
I don't own Harry Potter or The Avengers, all I own is Emerald-Jade my Oc.

"The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power."


For as long as the twins, Emerald-Jade and Harry-James, could remember they had lived with their aunt, uncle and cousin when their parents, well their mum and their adopted-dad died in a car crash, and they were landed with them witch they absolute hate and the feeling where returned.

There Uncle Vernon Dursley Is a big beefy man with Hardley any neck, big black moustache how was in his mid-thirties. Aunt Petunia was the complete opposite with twice as much neck, thin as a rake and was blond. Dudley, their son was like a baby whale how had blond hair and was built on the same lines as his father, FAT.

The twins, Harry-James and Emerald- Jade where identical with their dark caramel hair and bright emerald eyes with luminescent green rimes, both still had their baby fat but not that much to make them look fat like Dudley (what a horrid thought).

So anyway, on with the story...

Chapter One: