It was with a gunshot that boomed into his ear that made him pause and shudder in fright.

They found him, and it was here that he felt the dread of his end coming soon.

Frightened with such distraught he acted irrationally, but also in a haste he had grabbed someone in preservational instinct. Two figures approached as the man turned, and from his back, he pulled a concealed weapon.

"Stop!" The first one in front shouted. "Drop the kid!"

It was then that he realized who he just grabbed. "Put the gun down! Now!"

His teeth gritted and shook his head, and pressed the dangerous end of the barrel against the kid's temple. "Stop chasing me!"

"Put the gun down!" "Don't make us use lethal force, we do it if we have too!"

The kid suspended up and tightly in his arms was silent and still with fright, almost as frightened as he was. All four were beginning to sweat at this standoff.

"I have done nothing wrong!" He shouted, pleaded. "What you found me in, I'm innocent in the case."

The first man in black shook his head. "You know that we can't know that for sure."

"You and the others are at high risk, and the higher ups just can't allow that." The second man spoke. A high level of control in his tone made him shudder.

'They don't even care. Do they?' Such panicking thoughts like that were replaying over, and it reached through him like a deer staring straight at headlights, and he began backing up and away.

He took one step back, and they took two steps forward. Every backwards pace was followed by the double amount, and his fear reached its climax. Now instead of pushing the barrel against the child's head, he pointed it straight at the two men in black.

"You are all the same as the others!" The man accused. "All of you are just men of blind justice, doing whatever it takes to fit your bills."

"Son! Please!" The first one spoke in a surprisingly honest voice.

"It doesn't have to be like this." The second added.

"No!" The man now known as Caelum bellowed. "The two of you! The two of you must've accused me! I'm innocent! I've had nothing to do with the leaks! It wasn't my fault, and it will not be."

"What you're doing is not helping your situation." The first man in black spoke as he gestured to the young little girl within his death-grip.

"The little lady has nothing to do with this old sport." The second one rationalized.

"Just let the girl, and the gun go." It went right back to the first detective that spoke.

The first detective ushered to his partner to do the same as him with a slow hand wave down to the ground. Their personal arms were aimed towards the concrete path, and the clicks of the safety were on.

"What makes you two believe that I would just follow you? Behind bars! Back to the slammer, eh?!"

"You know us better than that." What followed next was a tentative and suspenseful silence, as the man holding the poor child slowly released his grip on the girl. The moment she was freed from him she ran towards the two detectives, the one closest to her and hid behind his legs.

He dangled his once concealed handgun by the grip, where the magazine was supposed to be, only for no openings to be seen. The man laughed distraughtfully as he tossed it away onto the pavement of the park. "It was a toy gun anyway." He brought his hands up and covered his face.

"God, what've I done?" The man weeped.

"C'mon son." The second gestured as he walked towards the almost turned suspect. The light now casting on both of them showed the one known as "Caelum" turned out to be a young man by the age of nineteen. In front of him was a man who looked very similar to him in appearance.

"I'll put in a good word for you, and see if we can figure this out."

Unlike reality, not most cases were plain straight, or the happiest endings.

There rang the sound of glass shattering, and a thunder-clap that exploded their eardrums. Only strained a moment after, a body fell down to the floor, a grievous wound in the middle of his back.



This young man, Basil Lucis Caelum, was an upstart of a programmer who's skills had significantly contributed to a confidential government program that would have the world's internet become the safest virtual place on Earth.

However, due to a rumor of leaked information, he was counted among the primary suspects, and reports of his death had greatly defiled the project in its infancy. Not only did his death deter the many others working upon the project to become uncooperative, and without his codes the project was to be disbanded. It was only four years later due to two government agents that the insider that leaked the information was caught, and "Basil Caelum" was found clean.

He felt gratified. And alive. His mom asked him the other day, "If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?"

He felt so proud, and so alive, when he replied, "Absolutely!" about the bad crowd he'd meshed himself into within his neighborhood in Japan. Just because his friends smoked and stuff, doesn't mean he did, right? He just said no, and let them do their thing.

