I've officially decided to switch U.A. to a university. It doesn't actually change very much, beyond the fact that it can be a more mature story without being MAD weird. After this chapter is posted, I'll run through and make those changes over time. OH and I feel like I need to mention this: I actually rather dislike the IzuOcha ship, primarily because their pairing feels forced as all hell, and I much prefer him and Momo, and maybe some others. However, because this story is about Venn, and not so much Izuku, I just don't really care to change that. Anyway, let me know what you think, and buckle up for this chapter. I'm aboutta really show you Venn's power right now. USJ, here we come!

Sidenote: Idk what to say about how late this is, but uhhhh… sorry? I don't really have an excuse tbh. Writer's Block is a pain, that's what I'm going with.

The Snake and the Alien Queen: Chapter 5

Getting into school was a nightmare. The press made entry to the university a veritable hell on earth, full of questions and demands to know what it was like to learn under All-Might. Venn decided to be a little shit and turned to a microphone and spoke. "No hablo Japones." In severely busted and broken Spanish. His desired effect went without a hitch, leaving the reporters in very deep confusion for just long enough for him to slip through and avoid more questions.

By the time Venn plopped himself at his desk, most of the class had already shown up. He stifled a yawn and leaned his chin on his palm, his elbow bent and planted to his desk. His other hand gently drummed its fingers. He gave a small wave to Mina across the room, who was talking animatedly with Toru. She shot him a small wink and returned to her conversation.

Aizawa walked into the room quietly, but considering the presence he'd established previously during the Q.A.T. (Quirk Assessment Test), everybody ended their conversations to pay attention. "Good, you're not wasting time." He set his hands on either side of the podium. "Before I send you off for the day, we've got a little business to handle." He appeared to pause for a moment. "You need to elect class leaders."

The moment the words left his mouth,half the class erupted into the generic "pick me" shouts. "Wait!" It was Iida. "Shouting like this won't help us elect our leaders, everyone! We should vote for who we want to lead us!" One hand was raised high in the air and the other was chopping at the air.

Kaminari quirked an eyebrow. "But wait, wouldn't we all just vote for ourselves?"

Momo spoke up, interrupting herself in the middle of translating for Venn in front of her. "But if someone gets more than one vote, that would mean they're best-suited." She softly repeated herself for Venn.

Venn himself shrugged, before he spoke. "I think that works. But I'll go ahead and voice it, I don't want any votes for myself." Before anybody could protest or ask why, he put a hand in front of himself. "Don't get me wrong, I could probably organize us fine and lead relatively okay, I'm confident enough for that. But there's a simple reason why I can't lead: The language barrier." He paused to organize his next sentence and so Izuku and Momo together could translate his words. "I mainly only speak English. Japanese is difficult for me to speak. If I was to be class president, there's a high chance that my orders and/or commands wouldn't be understood, especially if we're in a crisis. I could probably handle being Vice, but do not vote for me with the intention of being president. I'll just switch with whoever gets second." He sat back down and leaned back with his arms crossed behind his head.

When all the voting was said and done, Venn had actually tied with Momo for first with 4 total points, with Izuku directly under with 3. Izuku was positioned as a reserve Vice president, in the case that Venn or Momo were absent, and Momo took class President. Venn took the position of Vice President.

Venn stood in front of the class and just shrugged before turning to Momo. "We got this." He gave a stiff thumb up and then promptly grabbed his shit and left for lunch.

He sat down with his usual group, and leaned onto his hand. (His group is basically just the Dekusquad plus Mina, Kaoruko, Momo, and Jiro). He sat down first, a fresh bowl of poke in front of him, and snapped his disposable chopsticks apart and began to dig in. Once everybody had sat down, a conversation was started about who voted for who.

"I really thought you would've voted for yourself Iida. You look like you really wanted it." Uraraka spoke, not really thinking over her words.

Venn suppressed a snort as Iida responded. "Wanting the job and being the right one for it are two different things. That's why I voted for Midoriya."

Venn kept mostly quiet while Iida, Uraraka, and Tsuyu voiced their votes for Izuku.

Mina then perked up. "Originally, I was just gonna vote myself." He shrugged. "But after Venn spoke about why he didn't want to be class pres, I felt like his reasoning was precisely why he'd be a good Vice."

Kaoruko spoke up in agreement. "I think admitting when you have a weakness or something is enough self-awareness to trust you. Common sense and awareness are good leading qualities in my opinion."

