Hello Everyone. I'm back with another chapter. With House of the Dragon over, which might I say was excellent. I thought of trying to edit and post this chapter. If your wondering why I took so long I'll explain after the chapter. I do not own RWBY or Game of Thrones those belong to their respective owners, I just own my OCs. Enjoy.
FIRE and BLOOD in Remnant
The Next Step to Fight
A pool of black slime in a dark red and purple land is shown and a large paw emerges from within the slime and a Beowolf gradually crawls out, slime sliding off of it and onto the ground.
Several more pools are shown and many Beowolves are emerging from them. The land is mostly dark and desolate, made up of red ground, purple crystals, and a red and black clouded sky.
Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai watch through a window from inside a high building. Emerald has her hand to her mouth while Mercury seems slightly disgusted. A gloved hand appears between two purple crystal formations and snaps its fingers.
It then reveals a large windowed room, at the center of which is a long purple, crystal table. Four people sit at the table with seven chairs. One of them is Cinder Fall. Emerald and Mercury move away from the window.
There's a man sitting across from Cinder, Arthur Watts. He is looking at his Scroll.
Next is a man to Cinder's right, Tyrian Callows. He sits in a crouch casually on his chair, resting his arms on his knees.
Across from Tyrian is Hazel Rainart. His arms are crossed, and he looks asleep.
Cinder sits quietly, while Mercury and Emerald move to her side. Emerald nudges Mercury out of her way so that she can be directly next to Cinder.
"Yes, yes, please keep your posse in check." Watts said in a sarcastic tone. Mercury grunts and makes a move toward Watts, but Emerald holds him back.
"You hear that? Silence." He continues and Hazel gives Watts an unimpressed sideways glance.
"I've half a mind to thank the boy and little girl that bested you." Watts stated.
"If I, were you, I'd hunt them down. Find them and, well, one of them took your arm and eye, didn't they?" Tyrian asked. Cinder only stares at Tyrian while he cackles at her. Cinder tries to speak but only manages to make quiet exhaling noises. Emerald leans in to hear her.
"Pathetic. Why did you even…" Watts starts but is cut off.
There is a sound of a heavy metal door being unlatched. The doors open and everyone stands just before Salem enters. She glides alongside the table with soft footsteps before reaching the head of it, jewels jangling from her hair. Salem stops, facing away from them and toward a candle and crystal display.
"Watts." Salem said calmly.
Watts straightens, looking toward her.
"Do you find such malignance necessary?" Salem asks while turning. She then gestures for all to sit down.
"I apologize, ma'am. I'm not particularly fond of failure." Watts said as he and Salem sit simultaneously.
"Then I see no reason for your cruelty towards young Cinder. She's become our Fall Maiden, destroyed Beacon Tower, and most importantly, killed dear Ozpin. So, I'm curious, to what failures are you referring?" Salem asks.
"Well, the girl with the Silver Eyes and the Targaryen boy who controls Dragons." Watts pointed out.
"Yes. We've dealt with their kind before and wasn't one of our old operatives supposed to have dealt with the Targaryen's. How is it that novices were able to best one of us?" Hazel asked.
"My thoughts exactly. Even without her new power, it should have been effortless." Watts agreed.
"It is because of the Maiden's power. Make no mistake, Cinder, you hold the key to our victory. But your newfound strength brings with it a crippling weakness. Which is why you will remain by my side as we continue your treatment." Salem said.
Cinder is unhappy about this and lowers her head. Emerald looks at her in sympathy.
"Dr. Watts, you are to take Cinder's place and meet with our informant in Mistral." Salem commands.
"Very good." Watts said.
"Tyrian, I want you to continue your hunt for the Spring Maiden." Salem commands.
"Gladly." Tyrian begins laughing.
"And Hazel, I'm sending you to the leader of the White Fang. Adam Taurus has arranged the meeting. The boy continues to prove loyal. Ensure that Sienna Khan feels the same." Salem states.
"As you wish." Hazel said simply.
Cinder raises a finger. Emerald fails to notice this gesture for a moment.
"Oh!" Emerald said quickly and leans in to hear her.