He'd told the story to his friends, and they'd laughed. And it was never really brought up again, though his mom had said it a few times after, to his same answer. About a year or so later, on vacation in the U.S., they'd gone to a canyon for cliff diving. The young man, barely in college, named Tadahito, looked at it the same way: They'd all jump off the cliff and into the water together.

They approached the cliff, and he felt excitement running through him. His friends were so important to him, and he'd jump straight into hell for them. One of his friends smiled as they set their stuff to the side. "This is gonna be awesome. I've never jumped into water from this high." Most of the other 20-somethings agreed. He set his own belongings aside and joined his friends by the cliffside for a bite to eat and a smoke.

About a half an hour later, their stomachs settled and all, they approached the cliff's edge. A wide grin on his face, he bent his knees and jumped off, expecting his friends to go with him.

In a slow, sinking dread, he turned his head and saw his "friends" standing on the cliff's edge, laughing and smiling as he fell. One of them cupped their hands. "Dumbass! Why would we jump into shallow water!?" One of the other ones flipped the bird down at him.

It felt like he was falling in slow motion. The entire fabric of his priorities and cares crumbled and unfurled, unwove, right before him. He glanced down at the water, and his… his what? He didn't know what he was feeling. Betrayal? Sorrow? Anger? He didn't know. But whatever it was, it got worse as he looked down at the water. The rocky, frothy, shallow water. He was going to die. His so-called friends had exploited his loyalty to them. They played him for a fool. But, why? He felt tears stream from his eyes, whether from emotion or wind resistance, he couldn't tell. He didn't care. Was it… her? That must have been it. It wasn't his fault a girl liked him. Was his friend really that jealous? I'm a fool. A damned fool. He closed his eyes to brace for impact, cursing the bastards who'd played him. I'm sorry mom… you were right. With a splash and a meaty crunch, his life ended, a normally upbeat young man left betrayed, angry, sad, and mangled at the bottom of a canyon.

Tadahito Edaro, a young man who could've gone on to be one of the most positively influential people in the history of his home country of Japan, was tricked and left for dead in the U.S. His death was discovered, sure. But years later. Dental records were what identified him. After 5 years, his mother back in Japan finally found out that her son was dead. His death was ruled as an accident, and no further investigation was pursued.

About 10 years after his death, a woman ratted out her husband, a well-known and wealthy executive, exposing him and his circle of friends as murderers with his confession on-tape. Tadahito's betrayers had finally been brought to justice, but his mother had already passed the year before. His life quietly took place, and quietly ended, and he only mattered in the public-eye after his death, and only 10 years afterwards, at that.

Tadahito woke up in whiteness. Well, "woke up" is a loose term. He felt like he just didn't exist for a few minutes and then he was here. He glanced around to find that everything was white. Nothing at all around him, except for another person about ten feet away, who was just then beginning to stir.

The sleeping person's head shook, with one sudden violent twist that pulled his head to one side and his eyes snapped open. He immediately sat up from his lying position, his elongated hair disheveled and a bird's nest, as his sudden intake of air had him now struggling with a coughing fit.

Once Basil was done throwing up his lungs and was able to comprehensively be aware of his surroundings, he was surprised twice. The first is the open vast white of nothingness, and the second was another man with him in this vast space.

The two stared at each other for a good solid minute before both pointed fingers at each other and shouted.

""Who the fuck are you?"" They both started.

Their heads cocked back as a sudden colored screen appeared right before their eyes individually.


"Is this actually real?" Basil muttered, as his eyelids twitched.

Tadahito's brain buffered for a second. "I've only seen this in anime. And manga. And a lot of other stuff. But it's real?" He scratched his head.


Basil looked towards Tadahito, who both had yet to know each other's name, and asked him. "Is this thing screaming at you too?"

"Yeah. It's rather rude, isn't it?" He put his hands on his hips.

Basil could only nod in agreement before the screen suddenly got up close to his face. Luckily it wasn't a blue screen otherwise he right now would've been blinded.


[It kind of gets lonely here sometimes...]

Basil slowly pushed it away from his personal space with a disturbed look. "That's rough buddy."

"That's much better."

[So now that you are here, I can finally introduce you to the system, as you might recognize as, (The GAMER).]

