This is challenge for story where Ran takes the Apoptoxin 4869.

So Ran is in Shinichis house in the library thinking of kudo. Then she suddenly hears the being hastily opened and thinks that someone was using the absence of Shinichi to rob him. So she carefully opens the door and sees Conan running around like a maniac. It's been more than a year since she has started working abroad and she had enough money to live comfortably for a while. So she didn't see him in a year.

Curious about what he wad doing here, she waits till he passes the library again and sees that he has the clothes of Shinichi. So she thinks that he returned, but finds it suspicious that he didn't call her to tell her about it. So Ran follows Conan to the professors house and enters. There she hears Conan being angry for some reason: " Why didn't it work? Tell me you failed the Antidote!" I am sorry Shinichi, the only thing I managed to work out was, how to minimalize the probability to die of the toxin so that someone who took it would become a kid, without the risk of dieing." And that she takes the toxin sets up a child persona and goes to the same school as Conan to be able to be with her love.

The rest is up to you does ayumi becomes jealous?

Can she come together with Conan?

And is Ai suspecting something?

I hope that somebody takes the challenge. Please write me if you do.