Cinder rasps into her ear. Emerald straightens.
"Speak, child." Salem commands.
"She wants to know..." Emerald hesitates but asks. "What about the boy and girl?"
"What about them? Seems to me that this is Cinder's problem, not ours." Watts scoffs but Cinder slams her fist onto the table and glares at Watts, who grins at her.
"That's enough it is also my problem. Tyrian?" Salem asks.
"Yes, my lady?" Tyrian asks gleefully.
"Spring can wait. Find the boy and girl that did this to Cinder." Salem starts and Tyrian giggles elatedly and claps.
"And bring the girl to me." Salem added.
Tyrian freezes, groans disappointedly, pouts for a second, then looks back up at Salem with an acquiescent shrug.
"But kill the boy and his three young Dragons with him before they become too big like the one, he has, to redeem my failure. The big one was injured so it won't be able to protect him this time." Salem commanded and Tyrian smirked again.
"Because of your efforts, Beacon has fallen. And Haven will be next." Salem stands as does everyone else rises. Tyrian snickers at Cinder and points to his left eye.
"Eye for an eye." Tyrian laughs wickedly before he goes into an uncontrollable fit of manic laughter, while Cinder grits her teeth.
Oscar Pine, a boy with freckles and hazel eyes, wakes up in a panic and sighs in relief after looking around. He emerges from the loft of a barn and climbs down a ladder. The boy is wearing patched khaki pants, a white shirt, and orange suspenders and gloves. Tucked into his pocket is an orange-based multi-colored cloth. He opens the barn door to a peaceful country scene with a rising sun and birds tweeting. White mountains are a background to a dirt road, grass, a few trees and a green water pump.
He smiles and pumps water into a blue bucket. As his gaze wanders the landscape, he becomes distracted from the pump and utters a quiet sound of surprise upon realizing he has overfilled the bucket. His shoulders fall with a sigh.
The boy is shutting and turning a green compost tumbler that is marked with a yellow crown bearing the initials CK.
While hoeing rows in a garden, he suddenly straightens up and looks out into the distance. To the sound of blowing wind.
Soon a blue sky above a green forest is shown and Nora Valkyrie is heard speaking.
"I'm just sayin'..." Nora starts as she and Lie Ren emerge from behind a tree, walking together.
"...there's more members of JNPR in this team than RWBY. It just makes sense to go with that one."
"But "junior" isn't a color." Ren states.
"How can I be more clear?" Nora asks while groaning. Nora puts out her hands and the letters JNRR pop into existence. She points to the first three.
"One, two, three. That's more than one." Nora said as she points to the R.
"But we're helping Ruby with her objective." Ren holds out his hand and the letters RNJR pop into existence. Behind him, Jaune Arc is crouched and watching something.
"Wouldn't that make her the leader?" Ren asked pointing to the R. Also, what about Draegon?" Ren asked as a D appeared.
"Guys!" Jaune said and Ren and Nora turn their heads toward him.
"We need to focus." Jaune commanded. The letters pop out of existence.
"Also, JNRR is way cooler and Draegon said that since his letter wasn't in RWBY, he said to not bother with putting his letter in this team name." Jaune explained.
"Exactly!" Nora shouts and Ren goes to speak, but instead just groans.
A rumble is soon felt.
"It's here." Jaune states.
Ruby Rose is seen flying backwards from trees, firing Crescent Rose in the direction she came from. Followed by Draegon Targaryen swinging out of the trees using a grappling line from his left gauntlet with Dark Sister in his hands.
A collection of floating boulders with a Grimm mask moves the trees aside, clearly chasing them.
Ruby falls, crashing against tree limbs along the way and the tree Draegon was hook to breaks and he to falls but summersault to smooth his landing.
"Bad... landing... strategy!" Ruby said as she hit branches. Ruby lands on her feet on a big tree branch strong enough to hold her weight. She uses her Semblance to fly past the Grimm. Draegon dashes and starts swiping at its legs while Jaune, Ren, and Nora look up.
"Let's get that thing off them." Jaune commanded as he runs toward them. Ren jumps up into the trees.
