The new Dragon of Domination

(" " speech/portal talk)

I don't own Highschool DXD it belongs to Ichiei Ishibumi

(Hyoudou Residence, Issei's room)

For that past few minutes since teleporting back to Issei's room, neither Issei or Rias had said anything to each other. So much had happened in such a short amount of time, that they were both still trying to process it. Issei had stormed Riser's and Rias's wedding, then Issei fighting and beating Riser at the cost of his left arm. Then as they were leaving on the back of a griffin, Rias gave Issei her first kiss. Both couldn't believe what the other had did, it was a dream come true for both of them.

As they sat next to each other on Issei's bed, Rias finally decided to break the silence between them.

"Are you… worried about your arm?" asked Rias with a soft voice as she tentatively trailed her fingers along the strange looking appendage that was now Issei's left arm, noting that it felt much warmer than the rest of him

"No, not really." lied Issei as he didn't want Rias to worry, though failed to stop himself from wincing when Rias touched his arm "It was a small price to pay to win for you Buchou, if needed I'll give up my whole body to save you." Said Issei as he quickly forced his usual carefree smile when he saw the anxious and guilty look in Rias eyes

Issei wasn't just concerned about his left arm, he was concerned that it was starting to affect the rest of him. The burning sensation and weird feelings had started while they were still on the back of the griffin, the moment they kissed. It felt like the moment he'd given his arm too Ddraig, that extreme rush of dragonic power into his body.

But then things had quickly taken a turn for the worst, and Issei didn't know how to describe the feeling. It felt as if a barrier had suddenly broke, sending a constant flow dragonic energy seeping into every inch of his body. And this time, his exhausted devil body couldn't handle it and tried to reject it. When the dragonic energy refused to stop pouring in, his demonic energy fought back.

As they both started fighting for dominance over Issei body, it was a truly weird sensation that was hard to describe. On one hand, the pain he was feeling was unbearable. It was as if his body was being destroyed, Riser's fire and Raynare's light spears paled in comparison. On the other hand, he'd never felt so horny.

It was as if his whole body was burning with a raw natural desire, that was screaming at him to fuck Rias. To claim her, mark her as his, to dominate her. That last part shocked Issei, sure he'd dreamed plenty of time getting it on with Rias, but he always envisioned him pleasing her.

"Rias belongs to me." Said an internal voice from within deep within Issei

Issei froze when he heard that voice, from within him. Because it was his own voice, though there were a few things different about it. First and foremost, it was deeper and commanded respect, much like how Ddraig's voice was. Second, it was dripping with desire, desire to claim Rias.

Was this new burning desire, manipulating his mind? Or were these some of his deep-seated desires, that were now starting to come to the surface because of all the times Riser said about owning Rias? Issei didn't know for sure, but it was pretty good guess. Because before he'd met Riser, these thoughts hadn't appeared before.

And what wasn't helping, was that an alluring aroma coming off Rias. He was drawn to it; he could almost see a hand making a come-hither motion at him. He'd first noticed it, when they were on the back of the griffin, just as they kissed. He couldn't describe how great it smelt, he wanted to claim it.

But even with the current state of his body, Issei ignored it. When he'd made the deal with Ddraig, his own safety was last on his list of concerns. His primary concern had been beating Riser and getting Rias back. No matter the cost, he wouldn't let Riser claim his woman. Not even noticing that he called Rias his woman, this time.

As Issei turned to look out the window, Rias pouted. She knew Issei was lying. As his king, she immediately knew when one of her servants was in pain, lying etc. But she didn't need that, as she could tell just by how he reacted when she touched his left arm. He'd tried his hardest to stop himself, but Rias had seen him grimace. Something was wrong with Issei's arm, and she fully intended to find out and fix it.

She'd fallen completely in love with Issei, extreme perversion included. Because underneath all of his perversion, was a guy that always looked out for his friends. He cared so deeply for everyone close to him, and it showed by him trying to help them out anyway he could. To the point that he didn't seem to care what happened to him and if something went wrong, he'd blame himself.

"I promise you Issei, I'll find a way to return your arm to normal." Promised Rias as she felt terrible, if she'd just trained harder, Issei wouldn't have to sacrifice his arm for her "Tomorrow, I'll call Akeno and we'll look into everything we can find about Dragons, I'll even use any connections I have if need be." Said Rias as she was going to try her hardest to find a way to turn Issei's arm back to normal

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this can't wait until tomorrow." Said Ddraig in a very serious tone as he appeared as a green sphere on Issei's left hand

"Why? What's wrong?" asked Rias nervously as she felt her whole body go cold, from what she could tell from Ddraig's tone, things were worse than she thought "Please tell me how I can fix this, I'll do whatever is needed!" yelled Rias in a half begging and half demanding tone as she forgot who Ddraig was for a second and grasped the gauntlet, as all she cared about was Issei at the moment

"Calm yourself Rias Gremory, panicking won't help." Said Ddraig in a calm but firm tone, as he couldn't help but admire the determination that he could see in Rias's eyes

Rias knew Ddraig was right, so she quickly took a few deep breaths. It didn't help much, but it helped enough for Rias to calm down slightly.

"Do you know what is wrong with Issei arm, Red Dragon Emperor?" asked Rias respectfully as she looked at the legendary gauntlet, that contained an even more legendary dragon

"I'm not completely certain, but I have a pretty good idea as to why Issei's arm and his body are in their current state." Explained Ddraig as he knew that probably wouldn't be much of a comfort for Rias and Issei

"And that idea is?" asked Rias growing even more concerned, because if Ddraig didn't know for sure what was wrong with his host, thing could be really bad

"I believe it has something to do with Issei being a devil, I've never had a host that's become a devil. I've done the same process with almost all of my previous host at one point or another, even multiple times in plenty of cases. None of them reacted the way Issei has, he's the only one to become a devil." Explained Ddraig as all of his previous host had been humans, Issei was the only one that was a devil

"Why would me being a devil make a difference?" asked Issei confused as he couldn't understand, why him being a devil would matter

"When I agreed to transform your arm into a dragon's partner, I used my own dragonic energy to do so. Once your arm had transformed, it started to naturally produce my energy as your own. At first this was fine, as your body excepted it and aloud it too slowly started seeped into the rest of your body at a rate it could handle. Normally, I would've suggested waiting a few days and letting his body fully adjust. But with him going to fight Riser, I gave him a 10 second timer. Once that ten second was up, I temporarily sealed all power coming out for his arm. But since those 10 seconds wasn't enough to beat Riser, I planned to give Issei a small burst of power, that was just enough to beat Riser. But when I started giving him that small burst power, is when everything went wrong." Explained Ddraig as he gave a quick summery on how he transformed Issei's arm, and how he helped Issei fight Riser

"Okay, the plan sounded good." Said Rias as she was extremely thankfully that Ddraig had agreed to help Issei, she'd have to repay him someway once Issei was back to normal "But what went wrong? Asked Rias nervously because if Ddraig couldn't have handled it himself, it was probably more serious than she thought

"It happened while I was giving Issei that last boost of power, it seems I underestimated Issei's will. It demanded that I give more, when I refuse to do so. It took more by force. I don't know how, but somehow, he completely broke the barrier I'd place on his arm. I tried to reseal it as quick as I could, but the damage had already been done. Now instead of his arm producing a nice steady flow of dragon energy, it's constantly producing 10 times the amount his body can handle. The only reason he hasn't died yet, partially is because of me. But ironically, it's mostly his will that's stopping him dying. He's only roughly 30 minutes away from permanent death." Explained Ddraig in the simplest way possible, as he knew Issei and Rias wouldn't take the news well

For a few moments, Issei and Rias sat in complete silence. As the realisation of the current situation kicked in, and it utterly terrified them. They both knew the situation was bad, Issei more so than Rias, but for Ddraig to tell them Issei was minutes away from death.

