Disclaimer : I do not own RWBY it is property of and is owned by Rooster Teeth and the late Monty Oum

I think we can all without a doubt agree that Volume 8 Chapter 14 of RWBY was terribly heartwrenching to watch and thatPenny dying and it having to be Jaune to actually kill her was what made it so utterly heartwrenching like c'mon I liked Penny as a character and the girl had just gotten to become a human an episode ago for goodness sake and to make it so much worse Jaune now has another Redhead with Green eyes to angst and mourn over just after he had gotten over Pyrrha's death a small few Volumes ago seriously could Rooster Teeth not at least give the guy a break seriously (Miles Luna we know Jaune is not a friggin "self insert" you put in there to represent you stop torturing the guy!) anyway tho I decided to make a little oneshot of how it should have actually happened in my own opinion and from the fact that I started shipping the "Jaune x Penny" ship since he used his semblance on her to keep the virus from doing what it intended to do and from the look that she gave him right after he did so,and so without further adieu.

Jaune watched helplessly as Blake fell next into the abbys below,Ruby started falling but was now hanging off the side of the platform with that Neoplitan girl hanging off her,the world moved in slow motion for Jaune,the adrenaline pumping rushingly through his veins,he noticed Weiss was duel wielding her own weapon Myrtenaster with Blake's weapon Gambol Shroud...and then Penny went down.


Jaune yelled at seeing Penny fall to the ground severely wounded,he realized everything was falling apart at the seems again around him just like at Beacon,he was failing them again and all of this was happening because of that damn witch,he remembered how he felt from losing Pyrrha,another red haired green eyed girl was going to die all because he was too weak,"No!" he yelled this time resolutely.

Jaune's aura suddenly flared up around him like white hot flames lit that danced it's deadly dance across his body,his eyes becoming sharp,his jaw clenching tightly,everyone's eyes were on him(except Ruby who was hanging on for dear life of course)and even Penny seemed to stare in strong wonderment even while she lay there dying,Jaune sheathed his sword and clicked it into it's Greatsword form.

"You monster!I can't let you do this!I won't let you take away yet another friend I care so much about! No! Today you die!"

Jaune then rushed Cinder,shades of the 'Battle Of Haven' but this time around his rage driven mind had a bit of a plan,in the mean time when everyone's eyes were on Jaune's outburst Ruby and Neo had gotten back up onto the evac platform,Ruby ran over to Penny and dropped down by Penny's side,Jaune crossed swords again with Cinder and pressed a button on his shield shoving her back.

The Fall maiden was sent tumbling a few meteres away and so Jaune hurried right over to Penny activating his Semblance hoping to use the suped up power to heal Penny at a highly accelerated rate and to his utter joy it worked,part of his aura rushed over Penny's wound which healed her but she looked as if she was still worn out,Penny felt her strength returning,Jaune shot Penny a look of relief.

"Penny,I may have healed you but you're still worn out and I still have a fight to finish so rest up,Ruby,stay by her side."

Penny and Ruby both nodded at Jaune who stood up and turned towards the one person who he wanted to rid the world of most,the furious look had returned to his face as he glared at Cinder,his burning aura returning full force,he activated his shield's upgraded hard light dust around his Greatsword and channeled some of his aura into it as well and rushed once more at the enemy with a battlecry.

during that whole time Weiss was getting a foreboding feeling in her gut which proved to be correct quickly her sister Winter tumbling through one of the evacuation portals with Ironwood tumbling after her,Weiss ran towards her sister and helped the eldest of the Schnee siblings to her feet,however as she saw the state Winter was in now her eyes became cold,she glared at Ironwood.

Weiss stabbed Myrtenaster into the hard floor and out started to crawl her Arma Gigas,Winter followed suit summoning a Queen Lancer,the two siblings turned their eyes towards Ironwood who was also starting to get to his feet and all before he was up properly he had to defend against the two summons that rushed him,the general had to dodge and block a lot but was soon knocked down.

"Today James Ironwood,today you will pay for your betrayle,today you are hereby set for execution,today your end is here."

Winter coldly said the first part of the last words that Ironwood would ever hear and the last part,Weiss said the middle parts.

The two sisters marched towards their former ally turned enemy and as the former general stood up shakily the sisters thrust their swords forward piercing Ironwood's heart and lungs and then drove their weapons as deep into the former general as deep as was possible,finally Ironwood's eyes became lifeless,Weiss and Winter pulled their weapons back and looked in Jaune's direction.

Jaune was matching Cinder blow for blow his aura still radiating heat around him,his eyes still full of hatred,one of his blows sent Cinder careening backwards and Jaune seemed to just disappear from view only to a split second later reappear above Cinder and swing his Greatsword with such force that when it bared down on Cinder's own sword the villianess's legs buckled under the pressure of it.

