Their Guardian
11. USJ – Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own Boko no Hero Academia.
Warning: Their will be course language and elements of blood as the story progresses
Things quickly unraveled as soon as Jason made his way back to class. His fellow classmates swarmed him with questions ranging form asking if he was okay, what happened and so on. He was a little overwhelmed at first at the concern everyone quickly exhibited for him.
"Alright alright. Back to your seats everyone." Luckily he's saved having to explain anything when Mr. Aizawa walks in and defuses the students over-activeness. Jason quickly takes the opportunity and extricates himself from the group and makes it to his seat. Seeing that the focus of their attention is back in his seat everyone else quickly follows suit, not wanting to earn the ire of their instructor. As the students make their way back to their seats, Jason takes a look around the class for a second. As one student passes, he takes note of the fact that he and his best friend lock eyes for a second. Theirs a moment of indecision in Izu's eye's as he purses his lips in anticipation before looking away.
Jason looks confused as well at his friends demeanor but he himself is also feeling a little down at the events that quickly look place today, from the voting, the alarm and pandemonium, and the blindsided attack on his person. Jason contemplates some things in his head as he takes a deep breath.
"Now then," Jason perks up in attention at his teachers words. "As you can see, Takeda is alright and well. A quick trip to the nurse and he's okay… so don't go hounding him for details on school ground got that? Do it on your own time." He tells everyone firmly. A couple students raise their hands and get ready to ask some questions. "And no we won't be discussing what happened to him. The matter is already being investigated by the faculty so no questions about that." He answers before they can ask. Those same students lower their hands. "Now, as I was going to say I…" He begins to announce when Izu's hand shoots up in attention. Mr. Aizawa now looks irritated, more so than usual. "I thought I said no questions about the incident." He glares at the green-haired boy.
Izuku gulps but stays firm. "Actually sir, I want to discuss something really quick with Jakkun. It's a matter of importance for our roles as Class Rep. and deputy."
Mr. Aizawa continues to stare at him for a few seconds, making Izu sweatdrop a little until his visage softens. "As long as it's not about the incident, make it quick."
"Thank you sir!" Izu quickly thanks him before standing up. "Jakkun, over here." He waves his friend over, directing him towards the front left corner of the room. Jason stands up and heads over to meet his friend, a little confused by the request but complies nonetheless. They both huddle up close to the corner.
"What you need?" Jason asks in a low voice.
"Well, I was thinking…" Izu begins to say before he begins to whisper, not allowing any of the other students to hear. Bakugo grimaces at their whispering but the rest just glance at each other in confusion.
Several seconds pass as they converse before Jason quickly straightens up and turns to look at his classmates. He stares carefully and critically as peers at everyone in the room, his eyes lingering on a couple for just a moment before continuing. It's not long after that he goes back to huddling with Izu. "Okay, I got a couple ideas. How about…" He whispers some more. Izu leans in, nodding along as he does before giving a firm nod in agreement. "It's good?" He asks, holding up his fist.
"Sounds good." Izu smiles and returns the fist bump.
"Alright." Jason smiles and walks over to their teacher with Izu right behind him. "Sir, we'd like to make an announcement to the class."
"Hurry." Mr. Aizawa grumbles impatiently as he steps away from the podium.
Jason nods before stepping up to it with Izu next to him on his right. "Iida! Yaoyorozu!" Both students perk up at their names being called. Jason waves them over to him. "Need you up here for this."
Both students bear looks of confusion on their faces before they glance at one another, wondering if the other has any idea on what's going on but as they note the equal amounts of confusion on each others faces, they both are in the dark. Regardless they both stand up and make their way to the front of the classroom, Iida stepping forward with prompt firmness while Yaoyorozu steps forward in a more relaxed state, wringing her hands a little as she does.
"Thank you." Jason thanks them as they line up on his left. They smile at him in reply before Jason nods and turns back to the class and clears. "Alright. In light of… recent events," Jason can almost feel the glare of his instructor on him. "My partner and I," He waves his hand to Izu, "Decided that maybe we feel like we haven't lived up to the expectations as our positions permit. Granted its only the first day, but regardless we weren't expecting to be given these positions to begin with and I think that also plays a factor in the position. With that said, due to Yaoyorozu being the only other person who got more than one vote, and due to Iida's quick actions earlier that calmed down the panicking crowd of students in the halls, Midoriya Izuku and I, Takeda Jason, hereby resign our positions as deputy and Class representative respectively immediately." More than a few of the students begin murmuring and exclaim in surprise at the sudden action by the two of them. At least a few of the students were more than confident in their choices for the positions but to have them quickly resign just threw them for a loop. "Iida. Yaoyorozu." Jason turns to the two and calls their names, making them look at him. "Will you two humbly accept the positions of Deputy and Class Rep. respectively?" He asks, nodding to one then the other. They look stunned at the positions they are to give each other before glancing at one another before giving their answers back to Jason.
"Yes! I fully accept the position to be Class 1-A's Deputy!" Iida loudly proclaims as he stands rigidly and at attention.
Yaoyorozu smiles before nodding to Jason. "Yes. I accept the position as Class Representative." She accepts in a more subdued way.
Jason smiles at their acceptance before turning to the class.
"Then, as the former members of the positions, I hereby establish Yaoyorozu Momo, and Iida Tenya, as your new Class Rep. and deputy." Jason announces, pointing to Yaoyorozu as Class Rep. and Iida as deputy. He gives a small clapping ovation as he steps away from the podium. On instinct both of the newly promoted students step closer to the podium as the rest of the students join in the clapping too. They stare out at the smiling students in front of them. No one else objects to the change in class leadership as everyone gives smiles to the both of them and nods of approval.
"Thank you! I will work to the best of my ability to be the best deputy our class will ever have!" Iida can't help but exclaim loudly with veritable proudness oozing from his voice. A few chuckle at the strict seriousness he is exhibiting. Yaoyorozu meanwhile just smiles at the opportunity given before giving a bow to everyone.
"Thank you. I will do everything I can to make sure I am well-suited for this position."
"I'm sure you will." Jason comments back with a smile.
"Are you quite done already?" Everyone freezes as their teacher speaks, his mood no less improved over the new development. "Because I was planning to continue our lessens and don't like to be waited on." He narrows his eyes at them. The ones at the front quickly make their way back to their seats without incurring his wrath. "Good. Now if their isn't going to be anymore interruptions…?" He leaves the sentence unfinished but more so like a question as he stares at everyone with a critical look. After a few seconds with no one looking to interrupt the man, he relaxes a little and nods. "Alright then. Now, because of the damage done to the schools front gate, the faulty and I have decided to cancel school early for today while the damages are repaired."
"Aw man!"
"This blows."
