"I'm surprised that no one is here yet," Nathan said as he stood peering out the front door window of Bill's office.

"It is getting to be that time," Bill replied as he glanced up at the drop dial clock hanging on his office wall. "Are you sure that you gave everyone the correct time and date?"

"Yes, Bill I am sure." Nathan retorted as he took a step back from the door.

As Nathan walked toward Allie and Bill, who were both standing near the front of the room, the front door suddenly flung open.

"Hello," Elizabeth greeted cheerfully as she came through the door with a bouquet of wildflowers in one hand, and a nicely wrapped package for Allie in the other, "I hope that I am not late."

"Hello." Allie happily welcomed as she promptly made steps toward Elizabeth, who was now clearly uncomfortable upon the realization that she was the only guest in attendance. "Are these for me," Allie asked, "how thoughtful."

Allie took the flowers and package from Elizabeth's hands and set them aside on the table behind them. "Judge Avery," She then declared, grabbing both Nathan and Elizabeth's hands in the process, "we can begin now, everyone's here!"

Bill smiled mischievously at Nathan. He couldn't help but find this particular situation humorous. Everyone in town knew that Elizabeth had deep feelings for Nathan, but Bill was one of the few who was determined to do something about it. When Allie came to him asking for his help with retracting the invitations that she had sent out for the adoption ceremony, Bill was more than happy to say yes. "Sometimes love needs a little nudge." Bill thought to himself. "Especially with someone as stubborn as Elizabeth."

Nathan glanced down at Allie who was beaming with the utmost delight and satisfaction. Her plan had worked. Her Uncle Nathan and Mrs. Thornton were in the same room together, and no Mr. Bouchard in sight. Allie could tell that Elizabeth liked-liked her uncle, it was written all over her face whenever they saw each other, so she couldn't understand why Elizabeth seemed to be spending so much of her time with, him. The very thought of Mr. Bouchard made Allie's skin crawl. "What did he have that Uncle Nathan didn't? He certainly could never love Mrs. Thornton as much as Uncle Nathan does." Allie thought to herself. Uncle Nathan is the greatest, most incredible person she's ever known. He took her in when no one else would, and since then not a day has gone by when she didn't know that she was loved. Allie was determined to make her teacher realize that she should marry Nathan. She wanted so much for the four of them to be a family.

Allie stood in front of Judge Avery with the two most important people in her life by her side. Though Elizabeth couldn't help but wonder why she was the only person invited to the ceremony, and she couldn't dismiss how uncomfortable it made her feel, she also felt a great sense of privilege. Allie held a special place in Elizabeth's heart, so it warmed her to know that she felt the same.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Bill began in a very official and formal manner, "we have gathered here today to support and celebrate the adoption of Allison Mayes Parks by Nathaniel James Grant. Before we hear from Allie and Nathan respectively, I would like to say a few words, not only as Judge of this here town, but also as a friend. Though I have only known Nathan and Allie for a few years, it didn't take long to realize that these two share a special bond. I am proud to call Nathan my friend, and in fact, I consider him to be more like a son, and Allie the closest thing that I have to a granddaughter. It gives me great pleasure to be here today, to witness and preside over this joyous occasion: Nathan and Allie officially becoming father and daughter. The love between a father and daughter knows no distance," Bill continued, "It fights for you when no one else does, it gives you laughter when no one else can. No one in this world can love a girl more than her daddy, and a girl's first love will always be her father."

"Now, Allie," Bill addressed, "I believe that there was that you wanted to say."

Allie removed her hands from Elizabeth's and Nathan's grasp. She pulled out a slip of paper from her dress pocket and began to unfold it. "Um," Allie said hesitantly, "I didn't know exactly what I should say, so I wrote this here poem."

Looking down at her paper, Allie began to speak, "He never looks for praises. He's never one to boast. He just goes on quietly working for those he loves most. His dreams are seldom spoken. His wants are very few. And most of the time his worries will go unspoken too. A firm foundation through the storms of life."

Allie paused in the middle of her poem to take a deep breath. Before continuing, she looked over at Nathan who has a smile on his face and tears welling up in his eyes.

"A sturdy hand to hold in times of stress and strife," Allie continued, even though she found it difficult to speak through her tears "A true friend I can turn to when times are good or bad. One of my greatest blessings that I can now call, Dad.* I've wanted to for so long." Allie said, turning her eyes toward the floor as she finally began to cry.

Allie looked up and turned her head back toward Nathan, who was trying his best to hold back the tears. He told Elizabeth last night that he wasn't sure that the adoption would mean much to Allie. He thought she wouldn't feel any different than she did for the last several years. However, as he looked over at the girl standing before him, the one who had just read him a very special poem, Nathan realized how wrong he was in his thinking.

"Allie, though today I officially become your father and you, my daughter, I want you to know that I have always thought of you as my own. You have touched my heart in ways that I didn't know were possible. I have cherished every moment that we have spent together, and it has been the true joy of my life to watch you grow into the incredible young lady that you are. I can't wait to see all the amazing things that you are going to accomplish with your life. You will always be my little girl, I promise you, to never leave you. To love you and care for you. Protect and support you. I promise that I will never stop trying to be the best Dad that I can be for you. I am so proud to say that you are my daughter. I love you, Allie Mays, I am truly blessed to have you in my life."

Bill spoke a few more words about the promise and commitment that is adoption before asking Nathan and Allie to step up to his desk. "With the signing of these papers," Bill declared, "you Nathan are promising, with God as your witness, to love and care for Allie as your legally standing daughter."

Nathan picked up the pen and leaned down, resting his elbow on the desk as he carefully wrote his signature at the bottom of the page. When he was done, Nathan took a few steps back so that Allie could then sign her name below his.

"By the power vested in me," Bill said with great pride, "granted by the Province of Alberta, Canada, I hereby proclaim the adoption of Allison Mayes Grant by Nathaniel James Grant to be officially ratified."

With the banging of Bill's gavel, Allie flung herself into Nathan's arms, tears of joy flowing down her cheeks. "I love you, Dad." She whispered, still not used to calling her Uncle by that name.

"I love you too, Allie Grant." Nathan replied proudly. This girl that he held in his arms was finally his daughter, and no words could truly capture the pure joy that he was feeling at this moment. Adopting Allie is the single greatest thing that he has done with his life, of that he had no doubt.

Elizabeth placed her hands over her heart and smiled affectionately as she and Bill stood, watching the embrace between the father and daughter. She was so touched by the undeniable and unconditional love that Nathan and Allie shared. Before becoming a parent herself, Elizabeth never fully understood the level of love that a parent had for his or her child. However, since having Jack, Elizabeth realized that if motherhood has taught her anything, it was that parental love is truly a selfless, patient, and boundless love. As the well-known proverb states, "A Father's devotion is higher than the mountains, and a mother's tenderness deeper than the sea."

* I did not write the poem that Allie read to Nathan during the ceremony, but rather I found it online written by an anonymous author.

Authors Note: For the effect of my story, I embellished the relationship between Bill and Allie. Even since their first meeting, I always wanted more scenes of them together and thought that if given enough time they would truly develop a wonderful Grandfather/Granddaughter bond. Also, I hope that you enjoyed this story. I had planned to publish it sooner in the week, but because I work from 5-5, I haven't had as much energy to write. Once again, I hope you enjoy it, and please feal free to mention any suggestions that you might have.