Hey guys, no this is not a new chapter. Sorry to those who were expecting a new chapter for this story. I know, I said I was going to rewrite the chapters and I will. Just not now, or anytime soon. I'm taking a break from this fic for a few weeks. My writing muse is focused on another fic. So, it's hard for me to write anything for this fic right now. My good friend Krypton Writes has helped me plot the new story. I'm almost done with the prologue, it's at 1400 words so far. I won't spoil a lot but the title is going to be night related. Nyx and the other primordials will play a very important role. It's a daughter of Nyx fic, along with other children of primordials. I think this is going to be my best writing yet. It's certainly improved a lot since I started writing chapter 23 for this fic before the rewrite. Another thing, I will still use the chapter 23 draft but it will be a little different. I have to edit chapter 22 and the others as well.
The new fic will hopefully be up in 2-3 weeks. I already got the summary and plot done. I'm just finishing up the prologue finding a good cover image and then it'll be published.
As for my other stories, I'll try to update them soon. I've lost interest in the HP fandom so I don't know when I'll update my harry potter fic. It won't be anytime soon.
Edit(2/28/23) I noticed there were no views for yesterday and today. Are you guys able to see my story or is it another glitch with ? Please review to let me know, if you can see it and what you think about the new story.