Tony was revealed to actually still be on the boat, where he was controlling the suit. "That came out of nowhere. Wow." He said, surprised.

"Give me some good news, man." Rhodey pleaded.

"I think they all made it." Tony assured him.

"Which is still quite amazing. I do not believe I could do nearly as well as he did." Penny said.

"Of course you could, Penny. You're incredible. You're just as advanced, if not more so than any of Tony's suits-" Weiss said.

"At this point..." Katana said under her breath, thinking of the nanotech suits.

"I'm sure you'd be able to find a way to save them all." Weiss assured the gynoid, who blushed at the praise.

"Either way, Tony's actions are commendable. The mark of a true hero." Ozpin praised.

"Oh, thank God." The colonel said in relief.

"Yeah, but I missed the president." The Armored Avenger informed his friend.

"You couldn't save the president with the suit, how are we gonna save Pepper with nothing?" Rhodey questioned.

"You'll find a way. The good guys always win!" Ruby cheered.

Cinder sighed. "Ruby, I love your enthusiasm, but one day, that way of thinking is going to hurt you. Physically or emotionally." She warned her.

"Still, Tony's proven in this movie he's far more than just a suit. It would be a grave mistake to underestimate him now." Ren reminded them.

Tony looked unsure a this. "Uh... Say, Jarvis, is it that time?" He asked.

"The House Party Protocol, sir?" JARVIS asked his creator.

"Correct." Tony confirmed.

"House Party Protocol? What could that be?" Jaune asked.

"JARVIS had mentioned earlier that the crew working on fixing Tony's house had uncovered his cellar. Perhaps there's something there?" Pyrrha suggested.

"Whatever it is, it's gonna be good." Yang said with a grin.

"Ooh! Maybe he came up with his own version of Mjolnir!" Nora suggested.

"Somehow, I doubt it, Nora." Blake told her.

Suddenly, the ruins of Tony's house was shown, before a hatch in the floor opened up, releasing a small army of Iron Man suits flew out, presumably heading to the same place Tony and Rhodey were going.

"Well, looks like the invincible girl was right." Emerald said.

"An army of Iron Man suits!" Ruby cried out in amazement.

"Almost like a legion of Iron Men. This ought to be good. As long as they stay airborne, the Extremis soldiers couldn't hope to touch them." Ironwood noted.

Pepper woke up and gasped. "Hi." Killian greeted.

Pepper was breathing heavily as she glared at Killian. "You think he's gonna help you? He won't." She told him defiantly.

"Tony's a hero! He's learned from his days as a weapon dealer! He won't do anything to put innocent people in danger again!" Velvet declared.

"Dang, bun-bun! You're getting almost as fiery as Yang or Cinder." Coco teased.

"W-well, I don't like everything Killian's doing. And I believe in Tony that he won't help her." Velvet explained.

"He knows that Killian is a madman and he can't be trusted with a perfected Extremis." Penny added.

"Having you here is not just to motivate Tony Stark. It's, um... Well, it's actually more embarrassing than that. You're here as my, um..." Killian began to explain.

"Trophy." She said accusingly.

Killian chuckled. "Mmm." He confirmed.

"Women aren't trophies, creep." Qrow said with a growl. Sure, he likes to flirt a little, but he always respected when they've had enough or if he was pushing them too far.

"I can't wait for Tony to obliterate this man's head with his repulsors!" Winter declared.

"Toss him overboard and let his fire fizzle out in all that water!" Neo voiced her ideal way for the villain to perish.

"It's disturbing how much effort the two of you are putting in to imagining this man's demise. I won't say it's not deserved, but don't dwell on how a man will meet his end." Goodwitch lectured them.

Iron Patriot walked in and Pepper gasped. "Good evening, sir." Killian greeted as the armor opened and the President fell out. "Welcome aboard, Mr. President. Ever hear of an elephant graveyard? Well, two years ago, the elephant in the room was this scow." The mastermind explained.

"This is the Roxxon Norco." The President realized.