For most schools and students, especially in the younger variety, some would relish the idea of a shortened school day. Not for the students of U.A. obviously. They chose to go to that school so not being able to stay and continue their studies to being heroes is not something they wish to do.
"By tomorrow the damages should be repaired and security will be back to normal. But for today, the rest of your classes are cancelled. Gather your stuff and head on home."
Despite the disappointment in many of the students, none of them argue considering the situation.
With their classes cut short, it's a pretty somber mood for most of the students as they head home. The classrooms empty out with all students from every class heading out to head home or do something with their new free time.
"Whoa, I can see why they decided to cancel the rest of the day." Sero comments. The majority of class 1-A head off in their separate ways to go home but several members are in a small congregation as they make their way past the destroyed gate of U.A., that group consisting of Mina, Izu, Jason, Uraraka, Sero, Kirishima, Jirou, Iida, Yaoyorozu, Hagakure, Tsu, Kaminari and Ojiro. Thankfully the reporters were all cleared out before the class cancelation announcement was issued so the students won't be hounded by the press as they leave the school. Many of the other students of U.A. take pictures and look in awe at the destruction of the structure. The 1-A students stare at the piece as they walk but don't stay too long looking at it.
"Yeah. The whole thing is like… gone. Wonder who did it?" Kirishima asks out loud.
"Maybe one of the reporters? They seemed pretty desperate to get in when they were talking to all of us." Uraraka answers.
"Seems a little extreme to get a quote." Jiro comments and she's right. If one of the reporters did in fact melt the main gate of the school, then they can kiss their careers goodbye if any evidence comes up of them having done it. And with the dozens of cameras snapping pictures and recording videos everywhere, it wouldn't take too long to cross-reference the different reporters for any with a Quirk that can destroy the gate as it did. "Oh well, it's not like theirs anything we can do about it now." Jiro says with the others nodding along.
"Well, we now have extra time to hang out now that we're out early!" Mina joyfully proposes with a giddy step in her wake. "We should all do something just to relax and have a bit of fun."
"I apologize but I must refuse!" Iida quickly answers, causing everyone else to look at him. "Due to the additional free time we now have, and my new duties as the deputy for our class, I feel it more prudent to immediately begin preparations for my new station." He explains firmly and professionally, an arm raised as he loudly gives his explanation. A few of them chuckle weakly at the overt professionalism and seriousness that Iida is exhibiting.
"I should go too." Yaoyorozu also answers a little nervously. "Now that I'm Class Rep. I should also get prepared and ready just in case."
"Excellent idea Class Representative!" Iida loudly proclaims with a single hand chop in the air. "Should you require any assistance in whatever form please let me know."
"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Iida." Yaoyorozu awkwardly thanks him, still a little put off by the absolutel seriousness he is giving off.
"Very well then! I must be off. Take care everyone." He bids everyone farewell and walks off stiffly. A few students wave him off in bye, not really sure what to say exactly. Yaoyorozu gives everyone a nod, a smile and walks off as well with a small wave.
"Since they're gone, how about we go to the mall and just hang out?" Mina proposes with a smile. Nothing is as true for kids and students in school to just simply hang out at a mall of all places.
Several more nod and voice their agreement of the sentiment and are on board with the idea.
"I can't." Izu answers with a small smile. "I should head home and let my mom know what happened here. To be honest I don't want her to find out U.A. was attacked via the news and worry so much over me if she doesn't know if I'm okay or not."
"That's fair." Mina nods in understanding before she gets a giddy smile and turns to Jason. "What about you Jason? You should come."
Jason goes to answer. "Yeah you should go Jakkun." Izu actually answers for him first. "If I remember correctly you live closer to the mall than I do so it'll be easier for you to go home and head there afterwards." Jason looks at his friend surprised before going to refute.
"He's got a point." Jirou states, slightly annoying Jason at having been interrupted again. "I'm cool to hang but I definitely wanna go home and change out of my uniform." She lightly pulls a piece of her collar with one of her jacks.
"Then its agreed!" Mina outright establishes the plan for everyone present, much to the dismay of Jason. "We'll head home and change out of our uniforms before having a fun time at the mall!"
"Yeah! I'm down for that." Kirishima is pumped to go.
"Me too!" Sero is as well.
"Sounds like fun." So is Uraraka.
"Awesome! Then lets head home, get changed and go and hang out." Mina proclaims. Many of the others also agree and voice it too before heading off, leaving Jason and Izu awkwardly standing together there, Jason's arm still raised as he never said what he wanted.
His hand falls to his side as he looks and gives a deadpan look at his best friend. "You want me to go don't you?"
"Maybe." Izu smugly states before walking away. Jason sighs annoyed before catching up to his friend. "C'mon Jakkun. It'll be nice just to hang out. Since we've been in school we haven't exactly branched out in who we hang out with. This'll be a nice change for you."
"Then why aren't you going too?" Jason accuses him.
Izu gives a small 'really?' look as he glances at him. "Because you and I both know that I'm right about my mom possibly overreacting about the whole situation. One of us needs to be home to reassure our parent's I'm not the one with military for a dad."
"Alright alright I get it. Have an answer for anything huh?" Jason jests as he crosses his arms behind his head, trying not to take note of the smug slightly triumphant look on his face. "Whatever. Maybe it'll be interesting." Jason says with a bored look before fishing out his phone. "Now, let me see if I can find a train time to get us close to back home." Since school is canceled early, their usual train time is a no go so Jason tries to look up a quick transit list for the days train schedules.
Unbeknownst to him, Izu gives his friend a sad smile before staring forward, keeping step as his thoughts plague him. 'You've always been my friend Jakkun. Always. Not once did you try to make friends with any other but always stuck by me. To help and protect me. But now that I have a Quirk, and now that we're here at the best hero school, you can relax. You don't have to be as serious all the time anymore. You CAN relax now…' This time Izu lets out a small sigh and purses his lips. 'And finally, you can do it without me.' It's a sad thought for him but one that he's willing to have if it means his friend can have other friends besides him. Sure they've made friends with Uraraka and Iida, but he still wants him to makes friends with others too.
It's his hope at least.
With the rest of the school day cancelled, the students of U.A. make do with their new free time to do whatever they want. Some take advantage and get extra work done, some go home to simple rest, and others just go to hang out.
Several members of 1-A are doing just that. After heading home and changing into more casual wear, Kirishima, Uraraka, Sero, Mina, Hagakure, Jirou, Tsu, Kaminari, Ojiro and Jason go to meet up at the mall for a day of simply hanging out.
The group of students go about, talking and moving around as they just chill. Most of the students talk but Jason is one of the few who keeps to the back of the group as he stays silent with his hands in his pockets, not really finding much to say and just trying to enjoy the company of the others.
