Margaery I:
It was a perfectly normal day. I was gossiping with my ladies in waiting and my grandmother, as I usually did, when my father came rushing into my room, looking for my grandmother. He ran towards her and picked her up in a hug.
"Mother! Mother! Mother! We did it, Margery is going to become Queen! She's going to be Queen! My daughter a Queen!" My eyes widened, surprised. I hadn't known we were in negotiations with the Iron Throne. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see my ladies in a similar state of shock. Father then noticed me in the corner and put down my grandmother to come rushing to me. He picked me up in one of his bear hugs and screamed:
"Margery! Margery! You're gonna be Queen! I'm so proud, you'll be the most beautiful Queen they ever had! Daughter, Mother, come, we must tell your mother and brothers! Today is a glorious day!" he exclaimed.
"Mace you big oaf, put your poor daughter down and explain this nonsense! We haven't entered any talks with the Baratheons for a betrothal with Prince Joffrey, so what are you on about?" Olenna asked, confusion written on her face.
"Not the Iron Throne mother, even better. Eddard Stark, the Fist of Winter, has just sent us a raven proposing a match between Margery and their new King, Jon Stark!" said my father, a huge smile in his face.
Gasps could be heard all around the room, and it was at that moment that my father realized we were in company. Embarrassed, he quickly asked the ladies to clear the room so he could speak to us in private. Once they left my Grandmother spoke in the most serious voice I had ever heard her speak:
"Mace, let me see that raven scroll."
He handed it over to her, all three of us silent while she read it. When she finished, she handed it over to me, and then I read it as well.
"Mace, we have to close this deal. We must! A Tyrell as Queen in the North? That would be greater than even Queen of the Six Kingdoms. Gather the family son, we must discuss this properly."
My head was spinning. Me, Queen in the North! A woman more powerful than even Cersei Lannister. Every noble learns about the North and how powerful the Starks were. I would join the most powerful house in Westeros. I could hardly concentrate on anything at that moment except the butterflies in my stomach.
All of the Tyrells were gathered in one room. In front of me I could see my father seated with my grandmother and mother to each of his sides. Seated to my right was Willas, the Heir to Highgarden, and to my left there was Loras. Seated to his left was Garlan. Grandmother began to speak:
"We have been proposed an alliance by the Crown of Winter. Margery's hand for our food for Winter. I think this seems pretty straight forward. Its the best offer anyone could ever hope for, I say we take it."
Everyone sans me and father were shocked. To be Queen in the North was to be the most powerful woman in the world. Starks had ruled as kings for eight thousand years, almost twice more time than most houses had even existed for. They commanded more than 100,000 men, and if the legends were to be believed, they even commanded Magic, Giants and the Children of the Forest. No other house could boast half of what the Starks and most houses in the North could.
A thoughtful but excited look on his face, Willas asked: "What else are they asking for aside from a dowry of grain? Surely that is not all they are asking?"
Grandmother replied: "All they are asking is that Margery renounce The Seven who are One in favor of the Old Gods. No child of hers shall be taught of The Seven Pointed Star. They shall only know the Old Gods."
"A small price to pay given the rewards for such an action." I replied. None of our family was that pious, so something like this wouldn't have bothered them.
"Indeed sister." said Garlan, happy for his sister.
"We should of course send our acceptance by raven along with plans to ride out to Winterfell at once." Father said.
"Garlan, you shall rule in my stead as Lord of Highgarden. Willas, Alerie, Mother and Loras will go with North with us. We shall leave in a week's time! I'll tell the Maester to send ravens to our vassals informing them of this move. Quickly, we must begin preparations!" he finished with a boast, a huge smile on his face. He then carried my mother out of the room, both of them laughing, to celebrate in their special way.
"Margery, which are the Stark Cadet Branches?" asked my cousin Elinor, her voice kind of shaky due to all the bumps in the road, which were keenly felt inside the carriage. We were about to enter the Neck, crannogmen around us guiding our way through.
"Moatstarks, Goldstarks, Seastarks, Skagstarks, Karstarks, Northstarks, Snowstarks, Winterstarks and Ironstarks." I replied and saw her nod and smile at my correct answer. My cousin Elinor was my Head Lady in Waiting. At six and ten with a nice figure, she had beautiful blonde hair and a very pretty face. A definite catch, she was coming North with me in hopes for a Northern husband.
"And what do each of those houses rule?" she continued.
"House Moatstark rules over Moat Cailin, House Goldstark rules the Mountain Clans, House Seastark rules the Stony Shore, House Skagstark rules Skagos, House Karstark rules Karhold, House Northstark rules Hardhome, House Snow Stark rules Queen's Crown, House Winterstark rules the Gift and House Iron Stark is based in the Flint Cliffs."
"Are you finished with the Cadet Branches Elinor? I think its time to go to the other vassals." said Megga, my other cousin. She unfortunately was cursed with a burly figure, likely do to how much sweets she liked to eat. She was five and ten.