"Don't forget me!" Nora says out loud and pulls out Magnhild and shoots it at the ground, propelling herself into the air with excited whooping. She lands right besides Ren in his branch.
"We need to help Draegon draw its attention away from Ruby!" Ren said as a stream of rose petals, Ruby flies past them.
"Could use some help!" Ruby called out.
Draegon gets kicked by the Grimm rock leg and gets sent flying back. He shakes his head as he gets up.
"What do think I'm doing," Draegon said annoyed as he pushes a button on his left gauntlet and pops out a chunk on metal and unfolds into his circle Targaryen shield and charges forward again.
Nora shoots the Grimm in the back. Ren hops around on branches. The Grimm tries to hit Ren. Ren runs up its rock arm, flies into the air, and comes down upon the Grimm, striking at it with StormFlower. However, it's ineffective.
"Gotta get in closer!" Jaune shouted as Ren lands beside Jaune as does Draegon.
"My blades don't hurt him!" Ren said.
"My sword isn't doing much damage either, Valyrian steel can cut through almost anything but it seems rocks powered by a Grimm is a little challenging," Draegon said as he looked at Dark Sister and looked at Blackfyre on his back doubting it would do any better.
The Grimm turns, standing upright.
"Crap!" Nora said scared.
"How about this?!" Ruby asks in determination as she loads a magazine with an image of a lightning bolt on its side into Crescent Rose and fires. Electric bolts encase one of the Grimm's arms. The red lines on the arm glow brighter, and the Grimm slams it into the ground. All are sent flying backwards, but Ren, Nora, Draegon and Ruby manage to land on their feet. Jaune tumbles along the ground painfully until he hits a boulder between his legs and falls forward.
"You'll be fine without a weapon. You're the strategist." Jaune said in a mimicking voice.
"That's it!" Nora said pissed off.
She runs forward, tossing Magnhild into the air and transforming it into hammer mode. She jumps into the air and hits it, breaking its arm apart. A large piece flies straight toward Nora, but Ruby and Draegon get between them and Ruby knocks them away. The Grimm uses its other arm to strike at the two girls. Draegon blocks with his shield but he gets sent back a bit due to its strength. Jaune straightens and stretches and soon has to dodge a barrage of rocks.
"Wha? Whoa! Wha? Ho!" Jaune shouted in fear as he lands. "Hey! Be careful!" He shouts only for a rock the size of his head hits him in the face and sends him into a tree. Jaune lands in a crouch and shakes his head to clear the pain.
The Grimm continually tries and fails to hit an evasive Nora while Draegon dodges from getting crushed.
Jaune stands up and looks up at the Grimm. "Ah..." He starts as the Grimm's armless shoulder gains a glowing red circle with a symbol of an eye in the middle. The circle spins, and then a black, elongated arm with clawed fingers emerges from it. The arm rears back.
"Uh-oh." Jaune said as the Grimm shoves its new arm into the tree Jaune was leaning against and lifts it from the ground.
"His arm is a tree! His arm is a tree!" Jaune shouted as he was running away.
"Big mistake! Come on Draegon!" Ruby shouted as she spins Crescent Rose and loads another magazine into it - this one with imagery of fire on its side.
"Wait Ruby I don't think that's going to work like you think!" Draegon shouted as he widens his eyes in realization but it was too late as Ruby fires, and the flaming projectile swings around to the tree arm. Jaune fist pumps. The tree arm swings around to him, on fire. Jaune loses his smile.
"Big mistake!" Jaune shouted as putting his hands into his hair and running.
"I told you," Draegon shouted annoyed as he jumped back a little while blocking the flaming tree with his shield.
The Grimm chases Jaune instead, swinging the flaming arm at him. It misses twice, but then Jaune falls. One of StormFlower spins through the air and makes a cut across the Grimm's mask. The Grimm falls.
Ren lands beside Jaune and catches his gun. Ruby and Nora come up behind their teammates. Draegon lands next to them.
"Okay, how do we do this?" Jaune asked everyone.
"His body is too thick to break through." Ren stated.
"It doesn't care about its body." Jaune added.
"Plus, it can keep grabbing new limbs!" Nora said.
