Mo Chridhe

Chapter 21

Harry laughed and shrieked in delight as he did manoeuvres in the sky, avoiding the others in his attempt to find the snitch. The exhilaration and happiness he could feel coming from everyone was a high all on its own. Everyone was just having fun, there was no prejudice, politics or anything of the kind up here. Oh, it was just pure bliss being up here, feeling the wind in his hair, such peace had never been known to him, the only exception, being Marcus of course. Marcus could allow him to feel only his own emotions, while this couldn't so Marcus would always win out.

His mood was so infectious that even the Slytherin's found themselves laughing a little at his utter abandon. They all knew now that Harry hadn't been raised in the magical world. That he was as clueless as a muggle born newly venturing into their world. The only difference was, he had immediately sought aid to immerse himself in the wizarding culture denied to him for a decade. Nearly every night they knew he was in the common room or the library learning everything he could to assimilate. Didn't see many muggle borns actually doing that, so it won him a lot of points. That and he had the ear of the most terrifying student at Hogwarts – Marcus Flint – and stark warnings from Professor Snape in regards to how they treat him.

By the time the Hufflepuff students came out onto the pitch for their time slot, the Slytherin team was just beginning to descend from the sky.

"You better not join the Gryffindor team for a few years, kid," Terrance jokingly laughed, as he patted the lad on the shoulder, not too roughly, he'd almost done that once and Marcus nearly broke his wrist. "We've just recovered from getting our arse kicked by Charlie Weasley." He was a real good quidditch player, it surprised all of them that he'd not gone professional, instead he had elected to become an apprenticed Dragon handler. It paid rather poorly compared to how much Professional Quidditch players received in their tenure. Less risky career as well, but quite a few speculated he'd done it to get as far away from his mother as possible.

Harry laughed, "I just might, someone needs to challenge you lot!"

"And you think you're the one that can challenge us?" Marcus snorted, shaking his head, truth be told though, he honestly believed Harry could do anything he put his mind to.

"Yes!" Harry proclaimed, grinning so widely it hurt his cheeks, the confidence Marcus had in him, enabling him to not doubt for a second that they were just still teasing him.

The rancorous laughter that followed had the Slytherins off the Quidditch pitch without a single word to any of the Hufflepuff's much to their confusion. Usually, they had a word or two with them, or rather threatening them, all in good sportsmanship, at least they thought so, it was ever so hard to tell with the Slytherins, especially Marcus.

"I had a lot of fun," Harry confessed, "Can I join you? It doesn't have to be each session!" jumping on the balls of his feet in excitement.

"A few times a month," Marcus agreed, but only that, the training was usually more violent, playing as if it were a real game, how else could they get a proper advantage? They could dial it back for a few games, make it more fun, bolster the teams spirit, he hadn't heard many of them laugh that way…and he wondered if Harry's mood was affecting them or if he had actually unconsciously exuded his excitement to them. Hmm, it wasn't something he could find out without outing Harry's secret, so it would need to be something of a mystery.

If he had to bet on it, he would say Harry was broadcasting to everyone, and it was affecting them all.

"Yes!" Harry crowed, yanking the Slytherin hat further down, it was getting really cold out, so he was grateful for Marcus' thought to bring them for him. They were warm, smelt like Marcus and they had a heating charm in them, he felt safe, happy. "Can I keep these?" he didn't care that they were Slytherin gear. It was just colours and a house name to him, and it's likely not something people would be happy about but Harry just didn't care.

Marcus eyed him, "No," he told him bluntly, "If you're that determined I'll buy you a set." He grumbled at the look on Harry's face.

The other Slytherins' sniggered at his inability to say no, he was bloody such a soft touch. They were all aware of why he was a soft touch though, and it angered them all that Harry had been treated that way. Well, most Slytherin's knew, the first and second years likely hadn't cottoned on yet, still too young to not realize what Marcus did for the younger years.

"I want these ones," Harry stubbornly declared, "You're not getting them back, they're mine." Stepping back and laughing when Marcus lunged for him. Darting in and out the group of people so he wasn't caught.