Static appears over each other's head, the space beginning to form letters and numbers, and it's all displayed as such.

[Tadahito Edaro]
[Title - GAMER]

[LV: 1]

[?: ?]

[Basil Lucis Caelum]
[Title - GAMER]
[LV: 1]
[?: ?]

"I swear, I've seen this in a light novel somewhere. This feels too familiar to me." He swiped at the title above his own head. "Where'd the canyon go? Where are the rocks and shit?"

Basil, however, paid no heed to his fellow Gamer's ramblings, as he looked upon his name. "Why is your name in Kanji?"

Tadahito looked towards Basil. "Ah, I'm from Japan. That might be it. I don't even know why you can understand me, I know I'm speaking in Japanese. My lips are moving in my native dialect, but my voice is coming out in English."

Basil looked back towards the Japanese Gamer as hummed to himself with a hand and thumb against his chin. "Somehow, I understand, though I can't recall learning japanese. Heck, I haven't learned any other language within the States. Did we somehow gain the skill to become multilingual?"

Tadahito shook his head. "I don't think that's it. I think my voice is being translated to you. I'm speaking my native tongue, I know I am, but I'm hearing myself speak English, which makes no sense."

Basil a moment later snickered. "I guess this is what weebs from the States that go to Japan expect when they arrive there."

Tadahito chuckled. "Yeah, probably. It was sad to watch tourists try to understand the street vendors."

"Speaking of trying to understand places. Where are we?" Basil asked no one in particular as he spoke to the great beyond yonder of snow white nothingness.

The screen drops back down to their eye level, and like a monitor on a lamp stick, danced.

[I'd be happy to answer your question.]

[Both of you are in what is known as the (Creation Screen).]

[The (Creation Screen) is provided to help you settle yourself, and your new life within another world.]

Basil looked upon the pop up menu with a bit of a scrutinizing eye. His eyes grew wide and formed like dinner plates as he did not recognize any familiar sense he used to see.

He was astonished. "This isn't some high tech gizmo of virtual reality, this is actually real..."

Tadahito blinked. "Wow, so this screen thing wasn't fucking with us. This is actually happening."

[As for the world you are joining, "Da-dada-duh~" It's something you share in common, your past-time hobbies.]

Basil's eyes suddenly grew short. "Oh please, not to the place where I think it is."

Tadahito put a hand to his face. "Which of the hundreds of anime I've watched are we going to? And please, not a fucked up one."

The screen monitor suddenly took on the lenny face.

[( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] [Oh it's nothing that gruesome… This had already been rolled, and for a hint I'd give you three words. "Villains and Heroes".]

Basil suddenly took an inhale of a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god. It's not what I was worried about."

Tadahito stood straighter. "The only anime I know that was really really popular, and dealt with heroes and villains, was My Hero Academia, and I watched that religiously." He turned to Basil. "I might be scared to ask, but what were you worried about?"

Basil turned back to Tadahito and tentatively wrapped his arms around himself. "A Shonen Horror Anime, and something my uncle recommended to me to watch… I didn't find both of those pleasant..."

Tadahito nodded. "Attack on Titan would be a nightmare, I don't blame you. And I don't think I want to know the other one." He turned to the screen. "So, how exactly are we doing this?"

[In short, you'll start off with your personality choice, and that in correlation as to how your death has happened and what could've prevented it.]

[Tadahito Edaro, your death was caused by jumping off of a cliff. In times like that, an Avian creature would have suited you, but due to the desert heart, most Avian birds would die from heatstroke and thirst. Thus only one suited you the most, which was that of a fantastical, and mythical bird…]

[The Phoenix!]

"Soooooo, what does this mean?" Tadahito raised an eyebrow. "I get that I jumped off a cliff because my friends tricked me, blah-blah-blah, but how does being connected with a Phoenix translate to here?"

[From an alternative Earth, there exists an alternative legend of Damocles. One of roman times. Instead of a plebian sitting upon a throne, Damocles was an inspiring leader and great general who was betrayed by those he had trusted. Enraged at how the hero had been treated, Nemesis, the Goddess of Revenge, allowed Damocles to be sent back as a vengeful spirit. A ghostly, black armored centurion who would hunt down and kill each of the generals who had wronged him.]