'Dust doesn't seem to do much damage," Draegon said.
"But it keeps protecting its face." Jaune said.
"We can't break it!" Ruby shouted.
"Ugh, if we knocked all of its limbs off at once and went for the..." Jaune starts and his eyes light up with an idea and he turns to face his team. Behind him, the Grimm gets up. "Guys, I got it! We hit it harder!" He said happily.
"Is that it?" Ren asked confused.
"Yeah, aren't we already hitting it as hard as we can?" Draegon said with a raised eyebrow.
"No, seriously. It's trying to keep us from its face. If we kill the limbs, we'll have a shot to kill the whole thing!" Jaune said.
"Well, I guess it's worth a shot," Draegon said as he shrugged his shoulders and looked at Ruby.
"Alright! Come on, team, let's do this." Ruby said.
"Yeah!" Nora shouted.
"Right!" Ren said.
"Let's do it," Draegon said agreeing.
"Ren, left. Ruby, right. Draegon down the middle." Jaune said and Ren, Draegon, and Ruby depart as told.
"Nora, ready to try out the new upgrade?" Jaune asks and Nora nods and runs.
"Right. And I will…" Jaune starts but gets hit in the back by the Grimm.
Ruby attacks the right side. Ren attacks the left. Draegon shield starts spinning like a buzzsaw and starts grinding at its legs while his sword slashed at it tree arm. Nora activates a mechanism that generates a current of electricity across the hammerhead of Magnhild. Jaune runs around to make himself a target, waving at the Grimm.
"I'll take over here!" Jaune shouted and the Grimm goes after Jaune but switches targets as Ruby, Draegon and Ren attack it.
Nora charges Magnhild even more and braces her feet.
"Ready!" Nora shouts and Ruby lands next to Jaune after another attack.
"Use everything you've got!" Jaune shouted.
Ruby uses her Semblance to fly at the Grimm, taking Nora with her, and the red and pink swirls go right for the tree arm. Ruby slices the tree in half, and Draegon dented its legs to break it from moving out of the way with his shield, opening the way for Nora to hit the mask with Magnhild. The rock body shatters and the ephemeral Grimm rises out of it and flies off.
Ruby aims her Scythe at it but Draegon puts his hand over it gesturing for Ruby to lower it.
"They'll take care of it," Draegon said with a smile and the others grinned.
"Dracarys!" Draegon said and the Grimm looked back at them confused that they weren't following when it turned its head forward to meet its end.
"SSSSSCCCCRRREEEECCCCHHHHH," Balerion roared as the red Dragon appeared through the trees with a mighty flap of his wings surprising the Grimm before blasting it with Dragon fire and incinerating it. Balerion flies over to Draegon and lands next to him since he's now to big to ride on his shoulders. Draegon pets his head and soon more shrieking is heard as Vhagar the bronze dragon and Meraxes the silver dragons appear each carrying a rabbit in their talons. Once they land it can already be seen that Balerion is bigger than the other two. Balerion ate his fill quickly so he could join Draegon sooner so the two females had to carry their food to catch up but now that the battle was over the two girls finished off their roasted rabbits.
"Wow in a few months they've double in size," Ruby said impressed while Ren and Nora nodded.
"That's the power of being free to fly and hunt when ever you want," Draegon said happily. He then looks how they're growing and he sees that his dragons are starting to look different as they grow. Balerion looks like Drogon when he was younger so they must have been Dreamfyre eggs but from different clutches, Vhagar was looking more and more like the dragon Syrax that Draegon saw a picture of in his book FIRE and BLOOD so that meant that she was probably her child. As for Meraxes it was still too early tell but Draegon started to see some similar features of Silverwing and Meraxes so they must have been mother and daughter.
Jaune is soon breathing heavily before posing with his hands on hips. "Another victory for Team JNRR!" He shouted.
However, there was silence from everyone including the Dragons who were looking at Jaune.
"Yeah, okay. Ren, I think you're onto something. I-it's just not sounding great anymore." Jaune said deflating.
"Even the Dragons think it's stupid," Draegon said and Jaune looked to see that the three were looking at him with unimpressed looks. Jaune walks away defeated.
