"Behold, Courier Six! The genius of Big Mountain research facility!" Doctor Borous yelled at the top of his lungs, his green brain jar shaking from the excitement as he gestured at the object standing behind him.

It looked like some kind of portal in a shape of a ring from those cheesy 50's cartoons. Wires of all kinds and sizes connected to it, as the scientists, former humans, now brains in floating jars, stood behind a massive wall made from reinforced glass. The portal itself was surrounded by a trademark blue forcefield. The site itself was located in some kind of underground facility, shaped like a dome, located in the Big Mountain facility.

"It looks like something taken straight from those old Science Fiction movies," Courier Six deadpanned. The man in question was fully dressed in a suit of Pre-War Elite Riot Gear armour, further improved with technologies from the Big Mountain.

The armour itself was upgraded with a newer version of saturnite alloy. It was known for its durability, sharpness, and ability to retain heat for long periods of time. Good heat retention was a boon in certain circumstances, such as blades and other weapons acting on the same principle. However, infusing it with human bones or tissue would lead to the user cooking himself from the inside out and the space shuttle turning into a giant oven upon the entrance into the atmosphere.

That's why a new version of it had to be developed, specifically designed to be used with a human body. Following a year of research, the alloy was adapted to be more usable as armour and promptly named Saturnite 2.0. It was just as resilient as its predecessor, but this time it was even capable of surviving the cloud, without decaying anymore or letting it inside the armour and with the bonus of being hard to heat up.

„HOW DARE YOU BRING MOBIUS' OBSESSION HERE, LOBOTOMITE?!" Klein yelled at the top of his lungs.

„Doctor Klein, I do not believe that the lobotomite thought about Doctor Mobius when he spoke those words," Dala interjected.

„Thank you, Dala," He said, the brain looking away shyly. „Now, Klein, answer me, what the hell is that thing and what does it do?"

„It's a teleporter, well, more a dimensional portal, but the principle is quite similar," Doctor Zero replied, the Courier raising an eyebrow from behind his helmet.

"YES, THE PORTAL, ONE OF OUR MOST IMPRESSIVE DEVELOPMENTS IN RECENT YEARS," Klein confirmed, the Courier already getting a headache from hearing his voice.

"Quite the tech, if you ask me, what's it got to do with me?" The portal to other worlds was impressive, he'd admit that, but his approval for their new toy wasn't the reason why they had called him, unless this was one of their stupid tests.

"Well, my little teddy bear, we were hoping that you would test it out and see if it works," Doctor Dala explained, paying close attention to her favourite lobotomite's movements.

"Was that a failed attempt for a joke or did you run out of excuses to try and vivisect me? Why not have some kind of robot test it instead?" He argued, crossing his arms in response.

"Actually, we already prepared a robot for just that task," Borous said.

"You did? Seriously?" Courier asked.

"!$*! $(! $," Eight said in a broken voice modulator.

"Really? A robot with wheels and a camera? Well, where is it?" Courier asked. Then, one of the force fields shut down, allowing a simple robot with tracks and an arm with a camera mounted on it to enter the area in front of the portal. "Good job, Zero, Eight, everyone, for once, you exhibited some actual sanity!"


"Because, Doctor Klein, unless you want to be vivisected right here and now by the very lobotomite you, it would be best to avoid making enemies," Dala explained.

"We can't have you being against us, now can we, Lobotomite?" Borous pointed.

"Good to know, I am worth more than an average Lobotomite in here," He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "So, what do you expect me to do?"

"Well, since we could be opening portals to aliens that will try to insert probes into our orifices, we thought it would be a good idea to have someone, well, kill them, if they decide to come," Zero explained.

"… What if it opens in the middle of a bloody sun? Do you have any backup plan?" He pointed out.


"… Great, just bloody great, aren't we going to depressurize immediately?" He said.

"We have already pumped out the precious oxygen you need to survive from the room, My Little Teddy Bear," Dala explained.

"Well, there is only one thing left then," Courier began. "Do you know what?"

"!$(! ($! (%," Eight tried.

"No, Eight, I am not talking about sterilization of equipment," He replied. "I am talking about MY OWN PERMISSION."

"Oh, that thing, we forgot to include it in our simulations, since we assumed you would agree in the name of science!" Borous said.

"Do you want me to replace your tanks with vinegar, Borous?" Courier growled, the scientists floating away from him.

"You wouldn't do that, now would you, My Little Teddy Bear?" Dala asked.

"… I hope not, Dala," He replied and sighed, before shaking his head. "Anyway, fine, I agree, but if something goes wrong, I'm holding you all accountable and banning you from research for a year."