[However, due to multiversal rules, third parties are not allowed to send back once dead occupants of a world back to where they live. Otherwise, the rule of death would be discarded and chaos ensured as all the spirits would demand to be called back to life. As much as it would've been perfect, there are no gods or goddesses within your world, only science. However in a different scenario, were your world to contain such fantastic creatures, you would've been raised as a Phoenix… And all that's left is up to your imagination if that had happened.]

Tadahito's brain buffered again. "That's cool. I uh… I guess I'll eventually see what this means for my stats or whatever. The cryptic talk makes my brain hurt." He paused. "Do I even have a physical brain right now?

The monitor shows Tadahito a third person perspective of his death, on a repeating loop. To where it shows the ground where he would hit, and the moment of impact would be compared to a meat patty upon red liquid on the shallow waters.

[I would say… Not anymore?]

Tadahito paled. "Great. Thanks. I tooootally needed to see that. Multiple times."

Basil placed a hand upon his shoulder. "I would say something here that would probably be bad, but imma hold my tongue and spare you the chances that you would have."

The monitor then switches to the park where four individuals stood off from each other. It was Basil, two older-aged men with one near him patting him on the shoulder, and a young little girl near to the older man who has Basil's looks.

This camera, video-esque feed recorded something falling from the sky down at near hypervelocity speeds. It shows that a small meteorite, for its size, came crashing upon the park. It crashed through the multi-layered glass of electric lamp posts, through its gas socket, creating a loud bang as if it was the explosion sound of a nuke, and finally piercing right through Basil's back in the goriest of fashion.

The video did not end there as it showed an X-ray of that small shard of that meteor start digging through his body like a drill, until it stopped within the deep blood vessel of his heart.

"Well then." Basil spoke. "Fuck me I guess."

The monitor reverted to normal as it got closer to Basil's face.

[For better or for worse, as a matter of fact this is helping you now.]

[As for yours, is something of a special case. You are… contradictory.]

"I'm a contradiction?" Basil absorbs the information. "What do you mean?"

[In correlation to your death, normally something of which can help you seek retribution or help avert your fate, none of the powers that you could've held at the time would've saved you. Your death, as in the words of a god from another world, was predestined.]

"So I was meant to die?"

[Perhaps, but with the help of another it would be something you would then be capable of avoiding. However, thankfully to the customs of the worlds of Heroes and Villains, it can be rectified.]

[Your situation is from that of revolving truths and lies, and which something couldn't be done without any outside force manipulating as your buddies so found out.]

The monitor once more had shown him upon two familiar faces, both of the detectives which were present to the time where he had died. They were accompanied by stranger figures more resembling those of ancient legends as they fought against giant puppeteers whose many arms held weapons of sublime appearance.

[No matter how charming your tongue, this one would see to it that you are dealt with.]

"And what's the other?" Demanded Basil.

[From which that killed you.]

The monitor once more showed his death, one final time as the meteor shard struck him through the back.

[No normal human reflex could help you react to it, and no human within your world would have the speed to dodge an object going as fast as light. You would die either by execution or by celestial rock. They are for these reasons, this dilemma can't be solved by one power.]

"Dude, what? He gets 2 quirks? Not fair! I don't even know what mine is, you gave me a poem and basically told me to figure it out!" Tadahito crossed his arms and began to stew.

The monitor and Basil looked to Tadahito, but before Basil could say anything the Monitor beat him to it.

[It's more the case two being combined into one, the solution is already there within the world, but I digress and understand your fit of rage. However, for this special case, the two of you would have those abilities in which you could have circumvented your fate, if you understand that.]

"Quite frankly, I don't. Do I just fly? Is that all my quirk is? Just telling me 'Hey, ya know, your quirk is related to the Phoenix.' Doesn't tell me anything. Do I just have fire wings? Do I have fire powers? There's so much to unpack out of Phoenix." He shook his head. "I have no idea what this could mean for my quirk."

[Perhaps, this will help.]

|Tadahito attains (GAMER Body) & (GAMER Mind).|

|Basil attains (GAMER Body) & (GAMER Mind).|

[The two of you would've received this regardless, but it seems you have need of it now.]

