Sonic crossover changed
It was just a normal day in Mobius where our hero sonic hedgehog was doing his job protecting the world from a certain egghead but then he got a call from his brother tails.
Tails: hey sonic you got to come over to my house fast!
Sonic: okay tails but was is it, is it egghead again.
Tails: no it's about a special project I'm working on with the chaos emeralds.
Sonic: really okay I'm on my way in 15 seconds.
15 seconds later
Sonic just arrived at Tails workshop/home once he went inside he saw a giant portal machine that tails were working on. He was amazed by his buddy's work.
Sonic: Wow tails this is amazing did you make this thing
Tails: yep I thought about how the emeralds work on time, but what if they work on space as well.
Sonic: like another dimension to other worlds that does sound interesting but-
Tails: but your thinking that something might go wrong with it?
Sonic: (sheepish smile) well maybe but it might not hurt to try right.
Tails: right so let me just finish its last detail.
But sonic wanted to help him start it up so he found a plug to the thing and plugged it but something went wrong.
Sonic: ha oh.
The portal was online and created a vortex that started to suck everything in that thing until sonic started to get sucked into the vortex with the emeralds tails tried to help him but it was too late sonic was gone to where we don't know
Tail: SONIC!
Somewhere else
Sonic felt like he was falling forever until he hit the solid ground he blackout for a minute until he woke up in a strange-looking town or city but it looked deserted and he looked around for somebody but there was no one so he needed to find help as fast as he can until he saw a weird looking tower so he decided to check it out, once he got there he walked through the entrance and sees a desk but no one was their so he checked it out until he found an elevator, once he went inside he pressed a button until it took him up once he was there he was in one of the top floors it looked like a lab of some sorts he looked around until he heard something like someone was watching him he look to see what it was until he saw a little brown puppy dog.
Sonic: Well hey little guy how did you get here are you lost.
The dog barked at sonic and waved its tail knowing it liked him, sonic reach out his hand to pet the dog once he did the dog looked happy but then sonic felt something weird when he touched the dog it felt slimy he brought his hand out the slim started to cover his hand like it was alive.
Sonic started to panic until it stopped and returned to the dog sonic was surprised at first until he felt disturbed he backed away from the puppy until it spoke
Dog: wait don't go I'm so sorry.
Sonic: you can talk!
Dog: yes and again I'm sorry I sometimes don't control myself I almost assimilated you.
Sonic: wait assimilate as in becoming a part of you, what are you some sort of monster.
Dog: yes and no I might what you say a bioengineered made of latex.
Sonic: okay that is freaky so who made you some sort of mad scientist.
Dog: no he's not mad his name is Dr. K and he's a brilliant scientist.
Sonic: oh well that makes sense do you know where he is I mean I don't know where I am.
Dog: well I don't know either but if we look around we might find him by the way what's your name
Sonic: Oh that's easy I'm Sonic the hedgehog fastest thing alive and as you can see I'm not from around here as in not from this dimension.
Dog: oh nice to meet you Sonic I am surprised I saw a talking blue hedgehog before by the way my name is Greg.
Sonic: nice to meet you Greg so what happened here anyway I mean I don't see any other people around
Greg: That's because there hasn't been any for about 5 years not until the great epidemic no one knows what happened.
Sonic: what sort of epidemic and in 5 years that's pretty rough.
Greg: yeah this facility in this building there was an accident. Some sort of experiments caused a lot of trouble. What I did earlier is let's just say there are other things in here that did to a lot of people and made them into something not human.
Sonic: like what?
Greg: Well they call it transformation like this for instance I can transform myself into this.
Then Greg started to morph into some sort of two-legged furry hairy dog-like hybrid two legs brown fur over with golden stripes ears pointed up like wolf ears and with a big bushy tail Sonic was just shocked at what he just turned into he looks almost like a mobian but with no gloves or shoes on but at least he has fur still wherever Sonic is he is not in Mobius anymore I mean who would have thought.
So Greg is there anyone else around here that could do that and are their friendly types Sonic says, no you're a lot that you do not want to touch but I did hear that there was a failed experimental prototype he's black looks like me but has a skull-like mask I know where he is he's somewhere down in somewhere in the middle of floors I could take it to him his name is Puro Greg says, well that's great to hear come on we better get out of here I have a feeling that this place is giving me the creeps and we're being watched Sonic says, oh well okay then let's hurry we got to get to the elevator, okay let's hurry so it says.
so Sonic and Greg went to the elevator they pressed a button to get to it where they could find puro but something happened the elevator started to act weird making a weird noise and everything until something it stopped when it opened Sonic was a bit shock when he found something he wishes he never found was like a pool of water.