"Hey Jakkun." He perks up at the name, being used to Izu being the one to call him that but immediately knows its not as he remembers his friend isn't there and that the voice is female. A glance to the side shows Uraraka slowing her steps as she looks at him with a smile. "You seem a little down. Are you okay? You're not still injured are you?" She asks worriedly.
Jason smiles at the worry she has for him. After he left school and went home, he took off the bandage on his head so his parents wouldn't fuss over it. It wasn't a problem as Recovery Girl had already fixed up his injury.
"Aahh… it's fine. Recovery Girl fixed me up fully. It's just…" He purses his lips and looks around for a bit. "Never really bothered coming to the mall. I always either hung out with Izu at his or my house, or just chilled out at home. I guess you can say I'm…" They take a few steps to the side as their group passes several rowdy teenagers as they speed walk past. "A little out of my element."
Uraraka smiles as she hooks her hands behind her back and swings a little. "Yeah, when this place fills up it can get a bit loud. Shame Deku couldn't be here. I think it would have been awesome for us all to hang out outside of school."
"Yeah, real shame." Jason sarcastically states.
"Don't worry!" She suddenly proclaims. "I'm sure theirs something we all can find to have some fu—!"
"OOOHHH! Look!" Mina's voice suddenly calls out, gathering everyone's attention. The pinkette can be seen at the front pointing towards a nearby store outlet of the mall. Well, not really a store but in fact an arcade. A large store front with the words 'Gamedon' can be seen lettered over the large entrance in bright lights. Over a dozen people can be seen walking in and out of the place at a time and it has a dark atmosphere to it like most mall arcade stores have and this one is as inviting as it is. "We should totally hit up the arcade!"
"Oh yeah!"
"I'm down for that!"
"Could be fun." The majority of the group agree to go in and immediately take off inside. Jason and Uraraka stay standing where they are awkwardly at the sudden change in pace but Jason nods.
"Alright then. I guess this is what we're doing." Jason mutters and starts walking in, taking his hands out of his pockets.
"Yeah! I haven't been to an arcade in ages. This could be fun." She agrees wholeheartedly and walks in as well.
The place is darkly lit with dark carpeting, dark painted walls and dozens and dozens of various types of arcade machines for patrons to enjoy, ranging from rollercoaster simulators, racing machines using cars or motorcycles, reaction type of games, sports, shooters, head to head fighting games and so on. Due to their group being part of U.A. the place even has a special promotion of allowing students to play at a discounted price. Needless to say a lot of them were quite happy with the news and were gung-ho in experiencing all they can do and have fun with.
The group splits up to everyone moving to have fun with their preferred games. Jason takes in the atmosphere of the place and smiles as he nods, taking note of the different people there and the fun everyone is having. Its been awhile since he played some video games and some of the arcade ones he sees get his attention. He looks around and takes interest in some of the machines. More specifically the ones with gun controllers peak his attention. "Well now, this'll be interesting." He mutters as he grabs the gun and pulls it out of its holster on the machine. He gets a feel for the bulky weapon and the thin electrical cord running from it to the machine. It would be easy to make the controller weapon advanced enough that it can be wireless to be used on the arcade machine, but its mostly a security reason to keep the controller from being stolen, as well as a nostalgia feel for the original designs of shooting arcade machines.
Jason inspects the weapon and nods a little at the feel before looking at the game he is about to play. A zombie game to be more precise. Another installment in a long line of zombie-esque arcade games and smirks at the look before putting in his tokens.
"Whatcha' got here Jason?" Mina comes up and gets much too close for comfort, as per usual with her boisterous attitude, as she asks him. "Oooh! A zombie game? Haven't seen one of these in awhile." She comments as he takes a firm hold of the pistol controller and aims it at the screen as the intro cutscene plays out. "Play these types of games often?" She asks.
Jason smirks as the cutscene finishes and he gets access to the first zombies to kill. "Not too often."
Adopting a shooters stance he effortlessly headshots and takedowns the first set of hostiles on the screen, then several more after that as he flicks his aim off screen to reload. As he kills it in the game, Min meanwhile gives him a deadpan look at his skills.
A couple hours pass as the group play through the arcade. Jason killed it on the zombie game and played a few other types of shooting games. He even went head to head with Kirishima and some others in some of the racing arcade games. Eventually though it came time for everyone to head on him and be ready for the next day.
Overall it was a chill time of the day for those to have fun. It was relatively short but fun to have. Jason nwill admit that he was happy to have gone out and hang out. It's been a quite awhile since he took the time to actually and have fun. It's been awhile too since he's hung out with anyone else besides Izu so this was a nice change of pace for him.
The next day rolls around and despite the damage done to the main gate of the academy, they were able to fix and repair all of the damage that was done to it. Just goes to show the resources and skills that U.A. has at its disposal to repair such damage in almost less than a day. As all the students walk through the halls they take note of the majority of teachers patrolling the halls, acting almost like guards. No doubt they had to buff up security to make sure a repeat of yesterdays attempt doesn't happen again. The majority of the day progresses as normal as it always does for the student body. For class 1-A, they make it back to their homeroom class with no issues and meet up with the ever joyful Mister Aizawa, note the sarcasm.
"Alright alright. Settle down." He drones out in his usual droll tone to the class. The students soon became quiet and were ready to listen to their instructor on what the agenda is. "Today we're going to be doing things a little different. As you saw when you entered back into the school, we were able to repair the damage that was done to the front gate. As to the culprit of the damage, that is still under investigation. Something that none of you will be dealing with." Just a few students were at least a little disappointed by that but he continues regardless. "Nevertheless, we have a very important assignment for you all today. Today's training will be a little different. You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you." Murmurs of the students indicate their curiosity as to what's going to happen that requires three pro's to keep tabs on them. Izu assumes it's because of the break-in that happened.
"Sir! What kind of training is this?" Sero asks raising his hand.
"Rescue." Aizawa states, holding up a card with the word 'Rescue' on it in blue letters. "You'll be dealing with national disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that." He informs them.
This gets many of the students excited at the idea of a new form of training to work with. "Disasters huh? Sounds like we're in for a big workout." Kaminari says with a smirk.
"Totally!" Mina is all hyped up and ready to go as always.
"Real hero stuff. This is what separates the men from the boys." Kirishima grins widely at the new challenge as he clenches his fists in anticipation. "I'm shaking with excitement."
"Finally I'll get to show how good I am in water, ribbit." Tsu is happy to showcase her stuff too.
"Guys I'm not finished yet." And just like that the excitable mood brought done at their teachers behest, which is fair since they interrupted him. Everyone quiets down as he continues speaking. "What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know your excited about costumes," He presses a button on a remote, activating the slides on the walls that reveal the cases holding everyone's hero costumes, "But keep in mind you haven't gotten used to them yet, and they might limit your abilities. This special training is at an off campus facility so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all. Start getting ready." With that said, he walks off towards the door.