"Heir Potter?" Percy called towards the youngest amongst the group of Slytherin Quidditch team that was returning from their time at the pitch.

Harry froze, before straightening up, "Yes?" his good mood fading faster than lightening.

It wasn't beyond Percy's notice that more than half the Slytherin Quidditch team had stepped closer to Harry as if protecting him from Percy. Now, he was very aware of what was going on, he knew what Marcus did, the moment he'd seen them together his heart just sank into the pit of his stomach. It's why he likely had more patience for Harry than any other Gryffindor, and helped him more too. From helping him with his tie and getting him used to getting up early and making sure he had his map and gave him directions to the tricky classrooms even offered help on his homework but he hadn't needed it.

"Headmaster Dumbledore had summoned you to the Headmaster's office." Percy explained, handing over the note which Marcus took, and opened, at Harry's line of sight so he could see and read it with him.

Harry felt anxiety begin to cripple him, glancing out longingly at the Quidditch pitch, just wanting to be out there again and experience such freedom. He was also aware of just how every Slytherin felt for the Headmaster, luckily, he wasn't faced with the full brunt of it, Marcus was standing behind him, grounding him as he always did.

"You do not have to see him on your own," Percy was swift to reassure him, "The rules state that you may take your Head of House with you, or failing that, a prefect or head boy." It wasn't against the rules per se to meet up with the headmaster on your own, not like it used to be, back in the day, but it still wasn't widely accepted to have students in your office even with dozens upon dozens of portraits of Headmasters adorned the walls.

"Weasley is right," Marcus confirmed, "If you do not wish to see him on your own, take someone with you." And he definitely wanted someone to go with him, the idea of him being alone with Dumbledore was anxiety inducing. Especially knowing what they heavily suspected Dumbledore had been doing. Playing with Harry's life like it meant nothing, forcing people to forget him when all they wanted to do was help and leaving Harry feeling more alone than ever. It made him feel sick to his stomach just thinking about it. A tiny six-year-old Harry telling someone about his life, hoping against hope that someone would finally help only for them to blank him entirely. The crushing hope he felt when it happened, time and time again.

Yeah, Professor Snape had it right when he said Harry didn't trust anyone, and with good bloody reason.

"I don't know my head of house very well, not like…," Harry trailed off and everyone knew who he was referring to, except perhaps Percy, but it wouldn't be a stretch for the intelligent wizard to understand. "I guess you can't come?" looking more anxious by the second, how could he not be? With everyone he was beginning to trust cautioning him against the old man who had caused him immeasurable damage and forced him to remain at the Dursley's despite knowing the abuse. The idea of going near him was terrifying.

"I will if you want me to," Marcus declared, fuck it, it was important Severus' cover wasn't blown, but he wasn't Severus. What was Dumbledore going to do to him for befriending Harry? They'd been seen around Hogwarts was it was anyway, and given how close a watch Dumbledore clearly kept on Harry, he was likely doing the same at Hogwarts. The secrecy was already wearing on Harry, he could see it, and it was causing bitterness, they needed to come up with an alternative. Harry knew the consequences, knowing them and experiencing them was a different thing altogether but what could they do? Sneak around the entire time he was at Hogwarts at the same time as Harry?

Harry worried his bottom lip, before straightening his spine, "No, I'll go. it's okay." He reassured them, it really wasn't but he might as well bite the bullet now. He was confused as to why the Headmaster wanted him anyways, he wasn't doing anything wrong, and he was completing his homework. He wasn't skipping classes or smoking like Dudley did. Not that his Aunt Petunia believed them, utterly in denial that her little son could do anything so distasteful as smoking. Never mind the stink on his clothes when he came home.

"Come to the common room immediately after you're done." Marcus stated firmly, it booked no argument, he wanted, no needed to know that Harry was safe. His fingers ran along the seam of Harry's collar, where the pendant sat, the one Marcus gave him that offered him protection from anything Dumbledore might attempt. It would stop the old fool from being able to read Harry's mind and Harry would remember anything if Dumbledore dared to attempt to Obliviate him. Clearly, Dumbledore had no qualms about taking such action.

