Metroplex heeds the call.
Metroplex lowered his hand close to the ground so Optimus and the other heroes could get off.
Tails: Optimus, guys you got to hurry the ark's about to come apart!
Optimus: then let's roll out!
Biker mice: let's rock and ride!
Optimus transformed into his truck mode and drove his way down to the hillside close to the ark heading to a different route.
Perceptor: Optimus, there are three warp cannons shelling the ark. We're uploading the coordinates to you now.
Optimus: Metroplex, head for the ruins of icon! We'll do our best to keep up!
Metroplex: on my way.
Metroplex followed Optimus and the others to the first warp Cannon; each step metroplex took he destroyed the decepticon tanks and anything out of his way. Optimus drove his way all the way with his team close behind straight to the bridge where Metroplex stepped over for them to get across Optimus RAM the decepticons and made their way to the first warp Cannon but there were decepticon leapers and soldiers were guarding it. The autobot troops tried to destroy it, but that thing was too tough to get blasted.
Vinnie: those warp cannons are too tough, Optimus! they can't make a dent in it!
Optimus and others got close enough to have visuals on the warp Cannon so he contacted metroplex.
Optimus: I'm still linked into your targeting computer Metroplex, if we resync I can designate targets for you!
Metroplex: target synchronizing initiated.
Optimus and the others had to buy metroplex some time till they resync so they had to blast every decepticons and leapers out of the way Moto used his cybernetic arm to punch out decepticons and blast them with his arm Cannon, throttle used his power outlet and super punched some triceratons and catatonias from getting the upper hand on them. Monkey King used his staff and quickly kicked every Decepticons and leapers and villains from getting to them. Ty swinged his wrecking ball tail at the cons and used his Jaws to lift up some cons and throw them out of the side once that was done the synchronizing was complete.
Metroplex: Target synchronize completed awaiting your coordinates Optimus prime.
Optimus used his targeting system and targeted the warp Cannon.
Optimus: metroplex take out that warp Cannon!
Metroplex did so and walked his way to the Cannon, grabbed it and ripped apart and punched its power core and punched it again until it was unable to operate.
Vinnie: yeah that's what I'm talking about you show them metroplex! How come you didn't know about this guy?
Throttle: He was disguised as a city base. I guess his form was pretty good disguise; you couldn't even tell the difference between him and the City.
Optimus: one down two more to go.
Throttle: next warp cannon is about 50 clicks Northwest from here if we take the scenic routes we can get there in time.
Modo: Then let's go!
Optimus and his team went to the other side of the area where they encountered more Marauder's that were aligned in the bridge but thanks to metroplex one swing of his fist instantly destroyed them.
Optimus and the others made their way through inside the building till they had contacts from a shield transport that was under heavy fire once they made outside they saw the transport being shut down they made their way down until they found an opening that lead to a huge open wide area crawling with cons and villains
They tried to help them until they ran across whirlwind, one of the villains that was attacking.
Whirlwind: well well if it is Optimus prime and the so-called heroes come to save your little friends too bad you and your friends are never going to leave this planet alive!
Optimus: we shall see whirlwind heroes attack!
Optimus and the others came straight for whirlwind but he used his super cyclone powers to create a barrier between him but thanks a monkey King used to staff and jumped all the way high just into the middle of the cyclone and slammed himself down to the top middle of the cyclone where he actually breached through it beating up whirlwind inside once that was done the barrier was broken, the biker mice use their skills to take care of whirlwind and finally stopped him.
With whirlwind down Optimus and the others helped out the shield agents and got them to a safe route there was a Marauders in the way but thanks to optimus's airstrike from metroplex he used them to destroy the Marauders and cons all the way where they reach the warpath and bulkhead with the other heroes beside them.
Optimus: Warpath, bulkhead I thought I ordered you both to protect the Ark!
Warpath: We never made it. Who's your big friend?
Optimus: We can't stay Warpath we've got to move on and destroy the last two warp cannon
Bulkhead: Optimus we're low on energon there's more decepticons and villains coming in! you leave and-
Wheeljack: Optimus! this is wheeljack the ark's shields are nearly gone! There's not much time left!
Warpath and bulkhead we're going to take cover fire and let them go get to the cannon but optimus in the heroes decide to stay behind with them and face them together. Then it started for each wave of decepticons and villains came one by one. They fell by the Autobot and the heroes firepower because working together they were able to force them back.
What was that was done Optimus and the heroes head their way into the building which leads to the second warp Cannon.
Optimus: inside! everybody inside!
Optimus, Warpath, bulkhead and the other heroes went inside the building and removed fallen debris out of the way just to get to the other side where the warp Cannon is. They had to deal with a lot of krang bots, ruins and decepticons. But they finally got to the other side of the building and spotted the warp Cannon but a lot of decepticons and krang bots were in the way. But in the battlefield they see stoker and the resistance fighting off the villains.
Stoker: Optimus, bros glad you finally made it, were having trouble getting to that warp cannon, think you guys can help out?
Optimus: we already have a plan stoker, will help you take care of the villains once that's done we'll take care of the Cannon!
Stoker: alright then, let's kick some tail!