"Is it really that bad?" asked Issei as he couldn't believe what he was hearing, was he really that close to death?

But then a massive jolt of excruciating pain tore through his body once again, made him acknowledge that it was that bad. He was just grateful that Ddraig hadn't mentioned, the other thing currently happening to him. Otherwise, things would get real embarrassing real fast.

"P-p-permanently kill him?" stuttered Rias as her fear and concern skyrocketed, praying that she'd miss heard what Ddraig said

"I'm afraid so, his will is the only thing keeping him alive at the moment." Answered Ddraig solemnly, if they didn't do something within the next few minutes Issei would be dead "Though I believe, I know a way to prevent Issei from dying. To do so, would require your help Rias. And it will also help deal with the other current situation, that's tied to the excess energy." Explained Ddraig with a slightly amused voice, when he felt Issei start to panic

"I'll do whatever it takes to save Issei, just tell me what to do." Declared Rias without a second thought, she'd do anything to save the man that had saved her from Riser "Though what's this other condition? Is something else wrong with Issei?" asked Rias slightly concerned as to what else could be wrong with Issei, not noticing the increasing panic look on Issei's face since she was looking at the gauntlet

"I like your enthusiasm, Rias Gremory. Though, I'd probably want to hear what you have to do first, before you make a declaration like that." Laughed Ddraig as Rias's determination and love for Issei continued to impress him, thought with Rias still touching the gauntlet he could sense she wouldn't change her mind

"It seems I also underestimated his perversion, as it somehow managed to become intertwined with his new dragon energy. The stronger his lust becomes, the more power the arm produces. It's only thanks to his strong will yet again, that he hasn't already pinned you to the bed and ravished you until he's completely satisfied. So, to get his flow of dragon energy under control, you'll need to completely satisfy his lust now. Then after, you'll need to satisfy it regularly each day." explained Ddraig as he smirked within the boosted gear, as he could feel the growing embarrassment of Issei growing as he explained the rest to Rias

Looking up from the gauntlet, Rias and Issei looked at each other for a few seconds blinking dumbly. Thanks to how blatantly Ddraig had said what needed to be done right now and what would be needed to be done consistently after, it had stunned them for a few seconds. At the moment of realisation, they both blushed a deep crimson unable to look away from each other. Both noted that the other looked extremely cute, when they were blushing.

"If that is what needs to be done, then I will happily do it as many times as need." Answered Rias happily without skipping a heartbeat, as she'd already made the decision when she'd kissed Issei

She wanted to be with him, she wanted to make him happy. She wanted to wake up every day with Issei next to her, not as her servant, not as a friend. But as his girlfriend, his wife, even if that meant she'd have to take the submissive role during sex. Issei had done so much for her, it's time she repaid him.

"B-buchou? Did you?" asked Issei tentatively as everything going at the moment became insignificant, as he solely focused on what Rias had just said

Had he just heard what Rias had said correctly? Did his Buchou, his master, the same woman that seemed so far out of his reach, just say she'd happily have sex with him? He was about to ask Ddraig if the was another way, as his he didn't want to basically force Rias to have sex with him.

"Yes, I did." Answered Rias as she blushed even more, when she realised what she said

"Y-you don't have too Buchou, I'm sure Ddraig knows another way to fix my arm." Said Issei dismissively as he gently pulled his arm out of Rias's grasp as he looked away from her, as the effects of what Raynare did to him started to become visible to Rias

Rias was shocked for a second, Issei always talked about becoming a harem king. Why would he be scared to take the first steps into his harem, it was then that Rias remembered why he was probably was scared. Raynare, she'd almost completely forgotten about that bitch. What she'd done to Issei alone was truly evil, and it looks like it had left its mark on him. She had to do something about it right now, otherwise it could become much worse.

"Issei, please look at me." Asked Rias kindly as she gently grabbed Issei's left arm again, though Issei didn't turn to look at her "Issei, please look at me." Asked Rias again in a kind but firmer tone, as she failed to hide the worry in her voice

Slowly but surely, Issei slowly turned back to face Rias when he heard the worry in her voice. Allowing Rias to see the fear and concern on his face, she hated seeing him like that. He deserved to be happy, and this was her chance to grant that happiness.

"Issei, you've done so much for me, now I'm going to repay you for everything." Said Rias softly as she intertwined her right hand with Issei's left

Looking into his honest, brown eyes, full of unspoken love, Rias failed to hide a tremor in her voice. This was much harder than she thought it would be, but it wasn't going to stop her. Nothing was. Taking a deep breath to try and calm her nerves, Rias steeled herself for her confession.

"No man has every affected me the way you have, you've done something they'd never have. You see me just as Rias Gremory, not Rias Gremory the next heir of the Gremory clan, or the little sister of the current Lucifer." Explained Rias with genuine happiness as she watched Issei's fear a little fade

"B-buchou are you saying?" stuttered Issei as his heart pounded in his chest, his body started tensing up as fear gripped his body

"Yes. I love you Issei." Confessed Rias happily as she couldn't hold back anymore

Immediately, Issei started to hyperventilate as his fear turned into an overwhelming sense of dread. His heart started beating extremely fast, his hands shook violently, he felt deathly cold. He then felt as if he was being choked out by someone, as his vision started to blur.

"Who could care about a nobody like you?" asked the disembodied voice of Raynare in her sick tone, as she wrapped her non-existent hands around Issei's neck and started squeezing "She can have anything she wants, why would she want you of all people, to be her boyfriend?" whispered Raynare into Issei's ears, as this caused him to spiral further and further into his panic attack

Just as Issei felt he was about to fall into a dark abyss and never emerge, he managed to catch a glimpse of Rias's crimson hair through his blurry vison. That gave him a small ray of hope, as he remembered the time Rias saved him from certain death. Red meant the extreme of many things, anger, danger, violence and many more.

But to Issei it meant only one thing at that exact moment, love. It wasn't type of love he felt from her, it felt completely different. It felt genuine. Even when Raynare argued against the possibility of Rias loving him again, saying she was just toying with. So, he closed his eyes and took a chance. Leaning forwards, he prayed that he wasn't wrong.

When Rias saw Issei immediately start hyperventilating, she panicked. An idea quickly popped into her mind, on how she could help Issei. She didn't know if this would work, but it was the first thing to come to her mind and there probably wasn't much time left. So, she closed her eyes and took a chance. Leaning forwards, she prayed that he wasn't wrong.

They met halfway, as their lips smashed together awkwardly. Their eyes flew open with shock, not expecting the other had done the same thing. For what felt like an eternity but was only a few seconds, they stared into each other's eyes. As they overcome their initial shock, as they reclosed their eyes and continued.

Snaking their free hand behind each other's head, Rias and Issei both gently pulled each other closer to deepen the kiss. As they deepened the kiss, Rias and Issei found themselves unable to resist the euphoric sensations of pleasure and happiness that flooded filled them. Nothing else mattered to them at that moment, as they showed each other how much they loved the other with a simple kiss.

When they parted a few minutes later, both were short on breath; as they'd focused more on kissing than their need to breath. Reopening their eyes, both could see they were blushing darker than Rias's hair. They could see the love and the desire dancing in each other's eyes like a fire, Issei more so than Rias.

While they were kissing, Rias also noticed an alluring aroma coming off Issei. Rias couldn't really put into words at how fantastic it smelt, but one thing she knew from it. It felt dominating as it wrapped around her, it made her feel safe and happy.