"I will, I promise." Harry agreed, "Uh, how do you get to Dumbledore's office?" he didn't want to be late, but he'd need to go to the common room to get a map of the school, which he had no idea if Dumbledore's office was included in it. It could just be the classrooms the first years would use.

"I'll take you there," Percy stated, "I've been looking for Ron anyway, he's not in the usual places." He never stepped foot in the library except if forced. When he had to, he'd take the book and run as if the library was going to kill him. Honestly, he wasn't sure where they'd gone wrong with Ron. The twins were smarter than they let on, far better than their exam results indicated, it hurt to see them waste their potential, but he had time to drill it into them that their O.W.L's and N.E.W.T's were very important and perhaps bribe them to do well, he just didn't know what on earth he could offer them. Yet. He wasn't in the common room or the Great Hall either, he always checked in on him before writing their parents.

"Thank you, Percy," Harry said, smiling up at the wizard, in gratitude.

"Want to give me those…" Marcus moved to try and take the Slytherin items Harry had on, only for the wizard to duck under his arm and make a beeline for Percy. Sighing in exasperation, shrugging his shoulders, he'd tried, "On your own head be it." He warned the eleven-year-old. "Remember all those spells?" if he was attacked, he'd be able to defend himself, and that was the only reason he gave in so easily.

Harry's lips turned into a smirk, green eyes positively gleaming with a vindictive delight, "I do." He positively purred in delight. He was going to learn more tonight too, he couldn't wait, it was all mostly defence spells Marcus taught him, so he could protect himself from every and all enemies.

"Are you sure he wasn't meant to be in Slytherin?" Lucian asked, impressed by that look he levelled at them before he took off with Percy like it had never happened.

"He's definitely meant for Slytherin," Marcus declared, "Only a Slytherin could outwit a hat and force it to put him somewhere he wasn't meant to be."

"Has he said anything?" Terance queried, watching them leave around the corner and out of sight. It couldn't be denied, he was rather shewed, especially when he was alone with them, and out of sight. Like when he was in Slytherin common room.

"No, he doesn't need to though," Marcus commented, lugging his broomstick back up over his shoulder, he and the Slytherin Quidditch team made for the common room. He needed to keep himself busy until Harry returned, hopefully whatever this stupid meeting about wasn't going to take too long. An ugly sneer on his face, he hated Dumbledore, what the fuck could he want with a first year?

"This isn't right, Marcus, how often do first years get sent to Dumbledore's office?" Lucien asked, just as anxious as Marcus, nothing good ever came from being in Dumbledore's spotlight, that was without question.

"No, it's not," Marcus said, his tone dark and grim, he had to trust in the pendant doing what it was intended for. Harry was just eleven though, there was no way he could outmanoeuvre around Dumbledore. He had taught him a few spells that would see even dumbledore dead if applied correctly. He'd taught Harry where to aim and how to say them properly, if Dumbledore tried anything, Harry could defend himself. He couldn't tell anyone that though, it would remain a strict secret known only to a few. It was no good revealing he was teaching Harry everything and everyone knowing, now, would it?

"It will be about something stupid, just Dumbledore wanting to meet Harry and keep him sweet until he tries to use him." Terance pointed out, "Too many people know Harry was going to see Dumbledore for even Dumbledore to get away with anything nasty."

"He's not old enough to be any use to Dumbledore yet, probably just laying the ground work," Miles commented, the Bletchley heir spoke with an air of calmness that honestly seemed real, if not for the clenching and unclenching of his fists, even his eyes belayed a calmness that his hands denied. They'd all become rather fond of Harry, protective. He had become an honorary Slytherin.

"That's true," Terance mused thoughtfully, as he glanced at the door, he wished it could have given him the comfort Miles sought to give, but it didn't. None of them trusted Dumbledore with a bloody Gnat never mind a human being, what if his manipulations worked? The kid was only eleven, what if he begun to distance himself from them? It would hurt, they weren't as emotionless robots like everyone believed, and it was nice to see someone defend them and not just begin parroting everything everyone said around them.

"Might as well get some homework done while we wait…"

No books opened, as the team waited.

