So I'm a Monster, So What?
Synopsis: Loosely based off of "Kumo desu ga, Nani Ka? (So I'm a Spider, So What?)", after a incident on Earth, a human is reborn as a Monster from Monster Hunter universe, and then is thrust into the wild. Will they survive and evolve in a world of Monsters and Humans, or die trying?
Wake up, fool!Nngh… what… who…?Get up! You've been chosen by The System and Gaia to be The Gamer of this world… so get the hell up!Okay, okay, I'm getting- woah…About time; Welcome idiot! You've been chosen by The System and your benefactor Planet to be one of the many "Gamers" reincarnated into other Worlds to either help or hamper them. I'm your personal System Guide, you can call me Flux. To get started with this whole she-bang, think or say 'Menu' to begin the tutorial. Of course, we also understand you're not a dumbass… either way, do it!'Oh god not one of those things… fine. Menu.'Character Status Menu
Lets keep things simple for simpletons like you. The Character Status Menu holds all your information, mainly stats, your health, mana, and stamina points, along with some other fancy things. First of all, the Skills/Abilities section is very important, as it has a list of all learned and known skills and abilities. The Titles section shows a list of Titles given artificially by the game, while the Quests section will show a list of active quests you are partaking on. In your Inventory section, you will find items that could heal you, restore mana/stamina, cure ailments, and more! Your Materia menu shows all available Materia you can equip to yourself, and finally the Help system to give any answers to your dumb questions. Oh, and the Forms section is a surprise! I would very much like it if you could open your Character Status Menu. Do it. Do it now. Resistances (Flux: Since Magic is a thing in this world, you get to be resistant to things! This can be trained, stupid!) N/A Current Abilities Gamer's Mind [MAX] – Lowered chance of being afflicted with status conditions, excluding Death. Look at that list! You get to choose what you want to be… but please, don't be boring and choose a Human… also, another Gamer already is playing as a Palico, but… go ahead if you really want. Commencing Spawning! Anyways, that's pretty much all you need to know. The more you level, the more forms you'll get a choice of access to. Basically, consider yourself a 'Shapeshifter'. You'll gain a choice of 3 monsters every 5 levels, so watch out for what you choose. When you spawn in, check out your character sheet and be careful, you aren't the strongest thing on Gaia right now! Loading Character
Title: ? (Flux: This is the 'name' people will give you. Since you are new, you haven't gained any reputation…)
Race: ? (Flux: This is a surprise once you actually 'wake' up! Will you be a human again or….?)
Level: 1 (Flux: This is your level. Every level-up gives you stat points!)(0%)
Health Points(HP): 100 (HPR: 1 p hour)
Mana Points(MP): 100 (MPR: 1 p hour)
Stamina Points(SP): 100 (SPR: 1 p hour)
Strength(STR): 5
Vitality(VIT): 4 (+25 HP p point)
Wisdom(WIS): 4 (+25 MP p point)
Dextirity(DEX): 4 (+25 SP p point)
Intelligence(INT): 5
Charisma(CHA): 5
Luck(LUK): 5
Points: 0
Fire: 0
Water: 0
Ice: 0
Thunder: 0
Dragon: 0
Gamer's Body [MAX] – Restores HP/MP/SP upon resting, eating and drinking restores HP/MP/SP, and become immune to infection.
Great Jaggi
Great Wroggi
Great Maccao
Great Jaggras
Great Baggi
Yian Kut-Ku
Tzitzi Ya-ku
Kulu Ya-ku
Status Sheet Resistances
Title: ?
Race: Great Maccao
Level: 1 (0%)
Health Points(HP): 100 (HPR: 1 p hour)
Mana Points(MP): 125 (MPR: 1 p hour)
Stamina Points(SP): 100 (SPR: 1 p hour)
Strength(STR): 5
Vitality(VIT): 4 (+25 HP p point)
Wisdom(WIS): 5 (+25 MP p point)
Dextirity(DEX): 4 (+25 SP p point)
Intelligence(INT): 7
Charisma(CHA): 5
Luck(LUK): 5
Points: 0
Fire: -10
Water: 0
Ice: 0
Thunder: 0
Dragon: 0
Current Skills Summon Maccao Pack [Level 1] – Ability to summon smaller Maccao to help you fight! Current Abilities Gamer's Mind [MAX] – Lowered chance of being afflicted with status conditions, excluding Death.
