Idea taken from "Special" Season 2 When Kim can't pay her rent.

"Wha...what's that?" Theo asks pointing at the flyer that's on Mason's door.

"A happy hour flyer, what does it look like?"

"We, can't kick him out!"

"You mean I, as he may be your "friend" but he's my tenant!"

"Yeah, but your only black tenant. How will it look?"

Decaulion chuckles and taps the frame of his glasses. "Look? He hasn't paid rent!"

"He's paid what he can. Do you really want reporters showing up and your face all over social media? Black Twitter are ruthless"

"So am I" He grins.

" already have a wild reputation in beacon hills. I didn't think you'd wanna add racist landlord to your list, but keep the flyer on, go ahead" Theo slides down the banisters onto the pavement. They both pause when they smell Mason coming. It's Theo's favourite part of the day. He always smells of Mocha coffee and some kind of sweet pastry. With a growl Decaulion zooms up the stairs and swipes the eviction paper off, before Mason has even turned the corner.

They lean on his bannister casually before taking a few steps down the street.

"Hey guys! Mr Raeken, umm...about the rent..."

"Good Morning Mason! It's all fine!" Decaulion paints on a fake grin,

"Thank you Mr Raeken for being so understanding. When Theo told me you'd accept only Twenty dollars a month I thought he was joking"

"Twenty dollars a month!" Decaulion gasps, folding his arms.

"Yes Sir, thank you, for being such an amazing landlord. Since Corey left I've had to deal with all his debt alone! Everything's been so intense"


"A huge deduction in rent really saved me, I owe you!" Mason smiles.

"Talking of save...uhh..maybe I could get a pizza? Large Italian, some Garlic bread, Ice cream, Cookie Dough for Two?" Theo nods nervously.

"Awesome!...Well you two enjoy! I don't know what the hell I'm gonna order, Scott and Kira are coming over and she's kind of picky. Thanks again Decaulion!" Mason smiles at them both before running up his stairs with his huge rucksack on his shoulders.

"Well well, well..."

"Dad, don't!" Theo snaps.

"I don't know what I enjoy more son. You trying to bleed me dry over tenants or you continuously getting rejected. For Christ's sake! Cookie dough for Two? And He still has no clue?"

"Only because I play it cool" His son says.

"Suuuuuurrre! That's why he's living here fucking rent free!"

"Dad...we've got work!" Theo digs in his pocket as his phone starts to vibrate.

"You're lucky we're popular this, month. We'll talk about Mr Hewitt later, shall we?" Decaulion states as a Taxi pulls up from nowhere, he nods at the driver as he opens the car door for his son.