Still riding his high, Issei felt as if a monumental weight had been lifted off his soul. He didn't hear Raynare's ghostly voice whispering in his ears, nor did he feel her cold hands wrapped around his soul and heart. He felt ecstatic, but then nerves quickly set in. As Rias had just admitted she loved him, he hadn't. Sure, they'd just kissed and that was a pretty fucking good way of telling someone you loved them. But that still didn't make it any easier to say it, so he took a deep breath and decided to just go for it.

"I… I love you too, Rias." blurted out Issei as even without the curse Raynare had placed on him, it was still hard

It only took Rias a few seconds to start crying, making Issei immediately panic think he'd done something wrong. But in reality, Rias's tears were one of pure happiness. She'd waited so long to hear that from someone that genuinely loved her, and to hear it from the man she loved with all of her heart made it even more special.

"D…did I say something wrong?" asked Issei quickly panic thick in his voice "I bet I… mmh!" started speaking Issei as he was about to berate himself, only to be silenced by Rias kissing him quickly again

"You didn't say anything wrong, Issei." Answered Rias as they parted from the quick kiss, as they both moaning in displeasure slightly "I'm crying because, you've made me the happiest I've ever been. I knew from the moment you refused to take advantage of me, I'd fallen in love with the right person." Explained Rias happily as she remembered that night, as if it was yesterday

Issei knew what night Rias was referring too, the night she'd suddenly appeared in his room, stripped then begged for him to take her virginity. Of course, Grayfia had interrupted them, but even if she hadn't. He wouldn't of take advantage of Rias in that moment, he knew that had absolutely nothing to do with Raynare.

For a few moments, Rias and Issei were in their own little world. As they stared deeply into each other's eyes, their love and desire for each other growing monumentally as each passing second. It wasn't until Ddraig spoke, that they snapped back to the terrifying reality that was happening at the moment.

"I hate to interrupt your moment, but you still have Issei's life-threatening situation to deal with." Announced Ddraig as he really hated to interrupt the confession of two hatchlings, but with Issei's momentarily loss of will had caused his condition to worsen rapidly

"So, all we have to do is completely satisfy Issei lust now, then keep it uncontrol after?" asked Rias for clarification, so she fully understood what she had to do "But how will that work in the long run?" asked Rias confused as that didn't seem an effective way to combat the problem in the long run, she didn't mind doing it that way but wanted a bit more information if Ddraig had any

"Yes, that's all you have to do." Answered Ddraig as he knew Rias was just asking for clarification "As to why it'll help in the long run, it'll keep his dragon energy under control. While I use some of the excess energy to slowly transform the rest of his body into a dragon's, since his devil body is completely rejecting his dragon arm and energy." Explained Ddraig as he wondered what Rias's and Issei's reaction we'll be, he left out for now that Issei would eventually take his place as the Dragon of Domination

Once again, Rias and Issei found themselves stunned by what Ddraig had to told them. They knew they were going to have to do something big to keep Issei alive, but they didn't expect he'd have to turn Issei fully into a dragon. Rias knew more so than Issei, that this would have a lot of big changes in not only Issei's life, but also everyone close to him.

"Is there no other way?" asked Rias hopefully as she was worried about the effect that becoming a dragon could be too much for Issei

"There isn't, as since his dragon energy has now become intertwined with his very soul. If I was to try and separate them, it would instantly kill Issei." Answered Ddraig solemnly as he refused to do that, he was starting to like Issei even though he was a massive pervert "Now that you both understand the severity of Issei's current situation, and what needs to be done. I'll give you two some privacy, I'll seal off Issei's room. So, you won't be disturbed by either Asia or Issei's parents, it'll disappear after you've fallen asleep." Said Ddraig with urgency, as with the combination of him explaining and dealing with Raynare's curse, meant they didn't have much time left

Before Rias or Issei could ask Ddraig anything more, the boosted gear disappeared leaving them alone in Issei's room. True to his word, as he was returning to Issei's mindscape he'd sealed off Issei's room with a barrier.

It was then their nerves quickly set back in, as they realised that meant nothing could disturb them while they had sex. They both wanted to do it, but the situation and normal nervousness quickly set in.

"This is not how I imagined this would happen, I wanted to make this special for you." Admitted Issei nervously as he looked into Rias's lovely blue-green eyes, that were so full of love and desire for him

"Issei, you've already made this special for me." Said Rias happily as she found it so sweet that Issei was still more concerned about her happiness then his own, so she rewarded him with a quick kiss

Rias couldn't stop herself from shivering in pleasure, as Issei let out a low and sexy purr in response. It was her first real taste of what was to come, the dominance that Issei was holding back and it felt great. It had awoken something with her, it felt as if she was meant to be with Issei.

"How… did you imagine this happening, Issei?" asked Rias in a raspy voice out of curiosity as she wondered how Issei imagined their first time

"Pinning you down and fucking you until I'm satisfied!" yelled Issei's internal voice stronger than it had been last time

"It would've been at the end of a date, just as the sun was starting to set. You'd surprise me by teleporting us to your room, then you'd take the lead." confessed Issei nervously as he as he started blushing again "But, now…" said Issei as he trailed off nervously, as the ones with him dominating her were front and centre, and he didn't know how much longer he could hold back

Rias smiled happily as she could tell Issei wanted to make this special for her as he could, that made her love Issei even more. He may be a pervert most of the time, but he had a romantic side. Though with Issei trailing off nervously, made Rias curious as to how he was imagining it now.

"Issei, it's so sweet that you wanted to make my first time as special as you could." Thanked Rias happily as she quickly kissed him again, shivering in pleasure again when Issei growled slightly in disappointment as they parted "But you've already done so much for me already, let me do something for you." said Rias seductively as she wanted to reward Issei for what she done but it seemed he was still nervous, so she decided to give him a bit more encouragement

Smiling seductively, Rias slowly began straddling him. As she climbed onto his lap, she got a happy surprise when she felt his dick poke against her lower lips, given how big it felt not even fully hard. As she slowly started wrapping her arms behind his neck, she gently started pulling them together. Once her chest pressed into his, she stopped and smirked when she saw his eyes dart to the exposed part of her chest.

As Rias was straddling him, Issei found his self-control pushed to its absolute limits. Without even thinking, his body reacted to Rias's actions. As her arms wrapped around his neck, his hands wrapped around her lower back. As her wonderful breasts pressed into his chest, his hands squeezed her ass, which like her breasts was just firm enough to hold shape but aloud his hands to sink in slightly.

And now both were completely enveloped by each other's aroma, the tastes they'd gotten when they kissed couldn't compare. It was a powerful aphrodisiac, that they were happily breathing as they allowed themselves to get addicted to it. All that now separated their naked bodies, was Issei's school clothes and the wedding dress Riser had forced upon Rias.

"That dress is the last remaining piece of Riser's claim of Rias! Destroy it and then claim her!" demanded Issei's internal voice, it was getting very restless

"How do you want to do me now, Issei?" asked Rias seductively as she leaned forwards as whispered in his left ear, getting an immediate reaction when she felt his dick twitch in excitement

Even though she already knew how Issei wanted to take her now, she wanted him to say. As the look of love and desire in his eyes, told Rias how he wanted to take her. But she could also see his own nervousness, as he didn't want to do anything she didn't like. This help calm her own nerves and ease her embarrassment, as she loved Issei with all of her heart. Looking into his eyes, she made it blatantly obvious, that she wanted to be his.

Issei was hesitant to say how he wanted to take her now, as it was very perverted. But as he looked into her lovely eyes, he felt all of it melt away. He could see that she was defiantly very nervous, probably just as much as he was. But they were also full of her complete love and trust and trust for him, she wasn't sacred to be his like she'd been with Riser. That was the final push he needed, so he took a deep breath.

"I… I want to rip that dress off you. I want to claim you, to mark you so everyone knows you belong to me!" growled Issei after a few seconds, as he squeezed Rias's ass earning a moan from her

"If that's what you want to do, then do it! I want everyone to know, that I belong to the man I love!" yelled Rias happily begging Issei to just take her already, she was at her limit

"R-Rias!" moaned Issei happily as he practically dived towards Rias, capturing her lips in a fierce kiss

"I-Issei!" moaned Rias at first taken by surprise, but quickly started kissing back

Their passionate kiss, quickly became an all-out fight for dominance. As they opened their lips, their tongues darted forwards trying to enter each other's mouths. Rias held the advantage at first, as she pressed her chest into Issei's more. But Issei's instincts won out in the end, leaving him to happily claim his prize. As he started squeezing her ass randomly, her moans became even better.

After a few minutes, Rias and Issei began undressing each other. Rias lowered her hands to his waist and grabbed his blazer, dress shirt and t-shirt, smiling in the kiss she began lifting them up to his head. With a slight growl Issei let go of Rias's ass, as he raised his arms allowing Rias to remove them in one go. As he raised his hands, Issei quickly undid her necklace and threw it to the corner of the room.

Forced to break their kiss, as Rias pulled Issei's t-shirt over his head and tossed it to the side. Rias licked her lips when she saw what Issei was hiding underneath, the training had paid off as he was now slightly muscular and toned. When Issei didn't quickly return to her lips, Rias started to moan in dissatisfaction. Issei had other ideas, as he slowly started making his way down to her neck, planting kisses and nipping at her skin along the way.

"Mhh… Issei!" moaned Rias cutely at Issei's actions, as he kissed, nipped and licked away at her erogenous zone

Slowly moving around Rias's neck, Issei followed his instincts as they guided him to certain spot. As he reached it, he gave the area a quick lick getting a pleased moan in response from Rias. He then gently bit down, just hard enough to break her skin. Rias gasped in slight pain at first, surprised by Issei's biting her. But she trusted Issei with her life, so she wrapped her hands behind his head and held him there.

Her trust was rewarded, as she felt the familiar sensation of Issei transferring power into her. She moaned in happiness and arousal, as she could feel all of Issei's love, lust and desire for her. Now realising what Issei was doing, Rias allowed Issei to claim her completely. As their bond began forming, Rias and Issei both moaned in pure ecstasy. As they experienced the joining of their very souls, they could sense they were meant to be.

As he retracted from her neck a few seconds later, Issei gave the area another quick lick to clear away the small amount of blood. A happy purr came from Issei, when he saw Rias's skin had healed instantly. Where he'd bitten was a small Red Dragon symbol, within its clutches was a heart. Their bond wouldn't be fully complete until he came in her, so he decided to focus on the two things he was utterly obsessed with.

As he kissed his way back up to her face, before he recaptured Rias's lovely lips with his own. His hands slowly trailed down to her chest and grabbed the top of Rias's dress, he gave it a quick tug. Her breasts burst out of their confine in spectacular fashion, bouncing and jiggling for a few seconds before they return to their normal shape. Unable to hold himself back any more, Issei's hands latched onto Rias's wonderful breasts.

"You really do love my breasts, don't you Issei?" asked Rias moaning as she arched her back in pleasure, as Issei's squeezed which sent a jolt of pleasure through her

"Rias, I can never say this enough. Your breasts are perfect! They're big enough that I can't fit them in my hands, soft enough that my hands sink nicely into them, yet bouncy and with just enough firmness to hold their shape." Exclaimed Issei euphorically as they felt spectacular, they felt so much better than they did before, maybe because he knew they belonged to him now

"Well, my cute, adorable pervert. There all yours now, so play with them until your hearts content." Laughed Rias as she found it funny, that Issei was almost completely mesmerized by her breast

"Rias!" yelled Issei happily as he dived forwards, capturing Rias's lips in a fierce kiss again

Not needing anymore encouragement, Issei started to play her breasts. His hands were rough and dominating, as he hungrily kneaded and groped them as he wanted. Rias was loving it, as she was letting out the sweetest moans; which had just become the sweetest music to his ears. Rias quickly snaked her hands to the back of Issei's head, pulling them together trying to deepen their kiss again.

While Rias had expected Issei to be rough and dominating, she hadn't expected it to feel so good. He'd awoken a part of her she'd never revealed, her secret submissive side. He was the dominate one in their relationship, and she was more than happy to let him. Because she felt safe and secure, because she knew Issei wouldn't abuse the power she let him have. Feeling her member start to thoroughly soak her panties, she started grinding herself against Issei's dick encouraging him more.

It only took a few seconds, for Issei to start feeling Rias's body's response to his action. Her nipples had firmed up, easily eliciting more sweat moans from her as his hands brushed them. Issei couldn't stop himself from smirking, as he decided to focus on them. After a few minutes, Issei gently pulled away from Rias, a thin string of saliva connected them for a few seconds. Loving the expression on her face, he got her nipples between his fingers and squeezed.

"My nipples!" yelled Rias surprised by Issei suddenly grabbing her nipples, causing her to have a mini orgasm

"Rias, your nipples are so sensitive." Teased Issei as he smirked, before he started kissing his way down to her nipples

"I can't help it! Your hands feel so good!" moaned Rias happily as Issei squeezed her nipples again, causing her another orgasm

"If my hands are enough to get you cumming, I wonder what this will do?" asked Issei curiously as he moved his mouth above Rias's left nipple, before he started sucking on it

"Ahh Issei!" yelled Rias surprised as Issei began hungrily sucking and licking her nipples as he pleased, it felt even better than just his fingers

Issei switched between holding one of her breasts in one hand and sucking it, while groping and pinching the other. Until he removed both of his hands, causing Rias to moan sadly. But that didn't last long, as his hands travelled down south. As they reached the reaming part of her dress, he grabbed it and ripped it open. Grabbing the top of her soaked panties, Issei quickly slipped them off.

Touching her folds with his left index finger, he hadn't expected how hot just her lips were. Issei felt Rias suddenly shudder, as his finger brushed up against her clit. He could feel that it begged for attention, but he ignored it. With her on his lap, it made properly fingering her almost impossible. But that didn't stop Rias from grinding herself against his fingers, trying to get them deeper.

Feeling that Rias was close to cumming through their bond, Issei tripled his efforts. As he sucked and licked on one nipple, his right hand returned to groping the other. Rias grinded her pussy against his fingers, trying to get them deeper. Within 2 minutes after he started, Issei could feel through their bond that Rias was about to cum. He didn't stop his assault, he wanted Rias to scream out his name.

"Haa! Issei! Please, I'm so close!" begged Rias as she was on the verge of cumming, she just needed something to push her over the edge "ISSEI!" screamed Rias euphorically as she threw her head back, as Issei bit down and pulled hard on her nipples and pinched her clit at the same time

Rias screamed to the heavens, as her cheeks flushed crimson, her eyes rolled back into her head and her tongue hung loosely out of her mouth. She felt her entire body shudder, as she was hit by wave after wave of pleasure. She thoroughly soaked Issei's crotch, as her pussy gushed a fountain of her love juice. Just over a minute later, her orgasm ended. She was left breathing deeply, her body felt weak, she barely could keep her eyes open.

Of all the perverted fantasies Issei has of Rias, he didn't expect this one to be true. He'd been completely caught off guard, Rias was a bloody squirter! And he was going to be the only man to do this to her, the future members of his harem defiantly would. Several perverted ideas came to mind that he could do later, but he had to focus on the here and now.