Max Maccaos: 1
Lunge [Level 1] – You spring back on your tail and swiftly hop towards your prey, dealing (1-1(STR vs STR)
Gamer's Body [MAX] – Restores HP/MP/SP upon resting, eating and drinking restores HP/MP/SP, and become immune to infection.
Simple skills for a Maccao, though I could always learn new skills. I wonder if the two skills I have as a Maccao will stay with me regardless of form… no, probably not. Lets take a look at myself. My claws are covered in plated bird-like skin, along with my legs. My body is a mix of green and lime green, and yeah… I'm a pretty normal looking Maccao! Lets look around now… hmm… oh, hey, who are you?
Lets see if I can learn Observe… "Observe."
New Skill Obtained Observe [Level 1] – At lower levels, enables you to see the name and health of your enemies, see the durability of weapons/armor, and the name of certain items or materia. At higher levels, you will see more things.
Level 1
HP: 17/17
- A common foe in the Midgar area.So I was near Midgar, but not that close… damn, I hope I'll be able to level up fast…! Lets summon a Maccao friend to help out and start grinding! The Kalm Fang seems passive at the moment, but very soon it'll be aggressive. Alright, lets summon a friend!
"Summon Maccao Pack" activated with a roar, a shimmering portal appearing next to me as a tinier version of me, excluding magnificent head crest, appeared at my side. It perked up at the sight of me and gave off a chirp much like a Velociraptor! So cute… I'll name you Bob! I hope you'll stick around for a while, buddy!
I gaze back at the Kalm Fang and lean back on my tail… ready and… "Lunge!" I hissed as I catapulted at the wolf-like monster, slamming feet first into it, catching it by surprised, and then Bob followed up by a headbutt. In total… hm… 'Observe?'
Kalm Fang
Level 1
HP: 11/17That's a lot of damage, but I doubt I'll get that advantage next time. The wolf snarls in pain and snaps its maw in my direction, eyes full of ire. I grinned back, a maw full of sharp teeth before roaring at the other monster. Sure, I may be as tall as a human, but so was this Kalm Fang! The wolf lunged with a howl, latching onto my armored claws, feeling more like a pinch than anything. I snarled and chomped down on the wolfs head, dealing 2 damage while Bob latched onto its tail and began to tug on it with its own sharp teeth.
The Kalm Fang yelped and consequecly let go of my claw, and then met the side of my spiked tail, getting a fatal hit. The wolf fell to the ground, unlatched from my arm, and slowly began to disappear into the Lifestream in many green orbs that also faded from view. Feeling victorious, I rose my head to the air and let a roar out, boasting my win. Now… lets check out Character Status Menu for a second and then my Skills/Abilities.
Status Sheet Resistances
Title: ?
Race: Great Maccao
Level: 1 (25%)
Health Points(HP): 100 (HPR: 1 p hour)
Mana Points(MP): 125 (MPR: 1 p hour)
Stamina Points(SP): 100 (SPR: 1 p hour)
Strength(STR): 5
Vitality(VIT): 4 (+25 HP p point)
Wisdom(WIS): 5 (+25 MP p point)
Dextirity(DEX): 4 (+25 SP p point)
Intelligence(INT): 7
Charisma(CHA): 5
Luck(LUK): 5
Points: 0
Fire: -10
Water: 0
Ice: 0
Thunder: 0
Dragon: 0
Current Skills Summon Maccao Pack [Level 1] (50%) – Ability to summon smaller Maccao to help you fight! Current Abilities Gamer's Mind [MAX] – Lowered chance of being afflicted with status conditions, excluding Death.
Max Maccaos: 1
Lunge [Level 1] (25%) – You spring back on your tail and swiftly hop towards your prey, dealing (1-1(STR vs STR)
Observe [Level 1] (50%) – At lower levels, enables you to see the name and health of your enemies, see the durability of weapons/armor, and the name of certain items or materia. At higher levels, you will see more things.
Gamer's Body [MAX] – Restores HP/MP/SP upon resting, eating and drinking restores HP/MP/SP, and become immune to infection.