"Come in, Harry!" came the disembodied voice of Dumbledore, through the door, which to be fair, would have been impressive if he hadn't been called for. Harry frowned, sensing the looming excitement, satisfaction and curling sense of tentative worry beginning to curl into his emotions. Interesting.

Harry inhaled sharply, squashing down all his own emotions, and failing, before he opened the door, and immediately met with a sharp sense of horrified dismay, likely at his outfit. Grinning in amusement, he padded over to the chair, and sat himself down, and begun to investigate his surroundings, curious to see all of what was on offer. Who knows when he'd be back here again? He really hoped it wasn't going to become a thing. He made no effort to speak to Dumbledore, or pretend to be awed or afraid.

"How are you finding Hogwarts, my boy?" Albus asked, eyes twinkling merrily as he observed the young boy over his half-moon glasses. The sight of him in Slytherin apparel had nearly given him a heart attack. The Weasley boy appeared to be quite correct to be alarmed as such. Just how had he become such staunch friends with Slytherins? What were they up to? How was he best to handle this?

Harry blanched, "Your what?" scooting his chair back, eyes wide with fear, it took everything in him not to laugh at the alarm that suffused Dumbledore.

"Ah, I do apologise, Harry, I feel as if I've always known you," Albus said, attempting to soothe and placate the boy. "I knew your parents very well. In fact, I knew you when you were just a babe in your parents arms."

Under normal circumstances, that might have worked in getting him to trust Dumbledore, but unfortunately, Dumbledore couldn't conceal his emotions from an empath. "I'm sure a lot of people did." Was all Harry had to say on the matter, "You asked to see me, Headmaster Dumbledore? Is it about Hogwarts?" redirecting the conversation, he wasn't even going to pretend to forge a connection with the old man, not with those emotions.

They terrified him.

He wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. He needed his Marcus.

Albus stared at him genuinely taken aback, perhaps he'd been too absent, maybe he should have called Harry up after his sorting. Given him some photos of his parents perhaps? Given them something to bond over, so that Harry would trust him more. Was that the Slytherin's plans? No, they weren't intelligent enough for that, likely asked to spy on the boy for their parents if anything. Nothing too dangerous as of yet. "I see you've made friends with your fellow Slytherins!"

Harry gave him a look, "Yes," he answered, before glancing around the room again, not giving Dumbledore too many chances to actually attempt to read his mind if any were made. His nerves were on fire, he could feel how alarmed Dumbledore was, how trepidation suffused him, now angry and annoyed he was.

"Are you keeping up with the news on Sirius Black?" Albus asked, trying to lead up towards what he really wanted to know, but Harry was not giving up any openings.

"I'm sorry, Headmaster but this isn't about school, I don't feel very comfortable discussing anything except schooling subjects with you. Am I in trouble?" Harry asked firmly, oh, he was angering Dumbledore further at the disrespect and refusing to play along with him.

Albus straightened up, what had those Slytherin's been saying to the boy? Truly? His disrespect was…unconscionable. He'd only been here a few months; how could he even begin to undo the damage? He needed the boy to trust him impeccably. One day it would be the entire wizarding world on the line…this needed nipped in the bud immediately. "Forgive me, Harry, the reason I called you up here is because your best friend is worried about you." His voice soft and soothing, using magic to enforce trust.

"Neville's worried about me?" Harry asked befuddled, staring at Dumbledore in genuine confusion, why would Neville go to Dumbledore and not just talk to him? It made no sense whatsoever. Especially considering Neville actually knew he was friends with the Slytherins just not which ones, not that it would have mattered.

"What? No, I mean Mr. Weasley," Dumbledore was bewildered, why would Harry consider Neville his best friend? He'd encouraged – albeit mentally – Ronald to befriend Harry. He needed good light people who were loyal to him and to the cause. Ones that wouldn't question a child's thinness, ones that have too many children to notice much of anything and even if they did, he could turn them around to his side even if they noticed with a few smooth lies. "Is he not your friend?" what on earth was going on? He was becoming more and more alarmed by the second, cursing himself, he should have been paying more attention to the boy, and less on this the trap he was setting.

