Chapter 7: Trophy Head

"Really?" Yagi said to Torino in a deadpan tone while he nursed his injured chest.

"Yeah, why not?"

"How did you even get permission for that!?" Yagi asked, pointing at All for One's decapitated head, hanging on Torino's living room wall.

"The commission didn't care what we did with All for One's body. So I thought it would be nice to bring his head home and hang it. Kinda like those deer heads trophy hunters collect."

Yagi sighed, "But it looks so creepy and... and so menacing. Imagine seeing it stare at you in the middle of the night when you get up."

Torino shrugged, "People have been trying to kill All for One for centuries. His head is the rarest trophy you'll ever see. Plus, Nana had told me that All for One had faked his death often in the past. This way, I can keep an eye on him in case he pulls a Hidan!" Torino grinned.

Yagi simply gave Torino a disgusted look, shook his head, and left without a word.