Hey I am back with another chapter from this chapter. I am sorry for the massive delay of chapters. I care for this series, and I know there are people that like this story. I am going to still keep going. Let's start to show how this will start.
Clementine was hiding behind Lee. He was afraid it because he went from running from Walkers to fight what looked like a werewolf.
''Who are you? Answer now or…'' Scream Bigby ready to attack.
''My name is Lee!'' Scream Lee
''please don't hurt him mister!'' Scream Clementime.
The two were now seeing both Bigby and snow. That got the two fables very confused.
''A girl?'' Asked Bigby.
''bufkiin what is this?'' Asked Snow.
The flying monkey got a little nervous and then started to talk.
''Well…I saw them in the mirror, and I need it to help them. I mean they were helpless in their world so I decided to help these mundies out.'' Said Bufkin.
Both Snow and Bigby got super angry at the flying monkey. This was beyond stupidity.
''You brought mundies here!'' Scream Bigby.
''Not only that but from a doom world!"' Scream Snow.
''I coudltn let them die. They were perfect characters, it would be such a waste.'' Said Bufkin.
Bigby just let an annoyed grunt, this monkey was so dead.
''You better be prey that your wings are still sticked to your back. Once the others find out, you might be send to the farm or worst.'' Said Bigby.
''Please, don't do this.'' Said Bufkin.
''Hey knock it off.'' Said Lee standing up.
Bigby was now surprised over this scene, at first Lee was scared and now was showing bravery.
''Excuse me?" Asked Bigby.
Lee didn't know what he was going to do, he just wanted to make sure Clementine was safe.
''Look, I know this is a lot. Trust me, I am also super confused right now, but let the monkey out of this. If it wasn't for him both me and her would be dead.'' Said Lee.
Bigby just look at both Lee and Clementine with an odd look and then answer.
''lIsten pal, you better figure out a way out. You don't wanna deal with the shit we got in this world.'' Said Bigby.
''You wanna know what is real shitty. Wake up every morning and check out for walkers nearby.'' Said Lee.
''Walkers?'' Asked Snow confused.
''There are zombies, we call them that.'' Said Clementine.
That got both Bigby and Snow horrified, a zombie invasion.
''You brought people that were contaminated by zombies!'' Scream Snow.
''No, I am not infected neither is she. To become one, you need to be bitten or scratched. Both of us are clean.'' Said Lee.
Bigby did a quick inspection and that was true, no bites or scratches.
''Is that your daughter?" Asked Bigby.
Lee got a little nervous right now. At this point what was Clementine to him?
''No, she…I found her when the attack started and I been with her ever since.'' Said Lee.
''My name is Clementine. Please don't be angry at Lee. He didn't mean to it.'' Said her behind Lee.
Lee try to calm her, but at this point how could he calm her.
''don't worry, both of them are complete fine. Plus, the walkers from your world destroy all the mirror of the store.'' Said the mirror.
''thanks Mirror, we need you when we speak.'' Said Bigby.
Soon Snow decided to just know the full story and make sure that nothing bad happens around the city.
''Ok, let's start this peacefully. Please. '' Said her.
''Look, we both introduce ourselves. I am Lee and she is Clementine, I know the monkey's name and the mirror too. Can you two please have some patience with us? We endure a living hell these pasts months.'' Said Lee.
The two just look at each other and had a rare case of empathy for this man. He looked so sad and miserable; it appears that his world is about to become what their world of fable once was. Since this wasn't an option, they started to explain who they were.
''I am snow White.'' Said her
Upon hearing that both Lee and Clem got a shocked look.
''Snow White?! As in…the one from the stories ?" Asked Lee.
''Yes, snow white. Apple and everything.'' Said her.
Lee then looked at Bigby and tried to figure out who he was.
''And you?'' Asked Lee
''Name is Bigby, I was the Big Bad Wolf.'' Said him
''From little red ridding hoo? Or the three little pigs?'' Asked Clementine.
''The same old crap with me? Kids just know me as those fiascos?" Asked Bigby annoyed
Lee didn't know what was going on. He knew this wasn't normal because there was a flying monkey, and a talking mirror. And now these two say they are the legit snow whte and Big bad wolf.
''What is going on here?" Asked Lee confused.
Bigby took a deep breath as he got a chair.
''Get comfy, this is going to a long story.'' Said him as everyone gather together.