Till all are one

An cartoon x-over and Misc. game story

By dante papucci


In the Milky Way galaxy on a third planet solar system called Earth a peaceful planet inhabited by courageous heroes but also the heinous of villains, we are now showing the scene of Earth almost decimated in ruins by a conflict war against heroes and villains for countless years villains have tried to conquer the world but they're hungry for power has caused their own home, now we see a ship leaving from the Earth's atmosphere cold the ark created by the Autobots to travel to a new world they can inhabits and make sure the villains do not cause destruction and now the arc is on its way to a portal that's about to close.

We are now shown of the autobot ark leaving the planet to the portal and now we show the scene on Optimus prime with his faithful scout bumblebee and with him heroes from the planet Earth the SWAT kats, Lance, Ilana and octus who can form the symbionic Titan, the biker mice from Mars and Danny phantom and many other heroes journeying to the unknown right now Optimus bumblebee and the other heroes are making their way to the control room of the ark.

Optimus: we have no choice bumblebee the war is lost leaving our home is the hardest is the hardest decision I've ever had to make. It has been a long painful war with decepticons and the villains.

Modo: Oh mama I can't believe we get to lose another home just like we had to lose Mars. It's bad enough we know how to lose our first home but now we have to lose another just makes me so mad.

Throttle: Relax Moto besides Megatron won't get away with this, him, Limburger, Eggman and all the other villains will pay for what they've done but right now we have to make a heinous retreat until we find out where that portal leads.

Optimus: throttle is correct whatever lies beyond that portal is our best and last hope, my friends.

Scene is now shown with Optimus in the others reaching the bridge of the ship where they see the portal that they were about to embark.

But it will not last for the ark was being followed by the decepticon warship the nemesis and it's closing behind them.

We now show Optimus any others walked to Ratchet and tails while they're navigating to get to the portal.

Tails: we're approaching the portal data indicates it's growing more unstable.

E123 Omega: at this rate it may close before we even get there.

And just like that everything went dark and bumblebee and the others look up top of them and see the Nemesis right up top of the ark which can only mean one thing Optimus is one hatted enemy has finally caught up to them.

Optimus: Megatron.

Then a tow cable sprung out and attached itself to the bridge of the ship decepticons and monster villains started to board the ark and all the heroes and Autobots started to fight back.

Optimus: Direct all fire on those tow cables!

Vinnie: oh yeah baby that's why I'm talking about it's time to whip some tail and teach those decepticons and those other baddies not to mess with us!

lance and ilana activated there power suits to stop the cons from entering the ship.

Danny: we got to make sure they don't destroy the control systems!

Bumblebee started fighting by using his cybertronian rapid gun to blast some decepticons out of the ship but one of the tow cables descended right in front of bumblebee and crashed right in front of him and then blackout.

Optimus: all hands to combat!

Then in a few minutes bumblebee starts to wake up thanks to ratchet.

Ratchet: bumblebee! you with us? Optimus, throttle He's coming around.

Optimus: thank the maker.

Throttle: that's good to hear you had us worried about you bee.

Ratchet: He's been through worse voice chip is still crushed, nothing new there. Base energon levels are almost normal and overshields are charging up!

Optimus places his hand on ratchet shoulder then leaves to tend the others to make sure all is secured while razor and T-Bone stay behind to watch over bumblebee.

Ratchet: I need to test your retinal scanners to see if they follow the light.

Bumblebee did so and followed the light making sure his retinal scanners were operational and became a success.

Ratchet: looking good, how are your optics?

Bumblebee gives Ratchet a thumbs up. But then explosion came right behind them, the villains and the decepticons all points of the guns at ratchet.

Decepticon drone: arms out weapons to the deck!

T-Bone: oh crud why does it always happen to us?!

Ratchet: don't fire I'm a medic!

Decepticon: slap a muffler on it!

T-Bone: hey those are fighting words!

Then ratchet throws a light grenade to blind the cons.

Ratchet: T-Bone, razor, bumblebee take them out now!

In doing so they equip their weapons and fired the cons to make sure they were all knocked out and make sure they wouldn't cause any trouble again.

Once that was done T-Bone and razor helped bumblebee get up while ratchet went to the console to check the systems.

Ratchet: here grab these ammo clips more decepticons and villanse are trying to board.

Bumblebee did So and grab the ammo clip while T-Bone and razor did the same thing they got ready for the attack then right on time those cons and the villains started aboard and T-Bone And razor did their fighting skills on kicking the with their horizontal moves and punched the cons all the way and bumblebee used his rapid gun to fire at them as well and used it as a melee tool to take care of them using their upgraded glove a tricks T-Bone and Razor made sure they were all taken care of and immobilized

Razor: that's showing them?

Optimus: Megatron won't give up that easily.

Ratchet: teletraan, full damage analysis on all decks.

Teletraan: Firewall breached, unauthorized access.

The hologram shows the head of the decepticon leader himself megatron.

