Sneak peek. Also for re readers, I edited out the mistakes and polished it up.
The tall angelic being grabbed him by the backside of his neck, forcing him to face it directly as it bended ever so slightly. It's face breathing next him, and it was then that Ryan figured out, from staring right into it's face, that the pissed off angelic being was actually a she.
That and the noticeable bumps on her chest. How he didn't figure that out before was probably due to the fact that he was trying to run away from everyone.
"I want you to heed my every word human, very carefully. Alright?" The angel spoke at last, revealing her feminine tone and confirming that what he was looking at was indeed a female.
"AlRIGHT?" She repeated far more harshly.
"alright" He whimpered, scared.
"Good. Now because of you, my wings are broken, and won't be healed for a couple of days, maybe even WEEKS!" She shouted at the end, causing Ryan to flinch. To make a point the angel lifted her wing just a little, with an almost silent, but audible sound of discomfort coming from the angel. Ryan was forced to look at it as the angel forcibly twisted his head to look upon the still heavenly, but wrinkled wing, causing him to grimace.
He wanted to point out how he wasn't responsible for the truck crashing, nor could he be blamed for his fear of running away from this angelic women who happened to have a massive spear. It was like seeing a guy with a knife in a dark hallway. Of course you would run away.
But the way she held onto his neck made him stop that train of thought. He knew that she could snap-no, crush his neck in a second and her fight with the goat legged creatures made that obvious. So instead of trying to remove the blame, he accepted it, hoping to not worsen his situation even more.
Luckily, there was a way that he could salvage the situation:
"However I am willing to forgive all your transgressions and mistakes, in return for your cooperation." The angel stated in a now much more monotone tone. "I need place to reside at, a...shelter if you will, and some food as well in order to speed up my recovery. Once done so, I will return back to my home, and I will tell my superiors that thanks to you, I was able to return to heaven much quicker."
"T-that seems -ine to m-me..." he muttered, shaking way more now due to the adrenaline wearing off.
That was the only response that she gave before she, without warning, grabbed the human's hair roughly, pulling him towards her even more while her other hand kept holding onto his neck.
"But if you even try to conceive a deceptive act upon me, I will personally tell my family, and they will find you!" She warned, hoping that a threat like that would put the human on her side, or at least work for her.
Then, she let him go, causing Ryan to fall to the ground as he held onto his scalp, trying to ooze the pain.
The angels threat wasn't actually valid however. If she tried to actually do what she stated, her accusation would almost immediately be investigated and dropped by the end of the day. But the human didn't need to know that.