Water just great it had to be water Sonic says when he turns his face, Greg, wait you don't like water is there something wrong with it Greg says, no I just don't swim I've been running my whole life and well I'm easy to sink sonic says, oh well you don't need to worry it's shallow we can easily just walk through it Greg says, oh okay well thanks Greg let's just hurry so we can get out of here Sonic says, okay let's go.
they turn around to get to the elevator but then the elevator door shut right in front of them Greg used his strength to try and open it but it wouldn't budge so accused his attack to pay her said open but no luck so they had no choice they had to go through the rooms and find out what's happening maybe there's another way another elevator perhaps.
Okay I'm guessing we have to go through plan b come on Greg we got to hurry Sonic says, okay Sonic but be careful you might want to know there are latex-like sharks here and they're also two other people you don't want to meet their names are tiger shark and puppy squid Greg says, okay I didn't want to know about that but if we do meet tiger shark and puppy squid maybe we can as soon as they can help us if they cooperate. As our good friends Sonic and Greg walk through the room just to find out where they can get out of that place they were able to spot some wilting shark creatures swimming through the areas sonic tried his best to try to get away from them till one of them nearly caught him Greg was able to stop him and get it away from Sonic so they kept on going and going till finally they were able to find a generator that maybe was the cause of the elevator shutting off so Sonic switched it back on there they went back to the elevator and so finally they came face to face with tiger shark who was standing in the middle of the shallow water Sonic was surprised on seeing him he was gray all over with black marks that looked like a shape of a tiger with ears that a normal tiger does and a shark fin and tail so they're having one solution Sonic trying his best to be friendly to him so Sonic approach tiger shark cautiously and spoke to him.
Hi, you must be Tigershark Greg told me a lot about you my name is sonic the hedgehog and well you don't look too bad is it okay if you can just help us out we're trying to get to Puro so he can help me on finding out how to get out of this place and I need to find these special gems that are called chaos emeralds they're like special gems with special powers you don't know them but we're trying to find them; oh you mean this gem tiger shark shows him a green emerald he has in his hand Sonic was shocked on seeing what he has he thought he could get it but tiger shark took it away from him tiger shark then says first you and I are going to play a little game. Sonic was a little surprised and what he said game what game Sonic says; a game called who can assimilate the blue hedgehog first, sonic was shock when he heard about this so him and Greg had no choice they had to fight off tiger shark in order to get the gem Greg was going to help Sonic but Sonic stepped him back cuz he knew he had to fight this to get the emerald so he was in his battle starts then those Gray looking sharks swim everywhere sonic started to be paralyzed on the thought of water and one he was trying to fight so he did his best all he had to do was get away from them and tiger shark, otherwise he was going to be assimilated so Sonic did his fast speed and was able to get away from those things but he had a surprise attack, tiger shark's tail caught him on his right foot Sonic struggled to get away from him but it started to grow over his body and he felt something slimy going over him the gray slime started to cover him so he tried everything so he did the best he can then he had an idea he was starting his spin dash attack and broke free he was able to attack tiger shark right behind the head and hit him hard tiger shark lost grip his on the emerald and dropped it so sonic was able to catch it and was able to try and get away from him but tiger shark instantly came behind him and grabbed him so he would not escape sonic did what he could to break free until Greg stopped him but then tiger shark just let go of sonic saying; ok you take the gem, Sonic and Greg were a little confused then Sonic said; wait that's it that's all you wanted to do you just let's go why, then tiger shark said; well you seemed awesome and fun I mean you're the first thing I never seen of a blue hedgehog who can walk and talk and even wear shoes and gloves like a human; well that's because I'm not from this dimension but I do know what happened here I just got here where my friend tails was just working on a portal machine and well it's kind of my fault I messed with it and I got sucked in here but we since I know the emerald to here maybe I can find all seven of them and use them to get back to my home at Mobius, your home what does it look like tiger shark says, well it's very different there are some humans but there are anthropomorphic animals different types bears, cats, lions many others but we also have an advanced culture but this place is too weird plus I never seen it like you, you know who started to like you you really are awesome mind if I tag along tiger shark offers to aid Sonic and Greg, Sonic had to think about it until he made his final decision he accepted tiger sharks over so now the two are now becoming three so they went to the elevator and went off to go meet Puro with purps help he can show directions to the area.