Penny,Ruby,Weiss and Winter watched in shocked awe as Cinder's sword shattered under the pressure which Jaune made even more amazing by putting more power beind the blow,the hardlight around his sword cut sharply into Cinder's aura which flickered for a moment before finally shattering completely as Jaune kicked Cinder in her ribs causing the arrogant monster to go careening again.

"Back at Beacon you easily took Pyrrha from this world,but you'll never take Penny from it,your reign of terror is over!"

Jaune's words cut through the absence of battle sounds in the air,he started stalking over to Cinder who began to panic and tried to throw superheated sand particles into the blonde's eyes but it bounced off his aura that was now extending beyond him,the burning hatred he felt for Cinder over rode his usual hesitance to kill another,what was left,a husk devoid of anything but killing intent.

The monster who had claimed the life of the very Paragon Of Virtue and almost claimed the life of possibly the most innocent person in the world trembled before the heir to one of the most powerful and skilled bloodlines in the history of Remnant,Jaune Arc was a warrior now in the truest sense of the word,as Cinder stood there trembling Jaune ran the monster through.

As the last remnants of life left the eyes of the one person fully responsible for the source of Jaune's immense hatred the blonde turned the fiend's head to look at Penny before he drove his bloodied Greatsword further through Cinder's gut right out of her back,Jaune then kicked the monster off of his sword,the Grimm arm suddenly shot out and grabbed the blonde's throat but then he just broke it.

I have rid the world of this evil,I see now today what Pyrrha had seen in me all that time ago back at Beacon,I've done it.

Jaune's thoughts were interrupted suddenly as he watched the power of the Fall Maiden starting to float off of his now fallen foe and proceed to slowly float in Penny's direction,he watched in awe as it gathered around Penny and seeped into her body,but their celebration was cut short as the sturdy platform shook under them and started to crumble and before anyone could react even it collapsed


Jaune woke up to the sound of a female voice as his blue eyes started to flutter open,his vision was blurry at first until the figure above him became clearer,when his vision cleared up he decided the sight he was greeted with was that of an angel with bright green eyes paired with bright copper colored hair,Penny helped Jaune to sit upright,he realised he was on an island and pulled into a big hug by Penny.

"Jaune! I am so very glad that you are alive,I thought you had possibly died but you are alive! thank the brothers!"

Penny wailed loudly into Jaune's ears as she squeezed him as hard as she could which confused Jaune.

"Penny,I don't understand,why are you so happy about me being alive,I know we're friends but this is a little bit too much"

He voiced his confusion clearly,he was abruptly pulled from said confusion as Penny pulled him back and looked at him.

"I kept getting a weird feeling when you were around but it became clear the first time I saw you after becoming a human."

Penny said sounding slightly bashful as she looked into his eyes and it clicked,Penny was looking at him the same as...

Flashback start.

Music was playing all around him as he looked into Green eyes paired with Red hair as he danced with the owner of said eyes and hair,the girl wrapped in his arms had a look on her face that he couldn't decipher,her eyes twinkled so brightly as she simply smiled at him yet the smile together with her eyes told a story of simply untold affections,he of course didn't know that... the memory faded.

Flashback end.

The look Penny had now on her face was unquestionably the look of someone in love and it was directed at him

"Penny... I... I don't know exactly what to say...actually,I think I feel the exact same way about you,it's just,you're uhm sure?

The last part of Jaune's sentence was a pretty loaded question,his answer came in the form of him being pulled forward...

Wow...this... is...

Jaune thought as the feeling of another's lips applying gentle pressure registered in his nerve system,he briefly wondered how Penny had gotten the idea to kiss him as she had been a robot not even what he thinks could have been hours ago before they had to actively fight for their lives,he barely had time to kiss the ginger back for five whole seconds before he heard a throat clearing,he pulled back and saw...

"Wow,I didn't think that almost losing your lives would end in you two locking lips on an unkown island,that's pretty hot tho."

Right in front of his eyes stood Winter and the whole of team RWBY,all but Yang looking unamused,Yang was smirking,her head tilted coyly to the left side,her hands placed on her hips,Weiss looked utterly shocked,Blake's left eyebrow was slightly elevated as she stared emotionlessly,Ruby's jaw hung open,Winter looked stoic,Penny just smiled at Jaune very happily,she then helped the blonde to his feet.

"Jaune,just ignore Yang,look at me,I have realised that I like you and you just told me that you like me too so let's date?"

Penny asked Jaune bluntly,the blonde looked at their audience questioningly,they just nodded at him.

"I would love the idea of dating you,I accept it Penny... I guess we're dating, let's get out of this place together."

Penny nodded her head and so everyone else gave let go of their different looks and smiled fondly at the new couple,Jaune picked up his weapon,pressed the button to let go of the Greatsword extention and strapped it fast to his belt,everyone else's weapons were already put back on their person,Penny took Jaunes hand and interlaced both of their fingers,they walked together with RWBY in tow.