"You really sensitive, you came only from me playing with your nipples and teasing your pussy lips?" asked Issei pervertedly as he was loving her ahegao look, that with her being a squirter had almost made him cum himself

"Mhh." Moaned Rias weakly as she couldn't think straight, as she couldn't believe how much better her orgasm from Issei felt

Issei expected a reply like that from Rias, as she'd fallen limply onto him. She was probably still on cloud nine recovering from her orgasm, so he gently laid her down on his bed. Giving her only a few seconds of rest, as he started kissing his way down to her pussy. His hands were already ahead of him, as he was gently teasing her outer lips.

Still to out of it, all Rias could do was moan when Issei reached her scared place. Issei breathed in deeply for a few second, as he found the source of her delicious aroma. He could finally describe it, the smell you get after rain in summer. It was so sweet and lovely, just like the person it came from. Issei got another pleasant surprise, as Rias was completely clean shaven making her even more beautiful.

"Wait, Issei!" begged Rias as she was still very sensitive from cumming, but her voice betrayed that she didn't want Issei to stop

"You're absolutely soaking wet down here!" yelled Issei pervertedly as his fingers were dripping with her love juice, bringing his hand up for Rias to see his slick fingers "And not to mention, the lovely intoxicating smell of your love juice." Teased Issei as he brought his finger close to his mouth, as he watched a blush quickly appear on Rias's face

"Issei… Don't smell me like that, it's embarrassing." Moaned Rias cutely as she weakly brought her hands up to her face, to try and hide the fact she was blushing which Issei just found cute

Issei smirked as he heard Rias, but her lips down here told a different story. As he was greeted with a with a very perverted sight from just below, as her love juice leaked out. He could hear his instincts screaming at him to ravage her as he pleased, but he'd watched enough porn to know to take it slow. For a few seconds, he teased her outer lips again with his left index finger.

Before he slowly pushing in his index finger, Issei moaned as he was greeted by her slick heat. As he started stroking her lips rhythmically, each time inching his figure a bit higher. Rias's moans filled his ears again, encouraging him to go higher. Issei felt Rias suddenly shudder, as his finger brushed up against her clit again. He could feel that it begged for attention again, so he lubed-up his thumb and started rubbing it.

As he started fingering her, Rias's moans grew louder and sexier. Which just encouraged him to immediately add another finger into her wet core, as he started searching for her G-spot. As he got closer, her moans grew louder as she started to writhe. As he started making the come-hither motion, his fingers hit her g spot.

The moment Issei had hit her G spot for the first time, Rias couldn't stop herself from screaming. She'd fingered herself and hit her g-spot many times before, but it couldn't compare to Issei's fingers. Rias could feel she was on the brink of another delicious orgasm, so she grinded herself against Issei's fingers as hard as she could. But before she was anywhere near cumming again, Issei pulled out his fingers.

"Issei…" moaned Rias unhappily as Issei slid his fingers out, not letting her cum again just yet

Lifting up his fingers to his face, Issei was mesmerized by the site of his fingers glistening with Rias's love juice. As he flexed his fingers apart a few times, each time strands of her juice kept them connected. It was truly a perverted site, that he was going to be seeing a lot in the future. That's when a perverted idea popped into his head, so he looked up at Rias and smirked

"Look at my fingers Rias, I want you see how soaked they are from your love juice." Ordered Issei as he wanted to tease Rias a bit, he wanted her to see just how wet she was

Finding herself unable to disobey Issei's order, Rias blushed when she saw Issei's fingers. They were glistening with her love juice, more so that her own fingers had ever done. She knew he was doing this to show his control over her, to her shame she felt pleasure. Not only was he teasing her by showing her his fingers, but also by bringing her close to orgasm again and then stopped just before.

"I wonder what it tastes like?" asked Issei pervertedly unable to resist the allure of tasting her love juice any longer, as he brought his soaked fingers into to his mouth

The moment his fingers entered his mouth, Issei's eyes flew open in surprise. Rias's love juice tasted deliciously sweet, kind of like honey. He sucked and licked each part of his fingers, getting every bit of her addicting honey. As he pulled his fingers out of his mouth, he immediately wanted more. He quickly positioned his head at her entrance, as he spread her legs apart.

"Mhh, you taste delicious Rias! I want more!" yelled Issei greedily before he licked his lips once at the perverted sight, then leaned forwards and gently licked

A sweet moan came from Rias, the moment his tongue touched her sex. Unable to hold back the desire to just ravage her pussy anymore, Issei hungrily lick and suck away. His tongue went up and down her lips, circling but never touching her exposed clit. Each time he would circle her clit, Rias would lift her beautiful ass off the bed. But she'd whimper each time his tongue moved away, or when he refused to touch her clit.

"Issei! Keep licking me!" begged Rias as she started grinding herself against his face, trying to get his tongue deeper

Issei didn't need to be told twice by his mate, so he continued licking and eating her out. He quickly slipped back in his fingers, pumping them in and out as fast as she begged him to. He'd occasionally plant kisses on her lips, or her clit. Feeling her pussy twitching and hearing breathing becoming deeper, Issei began slowing down. As Rias started whimpering again, he removed his mouth.

"Beg Rias. I want to hear you begging me to let you cum." Ordered Issei as to entice her, he rubbed her clit

"Please…" begged Rias quietly barely above a whisper, as embarrassment flooded her system

"I can't hear you Rias, be a good girl and beg properly." ordered Issei more firmly this time, he was loving this control of his mate "Your pussy is begging me properly, given how it's trying to suck in my fingers." Teased Issei as Rias's pussy was squeezing his fingerings tightly, trying to pull them deeper

"Issei! Please let me cum, I'm going crazy!" begged Rias as being kept on the edge was torture, yet at the same time she was loving her helplessness

"Good girl Rias." laughed Issei as he grinned ear to ear, feeling satisfied that Rias had begged enough "Here your reward." Said Issei happily before he returned his mouth to her lips, then reached up and pinched her clit

"Issei!" screamed Rias as she wrapped her legs around his head, firmly holding his mouth against her sex

As Rias threw her head back and screamed out his name again, Issei got right to work. As her love juice shot straight into his waiting mouth, Issei didn't let a single drop go to waste. Even the few remaining drops at the end of her orgasm, couldn't escape his tongue. Issei didn't let up with his fingers, as he wanted to send Rias to new heights of pleasure. Through their bond, Issei could feel he was.

As her orgasmic high ended a minute later, Rias collapsed onto Issei bed. If she could see herself, Rias would know she was the perfect description of ahegao. It easily allowed Issei to see the ecstasy that she was currently experiencing, as she'd just had the best orgasm in her live. She didn't know how long she was stuck on cloud nine, but she didn't care as she felt great.

As she returned from cloud nine, Rias realised that she was the only one to cum. Slowly she pushed herself up, capturing Issei's lips in a French kiss again. As Issei took control of their kiss again, she slowly trailed her hands down his chest. As her hand reached a decent sided bulge, Rias knew she'd reached his crotch. Impatiently she quickly undone his belt and buttons, then let them drop to the floor.

Rias breathed in deeply for a few second, as she'd finally found the source of his manly aroma. She could finally describe it, the smell of a log fire in summer. It was strong and overpowering, but also very comforting, just like the person it came from. Beneath Issei's boxers, Rias was in awe at the tent Issei was pitching. His rod twitched a few times, telling her it wanted attention. Rias smirked as she quickly reached out, grasping the thick rod earned a throaty groan from Issei.

"Your hand feels so good." Moaned Issei as it took all of his will to not cum at that moment, listening to Rias moans had been torture

"You've had your fun playing with me, it's my turn." whispered Rias seductively as she gave his dick a couple of strokes, loving his moans for more

Rias couldn't stop herself from smirking pervertedly, as she easily turned the tables on Issei. While she loved being told what to do by Issei, that didn't mean she was going to let him do everything. Especially since, that he'd kept her on the edge of cumming until he thought she'd begged enough. She was going to give him a taste of his own medicine, especially that she could sense and feel he was already close.