"And, of course, you'll remember that when she spilled a million gallons of crud off Pensacola, thanks to you, not one fat cat saw a day in court." Killian accused the politician.

Blake winced at this, thinking back on the accident that killed Ilia's parents. "I don't like Killian, but I can understand that. People can't just be let off for something like that. It ruins the environment and kills countless innocent animals. Someone has to pay for that." She says.

"Sadly, only the planet does sometimes." Katana said bitterly.

"But Killian hasn't mentioned any form of concern about the environment before. Why would he now?" Weiss pondered.

"That's a clever catch, Weiss." Katana praised, gesturing to the screen.

"What do you want from me?" The President asked.

"Uh, nothing, sir. I just needed a reason to kill you that would play well on TV. You see, I've moved on. I found myself a new political patron and this time tomorrow, he'll have your job." Killian declared, looking to his subordinates. "String him up." He ordered.

"Hey!" The President snapped.

"Not bad, Ice Princess." Yang complimented her teammate.

"Sometimes, to ignite the flames, all one needs is a spark. Salem taught me that." Cinder stated.

"One thing she's always excelled at, finding ways to put people at each other's throats." Ozpin agreed.

"It's human- and Faunus- nature, we defend the things we care about with a relentless passion, but sometimes that passion makes us go too far." Ren said, remembering Katana showing them his fight with the Nucklavee, which almost killed him due to him rushing in straight-forward and without a plan.

"But now what are they gonna do with the President? They said string him up, so they're gonna hold him above something, but what?" Jaune wondered in concern.

Rhodey climbed on to the oil rig, Tony right behind him. "Come on. You're not gonna freak out on me, right?" He asked his teammate.

"I hope not." Tony asked.

The audience subconsciously crossed their fingers that the Billionaire would handle things well enough.

Rhodey looked through a telescope and was horrified by what he saw: the President in the Iron Patriot suit, chained with his arms out to the sides to hold him above a giant tank of oil. "Oh, my God." He said, then sighed. "He's strung up over the oil tanker. They're gonna light him up, man." He informed his friend.

"Viking funeral. Public execution." Tony realized.

"Yeah, death by oil." Rhodey agreed.

"They're going to burn him alive?!" Nora cried out in fear.

"That's horrible! These men are monsters!" Pyrrha said, horrified.

"Not even the tribe was that cruel." Qrow said angrily.

"But he's in the suit! Wouldn't that protect him?" Velvet asked.

"Not with the faceplate open like that. And besides, if there's one thing we've seen in this movie so far, these suits don't handle heat very well." Coco said, pulling Velvet close in case something tragic did indeed happen.

"Broadcast will commence shortly. Take final positions." An announcer spoke over a PA.

"Okay. That's good. Now give me cameras A through E and we'll do a full tech rehearsal." Killian instructed, a technician typing away.

"ls your gun up?" Rhodey asked.

"Yep. What do I do?" Tony asked.

"Stay on my six, cover high and don't shoot me in the back." The Colonel instructed.

"A relatively standard approach." Winter noted.

"Sometimes it's the simplest approaches that are the most effective. They need to be able to move quietly, quickly pick off anyone they encounter and make sure to stay together, so that is likely the best option." Ironwood added.

"I thought they need to shut down the operation and take out Killian." Emerald asked.

"Not likely. Tony got lucky and barely survived one-on-one fights with the Extremis thugs he beat. Imagine a whole oil rig full of them." Neo pointed out.

"We'd all like to see them take out each enemy, guns blazing, but without the aid of their suits, there's little they can do against the Extremis-enhanced villains. We've seen everything Savin was able to survive." Glynda explained.

"Good thing they're on their way." Qrow said with a smirk.

"Six, high, back. Alright." Tony agreed, clearly only half paying attention. The two are suddenly spotted and shot at. Tony tried to shoot back at them, but missed every shot, bullets ricocheting wildly. "You see that? Nailed it." He declared proudly.

"Yeah, you really killed the glass." Rhodey said sarcastically.

