Author's Notes:

This story is based on the AOGG fanfiction entitled "By a Simple Twist of Fate" (which is authored by the very skilled storyteller, kslchen) and is being published with her permission. A few details for this story have also been drawn from chapters 13 and 48 of the "Royal Correspondent" story by OriginalMcFishie.


Spoiler alert:

"Correspondence from Hanson" references the events found starting with chapter 2 of "By a Simple Twist of Fate." So as not to be a spoiler for "Twist," I highly, highly, highly recommend that you enjoy the events revealed in kslchen's story first, then read the parallel segments here in this story.


Background of "Correspondence from Hanson":

I've gotten distracted from my "Anne's Diary" story because of Hanson's promotion (as revealed recently in "Twist" chapter 121). Hanson is one of my favorite minor characters in "Twist" and I always love the interactions between Rilla and him. Once I started thinking of Hanson's back story, I couldn't stop writing. But, I will return to "Anne's Diary" soon…I promise!

"Correspondence from Hanson" is comprised of snippets of texts and emails from Hanson to his wife. As a highly trained personal protection officer (PPO), Hanson purposefully censors the details he puts into his texts/emails. He uses "PoW" rather than Ken's name in his correspondence (even though his wife is well aware of whose detail Hanson serves on – and has actually met Ken on several occasions) just in case his correspondence gets intercepted.

Please be assured that these snippets below are not the only communication between Mr. and Mrs. Hanson; they are just the ones we are privy to read. 😊

(The "…" breaks between paragraphs mark a separation between messages but they are still texts/emails in the same conversation thread.)

Are you ready to see the "Twist" story unfold through Hanson's eyes?


~ ~ ~ ~ Hanson ~ ~ ~ ~ Hanson ~ ~ ~ ~ Hanson ~ ~ ~ ~


October 2010 (Current duty location — New York City)

I'm unsure if PoW will be attending tonight's function. (He started feeling a bit poorly this afternoon.) However, even if I still have to accompany him tonight, I will plan on setting my alarm for 3 AM to do a quick video chat with you before you head into the office. Love you!

Sorry that I slept through my alarm! I really was hoping to see your face this morning. Last night's function was routine except for the fact that PoW has inadvertently shared his stomach bug with several of us (and quite possibly with some the attendees he associated with last night). I'm feeling just a bit puny. Beckett, however, appears to have gotten hit by it quite hard at this point. Thankfully, with PoW himself being sick, his staff has already cancelled his commitments for the next two days so we will all be able to lay low and recover with only minimal duty coverage.

Before you ask, yes…I've taken extra vitamins and I am drinking plenty of water! At least – thanks to the 5500 KM that is currently between us – I won't have to worry about getting you sick this time…


October 31, 2010 (Current duty location – New York City)

If I hadn't been on duty tonight, I would have taken tons of photos to show you the fancy dress outfits I've seen here. Let's just say…Americans (or at least university-age New Yorkers) are really into their Halloween celebrations. Those of us on duty tonight even had to don fancy dress (what they call "costumes" here). Happily, I stumbled across – and bought – a hockey referee jersey last week (thinking it might be useful when I'm home this winter and we're on the ice with your nieces and nephews). But that jersey sure saved me tonight! I added a whistle around my neck and I was all taken care of! The others had to go to a fancy dress, pardon, costume shop…and without very good results at this late date! Believe it or not, Beckett was a bumblebee and Pilkington was Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh! (Before you ask, yes, I did manage to secretly snap a couple of pictures of them to share with you! Perfect pictures to show at their retirement parties in about 20 years!)

Considering how garish Beckett and Pilkington's outfits were tonight, I'm glad PoW chose something that allowed him to seamlessly blend into the crowds of people who were also hiding their true identities via costuming…it must have been quite surreal for him to have this opportunity. However, when considering our team's sworn duty, this "blending" did make fulfilling our role quite challenging to say the least! Let's just say that modern technology continues to help us when physical presence is not an option.

Are you counting the days as I am? In just about 48 hours, I will be home with you! I know I've been on "away assignments" of longer duration in the past but I'm ready to be with you for almost a fortnight! Plus, six weeks of American food has left me craving my English favorites. Mmmm. Curry…fish and chips… bacon butty… (Well, now I'm hungry!)