"Now, let's see this big boy." Said Rias excitedly as she quickly grabbed his boxers, then pulled them down "Ah!" yelled Rias surprised as Issei's dick flung up and hit her chin, stunning her for a few seconds

Issei's cock landed on her face, Rias's expression could only be described as cock shocked. As she knew from feeling and seeing it before he be big, but he didn't expect him to be 9 inches long and 3 inches thick! It was heavy and hot against her, she could even smell the faint smell of her love juice. She had to admit, she was very intimidated yet turned on. That this monster of man meat, was going to go inside of her.

"You're so fucking big!" whispered Rias still shocked at the size of it, but found herself desiring it more

Rias wasn't the only one shocked by the size of his cock, Issei was also. He was above average in size and girth before he became a devil, which he was proud of. Then the first time he'd masturbated to Rias after becoming a devil, he found himself decently bigger. Now with Ddraig's explanation, it explained his jump in size again. With his monster now laying on Rias's beautiful face, just boosted his ego even more.

"Thank you, Rias." thanked Issei happily as Rias clearly approved of his size, as he slipped his left hand into her lovely hair "Now, why don't you give it some attention?" suggested Issei impatiently as he sat down on the edge of his bed, pulling Rias down onto her knees at the same time

"Oh, I intend to." Replied Rias smiling seductively as she wrapped her hands around the length of his member, then gave his head a kiss liking the slightly salty taste of his precum

Rias heard Issei moan happily as his dick twitched, telling her Issei was loving it. Looking up at him, Rias smirked as she opened her mouth. She slowly took his head into her mouth, licking it as she did. Stopping once about an inch of his meant was in her mouth, Rias started bobbing her head up and down. She ran her tongue along the underside of his cock, making sure her lips were suctioned down around his girth.

Issei moaned as couldn't believe how fantastic Rias's mouth felt, he was in total bliss. Her mouth was hot and wet, while squeezing him nice and tightly. Her tongue felt fantastic, as she switched between running her tongue along the underside of his shaft, or licking his head. All the while, she jerked him off with one hand, while the other gently caressed his balls. She was slow and sloppy, but Issei didn't care since this was her first time doing this.

After a few minutes, Rias couldn't stop herself from smirking around his rod. As she could hear him begging for more, so she didn't deny him. Since she wanted to drive him crazy like he did to her, so she slowly started taking more of his meat into her mouth. She was barely halfway down his length when she gagged, as his head hit her tonsils.

Rias felt Issei's hold her there for a few moments, letting her get used to the new feeling. Looking up at him, Rias showed her appreciation by licking his member and keeping her lips tight around it. But her look of appreciation, quickly turned to a smirk seeing the expression of ecstasy on his face. Wanting to please Issei more, she started bobbed her head up and down.

After a few minutes, Rias started slowing down and pulling of his dick. As through their bond and the pulsing rod in her throat, Rias could tell Issei was close to cumming. As Rias pulled off Issei's dick slowly, his cock left her mouth with a loud pop. Rias smirked as an idea she knew Issei would love popped into her head, when she saw that his meat now had a nice shine to it.

"You love my tits so much, how do they feel wrapped around your huge cock?" asked Rias seductively as she grabbed her tits and slowly wrapped the around his meat, moaning at how hot his meat felt against her tits

As Issei's dick slipped between her tits, Rias was in shock. Her massive tits only managed to contain about half of Issei's length, with the rest proudly poking out the top of its confinement. It twitched a few times, allowing Rias to see some of his precum at his tip. Rias lowered her mouth to his tip, without taking her eyes of his. Smirking at the look on Issei's face, she gave it a slow lick.

"They feel fantastic!" yelled Issei ecstatically as his dick was enveloped in the softest thing he'd ever felt, it was ten times better than what he imagined "Keep going! Bounce those tits on my dick!" demanded Issei as he used his hand in her hair to hold her in place, as he thrust his hips up

"Gagkh!" gagged Rias for a few seconds as she'd not expecting Issei to suddenly thrust his hips up, causing his head to hit the back of her throat

Unlike last time, Issei didn't let her get used to it. As he immediately started forcing her to start bobbing her head up and down, all the while thrusting his hips up to match the pace he set. To her shame, Rias felt herself cum slightly at his rough actions. But that didn't stop her from wanting to please Issei, so she started jerking him off with her tits.

Rias quickly worked herself into a steady rhythm, so as her tits went up his shaft her mouth came down and visa-versa. She slowly increased her speed, when she thought Issei had begged enough. But whenever she felt like it, Rias slowed down despite Issei's begs for more. After 10 minutes, Rias could feel Issei was reaching his limit. As his dick was twitching madly between her tits, sending jolts of pleasure through her.

"Rias! I'm almost there!" yelled Issei as he tightened his grip on Rias's hair, feeling the familiar sensation of his balls tightening

"Go for it, Issei!"" whispered Rias encouragingly after she removed her mouth from his dick, then licked his tip "Cum for me!" whispered Rias alluringly before she returned to bobbing her head up and down his length, sucking and licking as best as she could

"Rias!" yelled Issei euphorically as he hearing Rias's alluring whisper, sent him over the edge

Issei firmly grab her head with both hands, pulling her down deeper and not letting her pull up. With his cock head in her oesophagus, his cum erupted from his head. Despite gagging at Issei action, Rias didn't try and pull up. As she let Issei shoot shot after shot of his hot, sticky and thick cum, straight into her stomach. After a few seconds, Issei began lifting her head up. It became slightly hard to breath, as his cum started sticking to her throat.

As his cock head reached her mouth, Issei's huge cock let loose several more shots. Rias found herself introduced to her new favourite food, Issei's salty cum. With her mouth already mostly full from his cock, her mouth quickly began filling. Rias started gulping down his cum, otherwise she'd choke. As Issei managed to fill her mouth for the third time, both could feel the end of his orgasm was near.

As Issei's cock left her mouth with a loud pop, Rias kept her cum filled mouth open. She bounced her tits up and down his dick with new vigour, trying to milk every drop she could out of his dick. Issei's final shot erupted out of his head suddenly, spraying her face and tits with cum. All Rias could do for several seconds was moan, as Issei's cum landed on her.

"Fuck!" whispered Issei as he rode his own high, as he admired how perverted Rias looked with his cum on her

Rias was drunk on not only the taste of Issei's cum, but also the smell. She could feel his hot cum against her face and tits, marking her skin as his. Feeling some of Issei cum on her lips, Rias subconsciously licked it off. She felt Issei's still hard cock twitch between her tits, Rias looked down and was amazed. A perverted idea came to Rias, when she saw that her tits covered in his cum.

She was going to tease Issei the same way he'd done to her, by sucking on her fingers covered in his cum. Her fingers quickly moved about her face and tits, scooping up all of his cum. Managing to scoop up it all, Rias brought her fingers up to her mouth. She quickly slipped her cum coated fingers into her mouth, then slowly and seductively sucked and licked her fingers clean. As she pulled his fingers out of his mouth, he immediately wanted more.

"Mhh, your cum tastes delicious, Issei. I want more!" yelled Rias greedily as she started licking his tip, as she started jerking him off with her tits again

"Don't worry Rias, I'll give you plenty more!" replied Issei pervertedly as he knew that Rias had just gotten him back for teasing her, he was going to quickly get back at her

For a few minutes, Issei let Rias suck on his dick for a few minutes. But it wasn't enough for the perverted dragon, so he grabbed her hair with both hands. As he lifted her head up, so only his tip was in her mouth. Rias immediately moaned in displeasure, but stopped as quickly as she started. As Issei thrusted up and pulled her head down, making her forcefully deepthroat him.