Megatron: your precious ark will never reach that portal optimus.

Teletraan: shield failure on starboard thruster.

Everything started to fall apart.

Megatron: I will tear your ship apart piece by piece

Sonic: we've been through worse than this Megatron but we will always stop you!

Vinnie: yeah no way we're going down without a fight mega jerk you and the others are going down.

Megatron: we shall see vermin.

Then Megatron cuts off the communication.

Tucker: Optimus! Decepticons are swarming the engine deck

Optimuse: I'm on my way Bumblebee you the biker mice, Danny and the SWAT kats, will stay and cover the bridge sonic, lance, ILana and I will take care of this.

Tails: good luck sonic.

Sonic: you too bro.

Lance: Octus make sure the system still runs while were gone

Octus nods and so optimus, lance, Ilana and sonic raced off to the weapons deck. But just as they left the bridge started to lose power.

Teletraan: teletraan system failure.

T-bone: what the!

Danny: Ratchet, Tails, Tucker what happened?!

Ratchet: no! The entire defense system is down! Without the pulse cannons Optimus won't stand a chance you'll have to reboot the system manually.

Modo: how to do that ratchet, place is going to be crawling with cons and villains.

Ratchet: don't worry I'll guide you through it me and tails will stay behind and watch things here Tucker will help any others that need attending. Now take this fuse from teletraan and it should reactivate the service lift!

Throttle: you got it doc.

Charles: I'm coming with you guys.

Modo: sorry Charlie but you can't it's too dangerous we don't want you to get hurt.

Charles: but guys.

Ratchet: the right Charlie you have to stay here and make sure we keep an eye on you, this time stay put.

Bumblebee grabs the fuse rod with T-Bone razor and the biker mice and Danny right behind him.

Ratchet: good luck bumblebee.

Modo: don't worry bumblebee we'll take point.

Bumblebee and the others ran through the corridor just to get to the other side but when they got there, the door jammed up but then something started to open it by force was none other than bulkhead.

Razor: bulkhead!

Bulkhead: hurry I can't keep this open forever! Get to the other side quickly!

Bumblebee and the others dash through there just in time for the door to close and bulkhead resting himself for using the strength he needed.

Modo: thanks bulkhead.

Bulkhead: no problem modo but at least I proved that I'm stronger than you.

Modo: as if.

Ratchet through com: bumblebee I've patch into your optics the service lift is just ahead.

But just before any others try to get to the other side a tow cable came from the side windows and bashed through it.

Throttle: everyone hold on to something and quick!

Everyone did so including bulkhead but not to the other Autobots for they got sucked out into the open space. After that was done shield doors closed and everything was steady.

Everybody was in shock and what just happened and the loss of the Autobots soldiers.

Ratchet through com: Megatron in the others will pay for that!

Modo: oh believe me once I find him i'm going to give him something he will never forget.

Ratchet through com: delivery orca parts you'll have to dance midair to get across.

Bumblebee and the others did so biker mice used their bikes to get to the other side Danny flew the other side and carried T-Bone and razor there as well.

Teletraan: shield failure energon capacity depleting, turbine starvation at 64%.

Danny: come on guys we gotta hurry.

T-Bone: we're hurrying we're hurrying!

Bumblebee the others made it to the central system of the lift.

Razor: okay ratchet we're here what do we need to do.

Ratchet through com: all right replace the fuse and a lift should reactivate.

Bumblebee put the fuse inside the service box and a system started to spark and everything started to go online.

The door opened showing the lift but it had safety locks on it so ratchet informed the others that it was too dangerous to use their weapons so they had to punch their way to do it. They did so and the service lift took them up.

Then when they were getting up they saw Windows of the septicons attacking from all sides then they saw tiger claw advancing with soundwave and his minicon rumble.

Soundwave: Rumble. create an entrance.

Modo: oh no not soundwave I didn't know he was in the ship.

Throttle: he must have got on board with the others.

Danny: don't worry guys we still got to keep on going.

Ratchet through com: bumblebee guys you're almost to the defense tower hurry Optimus is losing ground!

Vinnie: we're on the ratchet.

When they got off the service list they started head to the corridor to the next area but then an aerial assault attacked and the entire hallway was in flames so they did what they had to do they had a Sprint throw once they did they were a little bit burned up but they survived bumblebee used the energon to energize himself.

When they got the next room they see ton ton, alice Liddell and dozer fighting off some decepticons and ruins attacking

Dozer: guys you finally made it can you help us stop these decepticons and these things they really are creepy.

Alice: they're ruins fed upon all the corruption of madness I didn't know they actually came to the world of sanity Megatron must have found a way to bring them here.

Vinnie: don't worry cause it's tail whipping time!

So bumblebee and the other heroes start a fire off the monsters and the decepticons until they finally stopped coming.

Autobot soldier: all the line the defense main frame is just through that door.

Throttle: okay hang tight we got this covered.

Bee and the others open the door where they see it decepticon operating on the terminal.