November 2010 (Current duty location – New York City)

How is it that it feels so much colder here than in London? (If I was all romantic like in a movie, I'd say it was because you aren't here to keep me warm! Awww!)

But maybe it is just because I spend a good amount of time these days sitting in a car while PoW is inside visiting with his new friends. (And yes, I know, some minor inconvenience while waiting for PoW is still much better than soooo many other jobs that I could have.)

Anyway, these new friends seem to be good for PoW! Over the years that I've been assigned to his detail, I have learned a lot about his stress level from observing his body language. Lately though, I've noticed that he seems a bit more relaxed and lighter…I wonder if being across the ocean from his home is reducing his stresses, or if it is this new job, or if it is being with new people that has made this change. I certainly hope this stress reduction continues for him. He's just a couple of years younger than I am…but often seems quite older (which is sad).


December 2010 (Current duty location – New York City)

Beckett has found a possible location for us to hole up in rather than continuing to sit in the car on the street. I do wonder sometimes if people in cities even notice the frequent appearance of strangers sitting idly in front of a building (for hours on end) in a succession of non-descript cars. Maybe city dwellers are so used to chaos being the norm that they don't see patterns emerging in front of them. But in any case, I have hope that we might be able to relocate indoors when we come back here in January.


December 23, 2010 (Current duty location – Balmoral Castle, Scotland)

Sweetheart, guess what? Beckett has rearranged our duty schedule so that now I only will be here in Scotland for five days, and then I will be home with you for nine days in a row! I'm looking forward to that! For the millionth time, thanks again for putting up with me being away from you on the 25th this year…Beckett has promised me that I will have it off next year. Maybe we can consider going to Tenerife…warmth, sunshine, relaxation! Or would you prefer the Caribbean? What do you think?


January 2010 (Current duty location – New York City)

Good news! Beckett was able to arrange for accommodations across the street from the building where PoW spends quite a lot of time. Our team has now set up our little leased flat as a "home base" instead of continuing to sit in the car. The front window has good views of the street so we can be comfortable (and warm) inside while still being attentive to our surroundings. As you can imagine, it is much easier to eat my take-out sitting at the table than consuming meal after meal in the car.

Thanks for being available to video chat when I was in the supermarket today! Not only am I trying to buy different foods than I've been used to eating (thanks to our new year's resolutions to eat healthier), but I'm trying to buy them in unfamiliar stores. Who knew that Americans call mange touts "snow peas"?

Speaking of fixing food…now that we have a kitchen at our new "home base", we've decided to make a rota for cooking duty. I prefer the days I'm assigned to fix breakfast…American pancakes have turned into my specialty! I've even become quite skilled at flipping them…you'll be impressed! Have I ever told you about the first time I ordered "pancakes" at a restaurant in the US? I was expecting…well, pancakes! The waiter was very puzzled when I asked for lemon and sugar as my topping. He said he'd never heard of that! (BTW - Americans call our version "crepes," but their crepes still are not like British pancakes.) So I asked him what he recommended as a topping and he suggested apple cinnamon compote. It was very tasty, but I've actually grown rather fond of fluffy American pancakes simply with butter and real maple syrup (usually from Canada). I'm not sure at this point when my next trip back to London will be but trust me…I will make sure to bring some maple syrup with me so that I can make you some of my "famous" American pancakes.


March 2011 (Current duty location – London)

I cannot give you any details but let me just say that I'm very glad to be on duty with PoW here in London this week! Today's rumor about the team still in NYC is that Pilkington made a decision that PoW is NOT happy about! So, I'm glad I'm here! (Plus, I get to come home to you! BTW - tonight's event is supposed to end late, so I will likely get home around midnight. Till then…)


March 2011 (Current duty location – New York City)

In just the relatively short time while we were in London, spring seems to be trying to arrive in New York. The locals say it will not last, but today is certainly nice – sunny and (relatively) warm. PoW has taken to riding his motorcycle this weekend which means that we have returned to trying to keep up with him in traffic. Suffice it to say, this requires the drivers to stay quite alert!