"You think I was aiming for the bulb? You can't hit a bulb at this distance." Tony denied. Rhodey fired a bullet and hit the bulb.

"Are you kidding me?! You've been around and designed weapons for years and wear a highly advanced suit or armor armed to the teeth with weaponry! And you couldn't hit a single thing!" Weiss cried out.

"His armor more than likely has auto-targeting systems, Weiss. And simply being around the weaponry does not mean Tony's used it. Seeing you use Myrtenaster does not qualify the rest of us to use it." Penny explained.

"I suppose." Weiss admitted.

"Tony goofed. It happens sometimes. Hopefully he gets better or those suits show up soon." Blake said.

Then they saw Rhodes shoot the bulb. "Impressive marksmanship, but also an unnecessary waste of ammo." Ren pointed out.

"Not to mention likely alerted more hostiles to their location." Ironwood pointed out.

"All personnel, we have hostiles on east unit 12." The announcer alerted everyone over the PA.

"Over there!" A man called.

"I repeat, hostiles on east unit 12." The announcer repeated.

"I'm out. Give me. You got extra magazines?" Tony asked.

"They're not universal, Tony." Rhodey told him.

"You have two different guns. Any for Rhodes' gun wouldn't work in Tony's." Ruby pointed out.

"You'd think he would know that. He only MADE the freaking things." Emerald said.

"Well, we know Tony made guns in the past, but maybe not guns like these. Still, I will concede that he should have more knowledge of firearms than he appears to have." Ozpin conceded.

"I know what I'm doing, I make this stuff. Give me another one." The billionaire insisted.

"Okay." Rhodey scoffed sarcastically.

"Give me one of yours." Tony urged.

"I don't have one that fits that gun." Rhodey explained.

"You've got, like, five of them." Tony complained, before looking around. "Here's what I'm going to do. Save my spot, ready?" Tony asked, before he peeked out real quick, but ducked behind cover WAY too fast to see anything.

"Uh, yeah. No. I've been on plenty stealth missions for Roman and some for Cinder and I know from experience that less than half a second glance isn't getting him any info." Neo confirmed.

"You already basically gave away your position, no sense in hiding now. Just make sure to duck back if you see them shooting at you." Coco said with a shrug.

"We could maybe get away with that thanks to our aura, but I doubt Tony and Rhodey could." Pyrrha said.

"Exactly. Without their suits, they're vulnerable. Any hit could take them down. So they gotta make sure they can't be hit." Jaune agreed with his girlfriend.

"What'd you see?" The Colonel asked.

"Too fast. Nothing. Here we go." Tony declared, clearing his throat. "Three guys, one girl, all armed." He explained.

"God, I would kill for some armor right now." Rhodey groaned.

"You're right. We need backup." Tony concurred.

"Yeah, a bunch." The Colonel agreed.

"You know what?" The genius asked as he nodded at something in the distance, whooshing towards them.

"Yes! Iron Man army!" Ruby cheered.

"Break all their legs!" Nora demanded.

"I guess you could say things are about to get... HEATED!" Yang said, everyone groaning at this.

"Wait a second, if he could always deploy the suits remotely at any time, why didn't he just do that before!?" Penny questioned, shocked a genius like Tony wouldn't see that obvious solution.

"Yeah, right? If that were me, I'd probably have suits around my perimeter 24/7. Especially if I threatened a terrorist." Jaune agreed.

"Is that...?" Rhodey asked.

"Yep." The billionaire said.

"Are those...?" The soldier asked.

"Yeah." Tony confirmed as dozens of Iron Man suits flew over. "Merry Christmas, buddy." He said, before speaking to his main AI. "JARVIS, target Extremis heat signatures. Disable with extreme prejudice." He instructed.

"Yes! Destroy those Semblance-stealing posers! Obliterate every last one of them!" Cinder cheered.

"Cinder, please chill out a bit! I get you don't like them, but isn't throwing a party over them getting blasted a bit much?" Emerald asked.

"No! The only thing that could possibly make this better is if I was there vaporizing them myself!" The Half-Maiden yelled. However, she soon calmed down and retook her seat.

"I hope not all of the suits can be damaged by heat too bad." Velvet said worriedly.

"Yes, sir." JARVIS asked through the armors.

"What are you waiting for? It's Christmas. Take them to church." Tony declared. The suits flew in and began firing on and or rushing in and pulverizing the Extremis thugs.

One Iron Man suit stopped a small distance from a group of four men on a walkway. "Gentlemen." JARVIS greeted, before sending the suit at the men while spinning, separating into pieces like the Mark 42 and slamming into each of them, knocking them over the edge and reforming.

Another bulkier suit similar to the War Machine armor landed and was fighting three thugs hand-to-hand, doing well at first, but was slowly being torn apart. However, as they tore off an arm and head, it flew away with one thug hanging onto it, spiraling out of control and crashing to destroy itself and kill the thug with the resulting explosion. "Incoming!" Tony yelled, the two men ducking to avoid the suit exploding near them. This, however, made the structure unstable and it threatened to fall over. "Jarvis, get Igor to steady this thing." Tony instructed, a massive suit even bigger than the Mark I with some kind of mechanisms on its back whirring as it rushed in and held up the structure.

"THAT WAS SO COOL!" Ruby, Yang, Jaune, Nora and Neo all cried out.

"Incredible. JARVIS may not have the instinct or intuition of a human, but he's using the functions of the suits perfectly." Ironwood said in amazement.

"So wait, he already had a suit that comes apart and comes back together!? Then what was the point of the Mark 42?" Qrow wondered.

"Maybe it was meant to be a superior version of that suit? And perhaps that one cannot be called to Tony in the same manner as the Mark 42. That being said, I will agree it appears to be far more capable." Winter admitted.

"Giant suit! So cool!" Ruby said in amazement.

"A man with a suit for every occasion. I can respect that." Coco said admiringly.

"This is how you've been managing your down time, huh?" Rhodey asked.

"Everybody needs a hobby." Tony said simply. A distant shot was shown to help show the full scale of the battle as Iron Man suits could be seen everywhere, flying around and taking out Extremis soldiers through various means. "Heartbreaker, help Red Snapper out, will you?" Tony requested. A blue and silver suit flew after a suit that had three Extremis soldiers hanging on and attacking it, blasting one of them off, before another jumped onto it. The last one began ripping away at the head, causing the suit to crash into a hanging cargo container, exploding and, if that didn't kill the thug, sending him falling to his death. This also happened near where Killian and Pepper were, as the wall beside them exploded and knocked them both back.

"No! Red Snapper!" Ruby cried.

"He has countless suits Ruby. And you've only seen this one for less than a minute. You can't possibly be attached already. You should be more worried about Pepper!" Weiss told her.

"Every suit is special and should be loved. And Pepper will be fine. They won't kill off Tony's love interest." She sniffled.

"It is quite endearing he's named many of the suits. Which does make it a shame to see them destroyed." Ren admitted.

Finally, a suit landed in front of Tony and allowed him to enter. "Nice timing." He praised.

"Oh, yeah. That's awesome. Give me a suit, okay?" Rhodey requested.

"Oh, I'm sorry, they're only coded to me." Tony explained.

"What does that mean?" Rhodey asked.

"I got you covered." The billionaire told him, the faceplate closing and he flew off.

"Oh, come on! You're leaving your friend like that! Report Tony for being a bad teammate!" Neo declared.

"To be fair, I doubt Tony can just code suits to everyone. And assuming the process involves getting those forty-some-odd injections from the beginning, I doubt Rhodey would accept it." Blake defended.

"Definitely. I really hate needle. I'd need Ironwood's old Semblance to sit through that." Emerald agreed.

An Iron Man suit then landed in front of him. "Good evening, Colonel. Can I give you a lift?" JARVIS offered.

"Very funny." The Colonel grumbled.

"At least Tony and JARVIS have you back." Yang said.

"It's definitely better than just leaving him there." Velvet agreed.