Vinnie: All right let me at him I'll see to it he never sees a lot of day again.

Modo: well bro careful if you make one wrong move you can destroy the terminal let bee handle this.

So Bumblebee snuck right behind him and then dashed and used his sprint melee attack and destroyed the decepticon and take back the terminal.

Ratchet through com: you did it, pulse gunners engine deck covering fire.

T-Bone: yeah that's showing them.

Ratchet through com: tactical readouts is online now if I could just locate Optimus and Sonic there he's taking Megatron and Eggman head on.

Vinnie: what we're missing all the fun, come on let's go get to them.

Razor: don't be a problem cuz we got company!

And just then a tow cable came out and destroyed the terminal so bumblebee and the others jumped into the floor vent and dropped all the way down to a lower platform.

Ratchet through com: bumblebee, guys are you there!

Throttle: yeah we're fine took a heavy hitting though.

Ratchet through com: either way Optimus needs your help that fall must have jarred your alternator back into gear bumblebee change form and roll out!

Bumblebee did so and transformed into a futuristic version of a yellow beetle in a hovering mode Danny T-Bone and throttle hopped inside and got ready to roll with bumblebee while the biker mice rode on their bikes to follow them.

When the door opens it's showing signs of two giants destroying on a platform one was a combiner and the other one was a giant dragon that was bruticus and the Jabberwocky destroying everything in their path with fire and brimstone.

Don't be any others drove all the way just to pass their way through the deck to the other side of the ship just to get the Optimus and Sonic.

Bumblebee any others have been driving all the way until they finally almost ran a road.

Ratchet through com: follow me you're running out of road you'll have to jump it.

Vinnie: is it going to be a long jump!

T-Bone: I'm not going to like this!

Danny: Just hold on!

Bumblebee used his natural boost and jumped all the way to the other side as did the biker mice.

Bumblebee and the others make the road to the other side just in time or they encounter all the other heroes all attending with fresh supplies and everything with them with woody, buzz, tie, rivet and click clack and the other tools.

Click clack: we can't take much more of this the ark is not going to hold.

Woody: have faith on Optimus and Sonic click clack we will make it!

Buzz: He's right, don't give up hope.

Don't be any others were able to get the supplies they need to actually load up and you're ready to kick some cons and monster tails.

Vinnie: now it's time to show these guys not to mess with the biker mice or the Autobots or any of us in that matter!

They got ready and opened the door and it was all out of salt all the heroes were together. They were destroying all the bad guys and the cons in sight and humungousaur was there AKA Ben Tennyson who was able to help heavy supports and to stomp those bad guys.

Humungousaur: Bumblebee guys hurry I'll get these guys off you get to Optimus and the others fast.

Throttle: thanks Ben.

But then the entire engine from the ark has started caramel and be destroyed the entire thing was falling apart

Ty: we got to hurry the entire ark is falling apart and one of the engines is being destroyed!

Throttle: we're on our way we just gotta get through that crack point.

Bumblebee did so I made it way to the other side but Bee gave them a sign I need to stay behind and watch his back while he gets The Optimus and the others.

Bumblebee was able to crack through just in the nick of time but it was hard for him to see cuz he couldn't tell where he was or were Optimus is.

Ratchet through com: I can't see anything but my scanner shows Optimus and Sonic are right on top of you.

And just in time Optimus was shown flying with Sonic in front of bumblebee push him off to one of the grinders gears bumblebee was able to hold in just in time I would say slowly coming up where he saw Optimus, Sonic, Eggman and Megatron fighting one another then Megatron kicked ultimate sword away and eggman used his Drago mech and pin Sonic to the ground,then megatron grabs an energon cannon from the dropship

Megatron: this ought to do the job

Sonic: no Optimus

Eggman: quit you!

Optimus: even if you destroy Megatron others will rise to defeat your tyranny.

Megatron: then I'll just have to destroy you all!

And just when Megatron was going to fire at Optimus but Bumblebee rushed in and he jumped and took the shot from Megatron pushing Optimus almost to the back of the edge.

The biker mice and the SWAT Kats and Danny got the scene and saw what just happened and was shocked that they saw bumblebee hurt and damaged, Sonic also witnessed it well.

Sonic: Bumblebee NOOOOO!

Optimus: Bumblebee!

Optimus crawled his way to Bumblebee and lifted him up with his arm until Bumblebee's eyes started to glitch and finally went offline.

Arthur's note: hello everybody my name is Dante papucci and just to let you know I am a new writer for the fanfictions of this is just my first time doing this and I just want to let you know that this is my first story on my account so I will be making more of these in the future all I need to do is just work on my ideas and help support ideas to others I got this idea from many inspired people like crafordbrian17 and xKeybladeWielderx I love these guys' stories and their story ideas inspired me to make my own stories so I wanted to thank them for the great stories they made for everybody and I can't wait to start my own fanfiction you people want questions send me some comments for new story ideas and and no flames.