April 2011 (Current duty location – New York City)

PoW asked me to run an errand for him today. He asked me if I would kindly assist him to obtain a fancy dress kangaroo outfit! Of course, I said yes. And, no, I didn't ask him why he needed such an outfit…but I sure wondered!

I found the requested kangaroo garment at a huge fancy dress store in the East Village. (The shop was filled with products! But why people would ever want to wear some of those things…I'll never know!) When I gave the package to PoW, I learned that he needs it to replace someone's long-ago damaged outfit – he said it is serving as a gesture of goodwill. I'm certainly glad to know that he's not planning on wearing it himself! Imagine the headlines!?


May 2011 (Current duty location – New York City)

I had the opportunity to see PoW's world through someone else's eyes tonight. I was asked to drive this person to PoW's primary residence. I'm sure that entering through an underground car park with a private elevator must seem quite odd to most people.


May 2011 (Current duty location – New York City)

In the course of today's function, I got speaking with someone about typically party foods as well as unusually named foods. Who ever decided that "devilled eggs," "pigs in a blanket," "spotted dick," "bubble and squeak," or "stargazy pie" are acceptable food names…or for that matter, acceptable foods at all!? (FYI – I am firmly resolved never to eat stargazy pie! It seems to be a quite awful dish!)


June 2011 (Current duty location – New York City)

I provided transportation to one of PoW's friends today and we ended up chatting about San Francisco during the drive. What nice memories I have of our holiday there two years ago! Cities are cities anywhere…and I've seen a lot of cities as part of PoW's detail. So I especially appreciate that you suggested that we make the 45 minute drive up to Muir Woods to see some of the Redwood trees. In honor of that trip and of your suggestion to see those majestic trees, I just finished changing my phone's wallpaper to that picture of us next to that enormous cross-section of a Redwood tree trunk. Good memories!

I'm sorry we aren't getting a long holiday this summer. I'm still not sure when we will be completing this extended assignment in NYC. But…have you been considering where you want to go on holiday in December? We should probably start making the reservations soon. Give it some thought and we can talk about it when we Skype tomorrow.


July 2011 (Current duty location – New York City)

I just finished packing up my things. I've accumulated more stuff than I intended during this extended stay. It was a good thing that you suggested for me to bring that extra duffle bag for just this sort of situation!

Although PoW has enjoyed his time in NYC these past 10 months, I am completely ready to be home with you for a good long while! I wish you could meet me at the airport, but I will still be on duty until we safely see PoW into the awaiting cars and back to his residence. However, Beckett has arranged for drivers to take each of us home after that…which will be much simpler than hiring a taxi or dragging all of my luggage through the Tube. I will text you once I'm officially off duty to give you my ETA but I expect I will also text and speak with you when possible throughout the day. See you soon!


~ ~ ~ ~ Hanson ~ ~ ~ ~ Hanson ~ ~ ~ ~ Hanson ~ ~ ~ ~


Author's Notes:

I just want to again thank kslchen for letting me play in her AU world!

When I first suggested this story concept to her, she wasn't entirely sold on the idea. She explained: "I must admit that I was a little unsure at first because Hanson is an original character close to my heart and it feels harder to let go of these, but you capture his spirit so well and really build on what I did in Twist that now my uncertainty has been turned into complete excitement!" Let me confess, I absolutely "fangirled" when I read that compliment in her email message!.!.!

Previously, I had not given even the tiniest thought to my forwardness at suggesting to kslchen that I was qualified to delve into the mind of her OC. I hadn't given consideration to "how would I feel if the situations were reversed?" Would I want to allow someone else to expand on my OC? So, now that I'm looking at this through her eyes (as Hanson's creator), I am even more honored that kslchen is allowing me to share in developing and publishing Hanson's story.

And, in case you are wondering about Hanson's full name, kslchen shared with me that he is "Adrian Hanson" and his wife is "Summer Hanson (nee Anderson)." Just an extra little tidbit for your enjoyment.

So now visualize me signing off with Hanson's customary gesture of touching two fingers to his temple… 😊 And, look for chapter 2 to be posted towards the end of the week.