So utterly foolish, especially considering the boy hadn't even gone searching for the mirror yet, but no matter, he'd give him the cloak and that would guarantee his compliance in that regard. He would give him the push he needed to become the hero of his own story.

"Not anymore," Harry replied, furious at the boy, this was why he was here? Because Ronald came here and complained over his friendship with the Slytherins? "This isn't about Hogwarts…Sir, this is very improper, I'd like to leave." Standing up, the utter anger that was bleeding into Harry from Dumbledore was scary.

Dumbledore opened his mouth to speak, but to his utter astonishment, Harry said "Thank you, Sir, goodbye." And hightailed it out of the room like the Grim had been sighted within the confines of the room. He had never been treated so abysmally by any student here at Hogwarts, even Tom had been a perfectly respectful student on the surface.

The boy wasn't just scared of him, he'd been downright terrified. Too terrified to even look at him, thus he hadn't even been able to read his surface thoughts to gage him.

Albus shook his head, in shock himself, he could feel every single one of his plans just flushing themselves down the toilet. The spell hadn't even marginally moved him, he hadn't trusted him or even felt comfortable in his presence. Restlessly tapping his hand on his desk, heart thudding rapidly, what was he supposed to do? The abuse shouldn't have been that severe that he wouldn't trust anyone! He was supposed to love Hogwarts, trust them, but not enough to come to him about the abuse, he couldn't have a hand in that whatsoever so he could say that he was never asked about it.

He stared at the letter he'd received, stomach twisting, the Wizengamot had set a trial for Black, it was far sooner than he had desired. March the 12th, there was no way they'd put him back in prison, not once they find out that Black hadn't been the secret keeper. That's why he'd gotten such a sentence, killing a few muggles and a wizard, he'd have likely got ten years for it, if that, so it would likely be considered sentence done.

Which meant if he didn't control the narrative, he could completely lose Harry. That is if it hadn't already happened, deeply troubled, he gazed at the door, wondering what on earth had happened. Nothing he'd prepared for had even come remotely close to what actually happened.

He'd been prepared for a nervous, worried flighty thing, with perhaps a sense of awe at both his reputation, and his office and Phoenix.

What he'd got was a Slytherin dressed defiant wizard that definitely didn't trust him or wish to even be in the same room as him.

He needed to take precautions, he needed to get Harry onside before March, he needed the boy to trust him just in case Black tried anything.

There was no telling what he'd do or say once released from Azkaban, especially if he was aware of the will. Which he shouldn't, the Wizengamot hadn't put forth any document about a will, which meant he could still control the narrative a little. Without a will, there was no way they would give Harry to Black, not over his blood family, he'd need to make it sound like Harry had no desire to leave the only home he'd ever known. He might have luck speaking to Sirius too.

Cursing vehemently under his breathe, irate over how things have gone belly up lately.

Damn Black, Damn Skeeter, damn everyone at the Ministry! Why did they decide to do their jobs all of a sudden?

The Minister himself wasn't helping, he'd refused to see reason! Even when he cautioned him about the amount of money they'd need to pay in recompense. He'd thought for sure that would work, but no, it hadn't.

A/N – I can almost see a cute eleven-year-old Harry in green baggy clothes with big green eyes if only I could draw! I'd definitely be doing it! Yep, I'm posting on my birthday, I didn't get as much done yesterday as I would have liked but I wanted to get this out for you today! SOOO, will Sirius accept custody or will he let his grandfather deal with it all? Happy to just come and go from Harry's life? was he always destined to be a shitty godfather? Or were circumstances always against him? Will they think he killed Pettigrew or will the truth actually come out? Will Harry actually be the one to find Peter? *winks* do animals and humans emotions differ? And yep, Harry definitely left Dumbledore in a tizzy *sniggers* or for once will we see Dumbledore's plans go his way and him thinking all is well? Where do you want to see Harry go the summer holidays? With Marcus? Sirius? Arcturus? Or will he be forced back to the Dursley's against his will and have Severus have to reveal himself to all to remove Harry? So many ways, so little time LOL R&R please!