"Goodnight," Nathan said to Elizabeth before standing up from the bench outside the infirmary.

As he stepped down off the boardwalk and onto the gravel streets, Elizabeth let out a long, deep, regretful sigh. "I couldn't even say goodnight to him." She thought to herself. "Nathan came to me with so much kindness, warmth, and heart yet I couldn't even utter a goodnight."

After uniting Newton's reins from the hitching post, Nathan led the bay-colored horse beneath the starry night sky toward the livery stable. When he came to the dimly lit structure, Nathan pulled open the large, weather-beaten door before guiding Newton in behind him. The rustling of hay beneath his high-brown boots and the faint sound of horse's snickers resonated throughout the otherwise noiseless stable.

"Here we are, boy," Nathan said to his four-legged companion as they stepped into the stall.

Nathan removed Newton's bridle and hung it on the hook nearby. He then came around to the horse's side and knelt down on the floor to undo the cinch. As he let it drop carefully so it wouldn't hurt Newton's leg, Nathan comforted his trusty steed by humming the tune of "Red River Valley." When he had finished the second chorus to Newton's favorite song, Nathan was done with removing, cleaning, and putting away his equipment.

"I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning," Nathan said to Newton, gently stroking his strong jaw before closing and latching the stall door.

As he stepped back onto the street, intending to head for home, Nathan paused when he began to think of Elizabeth sitting outside in the bitter cold. Realizing what he should do, Nathan turned around and began to walk back toward the infirmary. Since Allie was having a sleepover at Anna's house, Nathan didn't walk home first to check on her. He knew she was safe and having the time of her life, though probably not getting much sleep if he knew those two girls as well as he thought he did.

Glancing up at the clear, black sky, illuminated by the innumerable stars of the heavens, Nathan began to talk to his Lord. Whenever he felt overwhelmed or uncertain, he knew of only one thing that could give him the strength and clarity he needed.

"Heavenly Father, Nathan reverently addressed, "please help me to continue showing Lizabeth how much I love her because I do love her, with all my heart. Please give me the patience to see this through," Nathan continued to pray, "I know that you put her into my life for a reason, and I in her's. Help me to trust You, Father, Your plans are far greater than mine ever could be."

It didn't take Nathan long to walk back into town and to the infirmary. When he came to the building, Nathan let out a slight grin when he noticed Elizabeth still warmly bundled in his blanket.

"Hey," Nathan said to Elizabeth.

"I thought you were going home."

"I changed my mind," Nathan responded politely as he sat down beside her.

"You really don't have to stay here, I'm more than capable of taking care of myself." She said somewhat bitterly.

"I know you are, but…"

"…But you're going to stay anyway " Elizabeth sighed, her heart filled with a mix of emotions.

"Lizabeth, it's okay to admit that you need someone." Nathan turned toward her to say. "It doesn't make you helpless, it just makes you human. You know, most people think that when you are struggling it means that you are weak, but from my perspective, it just means that you have the strength to keep fighting."

Elizabeth truly didn't know how to respond, she was at a complete loss for words. Hearing Nathan's words, Elizabeth realized how much she had been struggling to accept help. She had been thought of as a princess most of her life, so she supposed that she thought that she always had to keep proving herself capable of doing anything she set her mind to, even if it was simply staying up all night for a friend.

"Listen, why don't you go home and get some rest? I will stay here and keep an eye on Ned."

"No, I am going to stay. I promised Florence that I would, so…I will."

"Do you need me to go check on little Jack for you?"

"Umm," Elizabeth stuttered, With all that was going on in his own life, with Allie, his work, and the heartbreak she knew he was feeling, Nathan still thought about the well-being of herself and her son, "no, that's okay. He is staying at Lee and Rosemary tonight, but thank you." She said sincerely. "That was very kind of you."

"Lizabeth, I know that things are complicated between us, but I want you to know that if you or Jack ever need me, I'll be there, without hesitation. I meant it when I said I cared about you both." Nathan said, before leaning his head back against the infirmary wall. "Good night, Elizabeth," he told her again, "see you in the morning."

"Good night, Nathan." She managed to say back this time.

Florence woke up at the crack of dawn the following morning and immediately headed out the door, not even taking the time to properly pin up her hair. She was grateful to Elizabeth for offering to keep an eye on Ned for her while she went home to rest, but now that she had a few hours of sleep nothing could keep her from being by Ned's side when he woke up.

Florence lifted p the hem of her skirt and hurting down Main Street as fast as she could. The town of Hope Valley was still very much in a state of slumber since the town's businesses didn't open their doors until 8:00 o'clock.

Florence came to the infirmary intending on finding Elizabeth there by herself. However, as she rounded the corner, Florence was taken slightly aback when she found Elizabeth sound asleep with her head resting comfortably on Nathan's Grant's shoulder.