"Yes, that's what we were hoping for," Borous said. "Now then, let us begin, everyone."

With a shake of his head and a small smile on his lips, they went to their posts. Ever since he had dealt with Think Tank, he began clearing out the Big Mountain, fixing the broken facilities, uncovering new technologies and improving the ones already existing. While he was harsh towards them, it was not without basis. If Doctor Mobius hadn't trapped them in Big Mountain using a reclusive loop to trap their programming all those years ago, the Think Tank would have wreaked havoc upon the world. Still, once they were on his side, their expertise proved to be invaluable in helping the world recover.

They had improved the holograms from the Sierra Madre, making them more aware of their surroundings, deadlier than before, with a bigger range and reinforced saturnite casing that protected the fragile electronics located inside. Furthermore, they improved his pipboy, copying the schematics of all kinds of weapons and armour, even those from before the War as well as those manufactured by Gun Runners. He could easily produce almost anything, including chems and drugs, as well as even the holograms themselves.

There were also the implants, like Kinetic Accelerators, Nanobionic Weave, Bionic Eyes, Nemean subdermal armour and many more. They also managed to replicate ED-E, with all the appropriate upgrades he acquired back at the Divide. Unfortunately, some of the discoveries and technologies came at a price. An unpleasant memory began to surface, but he forced it down and focused on the task at hand.

"Here goes nothing," Courier muttered, while the brains took their position and activated the machine.

At first nothing happened, the Courier raising his eyebrow in response. Then, a spark appeared in the middle of the portal, before a black whirlwind, akin to that of a blackhole appeared inside of it. In that moment, the robot came to life, as it slowly pushed it's arm through, the view from it appearing on several monitors located in the room.

Their eyes spread wide in shock as they found themselves above a planet, probably somewhere in the Thermosphere, hundreds of kilometres above the surface of it. However, this by itself wasn't that important, the planet… was lush with vegetation. They could see oceans, massive forests strewn all over it. They could also see some areas that looked like they were covered in the very darkness itself.

"A planet that can support life…?" Borous muttered.

"I will be damned… It actually works. Hang on, why the hell didn't you use it to open a portal to planets we know of, instead of opening portals to alternate dimensions?!" He exclaimed.

"That's…. a good question," Zero muttered, while Courier groaned and facepalmed in response.

"Alright, we know enough, shut it down," He ordered.

"Alright on it," Zero said and interacted with the console. "There."

"Umm… Zero, why is it still open?" Courier asked, the portal still there.

"I just cut off the power, why isn't it shutting down?" Zero replied.

"I think we might have a problem," Doctor Borous said.

In that moment, the portal cracked ominously, the atmosphere growing tense in an instant. Courier snapped towards the scientist, his eyes narrowed. "Zero, explain!"

"I am working on it!" He replied, the portal crackling even more. "It's still drawing power… the fuses didn't work!"

At that moment, the portal cracked even more, a powerful suction forming out of it, the robot that was located in front of getting sucked in the process. The force fields were still holding stable, but he doubted they would do that forever. The suction was getting more and more powerful, the barriers slowly draining power from their capacitors.

"ZERO!" He yelled.

"I got it!" Zero yelled back. "You have to go inside and manually remove the power cords!"

"There is no oxygen in there, you genius!" He pointed out.

"We will shut down the forcefields, this should be enough to keep you breathing, your armour and holding breath should also help," Borous pointed out.

"Alright, do it and get the hell out of here!" He ordered, the fields shutting down. He rushed towards the portal, making sure not to be sucked in the accident, grabbed the power cords and tore them off in an instant. "There!"

"Great, now, get back here!" Zero yelled.

He did as told, but the portal became even more unstable in the process, the suction became even more intense. He grabbed onto the metal floor, as he held for his dear life, the brains long gone from the dome. He gritted his teeth, as the metal bent under the pressure, his hands grasping it, while his legs were turned towards the portal. He began crawling towards the exit, grab by grab. He made five grabs towards it, when suddenly, the floor got loose. His eyes spread wide, as the metal panel he held was ripped from the floor sending him towards the portal.

As his eyes looked towards it, he could only mutter one thing, "Fuck…"

And then… the Courier was gone, the portal shutting down in the process.

There you go, everyone, first chapter of Fallout / MGE Crossover. Long ago I wrote MGQ one, but it turned out horribly, so I scrapped it. This one, well, it has got a bit more thought put into it. Still, I am not sure how far I will be able to take it, considering the fact, that MGE is a pure porn without a plot. I mean, it's worse than Kuroinu or MGQ in that department, which is not something that speaks favourably of it. Still, I can work with what I have read thus far, hopefully.