So we're in Potions, right, when Professor Snape starts yelling at the wall.
"What are you doing? You are supposed to be working on your potion! This is Potions you know!" He waited for a moment, and then started again. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go back to your seat and work before I have to explain the consequences!"
"Umm, Professor Snape? You are talking to a wall!" I tried to say seriously.
"Of course I am not Amelia! I am talking to old man Whatsinjipsit! Now be quiet and work on your potion, deary!" Snape replied to my remark.
I started to work on my potion again, forcing back a laugh. Then, Professor Snape started to walk around the class and examine them. He stared at mine with wonder.
"Wow! Look at the pretty colors! Class come over to Amelia's Cauldron and look at the magnificent color!" he gestured everyone to come over.
"Umm, Professor Snape? It's supposed to be that color." I said as I tried not to giggle.
"Amelia! This is ridiculous! Since you cannot behave to I am giving Gryffindor ten million points! Everyone can thank you for giving up there chance of winning the house cup!" Snape said crossly. "Now everyone go back to there seats and begin the one thousand point test!"
"But Professor! We don't even have a test!" a boy next to me said.
"Professor Snape?" I asked to get his attention. "Why are you acting so odd?"
"Oh Amelia! When will you ever learn? It's the beans!" Snape said in reply to my question. Then he got up on his desk and started doing a little Irish jig singing:
Oh beans! Oh beans! It's true! It's true! The only thing I love Is you!
You taste so grand! You taste so fine! Oh how I wish you Were all mine!
Baked or Fried They always sell! But only the great Green man can tell!
Once he stopped his little jig he sat down in his chair and started scribbling all over a piece of long parchment. He looked up and realized we were all staring at him and then said,
"Well since you all have such an interest in my work, I will read it to you. It is a little something I call Mine!" He started reading a story:
"Once there was a little pony that lived in a magical land called Agrabah. He lived with his mother pony, father pony, and little sister pony. He had always loved his home, but he wanted more. "He had always wanted to go far away and live with the little mermaids, or in hundred acre woods. Nothing was going to stop little pony from getting there. One day when his friend Pinny-Mu was."
"Umm, Professor? Sorry to interrupt you but we have to go now." I said apologetically.
"But why? I have only just started! Why doesn't anyone understand me?" Snape said falling to the floor and sobbing. "Why? Why? Why? Why?" he kept repeating to himself.
"Why don't you read it to your next class?" I suggested. "I bet they would love your story!"
"What a wonderful idea!" he said springing up eagerly.
"One more question Professor." I said smiling.
"Yes, of course!" he said with a grin that reminded me of our former Defense Against the Dark arts teacher whose name will not be mentioned in this little story of mine.
"Why am I so weird?" I asked with pretend curiosity.
"It's the beans!" he answered almost instantaneously.
I left without another word.
A/N: okay so it's not that great! I was just really bored one day and thought it up so bear with me! There probably won't be any more unless I get 10 approving reviews from different people. I doubt there will be 10 reviews so if you want a second chapter, don't get your hopes up. Well, that's about it!