Everyone starts getting up from their seats to head for their costumes, with a few lagging behind as they contemplate their choice of gear. While Izu keeps a firm stance in his mind, readying himself for the training to come, Jason makes his way to the wall for his gear, his mind a whirlwind of possibilities that they'll have to encounter that they'll have to adapt for.
Ten minutes pass and the class is already outside, the various students of 1-A milling about as they prepare themselves for the training and the bus to get them.
Jason and Izu stand side-by-side as they ready themselves in their makeshift gear. "Still no word."
"Nope." Izu mutters a little disappointingly.
"Deku?" Izu perks up at his name being called, drawing attention to Uraraka as she walks up to them in her costume, sans her helmet. "Why are you wearing your P.E. clothes? Where's your costume at?" She points out, much to Izu's embarrassment.
"You saw it after the combat training. It was kind of trashed. As much as my armor was able to protect me it was next to useless afterwards with how much damage it took. I'm still waiting for the support company to finish working on the repairs."
"Oh that's right. That fight was pretty brutal." She shivers a little at how intense things kind of got. But she gets curious when she looks at Jason. "And what about you Jakkun? Is your armor not done being fixed either?" She notes the lack of armor on his torso.
Jason smirks as he tugs a little on his clothes. "Ah, my gear was all repaired but Mister Aizawa mentioned that we wouldn't need everything in order to do rescue training, as some of it would slow us down." He holds up his hands to show his hands having a lack of plated gloves. "My body armor restricts a little bit of my movement and its just added weight with my gloves on. Figured I could get rid of a few things like my arm and knee pads to be more maneuverable." He shakes his limbs a little to emphasize the lack of armor pieces, except for his shin pads he keeps.
"Oh cool!... and your weapons and mask?" She asks after a second.
"My mask doubles as a rebreather so its good for underwater rescue and to protect me from smoke inhalation from fire situations. My baton and shield to use as splints if we need to do any mock medical exercises, same with cape to tear or cut strips of bandages, or to cover someone or something from fire."
"Wow! Really?!"
"Yeah. It's fireproof." Jason adds nonchalantly.
"Are you serious?!" Uraraka practically shouts in wonder at the fabric. It just occurred to Jason he may have not told everyone what all his gear like.
'Come to think of it…' It also occurs to Jason that many of the others costumes don't really have much else going for them besides the benefit of their Quirks or not. Besides that theirs nothing else to them, while he completely setup his design to focus on a variety of different situations.
A loud whistle pierces the air, gaining everyone's attention and halting all conversations.
"Gather 'round class 1-A!" Iida calls out from next to the bus. "Using your student numbers form two neat lines so load onto the bus efficiently!" He orders. From there its more whistle blowing and calling for everyone to move up. Jason, Izu, Uraraka and Yaoyorozu look exasperated at the boy as he continues to blow the whistle and waving for everyone to get on.
"Iida's certainly kicking it into high gear as our deputy vice-rep. huh?" Izu asks out loud, though he's not really expecting an answer, just more of an observation really.
"He's certainly enthusiastic." Uraraka points out with a sweatdrop on her head.
Yaoyorozu nods in agreement. "When he heard we were going to take a bus, he immediately went to me to suggest a seating chart arrangement for the class. I was caught off-guard by the sudden suggestion I just nodded okay." She sighs. "I wasn't expecting him to jump into things so quickly."
"Let's hope he doesn't go overboard with his new title." Jason mutters as they begin making their way to the bus, a thought for Jason on his curiosity as to how the arrangement is that Iida set up.
Jason can't help but mentally chuckle at the irate, annoyed and angry expression on the speedy boy. As it turns out, unlike the normal type of buses where theirs one long open column down the middle with rows of seats for people to slip into and sit in, the bus that the class is currently taking is of an open design, whereas the seats are lined up against the walls and windows of the bus instead of being lined up into rows. This completely threw out Iida's seating plan he had prepared, resulting in the boy sulking angrily in his seat at the surprise layout.
"The bus's open layout ruined my boarding strategy." He sulks hunched over.
"Iida you really need to chill." Mina suggests to him, which he really needs to do at times.
"If we're pointing out the obvious, then theirs something I want to say. About you actually." Tsu says, looking at Izu sitting right next to her. This makes the boy tense at being on the spot so soon. Jason carefully eyes them as she stares at Izu.
"About me? What is it Asui?" Izu replies in nervus confusion.
"I told you to call me Tsu." Jason is still not sure what's her focus on making sure everyone calls her and such but doesn't bother to pry.
"Oh… yeah right." Izu mutter in an apologetic tone at his forgetfulness.
"That power of yours. Isn't it a lot like All Mights?" She points out a very obvious fact out loud bluntly. Izu tenses up and just about freaks out at the call out and Jason tenses up as well, albeit in a more subtle and subdued way that makes him narrows his eyes at her carefully.
"What really?! You think so, huh? I never really thought about that. I guess—" Of course by that point Izu goes off on a long winded explanation tangent about the similarities of Quirks but Kirishima can't help but put in his own two cents on the matter to the frog girl.
"Wait hold on Tsu. Your forgetting All Might doesn't hurt himself. That makes a huge difference." Jason and Izu let out sighs of relief at the point made by the red spiky haired boy. "Still its pretty cool to have a simple augmenting type of Quirk. You could do a lot of flashy stuff with it. My hardening is super strong and can destroy bad guys in a fight but it doesn't look all that impressive." He says as he hardens up his arm to accentuate the point.
Jason gets a thoughtful look as he looks at him while Izu looks on in awe.
"Oh no way! I think it's really awesome looking. You're definitely pro-material with a Quirk like that." He tries to cheer up the red head.
"You really think so?" Kirishima replies with a smile. "Seems like it would be easier to be a popular hero if I had something flashier."
"Izu's right." Jason decides to pen his own thoughts in. "Don't discount your Quirk Kirishima. It can be very useful, even save your life and the lives of your allies and innocent civilains if you use it right. That's the important part." Jason begins to say, idly adjusting his shield on his arm as he speaks. "I would know. My father has a hardening-type Quirk too." He adds absentmindedly.
"HE DOES?!" Jason jumps as Kirishima shouts enthusiastically at the news. He looks nervously at the sudden attention he has now drawn and glances left and right at the others before meekly nodding.
"Uhm… yeah."
"That's so cool! I've haven't met many other people with a Quirk similar to mine besides my family. How good is his hardening? What does he do?" Kirishima asks with giddiness in his voice.
"Hold on," Uraraka asks curiously, now garnering attention as she presses a finger to her chin in thought. "But you're Quirkless. Shouldn't your parents be Quirkless too?" She asks innocently.