"And this is the perfect distraction to allow him to save the President." Glynda pointed out.

However, an Extremis thug jumped on the suit, causing it to spin out of control and drop Rhodey onto a walkway. And almost instantly, two particularly tough-looking Extremis thugs rushed towards him. However, another quite large Iron Man suit with large, pointed arms landed between them and slammed its arms down on the walkway, breaking it and launching the two thugs into the air and towards the suit, which shot out its arms with pistons and jabbed the two, launching them back into the air, where another passing suit blasted them with their repulsors.

"That suit is awesome!" Ruby said.

"Giant piercing arms powered by pistons. Clever indeed." Ironwood agreed.

"And that was awesome teamwork those two suits had! JARVIS is coordinating them really well." Jaune said, impressed.

"Sir, I've located Ms. Potts." JARVIS notified his creator.

"About time." Tony said, flying off to get her. He soon found her buried under some rubble, which he quickly began to move off her.

Pepper gasped, trying to speak while panting. "Stop! Put it down. Put it down. Put it down." Pepper pleaded.

"Why would he stop? He needs to get you out!" Nora said.

"She may be injured under all that, Nora. And the pressure from the rubble may be the only thing from preventing her from feeling pain." Ren explained.

"That or it could cause a shift in the rubble which may bury her more." Velvet pointed out.

"See what happens when you hang out with my ex-girlfriends?" Tony asked.

"You're such a jerk." Pepper told him.

"Yep. We'll talk about it over dinner." Tony said, trying to free her, metal creaking while Pepper was sobbing. "Come on. A little more, baby." Tony urged her. The two of them reached for each other and while Pepper was straining, Tony grunted.

"Just a little more..." Pyrrha said.

"Come on. Just reach a little, you two." Ruby told them.

Suddenly, Killian's hand came through the floor and he shoved it into Tony's suit, destroying its arc reactor. This caused Tony to fall back onto the floor as Killian climbed up through the floor.

"Oh, come on!" Everyone complained.

"Why can't he just die like the scumbag he is?!" Cinder complained.

"Well, at least now we get to see Tony kick his ass." Qrow reassured her.

"I doubt Tony's going to be doing much of anything in this situation." Weiss said worriedly.

"Is this guy bothering you?" He asked Pepper rhetorically, before turning around and pinning Tony as he tried to get up, heating up the suit. "Don't get up. Ooh. Is it hot in there?" Killian asked, the armor sizzling. "Stuck? Do you feel a little stuck? Like a little turtle, cooking in his little turtle suit." The terrorist taunted.

"Tony." Pepper whimpered.

"She's watching. I think you should close your eyes. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. You don't want to see this." Killian hushed her, before moving to finish off Tony, but the billionaire produced a long knife from his suit and cut off Killian's arm. It burned through the floor and Pepper soon followed it down through the damaged floor, hanging onto the rig with her hands.

"Oh, yeah! Didn't see that coming, did you?" Neo taunted, loving the hidden blade.

"That's what happens when you become overconfident and lower your guard!" Winter declared.

"Yeah. And now Killian's been... DISARMED!" Yang announced, actually getting chuckles from the audience.

"Yeah, you take a minute." Tony agreed as Killian fell to the floor. Tony ejected himself from the wrecked suit and dropped down to Pepper, hurrying to try and save her, but an Extremis soldier blocked his way and chased him. Luckily, JARVIS slammed into him with a suit and took him out. "Jarvis, give me a suit right now!" Tony ordered, but the suit he called got destroyed. "Oh, come on!" Tony complained.

"Stop wrecking his suits! He has to save Pepper!" Jaune yelled.

"His luck is proving to be worse than yours, Qrow." Glynda noted.

"Then it's a good thing he has so many suits. Sooner or later, he's gonna have to get one!" Emerald insisted.