Once Sonic and his two new allies went off to the new floor he found a lot of black stuff everywhere that looked like black latex all over from the ground to ceiling he was thinking how the heck did this all happen but they still look at them walking until he finally went to a secret room no one knows how until he heard something moving in the vent, then event door open revealing a little boy who was only wearing shorts and a black like a creature that Sonic has never seen before then you remembered what Greg said that was Puro
Puro looked pretty surprised when he sees Sonic and his two friends it looks like he was about to defend the boy until Sonic raised his hand knowing that they mean no harm so Sonic step closer and spoke to them; hi I'm Sonic nice to meet you are you by any chance Puro; yes he said and what kind of monster are you Sonic was offended on that part but he told him that he is not a monster he then explained everything to him and how he got here and what he needed to find and to get out of the place so they can find a way to get back home.
Puro was interested in what Sonic told him a new world different fast than any others that expected with both humans and other marvel creatures everywhere he wishes he can go and see that world if he has time to offer him with Sonic so they had to do what they can to help each other he also explained about the boy whose name is Lin to help him get out of the facility so that way he can find out what happened to everything when he was asleep.
So they decide to help each other out Sonic told him they need to find these special gyms so I told him the queen emerald showing that there are other emeralds with different colors and he needs to find them all just so that we can access a special ability called chaos control once they got that they'll be able to get home, so Puro accepted the offer and decided to help one another so off they were on another adventure going to every room every area until Sonic was able to find a red chaos emerald on the ground floor he tried to pick it up till suddenly the white floor moved to reveal some sort of white latex anomaly Fox Sonic was shocked about this and said; what the heck is that thing get away from me whatever you are! It try to reach him until Greg and tiger shark was able to get that thing away from him they got the emerald and ran as fast as they could out of the room and got the other side and was able to find a terminal that's shown a video camera where they could find every other place in the area so sonic used it to find the other emeralds once he was able to locate them he would use his speed to gather them all except two he's got five emeralds he just needs to find the one the blue emerald and the white emerald he needs to find them so that way he can access the power of chaos control so Greg, Sonic, tiger shark, Puro and Lin looked like they were on their way to another area until Puro spotted the white emerald he tried to get it until a whit thing can out of nowhere grave the gem and then it started to grow until it was big to crush every one t,s and sonic did a rave team to fight the thing but it got to stronger until Sonic had no choice but to go inside that thing to get the emerald, he charge his attack and went inside it and grabbed it, then the thing turned into ash and was gone, now the others needed to go until finally they were able to be at the front door of the entrance where they can finally see the outside world until the elevator from behind them opened revealing Dr k who was a white fox with red eyes a lab coat and a mask on him so I wish I could knowing that that's the man who was actually the one who stored everything so Sonic went up to him and didn't know what happened so instead so you must be Dr k I want answers right now what happened to this place what happened this world what did you do that caused this epidemic Lin lost his family all because of what you did so tell me what did you do, Dr Kay explained everything to him, up with the experiment that he was working on he was ashamed of what he did but there are some other survivors out there still helping and supporting and what he reveals is on his pocket from his lab coat was the blue chaos emerald Sonic was shocked about it he went as fast as he could and grabbed it from his hand but Kay didn't look like he just wanted to let him have it more like he was studying him on how fast he can go and not knowing about a new subspecies from another dimension so he explained everything to where he came from but the emeralds and about certain egg-headed always ruining his planso sorry I was about to use it until 1:00 a.m. a vortex open up thanks to sonic revealing tails who actually fixed his machine and was able to go help Sonic, when Sonic was surprised he finally was able to see his brother again then Sonic introduced him to his new friends tiger shark, Greg and the others of how he met them and how they got there then tell said wow it's really amazing I never felt this pool has own anthropomorphic animals but still you guys are amazing tiger shark was slightly blushing from the comments going Greg told the black latex monster finally told Sonic on the offer.
Puro said Sonic would it be okay if we go with you to your world I never heard of this Mobius I want to see if this rule of yours is really as beautiful as what you said if you allow us, Sonic was thinking until finally he said yes; yes I will you guys are great new friends and I think maybe since there's hardly anything out there maybe it'll take an offer besides you guys can come there anytime you want since Tails got his machine fixed to go anywhere you want to be, they are so happy that they really wanted they did a hug dog pile on each other and don't go like he was suffocating until finally they got off of him and so they went on their way to the new world of Mobius and when they went there they were in tails his workshop where a certain black dog really liked he his inventions since he was a technical genius and admiring his planes he created tiger shark really wanted to know what the ocean was like for Mobius so they were thinking maybe they could take him to go for a swim that maybe they decided to stay there for a little bit maybe have a new home and that is when a new beginning of some of the hedgehog and new friends from another dimension.
The end
For now anyway