipped through the worn, yellowed pages until he came to a verse in Psalm that he had underlined sometime ago. "The Lord is on my side, he read to himself, I will not fear: what can man do unto me."
Nathan folded back the cover of his Bible and placed it back inside the drawer. He then closed his eyes tightly and began to pray. "Lord, he reverently directed, help me remember that You are in control, no matter what happens You are in control."
Nathan woke up before dawn the following morning, and after putting on his uniform, with the exception of his jacket, Nathan combed his wavy, black hair and shaved off his unseemly stubble. Then, before heading downstairs, he grabbed his tunic off the back of the chair and began to put it on. As he fastened the brass buttons of his uniform, he breathed a long, deep sigh as he remembered the Mountie motto. "Maintiens le Droit, he uttered, uphold the right."
Walking down the steps and the kitchen, Nathan was immediately greeted by both the pleasant aroma of bacon, eggs, and freshly brewed coffee, and the sight of Allie setting the table for their morning meal.
"Good morning, he said charmingly, may I help?"
"It's nearly done, but I suppose that you can begin to bring the food to the table."
"Yes, Mamm." He quipped
As Nathan carried a plate of sizzling, crispy bacon to the table, Allie had found it hard to keep a smile. She could tell that her uncle was trying to remain upbeat and positive for her sake, but she knew him forwards and backward-this hearing was bothering him, his judgment was being questioned. Nathan could potentially be discharged from the Mounties, and Allie knew that it terrified him.
After bringing the last plate of food to the table, Allie and Nathan sat down, folded their hands together, and bowed their heads for prayer. When Nathan finished saying the blessing, Allie took his plate and began to scoop up the breakfast.
"This looks terrific, he complimented, I cannot believe you did all this."
"This is nothing compared to what you have done for me. I don't know what I would do if you…".
"Hey, hey. Don't let this worry you. It is going to be just fine, he assured her while holding her hand, nothing is going to happen to me, I promise you that. I will always be there for you. Okay?"
"Okay." She replied as she wiped the tears from her eyes.
"Good. Nodded Nathan. Now let's eat before it gets cold."
Allie, Nathan said as he wiped his face with his napkin, Bill and I have a few things to discuss before the hearing, do you mind walking yourself to school?"
"I'll be fine."
"Are you sure, because I can…"
"I'm sure."
"Okay then. He said with a nod. Say, umm…Nathan hesitated…the hearing may go on for several hours so Anna's parents said that that you are more than welcome to come over to their house till it's over."
"I'll be waiting outside for you, she said pointedly, no matter how long it takes."
"I can tell that your mind is made up." He responds with that crooked but charming smile of his.
"It is." She said firmly.
"Good, because I will be waiting for you too." He said as he leaned down to give her one more hug before leaving.
Nathan turned around and began to walk to the door. However, he immediately paused when he heard Allie call from behind.
'Wait, Uncle Nathan! She called out as Nathan's hand was about to turn the knob.
"Yeah?" He replied while turning back toward Allie.
"Go get em'!" The young girl asserted as she flung herself into her uncle's arms.
"Thanks, kiddo. I needed that, more than you can possibly know."
As Nathan left for his meeting with Bill, Allie cleared the table from the morning meal and placed the dirty dishes in the sink. She then gathered her textbooks and supplies and placed them in her blue, canvas satchel before heading out the door for school.
The walk to school gave Allie time to think. Perhaps too much time." she thought to herself. She tried to keep her mind off the hearing, but she couldn't help it. If Nathan were found to be in the wrong, he could go to prison and she might be forced to move in with some distant relative. Nathan was truly the only father figure she had ever known, she could bear the thought of being without him! "He has to be found innocent, he just has to!"
Shortly thereafter, Allie came upon the little white schoolhouse but paused instantly when noticed several of her fellow classmates staring at her and whispering between themselves when they thought she wasn't looking. Though she was fully intending on stomping right on over there and giving them a piece of her mind, she was interrupted when Elizabeth stood on the top step ringing the bell loudly, and calling for the children to come inside.
"Saved by the bell." Allie quietly mumbled
Allie walked into the classroom and found a seat in the front row beside Anna and Emily.
"Hi." Anna whispered.
"We just want you to know, Emily leaned in to say, we think that your uncle is innocent."
"Yeah, Anna remarked, a lot of the kids do."
"Thanks." Replied Allie.
Allie was normally very studious and mindful in the classroom, particularly when it came to the subjects of math and literature, yet throughout the entire school day, she found it difficult to concentrate.
For the remainder of the day, Allie managed to sit through her lessons without fidgeting, However, when Elizabeth stood in the front of the room and rang the bell, dismissing the class, Allie didn't dawdle in getting out of there. She quickly collected her homework and supplies from the surface of her desk and after putting them back into her bag, she slung it over her head and shoulder and hurried out the door toward town.
Elizabeth, noticing how distracted Allie was during class, too hurried down the steps and out the door. She knew that Allie must be upset with all that was going on. "Perhaps, Elizabeth thought, she might like someone to talk with."
"Allie!" Elizabeth called from behind.
Allie initially continued on walking, pretending not to hear Elizabeth's calls. However, knowing that her uncle would not want her behaving so rudely and disrespectfully, she paused and turned toward her teacher who soon came up beside her.
"Allie, could I talk with you for a moment."
"I suppose." She replied distantly and with a shrug of the shoulders.
"Look, Elizabeth began, I know how difficult this must be for you, but I am sure that there is nothing to worry about. This is merely a formality and…"
"Why do you care?" Allie blurted out.
"What?" Elizabeth said, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"You've made it perfectly clear that you don't want anything to do with either of us!" Allie firmly stated while crossing her arms.
"Allie, you can't possibly believe that. I care for you and your uncle very much. It's just that, Elizabeth sighed, things are more completed than they seem."
"My uncle is the best person that I know! He didn't have to take me in, but he did without giving it a second thought. He's been there for me, she cried, no matter what.
"Allie," Elizabeth said while stepping forward.
"You know, Allie managed to say, her lips trembling, her eyes welling up with tears, why can't you just let us be. We're doing just fine without you!"
"Allie!" Elizabeth called as the young girl ran away. "Allie!"
Authors Note:
I hope you enjoyed this story! This one was a little bit more difficult to write so I hoped it flowed well. I had not initially intended on providing the scene between Allie and Elizabeth with this backstory, but I really wanted to highlight Allie and Nathan and their feelings preceding the inquiry. Please don't hesitate to let me know your thoughts, I take feedback very seriously. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and post any reviews, it means a lot to me.