Author's Note: This brief one-shot is inspired by chapter 119 of "By a Simple Twist of Fate" by kslchen.

Rather than suggesting that other "Twist" fans write their own fictional #BeingBrave scenarios, I'd like to propose a real-life challenge for others who were touched by Rilla's first ever speech in "Twist" chapter 119.

What if each of us takes Rilla's words to heart and makes a goal for this week or this month? What if we each decide to "do something brave, not because it's easy, but because it's hard and because we can do it anyway"?

1. Set a goal.

2. Share your #BeingBrave experience with the rest of us in the reviews field for this story.


Are you in?

Is #BeingBrave a challenge you are willing to accept? 😊


#BeingBrave -=- #BeingBrave -=- #BeingBrave -=- #BeingBrave


As I brought my grandmother her third cup of coffee this morning, I realized that Rilla Blythe's face was filling the TV screen and that she was the one speaking about the terror attack. My cousins, Preti and Sujata, always talk about how nice she is to them at the Youth Centre, but how she tries to avoid the reporters and their cameras. So, hearing her give a speech on national TV was really surprising.

Later, I thought a lot about what Rilla said regarding having courage. She said you can be both scared and brave at the same time. And that being brave means being afraid of something but doing it anyway. When I looked at Twitter, I saw hundreds of tweets with the #BeingBrave hashtag. I decided that I had to be brave also…I've been keeping this bottled up inside for long enough…

So, when Mum got home from work, I asked to talk with her. I told her about Rilla's speech and the #BeingBrave trend. Then, I took a deep breath and told her how I barely passed my Chemistry exam in June and how I'm worried that I will be hopelessly far behind when school resumes in the fall. I asked her if she could help me to find a Chem tutor this summer. I thought she'd be soooo mad, but she wasn't. She said she'd heard Rilla's speech, too, and she told me how proud she was that I decided to be brave enough to talk with her. It was…well, really great. And, I think I owe my burst of bravery to Rilla.


#BeingBrave -=- #BeingBrave -=- #BeingBrave -=- #BeingBrave


Author's note: Please join the #BeingBrave "movement" here in FanFiction. Share your big or small act of bravery in the comments for this story. 😊