Seven children for the Great Smith…

Seven fathers for the Seven Clans…

Seven kings for the Seven Kingdoms…

Even as the Great Smith, Aulë, offered his creations, the Khazad, to Eru Illúvatar, Eru accepted them as his adopted children. However, he could not let them come before the Eldar. So Eru would place the Seven Fathers into a deep sleep, until after the coming of the Elves. But instead of Middle-Earth, he would have them awaken in a land far, far away. A land of his design, yet not what he intended to make.

A land that would come to be called Westeros…

Hi everyone!

Sorry for taking so long to get back into the creative writing game. I had to deal with finishing college, finding a job, and rethinking my priorities.

OK, here's the gig. This is a concept that has been on my mind for months now, and I need to put it down on file/paper before I lose my train of thought. However, I kow my limits, and I currently don't have the creative capacity for a story this ambitious. So I am debating whether I want to make this into a co-op with another writer, or make this into a challenge for anyone who is a die-hard fan of both J.R.R Tolkien and George R. Martin.

(This doesn't mean I've given up on my previous story, but I'm currently lacking motivation for it. So it may take a while before I may post an update.)

My idea goes like this:


The synopsis of the story begins with the seven dwarf fathers waking up on the Isle of Faces in Westeros (pre First Men arrival, at least)

The fathers split up to form their own halls/kingdoms

The North has to stay a Khazad kingdom

The seven clans later encounter the first men, and make them swear fealty to them (because come on, seven dwarven armies with at least iron-forged swords and axes would easily beat a horde of ancient men armed with bronze-age weapons at most)

The Khazad/Westerosi will fiercly oppose the Valyrians and their dragons


The Seven Kingdoms and it's Khazad houses go as such (may change in the future):

The North: Durin's Folk (the Longbeards)

The Riverlands/Iron Islands: the Ironfists

The Vale: the Stonefoots

The Westerlands: the Firebeards

The Reach: the Broadbeams

The Stormlands: the Stiffbeards

Dorne: the Blacklocks

The House of Durin could serve as the supreme rulers of the Khazad, and by extension all of Westeros

The Seven Fathers could either ally with, subjugate or annilate the Giants and/or Children of the Forest (maybe combine religions)

The Fathers and/or their descendants could breed with the Children, the First Men and/or the Giants

When the Andal Invasion begins, the Khazad/Westerosi could defeat them, and later subjugate them (maybe adopt some of the Andal customs, except for the Faith of the Seven, because we all know how stupid it really is)

If the Andals actually manage to defeat the Khazad, all but the Northern kingdom is conquered

The Rhoynar exiles are subjects to the Blacklocks

A war of domination is fought between Westeros and Valyria, until the Doom happens

House Targaryean can either

1) Choose to bend the knee and serve the Khazad

2) Create an empire spanning all of Essos, while allying with Westeros

This concept is inspired by "Land of the King" by Fanfiction's Tertius711, and the dwarf fan art by DeviantArt's Artigas.

Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below (Keep the hate comments to yourselves). And if any of you are interested, please leave me a message.

Thank you!