Later Ruby shakes hands with the town Mayor.
"We truly can't thank you enough." The mayor said happily.
"Just doing our job, sir." Ruby said.
"That Geist had been plaguing our village for weeks. We were beginning to wonder if we'd have to relocate." The mayor continued.
"Well, we are on our way to Mistral. You could always come along with us if you don't feel safe." Ruby suggested.
Everyone looks around to see the idyllic life in the village: people buy fresh produce from a cart, stand and chat on open balconies overlooking the roads, tend to their horses and generally go about their daily lives peacefully. The village has plentiful trees and green spaces and cobbled roads.
"Ha. I take it you're not from these parts. Anima is a large continent. I'm afraid our people would never survive the long trek to Mistral. It may be safer in the Kingdoms, but we prefer our way of life. I just wish we could pay you more." The mayor said amused.
"Our previous arrangement is more than sufficient." Ren said simply and Team RNJR bows respectfully. Draegon however nods his head simply because he always feels disgraced when he bows but the mayor didn't mind.
"I never had the chance to thank you the last time you were here Draegon." The mayor said which surprised him.
"Forgive me but I don't remember coming here," Draegon said which confused RNJR.
"I suppose that's to be expected but I knew who you were the minute I saw the Dragons flying around. You passed by here three years ago on the back of a larger Dragon and burned a whole cluster of Grimm that were coming to close to our village. It was dusk and we all saw you on his back but you seem focused on the Grimm and burned them all to the ground. You then left without asking for any reward from us." The mayor said and Draegon noticed team RNJR was smiling at him.
"I think I remember now, all I cared about was getting rid of the Grimm that was reward enough for me. You're welcome though the thanks are all I need," Draegon said and the mayor nodded happily.
"By the way where is the big Dragon if I may ask?" The mayor asked curiously.
Draegon sighed a little remembering some sad memories. "He's currently recuperating from the attack on Beacon so I couldn't bring him with me." He said disappointed and the mayor nodded and felt sorry for Draegon.
"Yeah, if he was, we could have flown to Mistral easily," Nora said wishing to fly on Drogon since she still hasn't gotten a chance. Ren elbowed her and gave her a look that said not now and Nora rubbed her arm while muttering sorry to Draegon.
"He'll get better soon, we just have to be patient," Ruby said to Draegon and the mayor. Draegon nodded and was glad Ruby kept Drogon health on the positive side.
A shop door closes. At a counter, a burly man with horns sets down a set of armor.
"There you go, son. It's going to be heavier than what you're used to, but you'll thank me the next time you go up against a set of claws." The Blacksmith said.
"Wow. That-eh. I don't know what to say." Jaune stuttered.
"Don't gotta say anything! Just put it on! I'll go get the rest." He replied and turns and goes out back.
"So, what are you waiting for?" Nora asked excitedly.
"Oh, uh, right!" Jaune said as he takes off his old chest plate. "Guess I was going to grow out of it eventually." He said softly.
"A sign of progress." Ren said.
"Along with growth," Draegon added as he crosses his arms.
"Progress and Growth." Jaune repeated and turns around, and Ruby gasps then covers her mouth and tries not to giggle. Draegon smacks his head in embarrassment.
"What is it?" Jaune asked.
"What is that?" Ruby laughed while pointing to his chest at the bunny emblem.
"What, my hoodie? I've always had this." Jaune defended.
"It's got a cute little bunny rabbit!" Ruby snorted and continued to laugh.
"It's Pumpkin Pete! You know, from the cereal?" Jaune asked.
"What did you do?! Send in a box top for a prize?" Ruby asks in near hysterics.
"Yeah! Fifty!" Jaune said turning away in embarrassment.
Ruby continues to laugh hysterically, her head stylistically expanding, before she falls onto the floor.
"Well, I suppose we don't have to grow out of everything." Ren said.
"Seriously that cereal is junk food for people. You shouldn't wear its brand, any cereal that has the most cartoony look is basically screaming were poison for your body but eat us anyway because were packed with sweet sugar." Draegon said disgusted since he never liked cereal.
Ruby chortles from the floor, feet in the air. The blacksmith returns from out back.