[Speaking of which. Would you like to go over the tutorial?]

Another screen pops up before them with a box with one sentence and two choices.

{Would you like to go over the GAMER Tutorial?}
{YES} / {NO}

Tadahito shrugged. "Most iterations or whatever of systems are a bit different from each other. It wouldn't hurt." He tapped {YES}.

Basil simply pressed the {YES} button.

Monitor and the screen before them grew large in size as a scroll of texts started typing in.

[Greetings, both Tadahito & Basil. The two of you have been chosen to be the next users of the GAMER ability.]

[To start off, to use the simplest commands, you must either speak or talk of the action you wish to partake. Speak or think of the word "Menu" now.]

"Uh… ok." Tadahito shrugged. 'Menu.'

'Menu.' Basil thought.

Off from which the menu spoke to them was left on their sides as another screen was brought up in front of them with boxed and bolded words following their status.

Name: "Ta-Da" Tadahito Edaro

Hero name:

Gender: Male

Height: 6'

Age: 16

Hair: Dirty Blonde

Eyes: Magenta; Pupils are orange instead of black.

HP: 150/150

MP: 75/75

SP: 150/150

AP: 25


Power: 5

Vitality: 5

Expertise: 5

Cunning: 5

Luck: 5


ATK: 50

DEF: 35

SPD: 10

DEX: 25

INT: 50

WIS: 25

Name: Basil Lucis Caelum
Hero Name:

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Hair: Black (Roots), Silver (Tips)

Eyes: Teal

Height: 6'5"

HP: 150/150

MP: 75/75

SP: 150/150

AP: 25


Power: 5

Vitality: 5

Expertise: 5

Cunning 5

Luck: 5


ATK: 50

DEF: 35

SPD: 10

DEX: 25

INT: 50

WIS: 25

Just after the box of text once more began typing.

[This next step is your (Status) screen. Here, you are able to monitor your status any time you want. Here, the preliminary stats to yourself is called (Attributes) which will allow you to grow your entire play style which are known as (Stats). I will allow you a moment's time to spec into your (Attributes).]

"Ah… ok? Let me see here…"

Basil begins to do so immediately, and after a moment he is done.

{Tadahito Status]
HP: 450/450

MP: 600/600

SP: 450/450

AP: 0


Power: 8

Vitality: 15

Expertise: 13

Cunning: 9

Luck: 5


ATK: 80

DEF: 105

SPD: 26

DEX: 65

INT: 90

WIS: 40

{Basil Status]

HP: 300/300

MP: 750/750

SP: 300/300

AP: 0


Power: 10

Vitality: 10

Expertise: 10

Cunning 10

Luck: 10


ATK: 100

DEF: 70

SPD: 20

DEX: 50

INT: 100

WIS: 50

After it was all said and done, the monitor continued on.

[Next it's high time you are to familiarize yourself with the (Main Menu) system.]




[Skills & Abilities/Spells]

[This is the (Main Menu) screen to where all GAMER-related functions are accessed. As stated before, any verbal or thought commands of the word (Menu) or (Main Menu) will prompt this screen before you, so please do be careful when you're ordering at a restaurant. Although the people of the other world will not see any of this, this has happened to jumpscare other unknowing GAMERs before.]

"Why are computers so sensitive to voice commands? Say something in the middle of the night, and Alexa will blurt out asking what you said waking up everyone in the house." Basil complained out loud.

Tadahito laughed at Basil's comment, but didn't have anything to reply with.

[Seeing how the both of you are veteran gamers yourself, most of these functions should be self-explanatory. However, some of these functions are slightly different and thus a short summary of each option are required.]

[The (Stats) option is where you just came from, as was said beforehand so the two of you would know how it works.]

[The (Inventory) option is where all of your equipment will be from on your person, and in your hammerspace. It's all divided into-

[Currency: ]

[Key Items]


[Miscellaneous Loot]

-Is where everything of value is stored within. Think of it as a dimensional pocket space where you can bring items and equipment from and to.]