Florence tip-toed up to the porch and gently tapped Elizabeth's arm, slowly awakening her. "Florence," Elizabeth said groggily, "What are you doing here, you're supposed to be at home resting."

Florence gave her a usual glare causing Elizabeth to turn her head ever so slightly toward Nathan. "Oh my goodness," Elizabeth exclaimed when she suddenly realized how close she and Nathan were to each other. "I'm so sorry," Elizabeth said, promptly lifting her head off of Nathan.

"I'm not," Nathan said without hesitation or reservation.

"Oh." Was all Elizabeth could manage to say, her cheeks instantly turning a bright shade of pink. "Florence," Elizabeth said, trying to change the subject, "have you heard anything yet?"

"No, not yet, I just got here," Florence replied.

"Of course," Elizabeth said in a fluster.

Noticing Elizabeth's discomfort, Nathan stood up from the bench. "I'll go get you, ladies, some coffee." He offered.

"Thank you, Constable Grant," Florence said graciously.

"You're welcome. I'll be right back."

As Nathan headed toward the cafe, Florence stepped closer to Elizabeth and sat down beside her. "Ned asked me to marry him, you know," Florence said, trying to keep herself from crying.

Elizabeth nodded in reply, her eyes telling Florence she knew the pain of what she was feeling.

"After my Paul died," Florence sighed deeply, "I never thought that my heart could be open to love. My Paul," Florence lamented, "was by no means perfect, but then I know that I wasn't the easiest person to live with either. We had our fair share of arguments, but," Florence paused, "but I doubted for a second that he loved me. He was just too stubborn to ever say it. Ned's not like that. He's different from Paul, but I know he loves me too." Florence began to sob uncontrollably. "I'm sorry." She managed to say between sobs.

"No, no." Elizabeth consoled. "You have nothing to be sorry for." Elizabeth wrapped her arm mourned her friend, comforting her.

"I can't lose him, Elizabeth.

"I know," Elizabeth said reflectively. "Ever since Nathan told her that he loved her, all Elizabeth could think about was losing him. If she were to lose Nathan, the same way she lost Jack, Elizabeth was certain her heart wouldn't be able to recover from the pain.

"You know what life has taught me, Elizabeth?" Florence asked while wiping her tears with Elizabeth's handkerchief.

Elizabeth nodded no.

"Tomorrow is never promised" She had firmly, "to anyone. As silly as it sounds, I actually thought that I could spare myself from all the grief and devastation that I felt when I lost my Paul by guarding my heart so tightly, that not even my closest friends could get in. What I realized though," Florence told to Elizabeth, "that's no way to live. Cause' you're not living, not really living. You're just going through the motions to get by."

Florence's words pierced Elizabeth's heart like a sharpened arrow. She has been so afraid of losing Nathan, that in her fear, she has chosen a life of incompleteness, certainty, but not true love. She's been holding back from him, letting him walk away, his love walk away. Not because she doesn't love him, but because she is so scared that by giving him her heart, she will be opening herself up to the possibility of great loss. She's afraid of being broken, frightened of being hurt, terrified of being left alone once again.

"I promise you this, if Ned ever wakes up," Florence assured Elizabeth, "I'm not going to waste a second to tell him how much I want to marry him."

The door to the infirmary suddenly creaked open, instantly capturing the attention of a concerned Florence and Elizabeth. When Carson stepped out onto the boardwalk, Florence held her breath and gripped Elizabeth's hand tightly.

"Well?" Florence said anxiously.

"He's awake," Carson said, clearly grateful to be bringing good news. "He is still a little drowsy, but his vitals signs are good and he's conscious."

"May I see him?"

"Of course."

Carson held the door open for Florence, who didn't hesitate to walk in. "Elizabeth," He turned to her to say, "are you coming?"

"I think I am going to wait here. Give them some time to be alone."

"Why don't you go home and get some rest," Carson suggested to the fatigued Elizabeth

"Honestly, Carson I don't think I could sleep a wink," Elizabeth said with a long, deep yawn. "If it's all the same to you, I think I will stay right here, just in case Florence needs me."

"You're a good friend." He said sincerely.

"Someone I hold very dearly said that to me recently," Elizabeth said pensively, as she looked down at the broken planks of the boardwalk.

"Well, Nathan was right."

Elizabeth's jaw dropped as she abruptly looked up at Carson. "How did..." she began to say.

"I have eyes, don't I." Carson candidly declared before walking back inside the infirmary to tend to Ned.

Authors Note: I want to thank a fellow Team Nathan fan for giving me the inspiration for this one-shot fanfiction. I hope you and everyone else enjoyed it! Thank you for reading, and as always please feel free to write what you disliked as well as what you liked.