Optimus and his team helped stoker and made a frontal assault on the villains and decepticons they blasted them all the way Optimus through explosives to that area blasting them to bits Moto use his arm cannons and blasted every single villains and Vinnie used his flare bombs and threw it at the krang bots and blew them up after that they were all taken care of and they went close enough to get to the second tower. Optimus used his targeting system and locked on to the second Cannon.
Optimus: Metroplex second warp cannon targeted take care of it!
Metroplex walked his way to the second Cannon and rammed himself to it destroying it and smashed it with his fists. Now the second warp Cannon was gone.
Optimus: there's still one warp Cannon left. we must reach it before it destroys the ark.
Warpath: then let's roll out!
Stoker: Yeah, let's whip some tail's!
Optimus: negative warpath, stoker see to your soldiers. Metroplex, the heros and I will handle the rest.
Warpath: oh-yeah-sure okay I'm sure he's big enough to handle it.
Stoker: good luck bros.
Modo: you to stoker.
Optimist in the heroes we inside the building heading to the next area location where the warp Cannon is but just as I were going through the hallway decepticon leapers came crashing down.
Leaper 1: Starscream, Limburger-we've got Optimus and the hero's cornered!
Vinnie: oh man these guys don't give up!
Just as the leapers were approaching them, Metroplex fist crushed them right to the side of the building.
Optimus: thanks for the assist Metroplex!
Modo: yeah thanks big guy!
Metroplex: you are most welcome.
Optimus and the other heroes continued forward until they reached outside where they spot the last decepticon warp Cannon.
Optimus: ther-the last warp Cannon. I'll need to get colder to mark it!
MK: we got your back Optimus!
Optimus:Thank you my friends, now onward!
Optimus and the heroes continue forward to the next area where they reach to the bridge but there were decepticons krang bots and Marauders in the way, Optimus used his airstrike and blasted them out of the way with a help of Metroplex. Once that was dealt with they headed straight to the bridge and got close enough to where Optimus marked the last warp Cannon.
Optimus: Metroplex, I've marked the final warp Cannon let's finish it!
Metroplex: yes prime.
Metroplex was on his way to the final warp Cannon to finish it but the cannon changed its direction and was targeting metropax himself.
Throttle: wait something's wrong the cannon is pointing at Metroplex!
Optimus and co: WHAT!
The heroes were shouting at Metroplex from stopping
him on what he was doing.
MK: Metroplex wait!
Ty: Stop!
But it was too late the warp Cannon fired at Metroplex right at the center.
Optimus: Metroplex! no!
He took a step back from the impact he took and started to shut down so finally he fell on his back and went offline!
Vinnie: Metroplex!
Sonic: oh no!
Optimus: come on heroes we got to have to do this ourselves and destroy that last warp Cannon for Metroplex!
Heroes: Roger!
Optimus transformed into his vehicle mode and headed straight for the Cannon once they were close enough they had a call from Ironhide.
Ironhide comlink: Optimus! The ark's shields are down! It's about to get torn apart!
Optimus: Metroplex is down! We'll have to finish it ourselves!
Ironhide comlink: I'll send backup!
Sonic: there's no time, Ironhide, just let us take care of it!
Optimus and the heroes head their way through to the other side of the bridge close to the cannon once they got there Optimus transformed into his robot mode and headed their way inside until they heard Ironhide again.
Ironhide: Optimus, we need - AAAAAGH
After that they lost communication with him.
Optimus: Ironhide… Ironhide!
Throttle: we lost communication, we're on our own Optimus.
Optimus: then we need to keep moving.
Optimus went inside the station there were few tights squeezes there but he was able to get through and many other obstacles just to get to the other side once they got there they went to a door where Optimus was going to open it when he opened it he and the others got a surprise guest!
Starscream: Surprise!
Starscream blasted Optimus a few feet back.
Sonic: Optimus!
The heroes looked back at Starscream and we're going to attack him.
Modo: why low down scum!
Vinnie: You're going to pay for that!
But yesterday we're going to they got stung blast by some goons and krang bots and with them was Greasepit and macaque.
Greasepit: I wouldn't do that, if I was you heroes!
Optimus: starscream!
Optimus was going to blast him with his path blaster but was blasted off by brawl and onslaught they walked towards Optimus they punched him and kicked him and restrained him.
Macaque: now why don't you be good heroes and stand down or you want to hear your leader screaming in pain!
The heroes had no choice but to stand down and raise their hands just to know that they surrendered.
Starscream walked right in front of Optimus, Lights out! He kicked him so hard that he was knocked out.
Few minutes later Optimus started to wake up and see that he and the other heroes were being taken inside a stronghold facility by starscream, there were a lot of villains and decepticons and with them were the Jabberwocky, Red Queen, Limburger, carbuncle, shredder, tiger claw, Razar and Eggman with metal sonic.
Once they were taking a side Optimus tried to assist but brawl punched them in the head to make sure he didn't.
Starscream: Megatron look what we found!
Megatron turns around to face Optimus and the other heroes.
Megatron: Optimus prime. that is what they call you now isn't it. And I see you have friends with you.