"Almost Megga. Just a few more questions and we can move on to another topic." Elinor replied. "Now, why does House Stark have feud with House Lannister?"
"Ah, about 20 years after the Doom of Valyria, Robard Stark, granduncle to Torrhen Stark, sailed to Valyria. There he found a cache of Valyrian Steel Weapons, one of which was Brightroar, the Lannister ancestral sword. Once they got back to Winterfell, he distributed the weapons among the houses which accompanied him into the venture. He decided to mock the Lannisters by giving House Goldstark the Lannister ancestral sword. There have been numerous offers from various Lannisters over the years in order to buy it back, but all of them have been refused." I replied, a smirk on my face thinking about the humiliation for House Lannister over the fact.
"Perfect answer Margery!" Elinor replied.
"Again Megga?" I asked annoyedly.
"Yes cousin, you already know the Cadet Branches by heart, but you still stutter over the other Northern Lords."
"Fine, ask me then."
"Of course!" she chirped happily. "Who were the Red Kings?"
"Ah, I do not like their history all that much, but nevertheless I will have to deal with them soon. They were Boltons. Eventually they were defeated and subjugated by the Starks. The Boltons are famous for their flaying of their enemies, a practice which continues to this day. Their words are Our Blades are Sharp. They also have a Valyrian Steel Sword, named Blissful Mercy."
"And what is their unofficial motto?" she asked, fear and disgust on her face due to thinking about the Boltons.
I gulped. "A naked man holds many secrets, a flayed man holds none."
"Correct my Lady." We stayed in silence after that. The Bolton history had proven to be a bit too gory for our tastes.
A while after that we heard numerous gasps of surprise. Curious, we opened the window of our carriage. I was amazed. Up ahead we could see one of the largest castles I had ever seen. 20 towers surrounded it, each manned by multiple men. Even I, with my limited knowledge on military matters, could see how the Targaryen Army of 73 AC failed at their attempt at conquest. Fully manned, this castle was impossible to take. To think, I was still missing Winterfell. I couldn't wait to see more of my future home.
I was riding on a horse, heavy furs on me to shield me from the cold. I had decided I wanted to see more of the North, so I would be riding ahead on horseback with my brother Loras. We were close to Winterfell now, and Loras couldn't stop talking about how excited he was to see all of the different legendary swords in possession of House Stark.
"It is said that in the North alone there are 15 Valyrian Steel Weapons! The Starks reportedly have four, those being Ice, Frost, Red Rain and Frostice. Its even said that Ice, the sword of the king has spells woven into it! That bit is rubbish of course but could you imagine it to be true! I can't wait to see them and spar with the Northme—AAAHHHH!" he screamed suddenly, pointing forward. Our whole party looked to where he was pointing and we were all amazed and terrified.
Giants, actual Giants 15 feet tall carrying huge bows or riding mammoths. It was a thing of legends. No one south of the Neck really believed in Giants anymore. We thought it was a thing of the past, like Dragons, yet here they were, roaming free. A red haired, long faced man with a stocky build rode out towards us, about 20 guards behind him, sword at his hilt. A huge grey furred wolf trailing right behind him. He was laughing as he approached us and greeted us boisterously.
"Never seen Giants before have you? Its always funny seeing people's reactions." he said while smiling. "My apologies, I just couldn't help my self. I am Robb Stark, son of Eddard Stark. This," he gestured towards the humongous wolf, "is my partner Grey Wind. I volunteered to accompany you for the rest of the ride." he said. I found him quite handsome, and he looked to be about eight and ten, about my age.
My father looked at the wolf nervously. "It is good to see you my Lord, I am Mace Tyrell. This" he said, pointing towards me. "is my daughter Margery! These are my sons Willas and Loras. If I may, is it safe having that….. that beast so close to us. Is it not a danger?" he finished.
"Every Stark has a direwolf partner my Lord Tyrell. You'd be wise to get used to them since you'll no doubt see more of them once we arrive to Winterfell." said Robb, a smirk on his face. "Now please, follow me." he said, and rode forwards, us following from behind. I gulped a bit at that. Every legend said about the North and Starks was turning out to be true. First there were Giants! Giants! Five and ten feet tall riding humongous heavily furred creatures the Northerners called Mammoths. Now it seems that every Stark also has Direwolfs as well? Lord Robb's wolf was larger than a pony and it had a fierce look. Would the King's be any different.
I decided I needed to speak with him. I rode forwards to Lord Robb. I was curious. He was my betrothed's cousin, so he surely knew at least a bit of him, or could at least help me understand a bit more of the North.
"Lord Robb, if I could be so bold, could you tell me a bit about the King?" I asked coyly, trying to charm him.