"Statistically and genetically speaking, a couple who both are Quirkless will have a higher chance of having a child who is Quirkless than a couple who both have Quirks… but their chances are not zero either and a Quirkless child can be born still." Izu absentmindedly states this bit of information. It takes him a second to realize what he said and quickly starts freaking out. "Uhhhhh! I mean it's just some information I learned about when I found out Jakkun was Quirkless and was curious! That's all!" He quickly answers, arms and hands waving, scratching the back of his head embarrassingly and so forth. The others are none the wiser but both Izu and Jason share a split second knowing glance at one another, Jason offering his friend a smile as he does.
"Yes. Pertaining to your question Kirishima: my father is military, and he does have a hardening type of Quirk. Whereas yours allows you to harden the outer layer of your body, my father was only able to harden the insides of his body. His organs and muscles and such." He explains. Many of the other students in understanding but some voice their confusion.
"But, what good would that do exactly?" Sato asks, among a few others who also are confused. In hindsight, having a hardening for the outside of the body would be better due to the ability to stop attacks from entering your body in the first place. "It sounds like Kirishima's is better."
"Oh, I don't doubt his is better," Jason waves to Kirishima but he keeps the smile on his face. "But in reality, its all about how you use your Quirk to make it effective. Having been in multiple enemy engagements, their have been times where my father has had to come up with very innovative and very life saving moments with his Quirk to have survived for so long." He now has a majority of the students in the bus paying attention to him. Normally he wouldn't put in the work to gain attention but telling some stories about his father for Kirishima and proving to him that his Quirk isn't a bad one, he's alright with that, especially the guy has been nothing but nice and curious to him and his friend since the first day of school. "I remember him telling me how one time he got into a knife fight with another fighter. Both of them were pretty even until he got the upper hand on my dad and got on top of him. From there it was a struggle of the enemy trying to push his knife into his heart and my dad trying to stop him from doing so."
"Whoa." A few students mutter in awe.
"So what happened next?" Sero asks.
Jason smiles and leans forward a little. "My dad used his hardening Quirk." This makes Kirishima smile. "He let go of his opponent and went to grab his own knife while the enemy's was coming down on him. Thing is, he hardened his ribs just as the blade entered his skin. The knife caught one of his ribs and was stopped in its tracks like it was hitting steel, giving my father the chance to… finish the fight, on his terms." He adds the last part vaguely and lowly, not really wishing to get into the details.
It's no stranger to the fact that being a hero is a very dangerous job what with the natural disasters, villains and criminals that could very will claim the lives of many people, heroes and civilians alike, so it would be foolhardy for a person to go into heroing and not expect it all to be sunshines and rainbows. Just like their instructor said on the first day of school at the impromptu test, they have to be ready for anything essentially.
"Point being, he was able to use his Quirk just right to ensure he wasn't killed and survived many encounters with his opponents. Granted a drawback he had was that his body wasn't able to function properly when he uses his Quirk on whatever part of his body he uses his on. His heart, blood wouldn't be able to flow and circulate; lungs, they can't take in air; his ribs wouldn't have been able to expand either to allow him to breathe properly. Other parts though he was able to make do quite well, for instance by hardening the bones and ligaments of his limbs, he can punch, kick and lift several times more than what he normally would have been able to do by doing that."
"Whoa. That's freaky." Sero mutters in awe, followed by agreeable nods from some of the others.
"Yeah. He was a very good soldier able to climb the ranks to be one of the best."
"What type of military was your father in?" Tsu asks with a small head tilt. "You look a little bit American but you didn't say if your dad was in Japans or America's"
"Good catch. He was in the US military, having been years in the army and working his way up to becoming one of the best of the best of one of the strongest militaries in the world." Jason says with a bit of pride his voice as he speaks.
"How best we talking about?" Shoji asks with a wary tone.
This time Jason adopts a small confident smirk on his face. "Army Ranger Delta Force."
This bit of information confuses some of the students at the position this is in the army. Since the rise of Quirks and individuals with such, many militaries and police forces started to stagnate and focus more on the cultivation of different people's Quirks and the potential powerful heroes that can rise for different countries. While some militaries may not be at the massive powerhouses they were when Quirks weren't a thing, some still choose to try and keep a powerful force on standby just in case.
The majority of the students are not familiar with that branch of military completely, a few do know of its historical reputation. "That is… quite a position." Iida grimly states. Being as knowledgeable as he is, its not that hard to think he would have just a bit of passing knowledge of that.
"Technically it's two positions, but yeah he was no joke in the army. He earned his ranks." Jason states before shaking his head and waving his hands. "But I'm getting off track. Point being Kirishima," He refocuses his attention back on the red-head. "Being a hero and being a soldier may be two different things, but the point being is lives are at stake either way. Your Quirk may not be the flashiest of the bunch, but it can be the difference and tantamount to the survival of yourself and the innocent. There are other ways to become popular as a hero, but I still think you can become an amazing hero regardless if your flashy or not." Jason takes a breath, not having anticipated talking so much on this ride.
Many of the students smile and nod with him, agreeing with his sentiment to a degree. Tsu also points out the fact that Jason's status as being Quirkless will already make him a popular hero. This gets a laugh out of some of the students, including Jason who chuckles good heartedly.
Izu stares at his best friend with a smile, happy to see his friend talking still with more people. Having seen the other students turn the tables on Bakugo despite his angry fierce side threw him for a loop, but also seeing everyone accept both himself and Jason, even though one is Quirkless and the other has a Quirk that hurts his own body, goes to show just how different this new school is compared to what they all were in before. Izu smirks at just another point added to his determination to prove their place at U.A. Although he still finds it weird seeing Bakugo yelling and shout threats to the others but none of them bat an eye at it, a far cry from what life was like in their previous school.
For Jason, Tsu got way higher on his list of people to respect when she called out Bakugo so bluntly. He had to suppress at the lack of reaction she had to his sudden threat to her.
Only a couple minutes pass before the bus makes it to the location. As the students and teacher disembark they meet another of the three instructors that is going to be with them.
"Hello everyone! I've been waiting for you." A new loud voice speaks up over the class, immediately gaining attention from everyone. Several students cry out in surprise and awe at the new arrival. The person they see in front of them resembles that of a person wearing a large bulky space suit with a heavily tinted glass helmet.
"It's the space hero: Thirteen!" Izu begins his explanation of the hero. "The chivalrous hero who's rescued a ton of people from disasters across the world." Due to the helmet it can actually be difficult to tell what gender Thirteen is exactly, since the helmet obscures their face and changes their voice, although its widely believed by most that they are a female so that's the default thought half the time.
"Woohoo! Thirteen is one of my favorite heroes!" Uraraka can't help but voice her ecstaticness of the situation.
"I can't wait to show you what's inside." She instructs them as she gestures for everyone to go in. With continued vigor, everyone is led by the teachers inside to quite the spectacle for them.