"Gagkh!" coughed Rias as she hadn't expected Issei to suddenly make her deepthroat him, but his action caused her to have a mini orgasm

"How does it feel Rias? To have my entire dick in your throat?" asked Issei pervertedly as he held her fully down loving the feeling of her throat squeezing him, enjoying the feeling of dominance over her

All Rias could do was moan to answered him, as his monster of a dick had stretched out her throat for it to fit. The combination of her tight throat and her moans, sent waves of pleasure up his dick. Issei loved the control he had over Rias, as she didn't try and pull up. Instead, he could sense she was loving being under his control. Given she'd had a small orgasm, the moment her lips touched his hips.

"If you like it that much, I'm going to fuck your throat as I please." Laughed Issei as he lifted her head up so just his tip was in her mouth, before he pulled her back down

As he started to deepthroat her as he pleased, Issei quickly worked himself into a nice rhythm. As he pulled her down, his hips would go up. He'd let her catch a quick breath as he pulled up, before slamming her back down again. He'd occasionally speed up, or hold her down for slightly longer. All the while, basking in the feeling of dominance over her.

Rias gagged and moaned, as she was subjected to Issei's rough fucking off her throat. She'd given in instantly, letting Issei do as he pleased. Rias was massively turned on by Issei's dominance, as she knew why he was rough. Her teasing had done exactly what she wanted, to get Issei to use her like he wanted. Her hands went to her tits and lips and started playing with them, making her moan even more.

For five minutes, Issei relentlessly fucked Rias's throat. But even the feeling of claiming her mouth and tits as his own, wasn't enough for the perverted dragon. He wanted to do more to her, he wanted to fully claim her. He'd held off as long as he could, to make her first time special. But he couldn't wait any longer, he needed to claimed her virginity.

"Rias… I can't hold back anymore, I need to fuck you!" yelled Issei as he looked into her beautiful eyes, asking if she was ready

Hearing Issei's demand and seeing the raw desire in his eyes, Rias had another small orgasm. Even given his current circumstances, Rias knew Issei had tried to make her first time as special as he could. Given that Issei was much bigger that she thought he was, Rias was thankful. As she knew her first time would hurt, even more so with Issei's size.

"Then fuck me! Stick your huge cock in my pussy, claim me as your own!" begged Rias as she too was at her limit, she couldn't wait any longer

Issei smirked pervertedly as he let go of her head, satisfied by her beg. Rias quickly started getting up, his hands shot to her hips. He grabbed her dominantly, taking control of her movements. He the guided her onto his lap, letting her straddle him again. Instead of pushing himself into her lips, Issei made her start grinding him again. As their sexes touched, they both moaned simultaneously loving the heat of each other's sex.

"Beg Rias, I want to hear how much you want me to claim you." Teased Issei getting an immediate blush from Rias, as he loved making her beg him

"Please Issei! I'm at my limit!" begged Rias desperately as she started grinding her pussy on his dick faster, annoyed but turned on at the same time "Please just fuck me already! I want you to fuck me so hard with your cock, that I can't think about anything else!" begged Rias as she knew Issei was keeping what she wanted just out of her reach, until she'd begged him enough

Satisfied that Rias had begged enough, Issei lifted her hips up. He quickly positioned his head at the entrance of her pussy, then gently pulled her hips down. Issei moaned at how hot, wet and tight her pussy was, while Rias moaned at how hot Issei's dick was as he spread her open. Even with the tip just in, almost caused both to cum. Issei knew a woman's first time would hurt no matter how wet she was, so he decided to go slow. Even though, it would be torture for both.

"Fuck! Your pussy is squeezing me tight!" yelled Issei happily as her pussy squeezed tightly around his dick, trying to pull him in deeper

"You're not even fully in, but it already feels like you're splitting me in two!" yelled Rias happily as Issei slowly eased her hips down, spreading her pussy apart more as he went

"This will probably hurt." Warned Issei as his head touched her barrier, he couldn't help but feel concern for Rias

"I'll be fine, Issei. Just give me some time to adjust." Reassured Rias as she quickly kissed Issei, as small thanks for going slow

"Are you sure? Because, when I do. I don't think I'll be able to stop myself, from pulling your hips all the way down." Warned Issei again as he didn't want to hurt her going too fast, but the desire to simple plunge his dick into her depths was growing quickly

Rias couldn't stop herself from smiling, when Issei showed concern for her. She could sense he was fighting the desire, to simply ram his dick into her and start fucking her. There was no way she'd be ready for that, especially after losing her virginity. She'd definitely get Issei to do that to her later, but it was probably best to go slow.

"I'm sure. Just give me some time to adjust." Reassured Rias again as she leaned forwards and gave him a quick kiss, while preparing herself for it

Issei took a deep breath, as he tightened his grip on her hip. Even with Rias reassuring him that she'd be fine, he still couldn't help but worry. But his desire was quickly overcoming his worry, he knew Rias would be alright. He just had to control himself enough, to give Rias time to adjust. With one final deep breath, he pulled her hips down plunging himself into her depths.

"Ahh!" shrieked Rias as her body shook in pain as Issei tore through her virginity, his head only stopping once it kissed the entrance to her womb

Rias fell onto his chest, hoping to seek comfort from him. He wanted too quickly replace her pain with pleasure, getting her ready for what was to come. As he started kissing her lips or neck again, his hands travelled downwards. His left found her breasts, as he gently started to grope and play with her nipples. His right went down to her tummy, as he gently started gently rubbing the outline of his cock.

For six minutes, Rias and Issei sat connected not moving. All the while, Issei gave Rias all the comfort she needed. Patiently waiting for her to be ready to start moving, holding back the extremely strong desire to start fucking her. The two drank in the feeling of being connected, to each other in the most intimate ways. It was a new sensation for them both, one they were loving.

"Mhh." Moaned Rias into Issei's shoulder as she slowly lifted herself up, then let herself drop on his dick

"You want me to move?" asked Issei tentatively as he had to control himself, as he wanted to grab her hips and start fucking her

"Yes." Answered Rias as she settled into a slow pace, as the pain was slowly fading "Just go slow." Begged Rias as she could see in Issei's eyes that while he was loving it like her, he wanted her hips moving faster

"Alright." Answered Issei as he gave Rias as quick kiss, knowing she was still in some pain

Issei firmly be gently grabbed Rias's lovely hips, as he started a slow but steady pace. As her hips went up, his hips came down. As her hips came down, his hips came up to meet her. His pace was just fast enough, that he managed to get her tits and hair to bounce. He planted kisses on her lips and neck, hoping it would help. For 5 minutes, the pace Issei had set was enough for both.

"No… more." Moaned Rias as the pain disappeared, but now his pace wasn't enough for her "I want you to fuck me hard!" Begged Rias as she started thrusting her hips harder, as the pace Issei had set wasn't enough for her anymore

Issei couldn't help but smirk, when he heard his mates plea. Rias opened her mouth beg again, when he slowed down too as fast as she started. But never got the chance, as he started fucking her with new vigour. She screamed his name again and again, as he made her bounce on his dick like a trampoline. This new and rougher pace, aloud his head to kiss her womb each time he thrusted up.