Jiro shrugged. "I just think he's strong enough to keep Bakugo in line, so I feel like he needs to lead for the sake of my poor eardrums." Her cheeks were slightly pink, considering this wasn't her only reason for voting for him.

Venn tilted his head. "You think maybe my fourth vote was Bakugo for that reason? Like, she respects power or something? I remember she didn't have any, so maybe her vote went to me."

Izuku spoke up here, his shyness cracking a little. "That would track with Kacchan."

Venn whipped around. "Bro, what the hell did I tell you ab-"

His scolding was interrupted by an alarm. While the lunch room began to panic, Venn leaned back and snagged a second-year's sleeve. "Hey, what does that alarm mean?" He asked. Second-years would probably have enough English class under their belts to understand him enough.

The panicking second-year shakily responded. "I-it means there's an intruder on-campus!" They immediately booked it to the halls, where students were being trampled and crushed.

Venn cursed colorfully, running to the border of students. "Hey! Stop panicking! You're hurting people!" He was ignored, save for those closest to his vicinity. His eyebrows furrowed. He turned to Momo. "Hey, can I see a megaphone really quick?"

"Oh! Yeah, here." A megaphone popped out from her thigh.

He nodded a thank you before he turned to Uraraka. "Och- er, Uraraka. Slap." He held out the back of his hand. She shrugged and slapped the back of his hand. Now floating, he gently pushed himself off of Izuku's shoulder, using doorways and ceiling lights to propel himself. He got to about the middle of the horse of panicked students.

On the way, Shoji caught his attention. "Slater! Look!" One of his many hands pointed out the window.

Venn turned his head towards the window and sighed, facepalming. "Oh for the love of Nezu." He shook his head and planted his back against an exit sign before he brought the megaphone up to his face. He didn't fully shift, but his serpentine self did bleed into his words. "QUIET DOWN, GODDAMMIT! YOU ARE SSSTUDENTSS OF U.A., ACT LIKE IT!" He pointed at a window. "WINDOWSSS ARE ALL OVER THISS WALL, ALL YOU HAD TO DO WASS GLANCCCE OFF TO THE SSIDE TO SSEE IT'S JUSST THE MEDIA!" He took a deep breath, his words returning to normal. "Calm down, and follow protocol." His eyes sought out Uraraka and nodded.

She gave him a thumbs up and released her quirk. He landed on the floor with a roll, huffing his hair out of his face.

Roughly an hour later, the class was on a bus headed for wherever the hell their rescue training would be. Venn was stashed in the back, his arms crossed behind his head as he leaned back. His tonfas rested around his neck in their compressed form. His left boot was set on his right knee, as Mina chatted beside him with the rest of the class.

There was a conversation about Quirks and such that Venn tuned out because, quite honestly, he didn't care. Also, he couldn't understand probably 75% of it. He was startled out of his zoning out by Mina poking him in the side with her index finger. He popped open his left eye to glance at her out of the corner of his eye, giving a grunt of acknowledgement that he was paying attention now.

"Tsu asked you a question, so I'll translate it for her." She cleared her throat. "'I tend to speak my mind. Your quirk makes no sense. What's up with that?"

Venn had to take a second to determine who the hell "Tsu" was, but he connected the dots to the person who appeared to be awaiting an answer, a girl with frog-ish features. He snorted a little in response to the question. "Tsu, we're talking about quirks here. Quirks are bullshit. I know as well as you do that my quirk doesn't make any sense." He ran a hand over his face and sighed. "My unrestrained strength is on-par with All-Might, my speed and agility is on-par with Mina. I have boosted sensory abilities, I can secrete a non-lethal paralytic venom, and my electricity is probably similar to De- I mean- Kaminari's usual bolts. Not his full-blown one, but like, his average ones. But I don't really have to charge mine. My electricity is just kinda… there. Add on top of all that my scales are about as durable as steel." He paused for effect, watching his classmates try to wrap their heads around this. "Granted, all of that is confined to my Shifted form, which I can only hold for about 15 minutes to an hour before the line between transformation and mutation begins to blur. Telling me that my quirk makes no sense is like if I told you the sky was blue. I know, and I've known for a very long time."

Venn just barely caught Izuku muttering under his breath. Unfortunately for Izuku, he'd repeated Venn, using English, and then used the language for his own thoughts afterward. "On-par with… All-Might? And I can't even use it without breaking myself…"

Venn suppressed the urge to raise an eyebrow. He spotted Jiro out of the corner of his eye failing to do so, as she raised an eyebrow. He gave a subtle shrug.