Outside the building doesn't have much to look at, just a very large structure with a dome over it, which wouldn't be far off to assume it looks like an oddly shaped sports stadium with its roofs closed to cover from rain and the weather.
The inside though, is a completely other matter altogether. The faculty are already used to the facility and don't have as much of a reaction to the place as the others. The students though have a much more enthusiastic reaction to the location. Shouts of astonishment, joy, amazement and looks awe come from all the students. The simple dome outside betrays the sheer variation of scenarios placed inside of it.
Water rescues, which consist of a massive lake of water and a few streams here and there, including ships and even a large cruise ship to simulate rescues out at sea. Urban rescues, courtesy of a small city section with concrete, cement, and steel skyscrapers and buildings, as well as cars and trucks to go along with it. Fire rescue, some of the areas are on fire, mostly the buildings in the urban area, to simulate rescuing in the hazardous environment. Mountainous and nature rescues, with forests and large trees, large cavernous ravines and caves, and small mountains with snow peaks on them for different rescue scenarios.
It is a veritable feat of engineering and has been used countless times in the cultivation of various future heroes and making sure they know the exact scenarios when it comes to heroing. It wouldn't take much for them to come up with hostage type situations as well for different areas and terrain.
Either way, many of class 1-A 'ooh' and 'ahh' at the scene.
"This place is something else." Jason comments with an impressed nod.
"This place is perfect rescue training. Only the best for U.A." Izu comments with a giddy smile as he almost bounces in place.
"Yeah. It's massive." Jason mutters in slight awe as he looks up, noting the various giant sprinkler systems and fans on the roof and walls of the dome, no doubt to simulate rainstorms, intense winds and who knows what else concerning mother nature.
"I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters. I call it: The Unforeseen Simulation Joint! But you can call it USJ!" She proudly proclaims with a heroic finger pose.
'…Wait…?' Jason, just like everyone else, is very confused at the very similar naming acronym that she just told them.
'Just like Universal Studios Japan.' As one all the students think the same thing with deadpan wide stares.
Aizawa walks up and begins to question Thirteen on the whereabouts of All Might. While their talking is vague for some of the other students to realize it, Jason and Izu know exactly what's going on but for now they are still focused on the previous thing that they were told.
"Is it a coincidence?" The name of the place they are in.
"I don't know." Jason quietly asks Izu with the boy replying without a moment in between. They are confused basically.
Even so, after the teachers talk that's when Thirteen begins to talk to the class on a specific point, or several as she stammers pretty badly, much to everyone's embarrassment. Once she gets back on point though, that's when she makes a very clear and very clear cut observation that everyone needs to be aware of.
"Listen carefully, I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful Quirk. It's called Black Hole. I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust." She informs everyone of her Quirk.
"Yeah, you've used Black Hole to save people from all kinds of disasters before haven't you?" Izu asks with a very giddy Uraraka nodding her head up and down repeatedly without stop.
"That's true. But my Quirk can also very easily be used to kill." And just like that the atmosphere takes a hard plummet as a majority of the students gasp at the declaration, even Uraraka stops bobbing her head as their attention is placed squarely on their teacher. "Some of you also have power or the skills that can be very dangerous. In our superhuman society all Quirks are certified and stringently regulated, so we often overlook how unsafe they can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly, even if your trying to do something virtuous like rescue someone." She warns everyone of the dangers in calm passionate tone. "Thanks to Aizawa's fitness test you have a solid idea of your Quirk's potential, and because of All Might's combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be if used against other people." Jason purses his at the memory of the mock battles they did. Suffice it to say that their was a lot of destruction and potential injuries that would have happened. "Carry those lessons over to his class. Today, you are going to learn how to use your Quirks and your skills to save people's lives. You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other, only to help. After all, that's what being a hero is all about. Ensuring the safety of others." Everyone starts to get a little hyped up now at the speech given. Even though it's a warning for the dangers of their Quirks and abilities, to finally be able to start rescue training is an integral part of their jobs as heroes. Jason nods at the words that are given, respecting the true values of being a hero. Thirteen gives off a small bow towards everyone. "That's all I have to say. Thank you so much for listening. "
The speech finished, the majority of the students whoop and call out in excitement. Just like how everyone was excited to get their costumes and participate in the mock battles, now they get to take part in another key aspect of their future careers: rescue training.
"Right, now that that's over—"
Suddenly, the lights in the dome begin to flicker a little, interrupting Aizawa. This gets everyone attention a little at the oddity of the situation. Even the teachers look confused by the situation as well.
The atmosphere of the whole place starts to feel stifling, starts to weigh in for some reason as the whole places systems starts to fluctuate quite harshly. Even the fountain at the bottom of the steps begin to lag a bit on the wa—
"Stay together and don't move!" Aizawa calls out to everyone, making everyone look at him in confusion as he's immediately put on edge for some reason to them. "Thirteen, protect the students!"
"Whoa what is that thing?" Kirishima asks in worry at what he sees, which is down the stairs and at the bottom of the dome in a large open area. A massive large black and purple mist like portal begins to form at the bottom in front of the fountain. Getting bigger and bigger until it could nearly encompass the entirety of the bottom. "Wait is the training started already? I thought we were rescuing people?" Kirishima asks as he tries to get a better look.
"Stay back!" Aizawa warns everyone again, this time much louder, making them flinch, even more so when they see him put on his goggles.
Everyone watches as dozens and dozens of people begin making their way out of the portal. Right off the bat this puts some of the others on edge as the look and demeanor of the new arrivals completely scream villains to any regular person.
"This is real. Those are villains." All the more confirmed by their teachers statement. Everyone gasps at the news, putting them on edge as well. Jason grits his teeth as he holds his shield tightly in preparation, just in case. All the villains have mad and excited looks on them as they peer up at the gathered teachers and students in front of them, dozens of villains making it out. After a few seconds more the last of the villains make it out of the. One of them is pale sickly looking man with light blue colored hair, black clothing, and what looks like hands covering different parts of his body, including his face so its hard to identify him. The other is a behemoth of person, dark blue almost black muscly skin, beige pants, and bird head with a yellow beak-like mouth, but most surprising and disturbing of all is that his brain is not covered. It's exposed to the outside. The last one being a person covered completely in the same black and purple smoke mist that was portal.
Jason freezes as he stares at the person, a sense of familiarity and dread forming in the pit of his stomach as memories flash through his mind. He completely ignores the conversation the hands villain is speaking, talking about All Might and how they are there for him specifically. Jason snaps out of it though as the man comments about killing the students.
"Jakkun, what's wrong?" Izu immediately checks on his friend, confused at the demeanor his normally brave friend now has, completely ignoring the conversation Kirishima, Aizawa and the others are saying.
"It's him." Jason mutters in a quiet but angry tone.