"I... Is this fast enough for you?!" asked Issei as he was in a new world of pleasure, it was making it so hard to stop himself from cumming already

"You're hitting my womb! I'm going numb!" screamed Rias as she quickly matched his new pace, loving that his cock was kissing the entrance to her womb

"I take that, as a yes." Laughed Issei pervertedly as he couldn't but agree with Rias, as pleasure shot up his dick each time he kissed her womb

"Yes! It so good!" screamed Rias in a sex crazed tone, as she became drunk on the pleasure,

"Then I'll keep doing it!" yelled Issei just as sex crazed as Rias, already drunk on the pleasure

Issei firmly kept his right hand on Rias's hip, allowing him to grind when he wanted. This much faster pace, caused Rias's tits and hair to bounce around wildly. Which Issei found himself unable to resist, as he latched onto with his left hand. Rias placed her hands on Issei's shoulder, using them for better leverage. She then leaned forwards, taking him into a very deep kiss. The two lovers drunk on pleasure, only lasted ten minutes.

"I… Issei, I'm going to cum!" yelled Rias as she felt the familiar sensation building in her core, as she picked up the pace

"I… I'm close too, Rias!" moaned Issei he could feel Rias tightening around him as it became a lot slicker, as he felt the familiar sensation of his balls tightening "Cum Rias! Cum on my dick!" demanded Issei as he didn't care about making Rias beg this time, he just wanted to claim her now

"Issei!" screamed Rias as she threw her arms around him, as she screamed out his name

"Rias!" screamed Issei simultaneously as he threw his arm around her neck, as she started shaking

Rias's pussy clamped down on Issei's dick harder than ever before, as she came. Already being close himself, Issei was pushed over the edge a few seconds later. He slammed her hips down as he thrusted up, forcing the rest of his cock into her. His cum erupted out of his dick, the first shots going straight into her womb. Neither stopped moving their hips throughout, as they tried to extend each other's climax.

They didn't know how long each other's climax lasted, nor did they care. As they experienced the euphoric sensation, of the finalization of their bond. From that moment on, they knew they belonged to each other. And despite their best attempts, both of their climaxes came to an end. Issei fell backwards, brining Rias down with him.

Issei fell to the side slightly, so he landed on his left-hand side. Rias landed next to him a second later, on her right-hand side facing him. As Issei's dick softened it slowly slipped out of Rias's pussy, causing both to moan unhappily. For a few seconds neither said or did anything, as the mind shattering sex had fried their minds. Through their blurry vison, both could see the very satisfied look on each other's faces.

"T…That was…" muttered Issei as he couldn't find words to describe what just happened, just that it was well worth the wait

"Y…Yeah." Agreed Rias weakly as she subconsciously rubbed her stomach, loving that it was bulged slightly from Issei's cum

Rias could feel energy slowly seeping through her, eliminating any tiredness and soreness she felt. Replacing it with a lovely warmth, that was quickly getting her into the mood again. It came from her womb, that was packed with Issei's cum. Which contained his excess energy, which he needed to get rid of. Most of that excess energy that he needed to get rid of, was transferring into her.

Unlike his new wife, Issei wasn't tied or sore at all. Within moments of hitting the bed, he was ready almost ready to go again. As he felt energy shoot through him, like Akeno's lightning. But this fantastic feeling, came with a downside. As the last final restraint he used to hold back his lust, was going to break very soon. He knew this meant that he'd lose control and ravage Rias, whether she was ready or not. He took some comfort, knowing that he'd held on long enough for their first time.

Sluggishly Issei reached up and cupped Rias's chin, before giving her a soft, love filled kiss. The two new lovers, started basking in the afterglow of their mind shattering sex. Between quick kisses, they whispered how much they loved each other. Sluggishly Rias reached up and started gently caressing Issei gently, with him returning the gesture immediately. After ten minutes, Issei was ready to go another round.

"This time, I want to fuck you on my bed." Said Issei dominantly as he tightened his grip on her tits, as he started grinding his dick against her pussy

"How do you want to fuck me, missionary?" asked Rias as she leaned forwards and seductively whispered into his ear, as she grinded on his hardening cock slightly quicker

"I heard… that missionary, isn't the most satisfying for a woman." Gasped Issei between breaths, loving the feeling of Rias quickly grinding up and down on his dick

"Then what position, do you want to fuck me in?" asked Rias as she kissed him again, as a small thanks for still thinking about her

"How about, cowgirl on my bed?" asked Issei pervertedly as he made it clear why he wanted her to ride him cowgirl, he wondered what Rias would think

"I bet you just want to see my tits bounce again, as you fuck me as hard as you can." Teased Rias pervertedly as she crossed her arms under her tits, then made them bounce

"Am I that obvious, my Rias?" asked Issei seductively as he gave her a quick kiss, getting her back for her tease by squeezing both of her nipples

"Yes." Moaned Rias submissively as she arched her back forwards, which just caused Issei to chuckle

Wanting to be back in Rias asap, Issei was the first to move. He easily rolled onto his back, as his sex fuelled strength easily allowed him to pick up Rias. He quickly got himself into a comfortable position, with a pillow behind his head. Knowing that would bring his head closer to Rias, making it easier to kiss her. As he spread his legs apart, he moved Rias to above his hips.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Get on." Ordered Issei impatiently as he looked at Rias, he'd already expected her to be kissing him

Blushing at Issei's command, Rias quickly followed suit. She slowly and seductively lowered herself onto him, making sure Issei had a good view of her tits. Rias got herself into a comfortable position, as she straddled him. Kneeing either side of his legs, she placed her entrance directly above his tower. Neither could hold back a moan, as their sex rubbed against each other.

"So, I can do this." answered Rias as she pressed her tits into his chest as she leaned down, before giving him hungry kiss

Despite not being ready to go again, like Issei was. Rias was more than ready to reward him, for said mind shattering sex. So as their tongues started dancing, she started rubbing Issei's chest with her tits. She couldn't stop herself from moaning, as she grinded her sensitive pussy against his dick. Issei was clearly loving it, as his hands gripped her hips even tighter than before.

As Rias started kissing him, Issei immediately claimed dominance over her mouth again. He loved the feeling of her tits rubbing up against him, especially her rock-hard nipples. As he grinded against her sex dripping with their combined cum, Issei found his control slipping again. It was the finale restraint he had holding back all of his lust for her, despite his best efforts. The final restraint broke, barely five minutes later.

"I…Issei! Wait I'm still sensitive!" begged Rias as Issei suddenly plunged into her again and was immediately at the pace they'd been at, but her body subconsciously started matching his pace

"You told me to fuck you hard, so that's what I'm going to do!" growled Issei as he gripped Rias's waist tighter, forcing her to match the fast pace he set "I'm not going to stop fucking you, until each of your holes is dripping with my cum!" growled Issei again as his voice became deeper and draconic, as his left hand moved to her ass and gripped hard

Hearing the sudden deepening of Issei's voice, made Rias shivered in pleasure and slight fear. As she looked down at him, she was greeted with two green slits. As she was quickly brought back into the haze of lust, she realised something. The final restraint that Issei's used for their first time, had completely broken. Now she was going to face all of his dragonic lust, which just made her have a mini orgasm.

"Yes! Fuck me until your satisfied, mark my skin and insides completely with your cum!" begged Rias as she matched Issei pace, though fearing when he decided to claim her back door

From that moment on, Rias and Issei found themselves constantly drunk on pleasure. Their hips didn't stop moving, even through climax's. Rias never found herself tiring, as Issei constantly pumped his cum into any of her three holes. It wasn't until the very early hours in the morning, that Rias and Issei finally collapsed onto the bed. Both completely worn out, they quickly drifted off to sleep in each other's arms after one final kiss.

(Authors note)

Well, what do you think of the first chapter of the rewrite? I'm certainly happy with it, though it took so long to type. Normal chapters wont be this long, as I'll go insane. Most chapters will be around 10,000 ish words, with small lemons in each. These chapters are going to be for major first times, like when Issei is first claims a new member to his harem for example. For other chapters like this, I'm going to use this one as a guide. As otherwise I'd go insane, if I had to type a new one of these for each time.