The moment the compartment door opened, Ron saw one boy around the same age sitting right beside the windowsill, alone. He was slightly chubby but had blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes. "Erm, may I take a seat here?" he asked tensely. The blonde boy looked startled but nodded, which relieved the redhead. Ron pulled his trunk inside and sat opposite where the boy was. "I'm sorry if I'm speaking in English, I've barely studied French," he said. "Ron Weasley. You may call me Ron."

"Daniel Braun," responded the blonde boy. "It's fine. I've just started learning French last summer since my whole family moved here in Belgium. We're originally from Wales."

Ron was pleasant to know there's a fellow English in the carriage. "At least you've got a jumpstart. I've just started less than a month."

"Oh really? So attending Beauxbatons was a last-minute decision?"

"You could say that," shrugged Ron, not wanting to elaborate further. "So, do you have any idea about Beauxbatons? I only got to read the pamphlets that were given to us."

"I guess I do," considered Daniel. "One of the things that Beauxbatons stood out from the rest of the magical schools here in Europe is the subjects. I have an older brother who just graduated last year, so he told me that in the first three years we'll be learning the core areas of magic - Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, Herbology, History of Magic, Defense, and Astronomy," said Daniel. "On our fourth year, we can select subjects we wanted to focus on. It's also when other subjects are being offered such as Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Muggle Relations, and Care of Magical Creatures. So if you're horrible at Transfiguration even after four years, you can drop it by then. The OWLs happen in the sixth year and NEWTs in the eighth year. And there are numerous clubs to choose and join."

Ron nodded, appreciating the information being shared. "What clubs are there?"

"I'm not sure, but there's one for Painting, Charms, Gobstones, and I think there's a Chess club." Daniel noted the surprised look on Ron's face and asked, "You play chess?"

"Of course," Ron grinned broadly at the topic. "I have a set with me, but it's old -"

So the two began to play wizarding chess and Ron enjoyed the fact Daniel wasn't a pushover and gave him a challenge. "You're really good," said Daniel after three rounds.

"You almost got me with the strategy you did with the bishop and knight - it's brilliant," Ron shook his head while stowing away his chess set. "I -" he glanced up and noticed that the carriage already moved and they were on air. He pulled up the window and his eyes widened at the sight. They were really flying. "This is brilliant!" he said loudly, feeling the wind blow on his face. He looked down below and could barely see the houses they passed by.

After a couple of minutes, Ron shut the window and sat down. "How long do you think it'll take before we could reach Beauxbatons?"

The other boy peered outside the window and continued, "Maybe another hour or so. We're already out of Belgium, and we just passed by Paris by looks of it."

"Really? I've barely seen the tower those Muggles built -"

"It's the Eiffel tower, my family and I have gone there before," mentioned Daniel. "It was alright I suppose."

"Not a fan of Muggles?" frowned Ron. He didn't want to make friends with someone who saw Muggles as lesser humans.

"I'm not really a traveling type of person," answered the blonde boy with a shrug. "I'd rather stay inside and sleep, you know? And I'm not demeaning Muggles. My grandparents on my mother's side are Muggles. So you could say I'm a half-blood."

Ron finally understood what Daniel had attempted to explain about his lack of enthusiasm and relaxed slightly. "I understand. You're like one of my older brothers - his name is Percy and he always reads, never the one to join us whenever we play Quidditch." They continued to talk; Ron found out that Daniel was a bit like Percy, Daniel wasn't as stiff or pompous, just preferred the quiet and sleep.

"I hope I won't make a fool out of myself -"

"You won't," said Daniel. "Not everyone can speak French fluently, and it's much more diverse than in Hogwarts or Durmstrang. At least everyone will start speaking with each other in English. Eventually, you'll be able to speak French in a year or two."

"Thanks for the pep talk," smiled the redhead. "So er...friends?"

Daniel's eyes widened but smiled in return. "Friends are nice," he nodded.

A half an hour after, an announcement rang across the carriage. Ron didn't understand much so Daniel said, "The speaker said we'll be arriving in Beauxbatons in 15 minutes."

"That's good to know," sighed Ron before opening his trunk to pull out his Beauxbatons school robe, and Daniel did the same. He sat down after wearing his school uniform and looked out of the window where he could see the change of altitude as he was able to see the forests below. His heart began to beat wildly against his chest, so he began to count in French and remember all of the common phrases and sentences he was able to master.

The moment he and Daniel felt the slight bump, they knew they arrived. The sound of movement and activity could be heard from outside, and Ron swallowed hard. This was it. "Let's go," urged Daniel. "From what my older brother told me, the school's House-elves will be the one to carry our trunks."

"Right." They left the compartment and followed the other students out of the carriage. Ron saw Emma herding younger students who thankfully noticed him. "First years please go to the assembly area," she told him in her deep French accent.

Ron and Daniel nodded in response and walked toward the destination where they could see other first-year students. He could see the other two carriages where students milled out. The noise and excitement died down as they saw an adult witch approached them.