"Him?" Izu looks back at the group of villains before looking back at his friend. "Who-?" He begins to ask but Jason is already moving to the teachers.
"Thirteen, stay here and—"
"Mister Aizawa." Jason quickly gets the mans attention, making him irritated just as he's about to move to engage the villains.
"Takeda this is not the time." He replies in a cross tone as he keeps his eyes on the villains. "Stay here with the others and don't do anything stu—"
"It's him. At U.A."
Aizawa loosens his grip on his scarf and glances at his student, who is also holding his shield tightly and ready for anything. "…Him?"
Jason nods without taking his eyes off the villains. "The attack on U.A. yesterday. The purple smoke mist guy. He's the one that I saw in that room." He says with a finality in his voice.
Aizawa looks down at the villain with narrowed eyes as said villain glares up at them. "Are you sure?"
"Positive. I recognize those yellow eyes." Jason tells him firmly. It was only for a small moment that Jason was able to see him but through the darkness of the room at U.A., it was easy to see the glow from that individuals eyes. Due to the smoky like body he has, it makes sense to Jason now how he was able to make out the eyes but not the rest of the body, because he can't see an actual body. While the villains may have told them about the attack, at least Jason is able to confirm who was able to get in and out of U.A. quick in all the commotion.
"Well, that explains how they were quick to get into the school." Aizawa mutters in annoyance. "Nothing we can do about that now. We just have to focus on getting you kids out of here and hope Kaminari can contact someone from the outside." He grips his scarf capture weapon and slides down his goggles. "Thirteen, take care of the kids while I take care of these guys."
The spacesuit hero nods in agreement. "But sensei!" Izu however calls out to their teacher in worry. "Your Quirk! You can't fight them on your own! There's too many of them. Even if you can nullify their Quirks your fighting style isn't suited for this. Your power works best in stealth and one-on-one fights. It's not going to help." He points out. It's true though. Aizawa, the hero Eraser Head, can nullify most types of Quirks with his own, however it can only work for as long as he can keep his eyes open and trained on his targets. When he blinks the spell is cancelled and the enemy can use their Quirk again. It doesn't take a genius to know that keeping ones eyes open for an extended period of time is near impossible before it starts to burn and are forced to blink.
Aizawa though has trained extensively with his Quirk and knows the limits to make his work in the most pressing of situations, such as the one they find themselves in now. "You can't be a pro if you only have one trick." He replies and with a flourish, he pulls his capture weapon up and is ready to use. "I'll leave it to you Thirteen," He orders, in which she nods, and he proceeds to leap off the stairs towards the lions den.
Several of the villains immediately go to activate their Quirks but find themselves unable to. Because of this hesitation, this allows the underground hero to immediately work in disabling the villains with practiced ease. The villains, who have the number advantage, completely fall apart at their Quirks failing and becoming unresponsive one by one around them, followed by the hero knocking them out with a combination of martial arts attacks and the use of his scarf capture weapon as he latches onto the villains and swings them around, using their own bodies to knock out their fellows.
"Hey!" Iida's voice calls out, making Jason and Izu turn. "This is no time to be analyzing you two!"
"Uh- Right!" Izu stutters before going. "C'mon Jakkun!" He takes off after the vice-rep.
Jason hesitates for a moment as he casts one last glance down at his instructor dominating the villains. He lets out a scoff in anger before following his friends. 'Don't get in his way. He's done this a lot longer than you.' As much as it leaves a bitter taste in his mouth to run, fact of the matter is that this is a very worst case scenario for everyone involved. At the very least if it's just Aizawa fighting the villains, then that's all he can focus on and not have to worry about his students. Training to be heroes they may be, the class of 1-A is still new and are untested in the fights against villains, at least not all of them. But besides that it would be a disaster for anyone to try to prove themselves with the odds stacked against them so. For now its best to leave and return with some back—
"Not so fast." Before anyone can say anything else, resist the idea of running or anything like that, a new malevolent voice can be heard. Like before, a familiar hazy mist can be seen forming right between the students and the only entrance out of the USJ. Jason is immediately on edge as soon as he spots the familiar yellow eyes yet again.
"Oh you have got to freaking kidding me." Jason growls as he holds his shield up, although he doesn't find much comfort in it due to the man suddenly appear before them when he was just at the bottom of the stairs, which are quite a lot as a matter of fact. 'Of course its not that easy. It's never that easy.' He grumbles in his head at the new obstacle.
"There is no escape for you." The earie voice of the mist man can be heard as he completely covers their escape. "It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains. I know its impolite but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello, and besides isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the symbol of peace to take his last breath."
"Izu, they want All Might." Jason whispers to his friend. Izu himself breaks out from his momentary freak out state and looks on in surprise at that bit of news. Frankly the students themselves aren't sure why All Might isn't there either as he was supposed to be their third teacher to supervise them but obviously the number one hero had other matters that are forcing him to be late. This has both been good and bad. Good for the fact that the villains plan now hit a pretty big kerfuffle with their sole and main target having not followed the schedule they had stolen. Bad for the students that now they are without one of the most powerful pro-heroes out there that could have dealt with these villains, even if it was a trap set for him.
"I believe he was supposed to be here today and yet I see no sign of him." The villain continues speaking. "There must have been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen." Suddenly he takes a darker tone as he begins to widen his form a bit. "Aw well, in the end I suppose it doesn't matter. I still have a role to play."
Two things happen as soon as the villain is done speaking.
Firstly: Thirteen opens the tip of her finger on her right hand, ready to activate her Quirk on the villain in front of them and clear the way for them.
Secondly: Kirishima and Bakugo charge forward, intent to take on the villain themselves and this as soon as possible. Of course because of their attacks this puts them right in the line of fire that Thirteen was going to do, forcing her to stop.
A massive explosion goes off from Bakugo's Quirk as they attack the villain, smoke completely covering them and the villain as the air blows back into everyone.
"Did you think we were going to stand around and let you tear this place to shreds?" Kirishima boasts once the smoke clears enough to see Kirishima and Bakugo still ready to go.
Everyone grunts at the smoke cloud and debris all over them with Jason having placed himself over Izu with his shield up in front of them. "Those idiots." Jason comments harshly as he gets off of Izu, the both of them staring off into the cloud and watch the result.
It's not good.
"You live up to your schools reputation." Much to the surprise of the two hot-heads, the villain is none the worse for wear as he continues to monologue. "But you should be more careful children," Because of the disperse of the mist cloud, its now revealed the metal collar brace at the center of the villain. "Otherwise someone might get hurt." The villain threatens menacingly as his Quirk begins to flare up.
"You two! Get out of the way right now!" Thirteen orders Kirishima and Bakugo to move but its too late. Their hesitance allows the villain's mist the flare up even more and begins spreading out.