[The (Skills & Abilities/Spells) is a place that lists all of your attained knowledge and powers. Your Quirk powers for example, in addition to anything relating to your GAMER-ability that you may come across, such as skill and ability books.]

[The (Quest) option is the document of your adventures, both in the main quest line and subquests both ongoing and completed. It's where a large sum of your EXP will be deriving from and your rewards.]

[The final menu option, (BGM) is an acronym for BackGround Music. This usually plays whenever you're in combat and fighting, but also doubles as something like the old Ipod where you can listen to music, as if near a radio. This is entirely optional and can be turned off at the GAMER's discretion.]

[Be aware that the (Main Menu) system will change as you progress through with your new life.]

[Last, but certainly not least is what all GAMERs first attain. Your starting weapon.]


-Wooden Club




-Bow & Arrows

Tadahito scratched his head before he mentally commanded 'Menu...Skills.' He couldn't see himself picking a weapon without knowing his own abilities.


-Body Rebirth

-Original body rapidly regenerates health (HP) when wounded, consuming energy (MP) or stamina (SP) to do so.

~~~Can rebirth into bodies of fantastical races, limited to three. Bodies can be set for [loadouts], and equipped with a set amount of items prior to rebirthing.

~~~Races: [Dark Elf], [Orc], [Tiefling], [Minotaur]

~~~Only three may be set at any given moment.

~~~The three races, [Orc], [Tiefling], and [Minotaur] are unlocked through quirk training and development.

-Propensity for fire emission.

-Limited transmission of body-specific skills/attributes

-Item transference between rebirthed body and original body

~~~Item removed from rebirthed body's loadout

-Can manifest wings of dark, crimson flame at-will.

~~~Causes immense pain, and burn-scarring to the shoulder blades, where the wings manifest and anchor to. [Scarring nullified by Gamer's Body.]

~~~Halts MP regen

~~~Not available to rebirthed bodies

-Last-resort talons from fingernails made of fire so potent they cause harm to a person's entire being, not just physical.

~~~Causes intense internal burning to the user's hands. Only used when death is imminent for this reason.

~~~Not available to rebirthed bodies.

~~~[Permanent hand damage nullified by Gamer's Body.]


-[Gamer's Body]: Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. (He receives no physical damage from attacks, only pain for a few seconds and a loss of HP). After sleeping in a bed, it restores HP, MP, SP, and cures all status effects.

-[Gamer's Mind]: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Immunity to mental disorder. As per Tadahito's choice, only anger, sadness, and other negative emotions will be suppressed by this ability. (Can be toggled On or Off. Automatically reactives in combat.)

Tadahito put a hand to his face to cover his slackened jaw. "Holy shit, dude."

Basil looked over the man's shoulders and pointed downwards. "Those are just your traits. Your abilities are below man."

Tadahito nodded. "Yeah, no, I know, I'm just… compartmentalizing. Taking it in chunks." He continued on to his abilities.


-[Rebirth] - [LV-1] - [Spontaneously combust yourself into flames and emerge yourself from your ashes in a new body of a fantastical race. The user of this ability remains in the new body until that body is killed, whereupon the user reverts to their original body.] [Available at level 1: Dark Elf] [Cost dependent on race levels.] [Cooldown = 5 minutes]

~~~[Dark Elf Rebirth] - [LV-1] - [You rebirth yourself in the body of a dark elf, the swift, cunning, cruel race of under-dwelling elves.]
-[At level 1, your Expertise Attribute increases by 20 while in this body. 1 item slot for pre-equipping (see Rebirth Loadout).] [Costs 50 MP.]

-[Rebirth Loadout] - [LV-MAX] - [You may preemptively outfit your rebirthed bodies with items and equipment. Consumables are exempt. The limit for equippable items is as defined by the level of your specific body levels.]

-[Phoenix Flight] - [LV-1] - [You may manifest wings of crimson flame from your shoulder blades at will. MP regen halts while in use.]
-[At level 1, duration equals [INT/5] minutes.] [Costs 5 HP to manifest.] [Unavailable to rebirthed bodies.]