Optimus: Megatron.
Sonic: nice to see you again Buckethead and you too egghead!
Brawl, onslaught and the villains pinned Optimus and the heroes down in front of Megatron.
Starscream: funny, isn't it. Megatron, eggman? How easily I defeated the two adversaries you two couldn't.
Megatron: silence!
Eggman: jabberwock, metal if you would be so kind.
Jabberwocky and metal Sonic use a little bit of their powers and blasted lasers at Starscream and he skidded to the floor until he stopped right next to macaque.
Macaque: bad move scream.
Starscream: oh shut up!
Brawl onslaught in the villains moved away from Optimus and the heroes as they slowly stood up.
Optimus: it didn't have to come to this.
Then out from the floor energy changes grapple Optimus and the heroes from to their arms and keep them in one place.
Megatron: this is what you chose. prime; when you defied me all of this is you're doing along with your friends.
Autobot: Optimus, guys-!
Megatron uses his fusion Cannon and blasts one of the autobot soldiers, Optimus and the heroes struggle to free themselves.
Sonic: Megatron stop!
MK: you can't do this, it's madness!
Megatron: oh I I'll stop.. when all of you are dead.
Autobot: no! NOOOOO! AAAGGGGH!
Megatron blasted the other Autobot soldier to pieces, again Optimus and the others were struggling to break free.
Optimus: this is needless! All we want is to leave!
Throttle: yeah we just want to leave earth!
Megatron had enough and backhanded Optimus and the other heroes they were all grinning in pain.
Megatron: carbuncle! Charge up the warp Cannon. wipe their precious Ark off the face of the planet!
Carbuncle: yes lord megatron.
Megatron: no one leaves without my permission!
Optimus: we weren't asking.
Optimus and the other heroes stood up in front of the villains, Decepticons and Megatron.
Megatron:Always define to the end aren't you prime and every turn you have thwarted my efforts to gather the energy of this planet to return cybertron to its former glory!
But while Megatron was speaking to them he did not know that Metroplex was online and standing up right behind Megatron ready to attack.
Megatron: no more this day it all ends prime once and for all!
Modo smirking: I wouldn't say that.
Limburger: what do you mean vermins?
Throttle: hehe look behind you.
In confusion the villains did so and were shocked to see Metroplex.
Limburger: huh lord Megatron.
Megatron: what!
Soundwave: look out behind you!
Metroplex grabbed the roof of the base and ripped it off and tossed it behind him.
The villains and decepticons were shocked and they were backing away from Metroplex
Macaque: What is that thing?!
MK: meet the new Autobot in our ranks Metroplex.
Megatron: stop running you fools stand and fight!
Carbuncle: but we don't have the firepower to fight that thing!
Megatron ignored those words and started a blasting Metroplex but Metroplex didn't feel a thing because he used his fist and took a strike on Megatron himself.
Megatron was still functioning. He was going to fire again but Metroplex struck him again and again and again until finally he struck him one last time.
Metroplex slowly raised his hand until the villains and the decepticons looked at the remains of their former leader and were shocked to see him.
Macaque: lord megatron no!
Optimus and the heroes looked at the villains and the decepticons.
Optimus: leave. now.
Starscream looked at Optimus then looked at megatron then finally at Metroplex seeing that it looked like he was going to crush them too so Starscream made a decision.
Starscream: Decepticons, villains Megatron has perished betrayed by his foolish pride.
They all looked at Starscream.
Starscream: I starscream, am your leader now!
Limburger and villains: what!
Starscream: as second in command I hold the next line of leadership!
Starscream explained to them until he finally looked at Optimus and the heroes one last time.
Starscream: decepticons, villains, return to base!
Starscream transforms into futuristic jet mode and takes off, soundwave and macaque took their final look at Megatron till they left but macaque stopped and looked back at Optimus and the heroes
Macaque: this isn't over Optimus not by a long shot I'll make sure you suffer for what you've done!
After that they all left.
We see the Decepticons leaving with the villains while Optimus Ironhide and the heroes are standing on Metroplex's shoulder.
Ironhide: now that's a sight, my optics have long to see for some time.
Optimus: enjoy the moment; it may have cost us our future.
Ironhide and the other heroes were shocked to hear what Optimus was saying.
Sonic: no you mean all the energon we saved for the ark is gone?
Optimus: there's barely enough left to last a mega cycle. We need to find more energon and quickly I have a hunch grimlock and Shadow may know where to start.
Ironhide: grimlock and Shadow those two deserted us!
Sonic: I agree with Ironhide.
Optimus: they left their post for a reason. I want to know and cliff jumper and the chaotics are tracking them now.
MK: Optimus with your permission I would like to go help them just make sure if things go wrong with their mission.
Optimus: permission granted make sure they stay safe monkey King.
MK: I will Optimus you can count on it!
Monkey King took off on his cloud and head straight to join with jazz, Cliffjumper and the chaotics.
Note finally I'm done this 3rd chapter took a while but I finally got it just to remind you people I'm still working on the story I will be done very soon I just can't keep on working on the chapter so that way I get them all ready for you guys to see them but it's still working start remember following and comment but no flames.