"I'll scatter you across this facility, to meet my comrades, and your deaths!" The villains shouts as everyone is engulfed. With the failed attack by the boys done, a massive black and purple dome appears all around everyone. Jason tries to get out of the way but his body is held in place by the rushing wind and begins to quickly lose sight of everyone as everything envelops them.
Jason looks to his childhood friend but freezes when he spots Izu disappearing into the portals mist a lot faster. Their eyes only lock on for a brief second before Izu is completely gone.
"Izuu—!" Jason begins to cry out before he too is enveloped in the Quirk and sent away, a weightless feeling hitting his entire body.
Well, this was a bit. Hope you all like this chapter. I was pretty excited to get to this point of the story as I was gearing up and pumped for Jason to showcase his skills at fighting actual villains instead of the mock battle. Suffice to say, things are going to be shaken for Class 1-A and Jason is going to have his moment to truly prove his mettle in live villain combat.
Sorry this took a while but I will say a few games kind of took my attention for quite awhile over the past few months.
Firstly, Elden Ring.
If the majority of you have played it then you know how much of a grind the game can be, as well as how beautifully crafted the game has been. Let's be honest, for too long we've been getting subpar, incomplete and unfinished games that are broken and buggy to all hell. Elden Ring was a breathe of fresh air and was so good and so smooth in the gameplay.
The exploration, the combat, the overall atmosphere of the game, it's so good. All the previous FromSoftware games all had bleak and depressing atmospheres to them practically 24/7, whereas even though things are still bleak in Elden Ring, just the landscape is so beautiful to look at. Several times I'll be exploring areas and be completely blown away by the massive landscape of the game, from the size of the map, to the designs of the areas, the freakiness of the enemies and so on. I tell you I've taken a slight appreciation of the environment when half the time you walk somewhere and end up getting ambushed by one thing or another. Don't even get me started on the hands! I still get shivers seeing those things perched on walls ready to pounce or the tips of its fingers poking out of the ground.
But enough about that. The second game that got my attention for a bit: Arma Reforger. Now unlike Arma 3, which I never played even though I want to, Arma Reforger is essentially Arma 4 with a completely new engine and man is it the best. Granted its still in very early access and buggy, spotty and disconnecting to all hell, but despite that the game has been a lot of fun to play, especially with my friends. I'm a console player so having that game on the consoles is the best. The devs are working hard at making it stable and fixing any glitches and bugs it might have. It'll be awhile before they do but at the very least its amazing to see the feel of the game nonetheless. I can tell you the combat situations I've been in have been absolutely insane. I've been both on the frontlines fighting like hell with my friends or staying in the shadows and trees harassing the enemy with sniper fire. It's been amazing I can tell you that for sure. Nothing like lining up a shot perfectly and with one shot making your target drop to the ground in an instant. It's amazing. Like I said, it's a bit of a headache having to deal with constant disconnections and server interruptions, kind of grates on your nerves when you're about to take a point after clearing it out and suddenly disconnect from the server, forcing you to try to get back in as soon as you can so you have to travel all the way back to the point with a small chance that the closest captured point your team has does not have vehicle depot for you to drive there so you have to run it, which gives time for the enemy team to spawn in and be ready.
… Suffice to say, I'm a little po'ed at the game but also love it at the same time. Think I'm going to take a break from it until they do a ton of other fixes and patches to the game to make it more stable. I know one patch already rolled out but I'm still going to wait some more.
Anyway, with that done, let me go ahead and get to the reviews for this.
Marbled Gold: Yeah, things have been hectic but hopefully things will be more at ease as time passes.
RedHood001: Thank you. I did what I could to make this chapter at least somewhat interesting without there being much action and all that. Even so, due to Jason's planning skills your right that both he and Izu were the ones that would be close to being chosen as the leaders of the class. Of course now things changed and they changed but it was the thought I feel like.
Your also right about the wall. With how fast that thing could close upwards, it was definitely a potential for something to go really wrong with it. Just so happens that Jason went and made sure a reporter doesn't end up crushed by the wall. Think of the PR scandal.
Anyway, glad you liked the ending.
Fanalis1995: Oh no doubt. Your right on the potential issues both Jason and Izu might get at with one another with their very different views and actions on things. It's just a matter of time when or if things will come to blow between them. And for Monoma, that is going to be an interesting interaction that's for sure.
Diametrik (Ch.4): Your probably right, maybe things should have gone just a little bit differently with the interaction with All Might but the end result would probably still be the same. To look at it another perspective, maybe he was feeling guilty about telling Izu he can't be a hero and wanted to give him some help. Ah well what's done is done. Sorry you didn't like what happened but I hope the rest of things got your interest.
MBS14 (Ch.1): Well sorry to have disappointed you. As much as unique it would be to have the OC go to a new school in the MHA universe and then go to U.A., it's just not something that I was planning or had planned to do. Sorry I couldn't be the one to catch your attention that way but I at least wish you luck in finding a story that meets your criteria.
Blaze1992: Oh definitely. It would be a hell of a short story if Jason died so soon.
Hope you guys liked the chapter at least. I did what I could to add the mall arcade bit to the chapter. Nothing too extravagant, just a small moment of the characters chilling and having fun. Also I wasn't able to figure out the time frame exactly of when the school was broken into and when 1-A went to the USJ. I know the time showed it happening later in the day but I didn't feel like it would have made sense considering how many villains the League was able to round up on short notice to assault the USJ but didn't want to wait several days as that would give time for U.A. to figure out what happened in the attack exactly, so I decided to bring it sort of a middle ground, just the next day basically. Not too much time for U.A. to look into things, but also just enough time for the League of Villains to spread the word of the attack to kill All Might and get the low-tier villains a flocking to them. I hope many of you weren't too disappointed when Jason and Izu gave up their class positions to Momo and Iida. With Jason having gotten blindsided and Iida taking charge, felt like it would still make sense for Momo and Iida to still take the positions, although this time with Momo being class representative and Iida being Deputy. Always felt a little bad for her since she did get more votes behind Izu than Iida so I felt it best for her to get that position you know?
Next chapter is going to be Class 1-A's trial by fire in a way. The villains are making their first appearance and now it's the classes first time fighting villains, for some anyway. Got ideas planned for the whole thing and I will say I'm very excited to showcase these fights that are going to happen. Lately my writing has been mixed as of late, nothing bad but I'm starting to think differently on how to handle certain events I'm planning for some of my stories, which is why some of my stuff has taken much longer than I had originally planned. I'm still writing, don't worry about that, but hopefully soon I can get myself back into gear and start making some heavy progress.
Thank you all for reading and your support. It's been a heck of a year so far, it's been both enlightening and scary as all hell at certain points. Here's hoping things will start to look up. Thanks for reading to this point. Go ahead and fave, follow, review, whatever you want. Have fun reading, but most of all, have a great day.