Aizawa cut in before any more conversations could begin or end. "Cease the chit-chat. We're here."

Venn was the last one off the bus, right behind Mina, just in time to catch the tail-end of Uraraka fangirling hard over the hero standing in front of them, Thirteen. He crouched down to itch his shin under his boot and moved to stand with Izuku, the class having already stepped inside. Venn hadn't been close enough to Izuku to catch the actual intro to the place but eh. He'd live. Izuku quietly translated under his breath for Venn, allowing Venn to at least catch Thirteen's important speech. "Before we begin, let me just say one thing. Well, maybe two things. Possibly three, four, or five. Listen carefully. I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful Quirk. It's called Black Hole. I can use it to suck up anythingand turn it into dust." Uraraka mouthed off something that Venn didn't continued. "That's true, but my Quirk could also very easily be used to kill."

Venn hummed. Ah. So it's this conversation.

"Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous. In our superhuman society, all Quirks are certified and stringently regulated, so we often overlook how unsafe they can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly.

Even if you're trying to do something virtuous like rescue someone. Thanks to Aizawa's fitness tests, you have a solid idea of your Quirk's potential. And because of All Might's combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be when used against other people. Carry those lessons over to this class. Today, you're going to learn how to use your Quirks to save people's lives. You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other, only to help. After all, that's what being a hero is all about. Ensuring the safety of others." She bowed. "That's all I have to say. Thank you so much for listening."

Aizawa cleared his throat. "Right, now that tha-"

Venn's senses went tunnel vision and his usual relaxed stature straightened up to his full 6 foot height, his head swiveling to glare into the USJ. "Mr. Aizawa." Said man turned the direction Venn was looking. "I think we have company. And not the kind you invite for dinner." A large, swirling vortex spun into existence in the central plaza of the USJ. Out of said vortex, a gang of mean-looking thugs began to spill. Venn immediately put himself in front of the class, right beside Aizawa. He spoke before the rest of his class could speak. "We're all probably about to find out, but I'll skip the asking part. This isn't normal. These people are here to kill us. This is not a drill." He snapped his tonfas off his neck and separated them, extending them to their full size.

Aizawa growled, slipping his yellow goggles out of his scarf's depths and over his eyes. He side-eyed Venn. "Slater. You and Thirteen, protect the other students." He vaulted the railing before Venn could confirm or protest.

Venn just kind of huffed, turned around, and clapped his hands to catch his classmate's attention. "Allllright then." He turned to Momo. "Aizawa-sensei has entrusted the majority of your safety with Thirteen and I."

Predictably, Bakugo had words for that. "Why the fuck would he put you in charge?"

Venn gave her a long-suffering glare. "For the same reasons that I came in first in the Q.A.T, and for the same reasons that I'm VP." He let his hiss bleed through in the last bit. "My quirk manifested only about 3 years ago. I've been training since then, specifically to be a hero. I technically have three whole years of hero training over all of you, just not within Japan's records, which means my experience puts me in charge of making sure we all live to see tomorrow." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm using first names right now because correcting myself to last names just simply does not matter right now." He pointed at Kaminari. "Denki, try to call the school. There's a high possibility they're blocking our comms, but try anyway." He whirled to Iida. "Tenya, I need you to book it to the school as fast as you can to alert Nezu, or All-Might, or literally anyone." The bluenette began to protest. "Tenya, go. We need reinforcements. I'm fast enough, but I have to stay here. You're our best shot."

Before Venn could make sure any of that happened, he got portaled off. Turns out, he was a serious threat to the villains, so they portaled him away first. The last thing he heard before he fell into said portal was a deep menacing voice probably monologuing, and a feminine voice screaming his name.

Upon exiting the portal, Venn became aware of two facts immediately: 1. He was 40 feet in the air inside of a dome he could barely see in. And 2. Everything was on fire.

He crashed down on top of a collapsed building, sliding down the now-slanted roof and rolling across the ground to come to a stop. He was surrounded by fire in every direction.

He sighed. "Well, shit."

No sooner had he cursed, multiple people entered the clearing, probably around 10.

Of the 10, 5 of them were wielding flames of their own, though Venn didn't sense that they were all that much hotter than the fire around him. Endeavor probably would've scoffed if he was here.