-[Soulfire Talons] - [LV-1] - [You manifest talons made of crimson flames, potent enough to slash and burn at a person's mind, body, and spirit.]
-[At level 1: 25 damage to enemy HP, SP, and MP.] [Costs 50 HP to manifest.]

[Unavailable to rebirthed bodies.]

Tadahito shook his head. "Good god, this is so much more than I'd expected." He returned to the weapon list with a hand on his chin. 'Reach would be good, so I can keep people off of me so I can regen. Hopefully I can get loot or something for the dark elf body, but I need the staff for me.' He returned to the weapon select screen and tapped on -Staff.

Basil looked towards his own menu before shaking off his nerves as he thought-commands his (Skills & Abilities), to which he was bombarded by a wealth of information



~~~The Power Of Kings

[Pure Light Generation/Manipulation/Transformation]
[Power Sharing/Bestowal]

[Weapon Summoning]
[Divine/Oath Covenants]

~~~Manifestation Of Thought

[Mental Consciousness Imitation]

[Tarot Card Arcana-Class Association]

[Soul-Personality/Skill/Ability Interchangeability/Power Granting]

~~~GAMER Ability

[Capability of living life as a game.]


~~~The Power Of Kings
-[Armiger Armory] - [LV-1] - [Summon and Change Weapons on the fly from your Inventory. (Weapon Bar/Slots)] - [Cost: Free]

-[Warping] - [LV-1] - [Transform your body to pure light and teleport to short-distant areas of your choosing.] - [Range: 50m - Cost: 30MP]

-[Phasing/Blinking] - [LV-1] - [An evasive technique that allows one to transfer their form to light and allow for any physical attack to pass through with ease.] - [Range: N/A - Cost: 30 MP]

-[Elemenacy] - [LV-1] - [A combat ability that allows one to use specific elements to cast upon the environment or opponents. Sub-Power are, Fire, Ice, & Lightning.] - [Range/Cost - Varies]

-[Powered/Blessed Items] - [LV-N/A] - [To bless items of certain value to attain certain supernatural effects when used. (I.E. Sodas are capable of healing, Coffee Drinks can refill both MP & SP, and certain imitations of items such as an energy drink is able restore all three imperative stats.) ] - [Range: Direct-Contact/Cost: Money Price To Item]


~~~Manifestation Of Thought

-[Wildcard] - [LV-Varied] - [Use one's spirit and consciousness to summon figures of great importance and attain their skills and/or abilities from any Arcana.]

-[Arcana: Fool] - [LV-1] - [The basics of the Arcana - The Jack Of All Trades] (LVLs with story Progression.)



-Adept Programmer

Basil's eyes blink twice as the amount of things before him. 'This is gonna take some time to organize…' He dryly thought.

He rubbed both of his eyes and slapped his face on both sides with his hands, his mind going back to the weapon options. 'I don't know where I'll be, so taking something that I'll be holding out in public is going to raise suspicion. Then again, with the GAMER's (Inventory)-'. Said command brings him back to the Inventory Menu.

He cocked his head with a tilt and a raised eyebrow. 'Oh that's gonna be annoying.'

'Screw it. I'm picking a gun. I'll train myself in… wait. Guns are near useless against Heroes and Villains. I have to go with the sword rather than old reliable… but what if I train myself in Gun-fu?'

Basil was indecisive at the two options, but he soon decided by the toss of a coin flip. He ended up choosing [Sword].

The moment that they have chosen their weapons, static air appears above them, and static soon changed to pixels. Before long they form rather ordinary weapons of both staff and sword.

Tadahito caught his staff and crouched a bit to absorb the shock of its weight. 'Gonna take a bit to learn how to use this right.'

Basil's weapon slowly fluttered down into his awaiting hands, giving it a few test swings and feeling its weight.

The text box soon overrides and the menu as it disappears.

[That's the end of the GAMER tutorial. Helps and hints will be offered along the way, and can be viewed from the (Main Menu). Now, it's high time for the both of you to head off to your new life. How much you will affect the world, and how willing you are to interact with the events of the soon to be future is at your discretion.]

[We bid you adieu.]

Beneath their feet, a dark circle formed, and soon the feeling of weightlessness hit them as they abruptly fell through the dark hole, which then receded after they fell in.