"Welcome dear new students. My name is Esme Boisclair, and I teach Charms. We are now in the assembly area in Beaxubatons, and so before we start the feast, as we still have time, we will have a tour. It is nice, oui?" Seeing the fervent nods from the first years, she smiled. "Now, form in two lines, and off we go."

The tour was fascinating in Ron's opinion; everywhere was beautiful and elegant like everything seemed to shine like crystals. Professor Boisclair showed them the classrooms to where the core subjects were located, as well as the clubrooms. As Daniel confirmed, there was a chess club and it looked absolutely amazing in Ron's eyes. There were a dozen of tables with each chess set placed atop, and books about chess strategy filled the shelves.

"I guess I know where to find you in the future," said Daniel humorously after eyeing Ron's awed expression.

Ron's response was a nudge with his right elbow.

The library was vast and spacious with fine mahogany tables and comfortable-looking chairs scattered across the area. It was Ron's turn to tease Daniel who didn't look bashful in the very least. They passed through the gardens and greenhouses and it was immaculate and like it was spring in Britain, and when they arrived in the Quidditch pitch, Ron was impressed how wide and clear the pitch was. The grass was trimmed, and the stands surrounding the pitch were clean and maintained as if it was still brand new.

After two hours, the tour was over. Professor Boisclair guided them back to the assembly area before waving her wand to check the time. She said, "We're on time. Now, I shall you where you will all be staying. Follow me."

The students followed Professor Boisclair who escorted them up to the third floor. Upon inspection, there was a lounge on the far-most west end of the floor. The older witch ushered them to go inside the door closest to them which led them to a spacious area with a couple of more rooms. "This is where all of you will be staying. The left side is where the boys will be staying, and the other side is where the girls are. You will also find your belongings already inside."

"You have three hours of leisure time so I expect everyone to behave and show proper decorum amongst your peers. The feast will begin at eight in the evening, and as it is already 4:30 in the afternoon, in France we have Le Goûter." Upon her words, the tables in the common room were suddenly filled with all sorts of sweets and pastries. "I will come back by 7:30 to guide you to the hall."

As soon as she left, the students began to talk. "Do you want to check which room we'll be staying in?" asked Daniel to Ron.

"Sure," said Ron, eyeing the food before turning away. The two boys were pleased to find out they would be sharing a room on the second door from the right. They passed by other boys who were checking out and went down to get themselves some food. "So, how does Le Goûter done? Is it like afternoon tea in Britain?" asked the redhead while taking a plate.

"Actually -" began Daniel but was interrupted by someone with an obnoxious tone.

"I find it épouvantable that some of you didn't have the decency to learn élémentaire French customs," the boy said, to which some students shifted uncomfortable looks. He had slick blonde hair, a sharp face, and dull green eyes. It seemed he had other two friends who chuckled as if he uttered a joke.

"Not everyone here has time to learn French customs, Jacques," a girl with tidy twin braids said with a sigh, her French accent visible. "Right now, your decorum is inférieur à la moyenne."

Daniel suppressed a snicker but the boy named Jacques caught it. "You think it's funny, non?" he sneered. "Looking at you, I can tell you're British. Bah!"

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Ron stepped forward to defend Daniel. "Don't get high and mighty just because you're French and Beauxbatons is located in Southern France which all of us have to learn your language and customs. What she said was right, you're inférieur à la moyenne," he ended in a perfectly imitated French accent. "I know there's a phrase 'In Rome, do as Romans do' but it doesn't mean we have to act like a total git like you." A couple of students murmured in agreement.

Jacques looked as if he had been doused with stinksap. "I don't know about you Francés, but I honestly believe Spanish should be taught as well since Beauxbatons is near Spain," another boy said airily from upstairs as he strode down. He faced Ron and said, "Me gustas. Me llamo Axel Ortiz. We should be amigos." He has wavy brown locks, with freckles smattered across his face, and bright brown eyes twinkling merrily.

Ron could get along with him. "Ron Weasley," he introduced himself before mentioning Daniel who also made his own introduction.

The stiff atmosphere seemed to have evaporated and somehow the other students began to speak up and making friends. Jacques was overshadowed. He rapidly spoke in French to his other two friends and stormed off to one corner of the room.

And thus was the start of Ron's stay at Beauxbatons as he made friends whom he would cherish as his best friends.

Here's the latest chapter. Sorry if it's short.

I decided to not attempt with the French accents and whatnot; it's too time-consuming and it's easier to indicate they're speaking with an accent. Also, French is hard so prolly as the story progresses, the conversations will be italicized to indicate the French language. Beauxbatons feels like it houses more nationalities than Hogwarts so there'll be lots of diverse characters and customs which I have to keep in mind. I did study Spanish for a bit so I'm a bit more confident when writing Spanish lines than in French but note that I'm still pants on both languages.

I'm nearly done with the latest chapter for Choices, it's just hard because there's a lot of things I need to cover before fifth year ends. Thank you for the support I've received.