3 of the other five had rock-like armor over their skin, probably heat and impact-resistant. The last two had swords for arms. Twins? Huh. The thugs began talking shit in what sounded like Japanese, as Venn took a fighting stance. Ok… fire dudes are gonna need to be dealt with by my Shifted form. I can't deal with that kind of power without it. Blade guys, I can handle as I am with just my tonfas. The armor guys are also probably gonna need my Shifted form. This is gonna be a bit of a pain.

One of the pyromaniac guys chucked a mediocre fireball at him. His response was to bend backward by the knees, Matrix-style. He used the momentum of coming back up to go into a forward roll. He beelined to one of the blade-wielding twins, batting aside both of his arms and spartan kicking him in the chest. He spun to his right, spinning his right tonfa around so the longer part was along his forearm. The backside of the tonfa came crashing into the teeth of the other twin, down for the count. Venn put himself into another roll to avoid a haymaker from one of the armored guys, spinning his way back to standing, lashing out with an extended tonfa toward the temple of the offending armored thug. It dazed the guy long enough for Venn to backpedal away to gain a little distance. He spun a tonfa through an incoming fireball to deflect. He snarled and surged forward, condensing his tonfas and hanging them back around his neck. He swerved around the poorly aimed fireballs. I think I can actually handle these guys if I can get in close. But I'll still need my Shifted form if I wanna handle the armored dudes.

He pulled a baseball slide forward, rocketing back to his feet to send the top of his head directly into the chin of one of the fire guys. He snatched his wrist before he could get away, pulling him over his shoulder into a throw and stomping twice on his chest before moving on. That uh… that might've been a little excessive. He'll be fine though, I think. The fire guys were all apparently rather dumb, since they all grouped together. Venn took the guy he'd just stomped on and chucked him bodily into 2 more of the fire-throwers. That's three of them down. He was just moving forward when he was slashed across the back. "Dammit!" He dropped to a knee and swept the legs behind him. Upon the final twin hitting the ground, Venn sent a hammerfist crashing into his throat.

He had to roll again to avoid another fireball, rolling over the swordie twin and dragging him out of the way of the fireball. Venn took stock of his situation as it stood. Okay, 2 fire dudes, and the three armored fucks. He sighed, popped his neck a little, and Shifted, discarding his shed skin.

He watched the faces on the 5 remaining villains turn to sheer horror and hissed in amusement, before he went low to the ground, blitzing the 2 remaining fire villains. He slithered between them, clotheslining them brutally. He lifted them by their throats and chokeslammed them for good measure before he turned to face the 3 armored villains. He brought up his clawed hands and did the "bring it on" gesture. The three villains did the sensible thing and charged him all at once.

Venn simply began spinning towards them, before his tail lashed out at supersonic speeds and swept the three of them away and into each other into a heap. They got back up and decided that 2 at once, and then one behind would be easier.

They were wrong. As the two in front charged at him, Venn blocked both of their haymakers with his forearms without flinching. He twisted his arms around their fists to grab them by the wrists. He yanked them back, probably pulling a muscle or two, and then pulled them together to slam their heads together. They went together into unconsciousness. As they fell, they bounced off of each other, enough for Venn to throw a straight punch through the space between them and shatter the nose of the incoming third villain. He went unconscious as well.

Venn sighed, rolled his shoulders, and exited his Shifted form, just as he heard movement from his left. He turned with his fists up, only to find familiar faces breaching the surrounding fire. Shoji and Ojiro both ran up to him and began speaking, but Venn couldn't understand their Japanese. He pinched the bridge of his nose, enough of a signal for Shoji, the more calm, cool, and collected of the two, to switch to speaking what English he knew. "Iida got out. Portal man separated us. Are you okay?"

Venn nodded. "Thank you for switching. I'm fine. Dealt with these villains fine. But we have to find the others and get out of this dome. I'm assuming this is some fire-rescue scenario?"

Shoji nodded. "The Conflagration Zone."

Venn nodded. "Okay, then we've gotta find a way out. Then we can try to find everybody else." Shoji nodded and translated as best he could for Ojiro. Venn pulled on his gloves a little to tighten them. "Shoji, do you think you could find the way out if you duplicated your arms up high enough and made eyes?"

The masked teen shook his head. "Too much smoke. Stings my eyes."

Venn cursed and sighed. "Okay, new plan. I might be able to smash a hole through the dome. No promises. If I can, I can get us out of here and we can go find our classmates and get everybody to safety." He set his jaw. "Mr. Aizawa gave me the responsibility to keep everyone safe, I'm not about to fail in that."