"Aye, it is no problem. King Jon is…, well he is a good man. One of the greatest swordsmen I've ever seen as well. He's kind and humble, so you should not fear speaking or asking him anything. He's to be a great King." said Robb, admiration plain in his voice, something which surprised me. It looked like he was wholeheartedly supportive of his cousin, no jealousy present. It baffled me a bit. It was as if he had no ambitions for power.
"All of the Starks understand that this is a big change for you, therefore we will be willing to help you should you need anything. You need only but ask." he continued, smiling as he said so. Another thing which baffled me as well. Why was he so helpful. He was royalty, second in line to the Throne after his father, and yet he volunteered to do something as mundane as accompany us to get to Wintertown. It was completely different from what I was expecting. I thought back on when I met Renly Baratheon, whom my brother Loras had squired for. He certainly wasn't snobbish my any means, and was very charismatic, but he did have a certain amount of pride that was expected of a member of a royal family. Here this Stark seemed to lack it. I found it perplexing.
After that we rode in silence until Wintertown was in sight. Tall walls manned by men all around, with Winterfell looming behind it, it was truly a sight. It didn't smell nearly as bad as King's Landing as well, which was a pleasant surprise. We were met by some men-at-arms, who told us we were to be escorted to Winterfell at once. As we rode through the streets I found myself staring at everything. Almost no beggars, decent buildings for smallfolk and a marked military presence inside the city kept it very peaceful. I felt my respect towards the Starks growing. We kept riding, the castle becoming bigger to our eyes as we approached it.
When we finally got to the Main gates we were greeted by another long-faced man, this time with black hair, kept in a ponytail, another diferwolf next to him. Another Stark I assumed. He waited until we dismounted our horses, or in my grandmother and mother's case, got out of the carriage.
"I welcome you to Winterfell Lord Tyrell, Lady Margery. I am Benjen Stark, Commander of the Royal Navy. A pleasure to see you." he said, smile in his face. "The ride was pleasant, I hope?" he asked, looking at Lord Robb.
"Very pleasant my Lord Stark! Wondrous sights indeed! Why I thought Giants and your direwolves were the stuff of legends, yet I've seen both in the same day." responded my father.
"Oh shut up Mace! Gods, thats enough flattery for me. Lord Stark, can we go inside now? My old bones can hardly withstand the cold." said Olenna, annoyance present in her voice.
Benjen Stark looked more amused than offended at the display by my grandmother. "Of course my Lady. We are to present you in the Throne Room, and after you shall be showed to your chambers."
He lead us to the Throne Room, and once we got there we were greeted by large doors. I could hear my Grandmother speak softly to me in my ear: "Margaery, do your best. You look lovely, don't worry." I looked back at her and she was smiling reassuringly.
I looked back up at the doors which were slowly opening up. I put on my best smile and mentally prepared myself. Once they opened I saw him and my eyes involuntarily widened. He was seated comfortably in his throne, left hand in his lap, right hand on the armrest. A white direwolf the size of a horse resting at the feet of the throne, its red eyes gazing back at us. The Throne itself was a thing of beauty, blue in color with intricate direwolf designs in each armrest, runes carved in the backrest. It was blue, in color, and now that I was closer (I had started walking forward without even noticing!) to it I saw that it was in fact made of actual ice! I had no idea how that was possible! Resting to the right side of the Throne there was a sword which radiated power. Like the Throne of Winter, it was made of pure ice. It looked like a bastard sword, although I wasn't sure (I am not that knowledgeable on martial matters). I finally forced myself to look away from the seemingly magical objects in front of me, and I looked up at his face.
My first thought was that he was certainly handsome, as much as his cousin Robb if not more. Classic Stark features were clearly present in his face, long faced with black hair. His hair was a bit curly and it reached down to his shoulders. He also had a beard, which made him look more rugged, which I certainly appreciated. It was his expression which made me pause. Completely unreadable, to someone not paying attention he could appear to be bored. I wasn't fooled though, his eyes were gazing at us with great intensity. I took a step forward and started speaking, my best smile in place:
"Your Grace, it is an honor to be here. I have heard tales of your strength and bravery and have come to love you from afar. I am ecstatic to finally be able to see you in the flesh." I finished and waited for his response. Then I waited some more. He was just looking at me. Then, without warning:
"HAA!" he let out a laugh, catching us off guard. "I'm sure you have my Lady." He said, a smirk suddenly appearing on his face. "You are even more beautiful than they say. I look forward to knowing you Lady Margeary." he said with a smile. "Now, let us retire to our chambers. We shall speak more on the morrow."
Authors Note:
So, what did y'all think? Hope you guys are liking this. I think I did a pretty good job on Margeary's POV, but I could be wrong. Please let me know. Anyways, thanks alot for reading guys! Leave a review if you can. I'd like to give my thanks everyone who followed this story or left a review, and shoutout to Freaksdogflare. Dude helped me out A LOT with planning out the North's economics so hats off to you. He's also a great conversationalist so yeah, shouts out to you dude!