"Can't have a Huntsman without his weapon." The Blacksmith stated as a wide sword sheath is stuck into the countertop.
"Made all the modifications you asked for." He continued as the blade expands into a shield.
"That was some fine metal you brought me. Accents the white nicely. Where'd you get it from?" He asked.
Everyone sees the gold accents on the shield, the design on the bottom reminiscent of Pyrrha Nikos' circlet.
"From a friend." Jaune said sadly but happily at the same time.
Ruby, Draegon, Ren, and Nora wait outside the shop. Jaune comes out wearing the armor. He pulls out the sword and expands the shield.
"He cleans up alright, don't you think?" The Blacksmith asks.
"He certainly does." Ren said.
"I still think a grenade launcher would've really brought the look together." Nora said.
"Some of us like the classics Nora," Draegon said with a raised eyebrow.
"Nothing's gonna stop Team RNJR now!" Ruby said in triumph.
"Team JNRR!" Nora quickly defended.
"Still not a color." Ren said and Draegon rolled his eyes that they were still going on about this.
"It doesn't matter what we're called. As long as we're together." Jaune said.
"You kids sure you won't stick around? You've been really good to this town." The Blacksmith asked.
"Sorry, but we've got another mission." Ruby said.
"Make it to Haven Academy, no matter what." Nora explained.
"We've heard the next village over has a working Airship." Ren said.
"Mmm, no way to know for sure. Scroll signals were weak enough out here back when Beacon Tower was still up. Haven't heard from Shion Village in a while." The Blacksmith said.
"Well, there's only one way to find out." Ruby said and with a wave, Team RNJR turns and leaves. The blacksmith waves back and grunts.
"Food?" Jaune asked.
"Check!" Nora stated happily.
"Water?" He asked.
"Check!" Nora added.
"How about ammo?" He asked.
"Locked and loaded! Thank you, Schnee Dust Company!" Nora said happily.
"Got the map?" Jaune asked.
Ruby is looking down sadly. She then looked at Draegon who walked next to her and saw him squeeze his fist in anger he looks at Ruby's sad expression she's giving him but looks away still disappointed and continues walking. Ruby looks down sadly that her team is still divided.
"Ren's got it." Nora said.
"No, I don't. You have it." Ren defended.
"Wait, what?" Nora asked confused.
"Guys, please tell me you're joking." Jaune said.
"Uh.. heh-heh-heh." Nora laughed a little awkwardly.
"Guys! Guys? Guys..." Jaune repeated in concern.
"Nope." Nora said.
As the group continue walking Balerion, Meraxes, and Vhagar screeched as the flew above the forest after Draegon and team RNJR.
Airships fly in the sky and are seen with Weiss Schnee's reflection through a window. She is sitting in a cushioned chair with her hands folded in her lap. There is a knock on the door.
"Yes?" Weiss asked.
In the room it reveals an open space on two levels. On the upper level are two arched bookcases built into the walls and a picture of a knight resembling the Arma Gigas hangs between them. A gilded mirror hangs above the mantle of a fireplace on the lower level. The door opens and Klein Sieben, a butler, enters.
"Pardon the interruption, Miss Schnee, but your father wishes to speak to you." Klein states in a polite matter.
"Thank you, Klein." Weiss said sighing.
Weiss looks out the window once more before getting up and walking out. Her heels clank across the floor and the door slams shut.
It was Night time later and Draegon was walking around the forest. The team set camp up not too far away and were all asleep. Earlier as everyone was laying out there sleeping bags and the Dragons all slept near the fire to keep warm. Draegon was still upset about when Nora mentioned the Schnee Dust company making him think of Weiss and the rest of team RWBY.
"You guys all get some rest," Draegon stated getting everyone's attention before he continued. "I'm going to scout the area make sure no Grimm sneak up on us," he said and started walking into the forest.
"Why don't I come with you," Ruby offered but Draegon shook his head with a small smile.
"No, it's fine, I can handle this myself. You fought the hardest today so you should get some sleep. I'll be back soon." Draegon said and left before anyone else could voice their opinions.