Shoji and Ojiro both nodded, as Venn stepped away and Shifted. Venn may be a snake-man-thing, but he still possessed All-Might levels of strength, which meant his legs could channel said strength. He bent at his knees, and rocketed off the ground, sharpening the scales along the sides of his hands and putting them together like a diver.

His hands stabbed directly through the dome, and he came back down through the hole after a moment. He turned to Shoji and Ojiro, turned back to the hole he'd put in the dome, and back again, and then nodded. "I am going to throw you up there. Mezou firsssst. You can catch Mashirao easssier than he would catch you."

Shoji and Ojiro both paled at that idea, but they figured they didn't have much choice. Shoji reached that conclusion first though, shrugging. "You're going to have to toss me."

Venn blinked. "Huh?" Did he just make a Lord of the Rings reference?

Shoji gestured up to the hole. "Are you throwing me?"

Venn parsed through the oddly phrased question as "Are you ready?", to which he nodded and crouched down, cupping his hands. "Sssstep here, I'll boossst you." Shoji cast a worried look at Venn's lightning hair. "Ah." He closed his eyes for a moment before his lightning seemed to shut down, though there was a small electrical current clearly raging across his… bald head? Shoji and Ojiro both looked confused, as Venn sighed. "I grew scalesss over the lightning, thisss form turnsss my hair into a different ssstate of matter entirely. Let'sss go already!"

Shoji nodded, took a breath, and took a small jog towards Venn before stepping into the cupped hands. Shoji's next moments consisted of a weightless sensation as he was chucked bodily upwards at the hole in the dome. His momentum died just beyond the opening of the hole, allowing him to slide down the remaining outside of the dome to solid ground. No sooner had Shoji set his foot on the Earth, he turned around to find Ojiro sliding down the dome right behind him. He set his stance and used his broader stature to kill Ojiro's momentum faster. They exchanged a nod as Venn came bounding out of the hole, landing next to them with a thud. He immediately exited his Shifted form, hair back to normal, and minus his skin. "Ooookay, now we need to find everybody else." He could tell where the Central Plaza was, but he didn't know what was going on in it. He glanced to his left and right, seeing a huge boat to his left, and a mountainous area to his shut his eyes and focused his senses before he hummed. "Mezou, Mashi. Head to the mountain zone over there." He pointed. "I'll be right behind you. Just gotta do something over there to the left really quick."

Shoji and Ojiro apparently got the gist and rushed off to the Mountain Zone. Venn, meanwhile, booked it to the Flood Zone, Shifting on the way. He found Izuku, Tsu, and Kaoruko trying to stave off villains in the water. Kaoruko was proving to be rather effective here, using her quirk to send foul-smelling bubbles into the water to repel the villains. Venn shrugged. "Sssstay back from the water, you three!" Before the villains could react to it, he'd sent both hands into his now-energy hair. He gathered what he could into his hands before throwing underhand, softball style, and sending twin balls of electrical energy into the water, immediately incapacitating every villain in the Flood Zone. He turned back up to the boat, where the three were looking at him with gratitude. "Get to the entranccceway! Ssstay out of combat! If you sssee anyone elssse, passss it on!" He left then, but not before Izuku and Kaoruko gave him thumbs up.

He booked it to the Mountain Zone, still Shifted, and caught up to Ojiro and Shoji seconds before they actually got there. Shoji and Ojiro took a second to see what was actually happening, but Venn could already tell what was happening via his senses. He blitzed into the clearing, wrapping his arms around the throat of the guy about to take Denki hostage. He very very slowly flexed his arm muscles, just enough for the guy to fall unconscious from the sleeper hold. Venn let go and then exited his Shift, turning to the newly covered Momo and a red-faced Jiro. "You guys ok?"

Denk just put up double thumbs. "Wheyyyy."

Momo nodded. "We're ok, just a little shaken." She wiped her forehead with one hand, her quarterstaff in the other. "I used up a lot of my energy, but I should be fine."

Jiro nodded. "My jacks hurt a little from overuse, but I'm alright. Can't say the same for Jamming-Whey over here."

Venn's head tilted. "Was that an Ernest Hemmingway joke?"

She shrugged and blushed a little. "Maybe?"

He just snorted. "Nice. Anyway, we should get you guys back to the entranceway and try to get out. I heard from Mezou that Tenya made it out. That true?"

