Kagome stepped out of the well with a huff. 'When I see Inuyasha I'm going to sit him until he hits water!' She started to trek towards Kaede's hut when she felt it. 'Kikyo!' without thinking she ran towards where she felt Kikyo's presence. When she got there she stopped in her tracks. There was Inuyasha and Kikyo making out. Kagome bit her lip and quickly turned away dropping her bag as she ran to Kaede's not realizing it. When she got there Shippou jumped into her arms. Kagome pulled him close to her and cried into his fur. Shippou let himself be held by his mother wondering what was wrong. 'I bet it's Inuyasha's fault.' Shippou thought darkly. Sango and Miroku weren't there. There were in another village with Kaede because the village had come down with a sickness and was in need of medical help. After an hour of crying Kagome let Shippou go and dried her eyes.

"Shippou-chan... what do you say we go look for jewel shards? On our own no hanyou to worry about?" Kagome asked her eyes pleading with Shippou to agree.

"I'll go anywhere with you okaa-san! Anywhere!" Shippou said. Kagome smiled and hugged Shippou. Then looked around.

"Oh no!" Kagome moaned. Shippou looked at her confused.

"What is it okaa-san?" Shippou asked.

"I must have dropped my bag when I was coming here!" Kagome said.

"Well then let's go get it." Shippou said. Kagome seemed to think about it. 'He'll be to wrapped up in Kikyo to notice.' Kagome thought and nodded. She and Shippou, who was on her shoulder, took off to get her bag. Kagome saw her bag and ran faster. 'Wow she's going as fast as Inuyasha now!' Shippou thought. Kagome picked up her bag put it on her shoulder and managed to turn around and keep running. Where to she hadn't the faintest of ideas but she knew she had to get away and fast. As she ran flashes of the time she had been in Sengoku Jidai flashed up to the pointed where she was now. Little did she know that she was changing as the flashes passed. After the flashes passed it looked to be dawn and Kagome wasn't tired or exhausted. She just wanted to bathe. "Umm... okaa-san?"

"Hai Shippou-chan?" Kagome asked her voice sounding more mature.

"You... might want to look at the lake." Shippou said. Kagome found his suggestion odd but did as he said and gasped. Where a human should have been was a female inu-youkai. Kagome now had black hair that reached the heel of her feet with electric blue streaks. Her eyes were now an electric purple looking color. On each cheek she had two electric blue stripes. On her forehead was an electric green upturned crescent moon with a thunderbolt through it. On her right wrist were one stripe the color of her eyes and the other the color of her crescent moon. On her left wrist one stripe was the color of her streaks and the other the color of the thunderbolt. Her clothes also changed. she was wearing an outfit similiar to Inuyasha's in design but not in color. Her haori was pure white with lighting bolts around the edges and electric blue flowers around the legs.

"Whoa. Is that me?" Kagome asked for the first time noticing her voice sounded different.

"Indeed it is child." a voice from the treetops said. Kagome whipped around almost dropping Shippou and glared up at the trees.

"Come down here and let us see you!" Kagome demanded. A figure dressed in similiar attire as her jumped down from the tree. The only difference were the colors and symbol. The youkai in front of her appeared to be inu-youkai as well. It had electric blue hair to his knees, an electric green crescent moon on his forehead and dimmed out stripes on his cheeks and wrists. His haori was black with electric green flowers around the bottom portion of the pants and electric blue thunderbolts around the edges. "Who are you?"

"I am Kana." the youkai said.

"I'm Ka-" Kagome started but was cut off by Kana.

"Kagome Higurashi. (Is that how you spell Kagome's last name?) From Tokyo, Japan 500 years in the future. Freed the hanyou Inuyasha who was sealed to the Goshinboku. (Is that how the tree Inuyasha was pinned on is spelled?) Yes I know. What is today my dear?" Kana asked. Kagome thought about it.

"My 17th birthday...?" Kagome asked.

"Exactly. You were born youkai. I am your father as hard as it is to believe. Due to the betrayal of the idiotic mutt your youkai blood over powered the concealment spell placed on you as a child. But anyway child I am here to help you on your search for the shikon no tama and train you in the process." Kana said. Kagome looked him up and down her eyes narrowed.

"Why should I believe you?" Kagome asked.

"Well for one you are a youkai. Two, you-" Kana started but Shippou interrupted him.

"Hey! Your scent is similar to Kagome's!" Shippou said. Kagome and Kana starred at him. "What? A child always smells similiar to their parents to show what family they belong to. The crescent moons on the forehead is a sign of royalty. You marks look like those of the people of the Northern Lands. Why?"

"Well... I am the Lord of the Northern Lands. I noticed that the castle livened up and that only happened when Kagome was around so I went to search for her." Kana said.

"But... my father said that the Northern Lands doesn't have a lord or lady for that matter." Shippou said.

"That's because it was a well guarded secret." Kana said.

"I'll say." Kagome muttered.

"What was that?" Kana asked his eyes narrowed. Kagome laughed nervously,

"The sky looks gray!" Kagome said. Shippou and Kana looked up at the sky.

"No it doesn't." Shippou said. Kagome muttered something that neither youkai could understand and the rumble of thunder was heard. The sky turned a dark gray color.

"Oh would you look at that." Kagome said. "The sky is gray after all. Told ya!"

"Kagome. What. Did. You. Do?" Kana asked.

"Nothing!" Kagome said with an innocent smile and it started raining and thundering. With flashed of lightening. However Kagome and Shippou stood dry and everything else got wet. Kana growled at Kagome. Kagome looked at him and giggled. He looked like a wet dog.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~

This is my first Inuyasha fic I hope you all like it. I'm going to try to keep all characters in-character but sometimes there will be some points in the fic when the characters will be out of character but I'm hoping it isn't often. The pairing I am going to try to write is Sesshoumaru/Kagome but I won't know until I get to that point.

If you have any ideas on something you would like to see happen in this story then please feel free to let me know them.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA! (Though a girl can dream right?)

Please review. Thank you.

Well that's all I have to say.