Rhodey reached the platform above the President. "Mr. President! Just hold on, all right? I'm coming. Just hold on. Hold on." Rhodey tried to reassure The President. A couple of Extremis thugs landed on the platform a short distance away, so Rhodey quickly jumped off and ziplined on a wire onto a cargo container. The Extremis guys jumped down on the other side ready to face them. Rhodey shot both of them several times, but this only served to irritate them as they glowed orange and healed. They then rushed in and one threw a punch, but this severed one of the lines holding the container they were on, causing it to become less stable and making Rhodey fall.

"Oh, dear! Colonel Rhodes seems quite outmatched by these Extremis thugs." Penny said in concern.

"His bullets may as well be paintballs for these guys." Blake said, equally worried.

"He's gonna have to get incredibly lucky or be more of a genius than Tony for this." Coco said.

Rhodey managed to grab onto the side and the two thugs looked over the side at him. "Oh, kay. Bye-bye." He said, shooting the other wire, leaving nothing left to hold their side of the container and causing their side to drop, making the two thugs drop shortly after. This also allowed Rhodey to swing onto the container and jump to the president, latching onto him. The container then fell onto the oil tanker and caused it to explode, a massive swath of fire raising up towards them.

"Yes! Excellent thinking, soldier!" Ironwood praised Rhodes at the defeat of the two thugs and how he reached the president.

"But the container just fell! That's gonna be dangerous!" Nora cried out.

And as it turned out, her fears were warranted, as the container fell and caused the tanker to explode. "Oh, great. Rhodes just did their job for them." Cinder said with an eyeroll.

"There's still a chance they can get out of there. You can do it, Rhodes!" Pyrrha called.

"Why can't they just fly away in the suit!?" Ruby wondered, completely dumbfounded.

"Brace yourself." Rhodey instructed as he used one of the suit's repulsors to break the chains holding one arm, causing them to swing to safety. Rhodes then dropped and fired his gun at the other chain holding the President, finally freeing the free world's leader. "You look damn good, Mr. President, but I'm gonna need that suit back." Rhodey told him, before calling Tony. "The President is secure, Tony. I'm clearing the area." Rhodey informed the inventor.

"Nice work." Tony praised.

The Colonel was now in the suit once again. "Ready, sir?" Rhodey asked.

"What do you mean 'ready'?" The President asked. Rhodey then blasted off and the President screamed.

"Oh, NOW it works as opposed to five minutes ago!? What changed? Does it not work simply because Rhodey's not in it!?" Winter demanded.

"It can't be. It worked with Savin in it earlier." Weiss reminded.

"Even less reason for it not to be working earlier!" Ruby said angrily.

"Maybe the President just didn't know how to use it?" Velvet defended.

"Even if he doesn't, he still should have been able to move in it! He could've broken free and joined in on the Extremis butt-kicking!" Emerald countered.

"Alright, we're down to the last bit. Hope you guys are ready for it." Katana said.

"Get on with it already!" Yang shouted.

"Yeah, come on, Katana! We need to see how Tony saves Pepper!" Ruby agreed.

"And destroys Killian and the rest of those Semblance-stealing bastards!" Cinder added.

"I wish to see more of the suits and their functionalities." Penny said.

"I think we can all just agree we're eager to see the remained of this through." Pyrrha said, everyone nodding in agreement as Katana continued the movie.

A/N: Thank you for reading and as always, I hope you enjoyed this!

Also, I've come up with a new challenge! The Joestar line watching JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. There's a few fics of others watching the show (mostly RWBY and MHA), but there's absolutely no fics of JoJo characters reacting to anything, so I figured this would be a good place to hopefully jumpstart some fics of that nature.

The main idea is this: all of the JoJo's are brought in to watch the series, so Jonathan can see his lineage and all the other JoJo's can see the adventures that came before theirs, occasionally bringing in people important to that part of the story (for example: George Joestar and young Speedwagon in Phantom Blood, old Speedwagon, Ceasar and Lisa Lisa in Battle Tendencies and the Stardust Crusaders in... Well, Stardust Crusaders) to have their additional commentary and see scenes they weren't around for and/or oblivious to. Lisa Lisa won't be happy to learn her own son peaked in on her! Lol!