Momo nodded. "Thanks to Uraraka. Hopefully reinforcements arrive soon."

Venn nodded. "Ok. Let's go then."

Just as they were starting to make their way to the entranceway, there was a loud commotion in the Central Plaza. Exchanging glances, the group of students ran to the Plaza to see what was going on.

No sooner had they arrived, Venn Shifted and booked it into the Center Plaza, clotheslining what looked like a buff Barney with a beak and an exposed brain, taking it away from a seriously wounded Eraserhead. Venn was immediately caught off guard by the heft of the thing. It didn't even go down from the clothesline! It just tanked it and punched him in retaliation.

Venn had had his powers for a few years. He knew what he could do, and how to use them best. He knew what he could and could not do, and he knew how durable he was. He did not know that he could actually be hit so hard when he was Shifted. The moment the Beaked Brain Wonder connected its fist with Venn's jaw, he felt something crack, and staggered backward in pain.

When his head stopped ringing half a second later, he saw something on the floor that both shocked him, and humbled him a little bit: His broken left fang. Aw fuck, that's gonna hurt later. He hissed loudly in pain and out a little space between Beak Boi and himself to reassess the situation. He spotted Izuku out of the corner of his eye, gently picking up Aizawa and breathed a little easier…

…at least, until a weird motherfucker with hands all over his body started talking. As per usual, he didn't understand him. But he knew enough to get the gist: Borked Barney was coming for him. "Oh ssshi-'' Next thing he knew, he had to duck under a huge haymaker. He went low to the ground then, practically slithering across the ground to circle around. He lashed out with a clawed hand at its Achilles Heel, eliciting… exactly no reaction. It simply turned around and punched him across the face. Venn went careening across the plaza, handspringing back up. He could taste iron. I'm bleeding? Oh god, this thing isn't fuckin around.

It went back and forth like this for another 10 to 20 minutes. Venn lashes out when he can, using his speed to outmaneuver Barney the Birdman, and Barney the Birdman tanks literally throws at it. Venn grunted in frustration, taking a glancing blow to the side. Any of my blunt attacks just thud against it with no effect. I… I don't think I have any choice. His entire right arm began morphing, scales growing and interlocking with each other, thinning and sharpening, until his whole forearm was a blade (A/N: Think Alex Mercer from Prototype)

Venn took a relatively defensive stance, hearing the weird hand guy continue talking. "Izzzuku! What'sss he sssaying!?"

The Greenette responded shakily. "He… he said it has multiple quirks. But… but that's impossible!"

Venn's scales began to crawl a little. Considering I don't technically have a quirk, I'm inclined to believe Handyman over there.

Suddenly, the Humanoid Plum charged him. And Venn retaliated accordingly. His right arm surged upwards, lopping off the thing's incoming arm. Still, no reaction. Venn continued, slashing down and into the Brain-Man-Beak-Thing's collarbone, getting stuck on whatever form of rib cage this thing had. He pulled back, fully expecting this thing to fall over.

Spoiler alert: It didn't. Venn watched, in dread, as the arm grew back and the deep cut sealed shut. "Aw, fu-" He was cut off by getting his shoulder seized, being thrown across the plaza. As Venn began to stand up though, he felt a creeping pain begin to travel up his left arm. He spun around, finding himself towering over Bob-the-fucking-Builder, who was retracting his hand from doing something.

Venn held up his left hand and his mind went numb for a sec. Oh. Huh. So that's what it's like to not have a hand. Ow. He began to hiss, and possibly scream, as he stumbled back and away, bringing his right arm up as he watched his arm continue to dissolve. By the time he reacted in time, he lopped off about half of his left forearm. His scream/hiss increased in volume out of pain. He stumbled even further out of the plaza, back towards where he knew the entranceway was.

By the time he'd de-Shifted and fallen down at the steps, Mina had already sprinted like a bat out of hell down said steps to catch him before he hit his head. "Oh my god, Venn! Uh, um, wh-what do I do?! I don't-"

Venn grit his teeth, the left side of his mouth radiating excruciating pain, and gently shook his head. "Nothing, it'll be fine. Just-" he groaned heavily, releasing a pained hiss, "-get me up the stairs."

It was about then that the pain got to Venn. Just as he felt two bodies start to lift him, the person on his left being incredibly careful with his bloody, gushing left arm, a mighty boom echoed through the USJ, and All-Might arrived. Venn sighed in relief, and allowed himself to pass out from the pain.