Hi everyone, this is only a very short one-shot and I need to get back to my other stories, but I just wanted to write a little Alan/Stuart tribute because I don't trust the show one bit to do it justice. So, everything up until now is canon on the show and I will only include characters that we know are alive (except we'll pretend Ned/Skye dating never happened). But other characters might be mentioned. Set to Monica's point of view, the date is August 16, 2021.

I Will Remember You- Tribute to Alan Quartermaine

"Thirty years…" Monica exclaimed with tears in her eyes as she held Alan's framed photo. "I can't believe we remarried thirty years ago. Oh, Alan… so much has changed."

"You expect me to go along with this!?" Tracy's aggravated voice sounded from the hallway.

"Granny, will you keep your voice down?" Brooklyn replied. "Someone will hear you. Besides, this day is supposed to be about Monica."

"Correction, this day is supposed to be about my late brother." Tracy rolled her eyes as they walked into the living room. "And there's Monica making it all about her."

"Oh, shut up, Tracy," Monica said as she wiped some tears from her eyes. "This is our anniversary and I'm remembering my husband."

"Dillon and I did not fly home just to see you drowning in tears," Tracy said. "We came for the dedication."

"Mother, that's enough," Ned's voice entered the room before he and Dillon did.

"Ned's right," Dillon said. "This day is hard enough on Monica without you hounding her."

Monica cleared her throat and turned to Ned. "Are the kids here yet?"

"Danny and Scout just woke up. Michael is getting Wiley ready, and Skye called," Ned explained. "She and Lila Rae are on their way from the airport. I haven't heard from Elizabeth so I'm assuming Jake will be here soon."

Monica smiled. "It'll be so nice to have all of the grandkids here. Alan would want that. If only he, AJ, Drew, and Oscar could be here"

"Oh, cry me a river," Tracy cut in. "Drew and Oscar weren't raised in this family, and neither was Skye. Skye isn't even a true Quartermaine."

"Alan loved her like his daughter so I'm treating her as his daughter and my stepdaughter," Monica said. "I only wish I did that sooner. That's who Alan was."

"Honestly…" Tracy shook her head. "Half the people currently living in this house shouldn't be here. Olivia doesn't even want to be married to my son anymore but she's still bilking this family. Danny's father disowned this family and doesn't care two cents about his own sons. And Scout's father didn't even know Alan."

"While I wish their parents put more effort into parenting, I am grateful every single day that Danny and Scout stay here."

"They practically live here." Tracy rolled her eyes. "And even baby Bailey—"

"Uh, Granny…" Brooklyn cleared her throat and grabbed Tracy's arm. "Speaking of Bailey, we should go check on her. She needs some Great-Granny time."

Brooklyn dragged Tracy out of the room.


"Oh, Skye, I'm so happy that you came." Monica hugged her tightly. "Alan would've been so pleased."

"We wouldn't have been anywhere else," Skye said. "Lila Rae, you remember your Grandma Monica, don't you?"

Lila Rae nodded. "Of course."

"Your cousins are in the living room," Monica said.

Lila Rae headed into the living room.

"Jason said he might come," Monica said.

Skye sighed heavily. "I wouldn't count on it. Just don't get your hopes up. Only way he'd come is if Sonny and Carly are sleeping all day."

"I feel like this time is different. I can feel it in my heart that he'll be there."

"Monica," Skye said softly. "Why don't you go spend time with your grandchildren? I'll go catch up with Ned and Dillon."

When Monica walked into the living room, Michael was sitting on the floor with Scout on his lap, and Wiley sat between Jake and Danny on the couch while Lila Rae sat on a chair. All of them were in suits, Lila Rae in a pretty dress, and Wiley had a bowtie.

"So, you really remember him?" Jake asked Michael.

Michael nodded. "Not as much as I should, but I do remember him."

"Tell us about him, Michael," Scout said.

"I remember that he really really wanted to spend time with me but couldn't," Michael said.

Monica pushed away some of her tears with her fingers.

"He loved me very much," Michael continued. "And some of my very early memories were here and he always made me laugh. I remember one birthday he and my father AJ helped me blow out the candles."

Monica smiled and walked closer. "I remember that. You were so excited to open your presents. But Alan was even more excited."

Michael locked eyes with Monica. "I remember feeling so happy here."

"So, what was Grandpa like?" Danny asked.

Monica lifted Wiley onto her lap and sat between Jake and Danny. "Your grandfather was the most amazing man I'd ever met. We didn't always see eye to eye, but boy did we love each other. And he never turned anyone away. He loved your Aunt Emily almost right away. And adopting her was one of the best things we ever did. She went through a very hard time when her mother died, but Alan could always get her to laugh." She looked over at Lila Rae. "And he didn't hesitate a second when your mother arrived. He took her in and was determined to be the best father he could to her."

"What about our dad?" Danny asked.

"We made some mistakes with Jason and AJ, more so me than Alan… but we never stopped loving them. AJ and Jason were Alan's world." She smiled over at Scout. "And he would've loved your daddy too if he had the chance to know him."

Scout smiled.

"And he was a wonderful doctor," Monica added. "He just loved being chief of staff. It's about time we dedicate part of the hospital to him."


Monica, Tracy, Ned, Olivia, Dillon, Brooklyn, Bailey, Skye, Lila Rae, Michael, Willow, Wiley, Jake, Danny, and Scout all gathered around next to the elevators at the hospital. A very large black veil covered a structure in the corner.

Soon, Finn, Elizabeth, Audrey, Bobbie, Lucas, Mac, Felicia, Robert, Anna, Kevin, Laura, Scott, Lucy, Felix, Amy, and other hospital staff arrived.

Ned stood next to the structure and cleared his throat. "Thank you everyone for coming. This is a very important day for our family."

Monica's eyes wandered the hallway and she kept staring at the elevator doors, but she frowned.

"A lot of familiar faces who knew Alan and some new faces who are continuing his legacy," Ned continued. "I know he's smiling down right now."

Elizabeth walked over to Jake and wrapped her arm around him. Monica smiled at her grandchildren but turned her attention back to the elevators.

"Not only would it have been the 30th anniversary of my aunt and uncle's marriage, but we also take great pride in dedicating this wing of the hospital to Alan. Now, I'd like to ask Monica to come up and do the unveiling."


Everyone turned as the elevator doors opened and Jason stepped out.

"Dad!" Jake and Danny hurried over and hugged him.

Monica beamed, then she walked over to Ned. "It in my great honour to unveil this statue in memory of Dr. Alan James Quartermaine." She removed the veil to reveal a statue of Alan. "To Alan!"

Everyone began to clap and cheer. "To Alan!"