"Even though none of us blame him I think Draegon still blames himself for Pyrrha's death," Ren stated and Ruby looked sad because Ren was right about Draegon and he's still angry at the rest of team RWBY for abandoning them.
Draegon continued walking through the woods until he found himself at a lake. His hand reached for his sword Blackfyre on his back but a soon as he touched it the image of Pyrrha getting stabbed with a look of horror appeared in his mind. He quickly moved his hand away from it and instead went for his other sword attached to his left side waist Dark Sister and drew it. He took a few practice swings with it before he made his way over to a rock overlooking the lake. He took out his oil cloth and wet stone and began cleaning it while deep in thought.
"You've got to get over this Draegon," he thought to himself as he continued working.
"Pyrrha is dead, as sad as it is you have to move on or else it keep you shackled and unfocused."
"Weiss, Blake, and Yang made their choices to abandon the Huntress path. You don't have to forgive them, hell you don't need them. Why should you? You've got Ruby, Nora, Ren, Jaune, Balerion, Meraxes, and Vhagar."
Draegon paused with a frown as his Valyrian sword was sparkling clean and sharp under the moonlight but he still was unhappy. He sheathed it and still tried to touch Blackfyre but couldn't because of Cinder.
"Hopefully when I see that bitch again, I'll be able to draw you and bath you in her blood as vengeance for disgracing and dirtying you with her non Valyrian hands." Draegon said glancing back at Blackfyre pommel.
A Growl was heard and out leapt a Beowolf attracted to the negative emotions. Draegon drew Dark Sister and sliced it with a spin slash killing it instantly. More soon appeared and Draegon hacked and slashed with Dark Sister ending them before they could even fight. A Beowolf almost gets him with its claws, but he twists out of the way and brings his sword in a downward slash cutting it in half. He then twirls his sword at the remaining one as if mocking them. Draegon then leaps over two Beowolves, then turns around, dismembers the first, and beheads the second. Two jump up into the air after him, only to be sliced down as he returns to ground. As he lands, he is forced to block a swipe from Alpha wolf, which sends him skittling backward a bit. Two more Alphas appear behind the first one. Draegon was tempted to use his fire dust and burn them all but he didn't want to waste it.
"RRRRRAAAARRGGGHH," Draegon growled as he charged with just Dark Sister in hand and the three Alphas charged as well. As they charged forward all three leapt at him but Draegon quickly got to his knees and slid on the wet grass dodging their claws and using Dark Sister to cut them at the waste, thus killing the middle and the one on the right.
He quickly got up and turned to face the remaining Beowolf and it did them same as well with him. Just as Draegon waited for it to charge forward, the Alpha was tackled by a white blur but Draegon couldn't make it out to well as some clouds covered the moon. He heard all sort of growling and snarling as the Alpha struggled against the white blur. Then it all stopped which means one of the two was dead and Draegon felt the victor was looking at him now. He held Dark Sister at the ready.
However, the creature didn't attack him, which meant it was probably the white blur and not the Grimm. Soon the clouds moved out of the way and the moon shined again and out the darkness Draegon saw the biggest White Wolf he has ever seen with Blood Red eyes just staring back at him.
Well What do you all think. For the Dragons I only described their colors and not their appearances but thanks to HOTD I pick certain looks so Balerion looks like Drogon and Dreamfyre, while Vhagar is going to look like Syrax. Even though we haven't seen Silverwing yet I think it will be a cool design so Meraxes will look like her someday. Although I do think Meleys had a nice look and I'm slightly tempted to make Meraxes look like her but for now I'll wait. The Dragons are Season 3 GOT size maybe a little bigger. I'm sorry its been so long since I posted but I have a good reason for my absence. WORK. I have a new job where I don't have as much free time as my old one does. I have wake up at 3:00 AM to get there and start at 4:00 AM. I'm exhausted and when I do have free time I want to use it to read or watched tv or sleep. Anyway I am trying to make Draegons own story progress and not just follow the regular RWBY timeline. I hope you enjoy this chapter with Draegon finally meeting Ghost which I've been hinting at since Volume 2. Sorry for the weight, i'm going to start working on chapter 2 but don't expect weekly updates.